
wherever you go, the stars have a place

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4 Years
Dire wolf
06-20-2022, 06:17 PM
Torben left the realm of the Valhalla wolves. No particular reason was given other than he was still young. He still held a bit of wanderlust in his soul, no matter how heavy it seemed at times. He decided to go north once more, drawn to the cold and frost. Perhaps he felt he deserved that. No matter. The only star he knew in the sky was Polaris and even then, he knew it by another name entirely. He gazed at the sky above, his red eyes searching the grand expanse. When he had come in on his raft, slipping into this realm... He knew the north star even when he had been disoriented.

He wondered how that pale girl was doing, alone and so young. He hoped nobody had come to harm her if he had the pleasure of meeting her once more.

But she did not greet him this time. Only the stars.

He realized he was lost. Valhalla's scent had gone cold and faint behind the man. He glanced back, realizing he had been walking uninterrupted with his head in the clouds for miles now. It seemed he had recovered his strength, but at what cost? Now that he was alone and off the pack's land, he didn't know how to get back. Above him, the sky still sparkled with stars unfamiliar. Polaris was the only one - a great bear in the clear night sky. Torben calmed himself. If he was to be lost, at least he had the stars for company. Though foreign to him here, he could at least name one. That was something.

"Hello, old friend."

The massive wolf would retrace his steps. He gazed upward once more, finding a bright and distinctive constellation. Unknown to him, it was Orion's Belt, with the brightest speck among them Sirius. Thor, in his land, was the name of this star. Thor's Hammer was the Belt. He began to move, with Orion's Belt to his back, as he lumbered back to the community under the banner of Valhalla. It grew less cold the more he walked, but still sent a shiver up his spine if not careful. He should be back by morning if all went well. He had set out the day prior and had just walked until he couldn't anymore.

If he had been stopped, he quickly moved on. Small conversations aside, Torben had a settler's heart. He'd keep searching until he found somewhere for him. Somewhere he could stand proudly by and go 'there, that is mine'. Valhalla was King Ardyn's dream. It was the only stepping stone he had come to realize right now. Whether the man would remain or not; he didn't know himself. If connections were made... He felt restless and lonely. With barely anyone to speak to, he had left the pack's land and wandered in no particular direction but north.

Realizing he had become lost, Torben was thankful he had some intelligence about the stars in the sky. His legs broke the snow as he more or less trudged on through. He glanced upward, following the end of the Belt until he reached pack land. There, he would be safe. His new home waited for him and he was keen to get to know it. What sort of wolves made up Valhalla, other than what the King said to him? He would have to learn for himself. There was plenty of time, surely, to know their ranks and titles. Strange things, that. He had always been called 'settler' by the wolves in his previous community.

Torben would wonder if there was a name for that here. Everyone seemed to be third or second generation. No one seemed to be, save for a few loners, attached. Were they all like the sky above? Constellations, except for a few specks outside? Maybe one day, the gods would give rise to a new star. Separate from the constellations, yes, but also shining brighter than the others. Like Thor and Thor's Hammer. "I suppose you'd call it something else here," he said quietly to himself, finding the border of Valhalla easily now "perhaps... I can name it." The thought was warm and comforting.

Who named these stars before them? What sort discovered new things, naming them and calling them their own? Torben would be interested in learning more. There was always something to learn. He lumbered forward the scent line and found himself hesitating. It was the middle of the night. The stars were bright and gleaming down at him. He gazed up at them. "Thank ye" he said, trying to make his voice drift to them. He knew they were far, far away. It didn't matter though. He seemed to think they could hear if they wanted. Maybe he was the small and insignificant one now. "for having my back."