
Do Not Bend, Do Not Yeild {Joining}


05-06-2014, 12:36 PM

Paws had lead her here... The pack that bore the scent Hati had on his coat. The she-wolf?s red orbs shown with unwavering determination as she came to a stop at the border, ears perked forward. She was small... But she knew there were big things in store for her. She would do it... She would fight to stay by her big brother?s side. She still felt a bit of a pang in her heart... Saying farewell to Vaughan had been hard. Perhaps, if she was lucky and gained any sort of title of respect within the pack, she might suggest to the alpha an alliance with Ebony.

Akemi would throw her head head back, a howl seeking acceptance into the pack leaving her lips. Then she would lower her head, beginning the wait. Hati... Would he come to meet her here as well? What would she have to do to gain acceptance here? No matter what... She wouldn?t give up... And she wasn?t going to take no for an answer. Even if they tried to turn her away at first she would keep coming back... Seeking entry to the pack. Her path... Her destiny was set.

talk, think



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-06-2014, 12:55 PM


A very familiar sound rent the air, a call that dragged Hati from slumber faster than any of his packmate's calls ever could. Family. But more than that, it was Akemi's call at the border, a call seeking admittance. The black-coated wolf was out of his den in a heartbeat, heavy paws carrying him at a swift lope in her direction. Last he'd spoken to her, she'd been safely ensconced in a pack far from him. He'd gotten the impression she intended to leave that pack to come with him, but he'd tried to discourage it. Thought he had, after so much time had passed. But here she was, calling, and Hati could not bring himself to send her away.

He slowed to a walk as he came closer to her, until finally she was in sight just over the border. He stopped short, still on the Arcanum side of the border, and flicked his ears in a surprisingly playful manner. "I think I know you from somewhere..." he rumbled, his rough voice holding a slyly joking tone that would have done Loki proud - or astonished him anyway. He was in a rare mood, dark dreams locked safely away for now though the itching in his head told him it was only a matter of time before he exploded once more under the pressure of it. "This just a friendly visit or did you come to join up?"


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


05-06-2014, 09:11 PM

A howl would awaken the sleeping Queen, causing her to growl with irritation. She had just gotten comfortable and had just fallen asleep. She moved automatically, shaking the sleep from her body as she slide from her den. Lips peeled back with irritation as she had to make the trek to the river. Didn't people have anything better to do? With lumbering steps the woman wouldn't arrive for ten minutes or so. Pregnancy had slowed her down drastically.

Upon her arrival, a strange woman stood at the borders, talking to her Marquis, Hati, and from the sounds of it, he was in a fairly pleasant mood, a rarity for him. She would bring herself to a halt beside Hati, though keeping a foot or so between them. Coral pools rested on the woman's pale figure, sizing her up for a brief moment. "I certainly hope I didn't travel all this way for a friendly meeting." Her words were harsh, bitingly cold as she reclined onto her haunches, her gaze drifting between the two.


05-08-2014, 06:47 PM

The small fae would look up, eyes shining when she saw the form of the black male come to the border. Her bright red orbs would shine happily, tail swishing back and forth. ?Quite possibly, dear fellow.? Lips would part in a grin, heart racing excitedly. She glad, so very glad that Hati had been the first to arrive. His good mood only served to give the young woman encouragement. She would open her maw before she caught the sight of another fae, approaching the two of them. Heavily pregnant by the looks of it, though the woman carried herself with dominance. By her scent she knew without a doubt that this fae was the alpha of this pack... The very wolf she needed to speak to.

Akemi?s head would dip respectfully to the female, her answer now coming forth. ?Not at all, M?Lady.? The harsh words of the alphess did not bother her too much... She couldn?t imagine travel was easy as she was... And quite frankly she would hardly be in a good mood if she made a trip only to find out she wasn?t needed in such a state. ?I would not dare to waste your time, so I shall simply speak my reason for calling. I wish to join your pack... And I am willing to do whatever you deem necessary to achieve that.? She would lift her head now, certainty in her eyes as she looked to the woman. She wanted to talk to Hati more... But there would be time for that later, after she had ensured her entry.



05-08-2014, 07:02 PM

Crown tipped forward as she was forced to look upon the incredibly tiny woman. The creature was half her size. The girl would speak, claiming that she was in fact, not a waste of time, much to the Queens relief. Her crown lifted as dipping respectfully. Even as the Queen spoke, the stranger was unfazed by her harsh tones. Good. Last thing she needed was a sensitive fae running amuck. Silver audits stood at attention, Hati falling silent.

"Very well, spar with Hati here." The Queen made herself comfortable, eyes shifting to the pair. There was no way in hell she was going to spar this woman. Coral gaze shifted to Hati, silently asking if he found this to be acceptable, though her expression stated that he had better not argue. It would be an interesting match, the woman was much smaller than her opponent, much lighter, though undoubtedly faster.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-09-2014, 04:27 PM

Hati's pelt shifted restlessly as the alpha appeared with sharp words, but he remained silent. Akemi would little appreciate him interfering, no doubt, probably find it insulting. He did rumble approval at Akemi's bold reply to Cataleya's harsh tone. Always she'd been a bit of a spitfire. Always so certain of her decisions, always threw herself all in, no hanging back to complain like some of their siblings. A lot like he'd been as a kid, really, before Hroovitnir had really started "training" him. The thought dampened his mood a little, but what really threw the blanket on it was when Cataleya told her to spar him. Truthfully, he felt like his stomach dropped out. Spar Akemi? Gods, he was nearly half again bigger than she was, older and more experienced besides. Not to mention his issues... Sparring him was just asking to get hurt.

He'd have refused right out, walked away, had he not met Akemi's eyes. She'd probably hate him for it if he said no. Maybe that was a reason to do it right there, but he couldn't deny her. Never had been able to. So with a frustrated snarl he faced her, stance sliding into a fighting stance as he set his defenses - defenses he'd not long ago explained to his packmates. Weight centered, joints slightly bent, hackles bristled, shoulders rolled forward and head pulled back, lowered to his spine and tilted down. His eyes were slitted in frustration more than defense, his brow furrowed from worry, but they would both serve as defense. Ears pinned back and his toes dug into the dirt as his tail lashed level with his spine. If she was determined, he would do it, but he feared what would happen.

Round 0 of ?


Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


05-11-2014, 07:50 AM

cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="width:600px; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#980501">

Come at me bro...

"Very well, spar with Hati here." Her initial reaction was one that nearly made her heart launch out of her throat. Not out of fear, no, Akemi wasn?t afraid. Both wolves that faced her were much larger... Heavier... But that did not scare her. All wolves she had come upon were indeed mortal. They could be felled the same as any beast, not that she aimed to kill Hati. No... Just the mere thought of fighting him at all was what broke her heart. Had this honestly not been what they were trying to avoid by her wanting to leave Ebony? Not that they would have been able to do if packs went against each other... She knew that in her heart. All the same... She would glance at Hati first.

She was searching for his gaze... Meeting his eyes. He too was uncertain, and she wondered what went on in his mind. Their father had often had him battle Loki from what she had been told as a pup. He was also likely worrying about hurting her. He was older... Had more experience in battle... But his experience too didn?t bother the fae. It was the thought that she was facing her brother. ?But not a deathmatch... Or a maim fight... It?s just a spar... We can do this.? With that thought the small woman?s mind assured itself, and she would turn to completely face Hati now, that moment of hesitation leaving her eyes.

Determination and fire would now fill them. She wouldn?t fail. She would get into the pack... She would work hard and show everyone that despite her size she was not a woman who was weak. She could use this as an opportunity to show Hati what she had learned... Show that, even if he was her big brother, he didn?t need to worry about her completely. She could handle things. There was, for a brief couple of seconds, a look that flashed in her eyes, as if telling her brother it was okay. It the alpha saw it she didn?t care.

?Don?t hold back.? Her words came out strong, sure. She would do this. The fae would widen her stance, paws setting firmly upon the ground as claws dug into the earth for a better grip. At the same time she keep her knees bent, ready to make her move. Thanks to the widened stance her weight was now centered. Head would lift back as well, neck scrunching up as she aligned it with her spine. Chin would then tilt forward, though she didn?t really have much fear for her throat in this battle. Dark ears would lay back flat on her head, red eyes narrowing with determination.

Shoulders would roll forward, fur, particularly on her hackles, raising as stomach muscles tensed up. Finally, before she would strike, the woman would choose to keep her tail tucked. If she did not it would probably be one of the easier targets to grab on her, particularly with what she planned. ?Ready or not Hati, here I come.? She would think, and then she would lunge forward, making her attack.

Her body would rush forward, paws carrying her across the ground fast, claws digging in just long enough to keep her moving forward. As she neared Hati the girl would shift her weight to the right, heading to his left. She would make two springs, almost like a rabbit, as she launched her attack. The first would have her land up along his left side, hitting the ground hard, and then as soon as her body had recovered making the second spring at an angle, aiming to slam her right front paw onto his back left paw... And hoping not too much damage would come of it, though she put her full weight down. Not only that but her jaws would unhinge, aiming to seek the flesh of his upper leg, though lower than his hackles so that she could hopefully ensure herself a good bite. It was on... And she wasn?t backing down.

Akemi vs Hati

SPAR -- To Join Arcanum

Round: 1 of 2


-Slam her right forepaw on Hati?s back left paw.

-Bite his upper leg, below the hackles.


Widened Stance {centered balance}, Paws set firmly on the ground {planted} with claws digging into the earth, Knees Loose, Head aligned with spine, neck scrunched, chin tipped toward, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders rolled forward, hackles / fur raised, stomach tensed, tail tucked


None yet.


Spar breaks my heart, but Akemi is a determined little thing. But yay fight tableeeee!!! Eee!


-Click Me For Diagram-



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-14-2014, 10:11 AM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

Don't hold back came Akemi's warning, and Hati growled uneasily. She hadn't seen his early training, hadn't seen how he'd be punished for holding back - it would be insanely easy to just let go and go full out against her. And therein was the problem.

Any more mental anguish would have to wait though, since Akemi was readying herself. With a grunt he double-checked that he was ready. Slightly widened stance with toes spread and gripping the ground, weight centered, knees bent slightly, tail and head both held neutrally to the spine. His shoulders rolled forward as his head pulled back, chin tilted slightly toward his chest. His hackles were raised, spiking his coat even more than usual, his thick ears nearly disappearing as the pressed back against his skull. Eyes narrowed and brow furrowed now in a snarl.

And then it was on.

Akemi bounded forward, once, then again toward his left side. In reaction Hati shifted his weight forward and pivoted on his forehand, effectively bringing himself around ninety degrees to face where his left shoulder had previously been. This brought him out of range of her snapping jaws, but slightly too late as her stomp aimed at his foot managed to catch his paw, her entire weight dropping on the last two toes as he pivoted. The laws of physics vied with one another for a microsecond but in the end momentum won and his toes were allowed to continue with the rest of his body... though not without a price as the movement torqued them just right and a painful snap was felt as the last two toes of his left paw broke. Hati grunted as the paw came to rest in it's intended position and the broken toes came into contact with the ground. The paw would hold his weight, but it hurt like a bitch and the pain would distract him at a crucial moment if he was not mindful. He would just need to be careful.

His weight carefully shifted to his hindlegs slightly for more of the power he would need, his jaws flashed forward, aiming for the juncture of her back and tail. He intended on taking a bruising grip and lifting her, more humiliating than dangerous. As he did his left forepaw curved around, reaching for the fronts of her hindlegs in a hooking gesture - useless if he succeeded in lifting her but a hard enough strike in the bend of the knee should forcibly collapse the leg, and that was what he was hoping to accomplish.

He was holding back and he knew it, but he couldn't risk rage drowning out sense and causing her to get hurt.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/2

Defenses: widened stance, weight centered, knees slightly bent, toes spread and gripping, head and tail level with spine, shoulders rolled forward and head pulled back, chin tilted down slightly, hackles raised, ears pinned, eyes narrowed and brow furrowed.

Attacks: left paw attempting to hook hind legs around the knee join to force the knee to bend and collapse the leg. bite aimed toward juncture of back and tail with the intention of gripping and lifting

Injuries: left hind foot: left two toes broken

Out Of Character Notes: Poor Hati.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


05-16-2014, 04:33 PM

Come at me bro...
Akemi?s right forepaw came down hard, stance readjusting to make up for the lifted leg. Hati was in mid-motion though, pivoting just as her paw came down at the last moment before his back left paw was ready to move. She could feel something give as the foot slid out from under her, the snap caused by her attack. At least one of his toes had been broken. Eyes would, for a second, widen before returning back to their narrowed state, going back to a normal set defense just like her pinned back ears, scrunched neck. Her fur remained floofed, hackles raised, and tail closely tucked to her belly. There would be time for remorse for her actions later -- she couldn?t stop in this middle of this spar. Not with the alpha watching.

But the issue was now that during her own attack Hati had pivoted to an area where he would be able to get an advantage of her. Brow would furrow in frustration, shoulders rolling forward as she fixed her stance. Widening it to spread out her weight. Her back end was towards Hati now -- it made sense he would attack her back end. Akemi would shift her weight to the left, trying to spin her body in a tight circle, head lowering to realign with the spine, though her chin was tipped down further, not that she had any worry for her neck at the moment. Her spin would have Hati miss his initial grab, lucky for her, because if he had grabbed it and managed to lift her up she would have a hard time getting free of it.

His bite would land on on her left upper hip, strong jaws clamping down on fur and scoring flesh. The bite was moderate in damage considering his size, and since his initial goal had been to gain a good grip and lift there would be force behind it. He would gain a grip there instead, as the sharp stinging pain caused by the teeth punctures and the metallic smell of her own blood reached her nose. His second attack would come into play, catching her right hind leg mid-spin as well, hooking around the knee. She would stumble for a moment, balance offset, stumbling for a second, but luckily with her other three legs so close to the ground she was able to quickly readjust it. She would keep a widened stance, knees bent at the knees and toes splayed and claws gripping the earth to help her keep her balance as she prepared to launch her own attack and, with any luck at all, avoid being bowled over by her larger brother.

She was facing his left side now, head and neck now at her level thanks to his bite. His head was pulled back, protecting his neck, not that she wanted to attack that are anyway, as it would cause too much damage. In the back of her mind Akemi would remind herself that this was just a spar. She would keep coming in her spin, though her back end wouldn?t be able to move much now, and aimed her attention at Hati?s left front leg. Jaws would unjinge, aiming to sharply bite his left ?armpit? area with, at the very least, a moderate bite. As she came to the end of her turn she would plant her remaining three paws, adjusting her weight to make up for her attack as she raised her left forepaw in hopes of stamping down on his front left paw this time. Finally, as a last attack, she would raise her tail level with her spine before lashing out with it to the left in hopes of hitting Hati in the face and neck with it, maybe startling him into releasing her.

Akemi vs Hati

SPAR -- To Join Arcanum

Round: 2 of 2

-Bite aimed to Hati?s left ?armpit? on his front left leg.
-Aiming to stamp down on his left forepaw.
-{Not exactly an attack...?} using her tail to try and swat Hati in the face and neck with her tail.

Narrowed eyes, ears pinned, scrunched neck, fur floofed / hackles raised, tail tucked, then later raised aligned with spine and lashing out, shoulders rolled forward, brow furrowed, widened stance for even weight / balance, head aligned with spine, chin tipped down, readjusted stance, knees bent, toes splayed and claws gripping the earth

-Moderate bite injury to left hip.

Poor Hati indeed. ;~;

[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]

-Click Me For Diagram 2-



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2014, 03:20 PM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

Hati's grasping teeth met flesh in Akemi's hip as she spun, and the taste of blood flooded his mouth. The taste, the scent of it, fueled the battle rage that reddened his vision and crumpled his tenuous self-control and for the moment he forgot - or rather didn't care - who he was fighting, only that the battle was heating up. His own defenses adjusted as they moved - his stance returned to square, slightly widened, with his weight centered and evenly distributed over his slightly-bent legs. His shoulders rolled forward, the skin there bunching over his neck in protection, his hackles adding to it as his pinned ears nearly disappeared into the spiked fur, his eyes narrowing within furrowed brow. Triumph flared in his chest as his leg connected with hers, drawing a stumble from his opponent, but dimmed as her own fangs attached to and pierced the skin of his arm joint - minor wound all told, though one tooth pierced the muscle of his upper arm as well - and a sharp pain emitted from his left forepaw as she stamped on it with her light weight. Not enough to break the bones this time, it was nonetheless quite bruised and drew a furious grunt from the battle-raged monster.

Insult to injury, his opponent thwacked him in the face with her tail. A snarl issued forth as his jaws loosened and released before the monster threw himself forward, uncaring if she let go of his leg or not as he attempted to throw her by striking with the left side of his chest and the front of that shoulder into her left hip, snapping his jaws as he did at the last quarter of the offending tail.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/2

Out Of Character Notes: Sorry no stat things this time. Tea is in a hurry today.

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

The Judge


05-21-2014, 07:02 PM


Round 1

8 for clarity- specify where on his leg she tried to bite, be super specify where your wolf is aiming -2

9 for powerplaying. you assumed that he wouldn?t move and she would land beside him -1

10 for defenses. widened stance +1, claws digging into the earth +1, paws planted +1, knees bent +1, head aligned with spine +1, neck scrunched +1, chin tucked +1, ears pinned +1, eyes narrowed +1, shoulders rolled forward +1, hackles lifted +1, stomach tensed +1, tail tucked +1

4 for attack. aiming to slam her foot down in his +2, aiming a bit at his leg

10 for injuries.First round

Round one AKEMI Total: 41/50


9 for clarity- which way did he pivot? -1,

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. widened stance +1, toes spread +1, claws digging into the ground +1, weight centered +1, knees bent +1, tail and head level with spine +1, shoulder rolled forward +1, chin tucked +1, hackles lifted +1, ears pinned +1, eyes narrowed +1

4 for attack. aimed grab at the junction of her spine and tail, attempt to lift her or knock how her hindlegs +2

10 for injuries. first round, two broken toes

Round one HATI Total: 43/50

Round 2


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying. Notes

10 for defenses. eyes narrowed +1, ears pinned +1, neck scrunched +1, hackles lifted +1, tail tucked +1, widened stance +1, head level with spine +1, chin tucked +1, toes splayed +1, claws digging into the ground +1,

6 for attack. +3 for a bite aimed at his upper leg, +2 for attempt to step on his toes, +1 for using tail as a distraction

7 for injuries. bite wound to left hip

Round two AKEMI Total: 43/50


10 for clarity- Notes

10 for powerplaying. Notes

8 for defenses. wide and squared stance +2, weight centered +1, bent legs +1, shoulders scrunched +1, hackles lifted +1, ears pinned +1, eyes narrowed +1,

4 for attack. aiming to slam his chest into her hip +2, jaws aiming to snap at her tail +2

7 for injuries. bite to his upper left leg

Round two HATI Total: 39/50


AKEMI: 84/100

HATI: 82/100

And the winner is...

AKEMI! Hati must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


AKEMI- bite to her hip will heal in 5 ooc days.

HATI- 2 left broken toes will heal in 2 ooc weeks, bite to his upper left leg 1 ooc week.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Keno
You did really well with this fight but be sure to be super specify about where you are aiming your attacks.

For Hati
Really good fight! Just be sure to specify which direction you are moving

- By [saffie]


05-27-2014, 04:03 PM

Coral pools watched the pair to at it, each landing hits and taking hits. She was rather pleased with the way the woman performed despite her significantly smaller size. But as the fight continued, it appeared that her Marquis was having a harder time keeping things friendly, his control fraying. The girl would sink her fangs into his flesh, and everything went to hell. Hati's demeanor changed, aggression seeming to roll off him in waves. The woman would rise, hackles lifting as her chin tucked against her throat, tail curling high over her hips. "Enough!" Her voice lashed out like a whip, booming a command that demanded to be obey. Eyes would narrow upon Hati's dark form, lips curling back to reveal daggers. Pregnant or not, he had better obey or so help him... Shoulders rolled forward, toes spreading, the silver woman readying herself to grab a hold of the brute. Her gaze would not leave Hati, though she expected the woman to back down and release her Marquis.



05-28-2014, 07:20 PM

And I Know That I

I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper

And I Cross The Line
His hold would loosen as the Queen?s voice boomed over them, ordering an end to the fight. Hati... Something was different now in how he attacked her. Akemi could sense now the danger as she dropped her own hold, trying to move back as fast as she could, though the pain in her hip, as well as her awkward position, had the femme stumbling. Then his body was crashing into the injury, producing a yelp from her as she fell to the ground, luckily her tail missing his jaws in her stumble. Something in her brother had snapped... Something Akemi had never seen... Or thought she?d experience first hand.

The small female would look up at her brother with confused red eyes, forgetting her defenses in her shock. He... Was he actually aiming to just full out hurt her now? Akemi felt so cold, a whimper leaving her. ?B-brother...? Would he stop as the Queen demanded, or had his demons gone so far to claim his mind and make him continue to attack? To perhaps even go so far as to... Kill her?

I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes

But I Could Never Leave Your Side

No Matter What I Say



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-03-2014, 10:55 PM

Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
His enemy was sent tumbling to the ground, sending a white-hot thread of triumph shooting through the fiery torrent of rage within him. The voice of the Arcanum alpha barely registered, the words holding no meaning as the darkness rolled over him. The darkness that hid his own evils from his mind. The darkness that had allowed him to kill uncaringly. The darkness that was the monster inside Hati.

His teeth bared, he moved so his snarling visage faced her own, less than a foot apart.

Then she spoke.

Pain shot through the darkness, the part of Hati that was just Hati howling and clawing it's way back to the surface at the re-realisation that this was Akemi. No mental illusion, no hallucination, no trick, just Akemi and oh gods what the fuck was he doing?

His breath left him in a confused grunt, and for a moment he could not seem to be able to draw another. His hackles lowered, his ears going from pinned to simply flattened to the side, his tail lowering from it's aggressively dominant posture to tuck against his leg, and his whole demeanor changed once again. Horror and shame overwhelmed the fury, and the black monster flinched away from Akemi's frightened gaze as he backpedaled. His breath came back to him in a hitching gasp.

The blood in his mouth now threatened to gag him, and his tongue lolled out in an effort to rid himself of it. A harsh, half-hysterical cough of laughter bubbled up unbidden, as his heavy head swung to face Cat, as he recalled why he'd been fighting to begin with. "She's more than capable. Better off with her than with me. She's something special for sure," he said to the alpha, his words on the edge of babbling as his mind reeled in hysteria. His voice was hoarse, grating out in a painful manner. He avoided meeting Akemi's gaze as he turned and stalked away, his pelt rippling in shame. Once out of sight in the trees, he fled.

-exit Hati-

And besides in the meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


06-08-2014, 08:25 PM

Finally Hati seems to come to his sense and back down. Narrowed eyes watched him as he sputtered out words before fleeing. The Queen would roll her eyes and shake her head before turning her attention back to the woman. "You are more than capable. I need a new Comte, a lead hunter. The position is yours. Don't fail me like the last fool in your spot." She would give the girl a hard stare before turning away from her. There was no need to linger, Hati obviously knew this girl and could answer any questions she had. So with that, the Queen would leave, her pace slow and leisurely. Audits flicked back towards the girl, listening to anything she said, should it require more of her attention.


short crappy post



06-11-2014, 05:45 PM

For one terrifying moment Akemi actually questioned if she was going to be killed or not. Looking into her brother?s eyes, the young woman felt terror within, unsure if her own brother was about to be the one to end her life. Thank the gods that the Queen had intervened, and thank the gods that Hati seemed to come back to himself, stumbling away from her with a gasp. Akemi would shakily right herself, a questioning look in her eyes. He would turn to the alpha, clearly not yet right, as his words came out almost as if he was babbling. What... What had become of him?

The she wolf would get to her paws as her brother raced off, gaze shifting now to the Queen. She would dip her head, though the Queen was taking her leave. ?Thank you M?Lady. I will serve you well.? The young woman would say, glancing off the way Hati had gone before turning to explore her new home, questions forming in her mind.
