
Smiles Make The Day Brighter You Know


05-02-2014, 04:25 PM

It wouldn?t take a genius to figure out that Ashtoreth was pregnant. Arwel had been watching the woman for some time, seeing the pups take her body growing with them. He was happy for her, but had also noticed that her mate had not been around as much. So that was what brought him to her den today, a couple fat squirrels having from his jaws. Though they were not the most filling he found their meat to be tasty... And thought the woman might enjoy the gift of meat.

As he arrived he would set the pair of squirrels down and call softly inside. ?Ash? It?s me, Arwel. I hope you don?t mind but I brought you a couple squirrels to snack on.? He knew better than to intrude on someone elses den. He respected the boundaries of others, but that didn?t mean he couldn?t try to show some kindness to his fellow packmates, right? Who knew... Maybe Ash would even enjoy his company.




05-21-2014, 10:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was supposed to be resting. She knew she should. But it was not at all in her to do it. A walk around the plains had put something like a stitch in her side so she had returned to the den only for the pain to leave her quickly and lying within the den with nothing to do but stare at the stone walls and worry. Worry about her pups - were they growing okay today? - and Leon - was her anxiety beginning to drive him away? Ashtoreth tossed and turned, got up, tried different spots, different positions, but nothing seemed able to calm her spirits enough for that rest she needed.

She was just about ready to give up on it completely and go out to try that walk again when she heard the voice at the den's opening, and ears perked she turned her head to listen and peek at her visitor. Arwel! Meili's brother. She had met him once, during one of their pack hunts, and saw slightly the resemblance he had to her best friend. If he was anything like his sister she doubted she would have any trouble befriending him.

"Arwel, hi," she greeted as she got to her paws with a welcoming grin - just the kind of perfect excuse she had to get out of the den, even if only a few feet. And, oh, those squirrels he had brought did look so delicious. Her mouth practically watered as she set foot outside the den, drawing in a deep breath of fresh air and fresh meat. "Oh, thank you," she said enthusiastically, tail wagging as her round form took a seat before his small but delightful offering. She licked her lips before she lifted her gold and purple gaze to glance at the blue-eyed male, and offered a casual inquiry before she reached down to bite into the first of her treats. "So what brings you here? Did Meili send you?" She would have expected her best friend to visit on her own, but maybe she had been too busy, maybe even picking up for Ash's slack of late.


06-01-2014, 08:43 AM

He would smile as the femme greeted him, coming out of the den. He was glad that he could give her a bit of company, as well as a small bit of food to keep her energy up. He would tip his head, gentleness in his gaze. ?It is no trouble at all.? He would say, settling down as she posed her question before taking a bite out of them.

The male?s gaze would soften as he looked to her. ?No, she did not. I noticed Leon hadn?t been around too much as of late, and thought maybe some company and a snack would be a nice surprise.? Arwel?s gentle smile would remain. ?Besides, I was hoping to maybe get to know you a little better. You?re friends with my sister... And you?ve been around her in these later years much more than I have too. I wanted to thank you for that as well.?

He wasn?t sure if Meili had told Ashtoreth yet of what Arwel told her about the day they were separated... About how the rest of their family had been slaughtered. It wasn?t a happy tale but, well, friends could tell each other just about anything. He was hoping that maybe he and Ash might develop a friendship as well, though he was working his way slowly through the pack at befriending the others. Someday though he hoped to know them all.




06-03-2014, 12:21 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She set a paw on the squirrel as she took her first bite, holding it in place while her teeth tore through skin to get to the meat. It tasted wonderful on her tongue, still fresh and just the sort of snack to satisfy her hunger. A pleasant noise issued from her muzzle as she smiled and listened to him tell her that his visit had nothing to do with his sister. Ash was only a little surprised by this, though easily wrote it off as Arwel being just as friendly and kind as his sibling. It bode well for her hope of becoming friends with Meili's family.

The casual mention of Leon, however, seemed to steal away her appetite, and suddenly the bite of squirrel in her mouth lost its delicious taste. She swallowed it and stared at what remained, knowing that the fact her smile had deserted her would give her away but it was beyond her control. Leon had been busy and away of late, and while she knew deep down it did not mean his feelings for her were changing she still worried. This had been what he had wanted, right? A family, pups, with her? His distance was not a means of avoidance, was it? "Leon's been...busy lately," she answered uncertainly, wishing she fully believed the excuse she gave for her mate's distant behavior.

But it became obvious that his intention had not been to bother her with problems that she alone knew of. He was only there to make friends with his sister's friend, and knowing that he appreciated the friendship she had extended toward Meili eased her worries and quietly brought her smile back. "She's been a very good friend to me too," Ashtoreth informed him, "the best, even. I'm lucky to have her here." And how close had her best friend been to her brother? "It must have been a while since you've seen her," she remarked, unsure about the true extent of the absence but knowing herself how excited she would have been in his shoes.


06-10-2014, 04:49 PM

Arwel would give Ashtoreth a reassuring smile as she spoke. ?It is understandable. He holds a good rank, as do you, so it would only make sense that he would be busy with affairs in the pack.? The male would say softly. He wondered, by the tone of her voice, if she was uncertain if this was the truth or not. He didn?t think the other male was avoiding his duties as a father, or at least hoped not. It was definitely a shame that he was not around more often however. He as glad that the subject would shift though, towards his sister instead of Leon.

?It has, actually. Before I saw her on the island I hadn?t seen her in years. I had believed she was dead... Our family had been attacked and brutally slaughtered. I had, for the longest time, believed that I was the only survivor. It had been such a shock to see her again... I almost thought I dreamed it since she went missing almost directly after. I couldn?t be happier that she is back now though... It seems like our lives are finally moving in the right direction.? Arwel would shift his direction skyward. ?It is honestly a blessing to be able to see her again.?




06-16-2014, 09:43 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Arwel surprised her by actually going into detail about his and his sister's lives and how they had come to Valhalla. The rabbit beneath her paw ignored and her attention full upon the kindly male, Ash was shocked to learn their separation extended so long because he had believed she had died at the paws of the wolves who had attacked his pack. Her own pack life had been pretty mild until she had joined Valhalla. She had gone through one war with them already but her personal losses had been minimal if at all. Never had she felt the sort of loss that Arwel was speaking of. And it made her wonder, suddenly, unbidden, how her own siblings were.

Ashtoreth was smiling gently by the end of the story, glad that it had a happy ending. Meili was her best friend, a sweet, kind wolf who deserved nothing but good things. Arwel was still new to her but already he was proving himself to be just as considerate. The both of them deserved to be happy, and together since they sounded very close. "I'm really happy for you two," she said still smiling, "Not all siblings turn out that close to each other. I'm proof enough of that." How different her life might have been if she had been. "And even fewer get to find each other after being so long separated."

Maybe that was enough talk about the past. The pregnant grey hunter did not want to pry too much into the history of her best friend, especially without her there to tell it herself. "So how are you liking Valhalla so far?" Ash asked, getting enough of her appetite back to try another bite of her squirrel.


06-20-2014, 09:35 PM

Arwel would give a nod to Ash?s words. It was a blessing indeed that he had found his sister again, getting another chance to get close to her. Closer. He yearned for their days of youth, but those days were gone. He was getting older by the day, a male who was past his prime. Before too long he would be an elder, passing on his wisdom to the pack, though he had hopes for one last thing before he died. A family of his own, the very thing that Ashtoreth was having the blessing of having now. But for now he would be happy seeing the young of Valhalla. Then, perhaps, one day, he would have his own children.

But the topic would shift from the past, and Arwel would smile brightly, his eyes shining with happiness. ?I love it here Ashtoreth, I honestly do. I have a family... Friends... Those who I can count on and give my aid to. Pack life has been what I?ve been missing in my life... I feel at home here, and each day only gives me more hope for a better future, one bright compared to the tragedies of the past.? The hunter would relax, closing his eyes.

?For the first time in my life I feel like I?m where I truly belong. Somewhere that I can grow... And live out the rest of my life in peace.? The male opened his eyes again, looking to the femme who would normally lead his rank. ?I don?t regret coming to Valhalla?s side when it was reforming one bit.? He had learned enough of the details to learn what had happened to cause Valhalla to move back home. But it looked like things were finally all going right.




06-23-2014, 11:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was wonderful news to hear that Arwel was adjusting so well to Valhalla. Though it had been years ago, Ash could still remember her own time of joining the pack and how well she had taken to it too. They had made her feel comfortable and at home, and after a while she had even been offered the chance to rise in the ranks for her dedication and persistence. With time, she figured Arwel could do the same. Already he was earning points with her for bringing her squirrels just because he thought it was a kind thing to do. If he was this considerate she was sure he was going to do well overall.

She continued to eat the squirrels as she listened, moving on from the first to the second, and occasionally glanced toward the male wolf just to assure him that she was still listening. Halfway through the second squirrel she stopped and, after licking her lips, smiled. "That's really good to hear," she responded encouragingly. "And I'm sure Valhalla is glad to have you here too. I know I am." Grinning, she parted the squirrel beneath her paw for emphasis. "We always tend to be short on hunters here compared to fighters and healers. I'm not sure if you have decided to give that a go, but I know we can use good hunters like you in our ranks. Especially since I'm starting to need to rest more and hunt less." It was one of the harder truths for her to accept now that she was pregnant, and any help that could be given to Sarak in her absence she appreciated.


07-10-2014, 06:59 PM

Arwel would give a small nod as Ashtoreth said that it was good to hear, and he felt his heart lift with pride when the woman said that she was glad to have him here, as she was sure the rest of the pack was as well. It was felt strange, looking back on things, that he had finally found his place in life. Still, he didn?t regret a thing, and Arwel counted his blessings. The male would close his eyes for a moment, listening to the lead hunter speak a bit more before opening the blue hues.

?I have thought of fighting, and I find myself capable now if need be... But I am not one so eager to rush off into the jaws of an enemy, and herbs, while they are curious things, are not something that completely strikes my fancy. Hunting and providing for the pack is just as important a duty, sometimes moreso, because without fresh meat the pack would not be able to function." He would say softly, feeling a bit of pride well up within. "Is there anything else you many need while I am here?"




07-26-2014, 06:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It sounded as Arwel answered her that he had already chosen the profession of hunting as his job of choice, and she could not stop herself from smiling over the news. It was great to hear. Compared to the other two, fighters and healers, she had always felt as if hunters had less of a calling, always holding fewer positions than their counterparts. But here was someone else who was not attuned to plants or driven to fight. Here was someone who understood the importance of keeping the masses happy and healthy. She only wished she could have gotten three more of him at the same time to make their hunting numbers more sturdy.

He offered to assist her with anything else if she had a task for him, but glancing down at her mostly eaten snacks she felt rather content. She had gotten out of the den, even if only for a moment, had herself a very lovely snack, and gotten some good company out of it too, even a new recruit for her hunters. "No, that's alright, Arwel. You've done more for me already than you realize," she assured him, getting carefully to her paws with a kind wag of her tail. "I should probably get back to resting again. These little guys will be here before I know it, and then I won't get a chance to anymore." Not that she knew any of this first hand, but she had seen the way other pups ran about and appeared powered by an endless energy supply. With her luck, they would be bouncing off the den walls on their first night.

"It was really great to see you again, Arwel," she added with a dip of her head, and turning she headed back into the quiet of her den to settle with a mostly fully stomach and rest, as she said, while she had the chance.

-Exit Ashtoreth-