
Fenmyre Expansion-Fighting



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-14-2022, 11:44 AM

Fenmyre was growing, thriving. Each member was happy and healthy. They'd progressed so much that Chimera felt confident in taking a new land for themselves. His wolves had worked hard to improve upon their skills. They worked hard to protect their home. They deserved more space. Something different.

With three of his youngest sons in tow, Chimera moved through the cedars, marking here and there as he began his claim on this place. He instructed his sons to do the same. They needed it to be known that this was their place. The Falls would be absorbed by Fenmyre and any outsider entering would be a trespasser.

It was well known that there were bears in this place. If he and the brown beasts couldn't come to some sort of an understanding, he would be forced to eradicate them from the cedar forest. Just as the Fenmyrian King was considering this, he heard a roar from up ahead. It was a challenging roar and Chimera sighed. Turning his head, he cast a pale pink glance towards his three sons. "There's a fight coming our way. Be ready." And then the bear burst from the shrubbery, coming right for them.

Chimera took the bear head on, keeping its attention on him. As the bear swiped at the brute with one paw, Chimera caught that paw between his jaws, rows of teeth sinking in. The giant thrashed his head back and forth, shredding skin, muscle fat. If the bear lived through this, it would limp for the rest of its life. The beast released a squeal of pain and pulled back, but the pain was soon replaced by rage. Chimera kept its attention on himself with snaps and snarls. Aliana would kill him if he came back with one less child.


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
06-14-2022, 12:23 PM

Morendo followed behind his father and brothers, taking up the rear as they made their way out to the near by falls. In his continued efforts to make himself focus on learning and training beyond the singing and crafting he worked on with his mother, he had volunteered to come with his father as they went to scout and claim the new territory that his father had his sights set on. He didn't know if there would be any opportunities to practice fighting out here or not, but it was at least worth the effort to show he was trying to his father since he usually kept to himself or just spent time with their mother.

It did look like he was going to get a chance to flex his muscles after all though when the roar of a bear interrupted their movement through the cedar forest. Their father warned them as such and he immediately got into a fighting stance that was getting more familiar to him the longer he practiced, turning toward the sound and preparing to face the angry bear. When it came rushing out of the bushes their father of course met it head on as he fully would have expected his ferocious father to do, but Morendo took the initiative and hurried forward right behind him. He started trying to land bites wherever he could while staying out of the bear's line of sight. On its sides near its belly, on its hind legs, at its butt. He peppered it with hard bites that left bleeding lacerations everywhere he went.

"Morendo Klien"



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
06-14-2022, 02:05 PM

Strix happily trots along with his father and brothers, excited to be off the island and doing something with them. His quiet brother takes up the rear and the happy boy keeps glancing back to offer Morendo excited grins. They mark the territory as they go and Strix leaves several clumps of fur firmly lodged in tree bark. A roar pulls the boy’s attention away from a bush that he is generously marking (good thing he drank a lot of extra water this morning) and he moves to stand behind his father as Chimera tells to them to be ready.

A large bear bursts out of the nearby shrubbery and his father rushes in to greet it, with Morendo close behind. His brothers are all tall like Chimera while Strix has taken after his mother more in the height department. They may be confident taking the bear head on but the shorter boy is more comfortable running. Paws pull him around the bear’s side and, as turns to round the beast’s butt, he strikes out at the back legs. His bites are quick as he does not slow or stop his run and he is soon back in front of the bear.

"Strix Klein"



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-16-2022, 12:10 AM

Revenant kept close to his father's side while his brothers fell in line behind them, traversing through the aspen forests of their home and down south into the cedar woods they intended to claim for themselves. He glanced back at his brothers: Strix, so small he could easily look over the other boy's head, and Morendo, the softie with the golden pipes who'd rather be singing his little tunes with their mother. He rolled his eyes; they'd really picked a winning team to come out scouting for threats today. Following his sire, Revenant scoured the wild lands, marking hither and tither while they went. He did have to admit, the Cedar Falls was a lovely bit of land. Beautiful, tranquil, a good source for food and water and herbs alike. It made sense that this land would be absorbed into the fold that was the kingdom of Fenmyre.

Just as Revenant was thinking about how peaceful the land was, the distinctly ursine roar that came from close by made his dark ears prick atop his head, his mismatched eyes peering around for any sign of the threat. Chimera warned them that a fight was approaching, and not a minute after that, a massive grizzly burst forth from the shrubbery to square off with the four lupines. Revenant's hackles raised, fur bristling and lips pulled back in a snarl as he leapt to stand beside his father. No way a bear was going to chase them off now; this was Fenmyre territory! Chimera led the charge, and as soon as his sire had engaged and wounded the bear, Revenant and his kin were rushing in to lend aid.

Although tall like his father, Revenant was still a pup, and as such didn't have the defined or trained muscles Chimera did. So while Morendo went for the one side and Strix dipped in and out like an obnoxious fanged hummingbird, Revenant decided to go all in on the bear and try to impress his sire. Running a perimeter around the fight, the Klein prince made his way behind the bear, and then kicking off of the ground, charged and lunged for the bear's back, claws and fangs digging into fat and flesh as he clawed his way up the bear's back, looking to sink his teeth in anywhere he could and be a general nuisance to their foe. He tasted blood the harder he bit, heard the bear roar with each bite he and his family delivered to it. Victory would be theirs!




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-16-2022, 08:47 AM

Though most of Chimera's focus was on the giant ursine before him, he was able to spare glances towards his sons and the trio fell into motion. Tiny Strix peppered bites in where he could, harrying the bear from all directions. Morendo's bites were a bit more substantial, though he also made several assaults on the opposite side of the bear. Revenant surprised him by diving onto the bear and sinking his teeth in. Reckless, but effective.

As the bear thrashed and began trying to dislodge the large pup from its back, Chimera took the opportunity to lunge forward, teeth latching into the side of the bears cheek and neck. The angle was a bit off for a mortal wound, but in thrashing his head, damage was definitely done. Razor teeth sliced through thick fat and tissue and blood began to pour from the wound almost instantly. The bear rose up just a bit, slamming its wide paws down on the ground, making the earth shake. Chimera retreated just a bit so as not to get trampled, but the dual-toned brute was already looking for his next attack, licking the blood from his chops all the while.


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
06-18-2022, 05:04 PM

As they all dove in on the bear from all sides, he kept analyzing their opponent and kept trying to find the weak points he could take advantage of. Their father obviously made the most damage, but that was to be expected. He glanced up at where Revenant was perched on the bear to bite and rip into its back and frowned with a bit of concern. He might not like his brothers all of the time, but he could still be concerned about them and their reckless behavior. When the bear reared up a bit with a heavy slam Morendo took the opportunity to pull even more of the attention onto himself to keep the bear from trying to shake Revenant off again. Right as it landed back on the ground to duck under the bear and he landed a hard bite on the ursine's tender belly—right near some very sensitive bits that he was sure the bear wouldn't take too kindly to him damaging. The bear immediately roared in pain and jerked away, causing his bite to tear through the soft skin and leave some deeper lacerations than he had caused before. The bear spun toward him with a swing of its massive paw, connecting with his shoulder and tossing him to the ground with a hard thud. A huff of air left him at the impact and its big claws caused him some scratches in its wake, but other then some light bruising where he hit the ground he was fine. Morendo scrambled back to his paws and faced the bear again with a snarl, jumping right back in to dodging around to its hind legs again to keep landing bites where he could.

"Morendo Klien"



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
06-18-2022, 07:05 PM

The Klein males attack the angry bear, with each one taking a different approach. Chimera attacks head on, dealing the most damage out of the group. Morendo is with him, working to keep the beast’s attention away from his brothers while Revenant, ever the show off, leaps atop the back of mad creature and latches on. And Strix? Well, the smallest of the boys does what he is built for… he runs. His small form races around and around the angry bear, biting anything and everything that belongs to the beast. When the bear raises up to slam the ground, Strix angles away, running a short distance out before turning around to dart back in.

Mismatched eyes watch as Morendo dives under the bear, biting deep into the sensitive skin on the stomach. The bear jerks away from the sudden pain, lashing out at the boy that caused it and sends the quiet boy flying. Something inside Strix snaps as he watches it hurt his brother and the small boy snarls viciously, darting in to grab the offending paw, the boy begins to sherd the sensitive pad and work on removing the clawed toes. All that he cares about taking all of these toes off and giving to his wounded brother. The world narrows, his focus is solely on ripping apart the paw and nothing else. Morendo is one most withdrawn of the boys and Strix is determined to show him that does care… in his own strange way.

"Strix Klein"



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-27-2022, 01:14 PM
Revenant had zero regard for his own personal safety. Danger had never been something the bold Klein prince feared, especially not when he had his father and brothers there to back him up. All the predators he'd faced in his lifetime had been with another of his large family with him, and he'd escaped all those fights unscathed, so why would he expect this time to be any different? It was exactly that bravado that had young Revenant, nearly dire sized, hanging off the bear's back with sharp claws and teeth going for any soft spots he could reach. His hind paws kicked and clambered at the grizzly's back, trying to pull himself up and closer to the bear's vulnerable throat. But just as he neared his target, intend to land the killing blow, the massive predator reared up with a furious bellow and slammed all of its weight down on the ground hard. The force of the impact jarred Revenant loose, and the next thing the pup knew, he was tumbling to the ground, landing belly up beneath the giant ursine. The grizzly roared and lifted a paw, prepared to crush the pup's skull like a grape.

Panic struck the young Klein's heart and he flinched away with a yelp, rolling to his side in a desperate gambit to avoid the lethal blow—but it never came. Instead, the bear roared in pain as Morendo attacked its soft underside with Strix darting about to distract it. Instead of killing Revenant, the bear instead switched its swing to swat Morendo away. Watching his introverted brother go flying filled Revenant with a rage, rolling to his paws and lunging for the wounded bear. He targeted the bleeding injury Chimera had inflicted, once more hurling himself onto the bear and digging his fangs deeper into the wounds. The bear bellowed, Revenant snarled, fresh ursine blood coating his tongue while he showed no mercy. While he might have lacked his sire's deadly teeth, he had clearly inherited his aggression in battle. The bear had hurt his brother. Now the bear would die.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-29-2022, 11:18 AM

When Morendo went flying, Chimera trusted Revenant and Strix to keep the bears attention. The giant man flew to his sons side, but Morendo was already on his paws and running back towards the bear. The proud father grinned, his bloodied maw splitting to flash teeth before he followed his son back towards their quarry.

Though parts of the bear were bloodied and its paw was mangled, it was a big, big bear and it was very much still in the game. The quartet continued their attacks here and there. Chimera, in revenge for the blow to his son, leaped straight at the bears face, jagged teeth ripping into the hanging lips and jowls. The ursine squealed, a sound that no bear should make, and began backing up. Its muzzle hung in bloody tatters. It then decided that it had gone through enough. Turning on a dime, the big beast took off through the trees, leaving a thick swath of blood in its wake. The pack of wolves followed it to the edge of the cedars and Chimera stopped his sons with a bark. "Let it go," he growled, his fur bristled, still in battle mode, "It will be a warning for others of its kind to stay away."

Once the sound and sight of the bear was gone, Chimera turned to his boys. "I'm proud of you," he informed them. Moving forward, he gave Revenant a good natured headbutt, a lick between the eyes of Strix and a light punch to the shoulder of Morendo. "You worked well together, you took the heat when one of you was down, and you got back up and kept going." They were learning well and they had good instincts. That was all that Chimera could ask for. "Let's go share the story, shall we?" With a grin, the man led his sons back towards the island.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
06-29-2022, 06:01 PM

The fight went on a bit longer, the four wolves certainly giving the bear a run for its money, but eventually once their father bit the bear across the lips and left them in tatters it decided enough was enough and started to run. Without a second thought he started giving chase to the bear with the rest of the group, driving it all the way out of the territory. It was really the first time that he felt like the fighting training he had been doing was actually worth something and felt the thrill of the fight that some of the others must have already felt since they seemed to like the training they had done far more than he had. To his surprise their father stopped them at the edge of the woods, letting the bloodied bear run off instead. He was panting as he looked in confusion between the bear running off into the distance and their father, but eventually the adrenaline of it all settled and he sighed as he sat back on his haunches. It wasn't exactly what he would want to be doing all the time, but he could see how that could be considered fun. He looked up to his father again—though his height was certainly getting closer to his by the day—when he came over to tell them how proud he was and to give him a little punch to the shoulder. A little smile tugged at his lips, enjoying the moment before they began to go back to the island so they could 'share the story' as their father put it. He could already hear their mother's outraged worry before they even neared the ferry.

"Morendo Klien"



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
06-29-2022, 10:18 PM
The smallest of the newest Klein brood mutilates the paw that hurt Morendo and Revenant, thankfully, keeps Strix from being squished by pulling the bear’s attention away. Three, long, clawed toes are taken off and the boy races away as Morendo and Chimera join back in the fight. Moving to a close by bush, the small boy spits his trinkets out for safe keeping until he can present them to his brother after the fight. Racing back in, the four Klein males get the grizzly to turn and flee, giving chase until it reaches the border of falls. Chimera barks out a stop and Strix’s legs suddenly apply the brakes, kicking up dirt and pebbles. Looking to his father, a huge smile erupts on his face when Chimera says he is proud of the boys.

A lick is placed between his eyes and Strix’s small tail beats the air at a frantic pace. As they turn to leave, the smallest of the group sidles up to Morendo, tapping his brother’s leg and bidding him to bend down. Softly, he whispers, “I got you a present. Maybe we can grab them on the way home?” With that he trots along with the group, eager to show his brother the three clawed toes he got him. Maybe his mom can clean them up and make them into a necklace for Morendo!

"Strix Klein"



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
07-05-2022, 12:17 AM
In a furious flurry of fangs and claws, Revenant savaged the bear to the best of his abilities, the pup gone homicidal in his quest to seek vengeance on the bear that had hurt his brother. While Chimera checked on Morendo, he and Strix kept the predator occupied, Revenant by brute force and Strix with agile irritation. Once Chimera had rushed back into the fight, tearing away at the bear's face with wicked sharp fangs, Revenant backed away to give his sire enough room to go berserk, knowing when to get involved and when to stand aside. After a few more minutes of being eviscerated by the wolves, the bear bellowed in fright and ran off. The Kleins gave chase, pursuing it all the way to the borders of the cedar forest. Revenant followed with singleminded determination, still hellbent on killing the bear that had hurt his brother—but as he went to keep running past the border, Chimera's brusque order to let it go stopped him dead in his tracks. Narrowed multi-toned eyes watched the bear flee, snarling after it all the while. A part of him felt compelled to run the animal down, to have his bloody revenge, but he didn't dare outright disobey his father.

Left pacing and snarling at the border, Revenant only began to settle down again when the bear was gone from their sight, the usually composed Klein prince regaining some of his impassive cocky countenance as he smoothed down his bristled fur. Chimera addressed the boys then, stating he was proud of them and bringing a crooked smile to Revenant's face as he returned his sire's gentle headbutt. As the family went to return to their island home, Rev followed alongside Morendo, keeping an eye on his brother to make sure he hadn't been injured by the bear. Sure, he may have thought his brother was a bit of a sissy and obnoxious, but that didn't mean he wanted him hurt either. Besides, their mother would give all four males hell if she found out any of them had been harmed, and that was one scolding he really wanted to avoid.
