
Magic carpet ride




4 Years
Large species
06-01-2022, 08:31 PM

The short time that he had spent with Bowen so far had felt like a bit of an emotional, confusing whirl wind, but he still held true to his word. He had promised to stay with her and be her companion so here he would stay. The extent he knew of what was going on within her mind or what had caused it was still very limited and while he was sure he could question it and perhaps learn more context, he decided that wasn't his place to ask and if she decided one of these days to lay it out for him then he would be ready to listen. For now, he was going to be the best possible distraction and care taker he could be. She had decided to leave The Hallows after the elaborate wedding celebration that Artorias had thrown with his new wife and so he did as well. He knew they loosely had some kind of destination in mind, but that didn't mean they couldn't make some detours along the way, did it? Besides, maybe not making it there was exactly what she really needed.

Whether she asked for it or not Tej had taken to carrying his little tigress on his back most of the time when they went places. She was so small and easy to carry that it was easier to do that than to walk with her and make sure he was keeping his pace matched up to hers. They left Auster and started making their way north, much to his displeasure as they walked into the chillier temperatures rather than away from them. As they passed through an open swampland, large, rounded paws carried him from one small 'island' of land to another, stepping over the veins of water and and muck that webbed through this land. It was chilly and there was a light coating of dust on the ground, but since they were still in the southern portions of Boreas it wasn't too terrible just yet.

As he was walking a plant caught his eye and he paused, examining the small Kava plant with interest. It wasn't the right season for it, but somehow it was hanging on through the winter chill and didn't look too worse for wear. He stopped with a hum, walking over to the plant and examining the broad green leaves for a moment. "Tigress," he rumbled, turning his head to peek at her over his shoulder, "Have you ever tried Kava? Or any drugs just for fun?" Whether she wanted to try some now or not he would probably still collect it for himself to have later, but maybe some new experiences would do her some good.

"Tej & Bo"


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-02-2022, 04:13 PM

Leaving The Hallows was both a blessing and a curse. The moment that she and Tej stepped out of her home territory, Bowen released a shuddering breath. Every step put more and more distance between herself and Artorias and, even though it broke her heart to be leaving him again, it would be better for them both in the long run. Besides, she wasn't alone like she had been the first time. This time it was her choice and she had Tej with her. The giant feline made all the difference. He felt like an anchor beneath her and she was so thankful that fate had pushed them together.

Bowen sat astride the caramel tiger, her cheek resting on the back of his powerful neck. He'd insisted that he carry her and she didn't argue. Every now and again she dozed off, lulled by the gentle sway of the giant feline's steps. Tej's back was wide enough that there was no risk of her falling off. The deep sadness seemed to seep away to a dull melancholy. Aside from that, there was also a bit of hopefulness within her. This was her chance to regain herself, to grasp that confidence that she once had. This was her chance to learn to live for herself.

The pair cut away from the rest of the group, just taking some time for themselves. As they moved through the swamp, Tej's voice pulled Bowen back to the present. He questioned her and the young fae shifted, looking down upon the plant in question from her perch atop him. "It's never been by choice," she informed him. Kava didn't sound familiar, but it was possible that she'd been given the drug before. "What does it do?" Bowen wasn't opposed to drug use as long as it didn't get out of hand. She'd never chosen to drug herself aside from alcohol, however.

"Tej & Bo"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



4 Years
Large species
06-03-2022, 12:14 AM

Tej certainly didn't know all the details of Bowen's past, just as she was still learning his as well, but the fact that her experiences with recreational drugs had never been by choice certainly hinted at the darker side of whatever she had gone through. Perhaps one day she would care to fill him in, but he wouldn't press her. They were gradually learning one another and he was enjoying the journey that doing that was becoming. She didn't seem entirely opposed to the plant though, instead asking what it did. He began to pluck a few leaves as he answered, "It depends on the dose, but it should just relax you and make you feel a nice little rush of euphoria. It's always been one of my favorites to share with..." he paused, a sly smirk crossing his lips with a deep, rumbling chuckle. "Well, with my partners, I guess I could call them." There was nothing quite like getting that subtle, pleasant high and savoring someone else. He hadn't gotten to do that in quite a while, but it was a pleasant memory none of the less.

"Here, hold onto these," he told her as he lifted the small collection of leaves up to her to hold while he continued walking. "We'll catch up with the group at some point," he added dismissively. Perhaps he should be more concerned or focused on getting her where she was supposed to be going, but he wasn't entirely convinced shuffling her off to another pack was really the answer. She had a wild spirit somewhere in there, he just knew it, and that wasn't going to flourish trapped in another box. He kept the thoughts to himself though as he carried her to a section of dry ground within the swamplands, almost like an island among all the muck and half-frozen waters. He settled down onto his stomach so that she could slip off of him before he got comfortable half on his side, his tail flicking and swaying against the ground. He reached out a large paw to take the leaves back from her, using his sharp claw to slice one of them in half. "Well? Would you like to try some with me then?" he questioned, his emerald gaze flicking up to hers with a lift of one of his pale brows.

"Tej & Bo"


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-23-2022, 07:20 PM

Bowen watched as Tej plucked the leaves from the plant and listened as he explained the feel that they brought and what he had used them for in the past. The woman couldn't help but smirk as she rested upon his back. So Tej got his ladies all drugged up and banged their brains out. That was interesting as hell and Bowen chuckled mischievously from her perch.

Taking the leaves in her paw, the woman held onto them as Tej took them through the swamp to find a suitable place to rest. Once they were there, the cat folded his legs and Bowen slid to the ground. The small russet and snow fae curled into the protective circle of the tiger's body, enjoying both the warmth and the strength of him massive frame. Bowen gave a little wiggle back into the feline, getting comfortable.

Tej sliced the leaves with his claws and asked if she wanted to try some with him. Bowen chuckled again and gave the cat a good natured tap with one sable paw. "Trying to 'partner' up with me, are you? You haven't even brought me dinner yet, sir." Again she flashed a toothy grin before grabbing one of the leaves and shoving it in her mouth. "Size difference is another thing, but I'm willing to try if you are." A little snicker pulled from her as the humorous fae allowed saliva to pool on her tongue and soak into the leaf.

"Tej & Bo"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



4 Years
Large species
07-01-2022, 01:03 AM

Tej had almost put the comment about sharing the drug with his partners out of his mind until Bowen tapped him and mentioned him trying to "partner" up with her which brought an amused, sly grin to his lips. He chuckled, the sound a low rumble in his chest, at the idea and gave her a teasing wink at her joke about not being buying her dinner first. He loved when glimpses of Bowen's spark and attitude rose to the surface and showed the vibrant woman he was convinced she was somewhere past all the trauma that had dulled it. This was when he saw some of the fire he had seen the day she stood up to the wolf that was at close to twice her size to free him.

She took the sliced leaf he offered her and immediately popped it into her mouth without hesitation which pulled a toothy grin across his hips. He was learning more and more about his little tigress with each passing day and the more he discovered the more he liked what he found. She pulled another chuckle from him at the mention of their difference in size, giving her a glance that showed his intrigue at the thought. He had never had a friendly relationship with a wolf before now so he most certainly would have never had a reason to consider what it would be like to sleep with one, but now he had Bowen who was presenting some very interesting thoughts that he never would have expected. "Oh would you now?" he mused with a smirk, his emerald gaze trying to read her face and tell how much of that was really true and how much of it was just playful teasing.

He placed a few of the sliced leaves in his tongue, eventually slipping them under his tongue to let them sit and do their work. He was quite literally twice as tall as she was and far more heavily built so it was going to take a larger dose for him to feel anything—especially given the tolerance he had built up in his time. He settled in comfortably around her while they waited, amusement and interest in his emerald gaze while he looked at her. His flicking tail slipped up to tap her shoulder playfully. "Always learning new things about you... I didn't know you were such an... adventurous lover to consider 'partnering up' with someone such as myself." He grinned as he started to feel a light tingle across his mouth from the leaves that were slowly giving up their properties while he continued to study his little companion.

"Tej & Bowen"


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-08-2022, 06:02 AM

Tej popped a bunch of leaves into his own mouth and the pair waited. As they waited, Bowen considered her playful words. She'd been joking mostly, but now that she thought about it, would it really be all that bad? She was a lover. Built for loving. Needed loving. Artorias was not around, nor were there suitable wolves readily available. Since her depression, the raw need for sex had diminished. Would it return as her mind healed? Would she once again be an insatiable beast? Time would tell.

Her joking seemed to intrigue the big cat and, as Bowen lay there all tingly, he joked back. "There are many things that you don't know about me, sir," the caramel and cream lady chuckled. "I'm quite addicted to sex and I'm not shy when the urge comes upon me." When she needed it, she needed it or things got bad. Being in The Hallows, her condition had gotten better and she was able to control herself more, but there were times when she still was tempted to jump on any passing male.

Bowen closed her green eyes, enjoying the sudden wave of pulsing euphoria that gently washed over her. The woman's limbs felt like wobbly pieces of grass and she was glad that they were both laying down. Bo slid her cheek along the shoulder of her companion and sighed, a lazy little smile on her face before she turned and wrapped slender little forelegs around one of Tej's meaty limbs, giving him a little squeeze. "Thank you for being with me, Tej." Her voice was a little sleepy, soft, quiet. Bo was very much awake though as she considered the interesting feelings thrumming through her body.

"Tej & Bowen"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



4 Years
Large species
07-10-2022, 10:26 AM

Tej's emerald gaze widened with surprise and intrigue when Bowen admitted to not just liking sex, but being addicted to it. She was always full of surprises. A tiny thing, even for wolf standards, that was at the same time a spitfire and delicate. The sister—and lover—of an alpha who was willing to stand up for a captured tiger and partake in recreational drugs who also apparently was addicted sex. "Well then... Perhaps if the urge comes upon you we'll see if you mean what you say about being willing to try such things with me," he rumbled with an amused chuckle, a roguish grin lingering on his lips. She was a first for him in so many ways and he wondered if maybe that theme would continue. Even if they ignored the fact that they were entirely different species, there was most certainly the size difference to contend with as she pointed out. But, like her, he was willing to give things a whirl if she was so inclined.

As the drug began to work its way into his system, the familiar lightness and tingle it brought started to wash over him in a welcomed wave and together they fully relaxed into one another. His heavy lidded gaze lingered on Bowen as he watched her with a little smile as she clearly began to feel the effects of it as well, leaning into him and wrapping her forelegs around his thick limb with her eyes closed. Seeing her so at ease and relaxed made him happy and he hoped that at some point he could see her like this without the assistance of medicated leaves. For now though, he was enjoying sharing this experience with her as they traveled and he helped her find the inner peace she needed. Her soft, sleepy words made his smile widen and a soft rumble sound in his chest. He lowered his head and ran a slow lick over her ears with his wide, rough tongue. "I'm happy to be here with you."

He gently slipped his foreleg out of her grasp so he could wrap his legs around her, scooping her up into his embrace as he playfully rolled onto his back, pulling her up on top of him so that her little form was resting on his broad chest. A dreamy grin tugged at his lips as he looked down at her, his large, rounded paw gently rubbing over her back. The light warmth and weight of her on him was comforting and everywhere she was resting on him made the tingles from the drug's affects feel even more noticeable. In the high he was feeling and the euphoria it brought it was easy to completely forget any filters he might have had. "Are you sure we should go to Armada?" he questioned, his words a quiet, sleepy rumble, his eyes closed as the words rolled out of his mouth without him even really realizing it. "Maybe we should just go back... Or travel some more. But I don't think going there is going to help you be happy."

"Tej & Bowen"