
One Wrong Move




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-04-2022, 05:41 PM

His new forge had gotten set up and running far faster than the one he previously had in their old lands, but he also had a fair bit more help this time around from Azure's boy. The overgrown young man had proved to be pretty helpful if for no other reason than he lended a good bit of muscle to the work. He was also able to reuse some of the pieces that had taken the longest to source and make last time which sped things up some. Now he was able to actually enjoy his forge and get back to work making pieces. Luckily Sirius didn't seem to mind him splitting his time between pieces for the pack and his own personal projects so he was working on something for himself today.

He was working on pounding out a bit of metal, a heavy hammer strapped to one leg that he lifted and slammed down into a sheet of steel that he was shaping over a rounded bolder to get the shape he wanted. The sound of clanging metal didn't bother him since he was so used to it, but he didn't imagine it was everyone's cup of tea which was one of the reasons he had picked this spot for his den since it was separated from most of the large majority of the caves that the others were occupying. It kept him out of the way of everyone else and gave him a bit of privacy which he liked.

The other thing that was an added side effect was that he was positioned right by the opening of their cave system so he could see pretty much anyone that went in and out of this end of their compound of sorts. It gave him a good vantage point to snoop and casually watch the going ons of the pack day to day. It put him in more contact with more of the pack than he had ever been before now, though he still didn't mingle and speak with them that often. Today as he was working on the piece of metal for a new armor project, he caught a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye and made a quick glance up, his sea foam green gaze landing on a slim, willowy woman coated in dark, striped markings as she was walking by. His gaze didn't linger long, quickly looking back down at his work, but her looks made him do a double take and that's where he made his mistake. When he looked back up to take a longer, more lingering look at the beauty his paw went slightly off course and caused him to slam the hammer down into his other paw that was holding the metal in place.

"Fuck! he hissed under his breath, grimacing as he slipped the hammer off of his leg and stepped back from his makeshift anvil, a string of muttered curses leaving him as he sat back on his haunches, examining his paw and mentally scolding and cursing his horn dog ass for not being able to keep his eyes to himself.

"Ruga Amanto"


06-06-2022, 05:37 PM

With her master having expressed his desire for her to improve her healing abilities, Lyre had collected a small satchel that she'd found in the stores and had gone off to collect what herbs she could in such a climate. She imagined that, with the warmth of the underground, there might still be some plants clinging to life at the edges of the mountain. She could go no further as she was not allowed out of territory, but she was content to try within the confines of the Col.

The quiet fae did her best to not be noticed. She didn't speak to others unless spoken to first. She definitely didn't join up to do pack tasks unless instructed to do so. Though she was technically a part of the Armada, Lyre was a wolf apart. She aimed to keep it that way as much as possible. It was easier to keep her servitude a secret if others didn't engage her. It seemed that this wouldn't be possible today, however.

A loud clang rang out followed by a string of curses and muttering. Lyre gasped at the sudden sound and turned, olive eyes wide. She'd seen the man in her periphery while walking past, but hadn't looked directly. Now she was staring straight at him. The striped woman's gaze shifted lower and she noted that he was holding his paw. As he held it, a trickle of blood dripped down onto the iron where he'd been working. Oh... dammit.

With a sigh, the slender fae padded toward the injured man. Black backed ears slicked backwards and Lyre averted her gaze. "Are you alright? Can I help you with that?" Azure had wanted her to practice her healing, after all. What better way to practice than on one of the pack?




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-07-2022, 12:04 AM

He grimaced as he looked at his paw, seeing how the hammer had clipped and torn some of the thinner skin on top of his toes and he wouldn't be surprised if he had fractured some of the damn little bones in his toes. if he was lucky they would just be brushed, but it hurt too goddamn much right now to really tell either way. He let out a breath through clenched teeth while he tried to remember who any of the healers were in this pack, too distracted to notice the woman that had distracted him and caused the slip up walking toward him. He glanced up when she spoke, surprised by her presence. She wasn't quite meeting his gaze when he looked at her and her ears being folded back like this made her come across as pretty shy if not utterly submissive. Even still, his face still burned with embarrassment for his stupid mistake as she offered to help him.

"Well... if I was going to fuck up like this then at least it was with a healer near by," he muttered with a sigh. "Yeah, I'd appreciate that." At least he didn't have to go looking around for other wolves and asking them who he needed to go to. It did make him realize he should probably know who the healers were and where they kept their dens just in case since he was working with heavy and hot things quite often, but that was something to resolve at a later time. For now, he just shuffled to face her a bit better and held his paw out for her to look at. "I'm Ruga, by the way." If he was going to injure his paw and embarrass himself in front of the beautiful girl then the very least he could do as try to get to know said beautiful girl as a consolation prize.

"Ruga Amanto"


06-07-2022, 04:18 PM

The man agreed to her offer of aid and the striped woman nodded, green eyes shifting around the space to look for water of some sort. She spied a barrel of water, no doubt used to cool whatever metal the man was working on. Taking a cloth from her satchel, Lyre moved across the space, paws barely making a sound, and dipped it within the water. Coming back, the fae sat on her haunches, taking the brute's injured paw in her delicate appendage. Everything about Lyre was slender and streamlined, her paws included.

As she began gently cleaning away the blood from the man's wound, he gave his name. The fae allowed her gaze to shift up to his tan and russet features momentarily, meeting his green eyes with her own verdant pools. "Lyre," she replied in kind, adding after, "Servant to Azure and Hanako." She didn't say slave, but servant would show her lack of status easily enough.

Once the wound was cleaned of blood, Lyre gently moved each of the brute's digits, eyes closed as she felt for breaks. "You're in luck," she informed the man softly. "You didn't break anything, but it will probably be swollen and sore for a while." After that she sifted around in her pack for something to put on the wounds.




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-08-2022, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2022, 04:39 PM by Ruga. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ruga's gaze followed the delicate woman as she moved over to a near by bucket of water to dampen a cloth she had pulled from her bath, tipping his head down a bit as she sat in front of him so he could keep his attention on her as she took his paw in hers. He grimaced a bit as she began to clean off the tender wounds, but he held still, knowing there was no avoiding the treatment unless he just wanted to risk it getting infected. She gave him her name in turn, tacking on that she was the servant to Azure and Hanako. He hadn't directly interacted with either of the wolves yet, but they certainly didn't seem very... fun from what he had seen. "A beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he commented with a little smile. Always the flirt, regardless of the situation.

His smile quickly got replaced by a grimace as she began to move and check each of his toes, gritting his teeth while she moved around the aching, injured digits. He had broken bones before and as she started to bend the toes he could tell that it wasn't as bad as that, which she soon confirmed, but it still was far from pleasant. "At least something is going my way today," he replied with a soft chuckle as she informed him that his paw would be swollen and sore for a while. He glanced toward the piece of metal he had been working, which was now dotted with blood, and gave a soft sigh while she dug around in her bag for something. "Maybe it's for the best that I can't work for a bit. That thing was giving me nothing but trouble anyway." There were other things he could work on that weren't so intensive so maybe he'd fill his time with that. He scoffed a little as he brought his light green gaze back to her again, watching what she was doing with interest. "Maybe it's a sign that piece just wasn't meant to be. I'd probably be better off just melting it down and making something else."

"Ruga Amanto"


06-16-2022, 03:34 PM

As she worked, the brutes words sent Lyre's ears slicking backwards. It wasn't that she didn't like the attention, it was that she couldn't like the attention. It had been one of the first things forbidden to her by her new master. Lyre was not allowed to fraternize with members of the pack in such a fashion. Not that she believed she would want to anyway. The woman had never been able to explore that part of herself and so she really had no idea what her preferences might be. The tiny, vain speck with in her mind was pleased to hear that the man thought she was beautiful either way. "Thank you," she replied softly, as one should when complimented.

After checking for breaks in Ruga's digits, Lyre pulled some salve from her pack and, with dark pads, gently dabbed some of it upon the torn skin. "This will help with a bit of the pain and will keep the wounds from getting infected until they scab over." Again she reached into her pack and pulled out a strip of clean bandage. Lyre quickly and efficiently wrapped the wounded paw, tying the knot around Ruga's wrist rather than around his toes. The discarded items were then placed back within her bag. The rag could be washed and reused and Lyre tried not to waste anything as she had very few possessions.
