
Made Me Insecure




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
06-01-2022, 08:27 PM

Onyx had spent the remainder of the day resting in the grove under the trees but she still had a hard time actually sleeping in the new climates. She'd be able to manage just fine at least, she was no push over.

The falls were easy to find just south of the grove due to the sound of the crashing waters. She figured it would be best to wait down at the base of the falls so Cinaed could find her easier. So that's what she did, taking a seat by the pool at the bottom.

This nagging urge of anxiety kept bugging her though like he was going to stand her up. It was definitely a new emotion but driven from ones she was already familiar with. Seeing him again had really lifted her spirits in a way though he may not have noticed from their long time apart. For now she would wait, and hopefully not be disappointed.


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
06-02-2022, 05:03 PM

After he had his run in with Onyx, Ciná had come back to the island with empty paws as far as hunting went, but his thoughts were absolutely swarming and full of thoughts of his past that he had mostly shut out until now. It had been easier to just ignore that any of it had ever happened and focus entirely on his life here in Fenmyre than to actually process any of it, but after meeting up with Satira again at the Hallows party and now fining Onyx... It was making him reconsider a lot of things and he wasn't sure if he liked being confronted by it all.

Still, he wouldn't just stand Onyx up so after resting in his Bungalow for most of the day he came back out as the sun was setting to go out to the falls. He took the familiar path from the island ferry and across the land that was littered with beaver dams to the Cedar Falls where he tended to spend a good bit of time whenever he made trips off of the island. It was one of his favorite lands so it was an easy pick for places to show Onyx. He found the blue-hued woman easily at the base of the falls and he walked up beside her, giving her shoulder a small nudge with his own as he tossed her a grin. "Ready for a tour now that you're not melting?"




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
07-05-2022, 05:09 PM

Maybe he could notice the way she lit up even just slightly when he arrived or maybe he wouldn't notice. It had been a while since they had seen each other and a lot had changed since then. Maybe Onyx's way of life hadn't changed but she had in age. At least it felt that way to her. She had some higher ambition if not in a political sense but wanted more for her life. It was a little hard for her to admit, but she did want to find that something to bring light into her life. Cina might not have been exactly that but she did feel a way about seeing him again after such a long time.

Squinting in a smirk she commented back, "Yeah, much better now." Her eyes glanced over the dark treetops of the falls, "I suppose I could have managed here in the daylight though." Her paws pushed up to stand as if to follow him somewhere, if it was really a tour after all. "Any particular reason you wanted to start here?"


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
07-17-2022, 08:14 PM

Ciná chuckled softly as she agreed that this was better now that the sun had gone down and wasn't baking them. Even he had to agree it was more pleasant weather for walking around, through he would have been fine to do it during the day as well. He replied with a small shrug as she looked around at the cedar trees around them and mentioned how she could have managed here during the daylight—likely thanks to all the shade they provided. "That's alright. I didn't mind waiting till the evening. Plus, I wouldn't want to send you into heatstroke or something. It'd be one hell of a trip to drag your body back to you family in the north." He laughed lightly with a little grin, joking and bantering with her more easily now that he had wrapped his head around the idea of being around her again. It was strange to so abruptly be confronted with his past, but at least Onyx had been one of the few good things about his childhood.

She stood and he began to lead her down along the river that flowed through the falls, passing by some of the smaller drops in the river that created smaller waterfalls and moving down more steep slopes where the longer drops happened. He glanced her way when she asked if there was a reason he wanted to start here and he looked around at the cedar trees that let some of the moonlight filter through. "It's just one of my favorite places in Auster. I like the trees and the sound of the water. Plus, it's pretty central to a lot of other places so if you're looking to do some traveling around Auster it's a good point to come back to. I hung out here a lot when I first left Boreas." He nodded in the direction of Fenmyre, adding, "The pack I've been living in is just that way too so I can come out here and not be too far from home."




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
07-25-2022, 08:06 PM

Onyx's eyes squinted lightly at Cina as he mentioned needing to drag her all the way back up north had she passed out. There was a small, genuine grin there which made her look wholly sarcastic herself in his joke. She was a lot more hard toned around others, and not many really understood her. But it seemed at least the two of them could keep their bad humor between themselves.

Walking over the actual terrain here was not difficult for her, she had wandered all the way from the north of Boreas after all. But she always had sure footing from living out in the ice and snow, it was just the heat that bothered her the most here. It was nice in a way, not being so cold all the time. But as she had grown up there through her whole life, she was accustomed to living in those kinds of conditions.

A small side eye towards him as he spoke of the land, and of course of his pack nearby. "Oh, so I guess that means you prefer the pack life?" Her tone was still in that sarcastic, maybe a little teasing way. She didn't mean any ill by it, it was just a part of her nature. He seemed to be the same. "I bet they keep you in tip top shape." Her paws paused out in the clearing after they had been through some steeper slopes of the falls. Waving her paw out towards him and the little grounds that separated them she challenged him, "Care to show me?"


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
07-26-2022, 12:28 AM

Ciná responded with a chuckle and a teasing glare as she made a comment about preferring pack life. He had never really disliked living in a pack, he had only hated the iteration of pack life that he had been born into. He didn't feel the need to elaborate on that though because he knew she would know that already. His father's pack had been a poor first experience of a pack. Chimera and Fenmyre had certainly changed his perception of them and gave him a place to belong which he had certainly needed at the time when Chimera found him. Her comment on how they kept him in tip-top shape made him grin and he stood a little straighter, standing proudly as if he was going to show off how he had matured and the toned muscles he had developed with the consistent training and teaching that he had gotten in Fenmyre. "I suppose you could say they do." He was a bit vain, yes, but he didn't feel like it wasn't undeserved. He took care of himself and it showed.

As they reached a clearing among the hills she gestured to the space between them and invited him to show her how in shape he had been kept. It was dark of course, but with the break in the trees the moonlight made the clearing fairly bright and easy to see in. A grin pulled across his lips and he was reminded of all the times that they had sparred or wrestled as pups. Some things really didn't change and in this instance at least he was glad for it. "I don't mind if I do," he replied with a chuckle as he quickly settled into a familiar fighting stance across from her. He wasted no time jumping right into the fight, but he wouldn't take it as seriously as he would if he was in a real fight or spar of some kind. He ran forward and reached with his forelegs to try and wrap them around her shoulders, grinning as he went to try and tackle her to the ground and roll with her to try and pin her down.




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
07-26-2022, 08:09 PM
Onyx would catch on to the way Cina held himself, a sense of pride in the life he had now. She could understand that feeling, but in no circumstance of his own skewed life. It was no secret how Onyx maintained her physical ability, she saw herself as stronger than most girls though it seemed her whole family was raised that way. Raised to believe the harsh conditions of the lands they lived spoke just for their strength and ability to adapt. She hadn’t met many others quite the opposite of herself, but she knew she wasn’t living a cliche at least.

A still contented grin was across her maw, even happier than she felt just a moment before. Not that she looked like the average chipper. The two fell into their fighting stance, and soon Cina would take the first move. Onyx could know he was holding back, and while she was usually, and maybe a little disappointed, honestly it just felt good to have it like the old times. She wasn’t exactly sure how long it had been since they seen each other last, but she knew she had grown both physically and mentally since then.

She let Cina come at her head on, which may have been pretty typical of her for not evading. She at least always came off as one who liked the challenge. Her own front legs lifted up as they collided to wrap up around his barrel while he had the advantage over her shoulders. She wouldn’t just topple over and give up, that was no fun. Instead finding her footing underneath her as they fought each other’s balance back and forth. She wouldn’t let them go stalemate, or in a sense just keep the fighting level low and unharmful. She reached up with an open jaw to grab around his scruff, in a way that wouldn’t even prick through his skin. Pulling him, and herself completely off balance to the side, they’d tumble until Cina had the upper hand. Whether that was pinning her down or taking a quick victory. Onyx was a sore loser, it was known. It could be seen in her face that was just previously so humble. But no, she really wasn’t all that mad. The tousle had given her a strange familiar sense of friendship between them, even if it was strained during his childhood in the north and in their time apart. She wouldn’t say thing in the moment, just a hard glare with a gentle catch of her breath. She supposed he deserved the victory.


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
07-27-2022, 12:03 PM

Ciná grappled and struggled with Onyx for a bit as his forelegs wrapped around her shoulders and he felt hers around his sides, the two of them fighting for dominance in a fairly even match. Regardless of how they had butted heads back in the day, he had always respected and admired her strength and tenacity and he was glad to see that hadn't changed. They had gotten to know each other back then through spars and even still if felt like he was getting a sense of her better know through this little mostly playful fight than he would have from asking her questions or talking about their lives. Eventually, as she gripped his scruff, they finally fell to the ground and at first she had him on his back, but he kept the momentum up and after rolling with her a couple of times landed with her on her back under him and him pinning her to the ground beneath him.

He panted lightly as he lifted himself a bit to look down at her with a victorious grin, chuckling at the glare that he was greeted with in response. "Told you that they've been keeping me in shape," he told her with a wink before he climbed off of her and gave himself a shake to get rid of any dirt or grass that might have gotten caught in his fur during the tussle. He couldn't say it felt just like old times, but he didn't want it to. Back then he felt like he had so much to prove and so much pressure put on himself by his own desperate attempts at getting attention and the fact that he felt like he had to make up for everywhere that his family was lacking. Now he felt so much more at ease with himself and this life he had made for himself and for once felt like he could just do things to have fun. "Come on, lets keep going," he said with a nod of his head once she was back on her paws as well. He continued to lead her through the cedar trees and the near by lands for the rest of the evening until eventually they parted aways so he could head home. He hoped that this wasn't the only time he'd see Onyx again though. It was kind of nice having a friend again.




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
07-27-2022, 02:33 PM

As much as she might not have liked coming out on the bottom she really just let the harsher feelings slide. It was actually quite easy for him. Maybe because of the short past they had together, or something more. She wouldn't scold him, she wouldn't demand a rematch. Not now at least. She'd just let him revel in his pride for the moment. He wouldn't have many opportunities to do so at least.

She stood, not saying much to his comments and just walking through the rest of the dark forest terrains admiring the new scenery. But honestly, she was finding herself taking glances at him in their steps. After a few times she noticed herself and scowled just a little, for no real reason or at least none that she could muster to bring to light in herself. She quickly pushed the feelings aside and moved on and soon it would seem they would go their separate ways.

"Wouldn't want to keep you from your duties, or sleep I suppose." She joked at him finding just the smallest bit of difficulty keeping her eyes right on him for long just with a bit of awkwardness she felt. It would pass though. "I'll be around maybe a few weeks, maybe we'll run into each other again." She gave him the most genuine grin she could before they would finally go back, him to his pack and her to her adventuring. She wouldn't ask him to babysit her while she was here, but she was a little disappointed to think that he wouldn't be with her either. She would never admit that though.


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.