



3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2014, 01:10 PM

The armored beast would move across the lands with ease, his amethyst gaze burning all it crossed, and his lengthy tail raised proudly above his massive hips. He was quickly becoming a fearless narcissist, his towering height, winning streak, armored leather, and newly claimed slave fueling his egotistic personality. He had went from a deserted child secluded within a marshy swamp to a ranking beast whom owned a slave and was feared by many. Though he was still owned by Cataleya he was practically unstoppable, and so he would continue burning all that he touched, hoping to leave a nasty scar behind in the lives of many.

Upon reaching the rio grande he aims to make a v line toward the waters edge, his muzzle raising toward the heavens as he summoned his newly claimed wench. He had decided he would be a more active slave owner than Cataleya has been, and intended to fully use his privileges as her owner. He intended to have a lot of fun with the little bitch. An impassioned sensation would bolt through his body as ghastly ideas came to mind, saliva dripping unknowingly from his creased lips. Once reaching the waters edge he would come to a sudden halt, and he would lower his head downward and gulp a few mouthfuls of water while waiting for her to arrive.



3 Years
05-01-2014, 01:34 PM

The ivory paws of the lean female over the strange domain that she was only now beginning to get used to, she had ventured in to these lands out of sheer survival instinct and had yet to leave the domain then again that might be due to discovering a pack and having a little spar with the queen. The day was somewhat nice, cool crisp air that give the atmosphere fresh feeling that the canines enjoyed after all she was a winter wolf and so enjoyed the chilly weather. Lifting her cranium she allowed the aroma of the air around her fill her nasal cavity. The sudden howl soon caught her attention, her auds swirled slightly before she returned a call of her own " coming " she began in to a steady gait though the area, her tail curled slightly and levelled out in line with her spinal cord as she swerved around the obstacles that she came in to contact with.
Arriving at her desired location she stepped out towards the river, considering she wasn't?t in this area before she was full alert, her receivers swirled attentively upon her cranium in the attempt to capture any sound that may be a potential threat towards her, hearing nothing but the peaceful sounds of the birds and the chilly breezes was all she scoped with her acute hearing in addition to this her amber hue?s slowly glided over the open area before they rested upon the large male and so she took a stride forwards.
Closing the gap between herself and the river she was pleased to see that the river wasn't frozen over at least not yet anyway, picking out a spot near the river, she soon lowered herself so her snout touched against the water before her mandible parted to allow her salmon shaded muscle to cup and bring the refreshing water in to her maw before she swallowed, the chilly water send a slight shiver a long her spine as the water hit her abdominal cavity. Once her body was removed from that horrible thirsty feeling she allowed her tongue to slither over her lips to remove the droplets of water that lingered within her fur before she moved to slip her frame in to the steady waters, crossing the waters she stood on the back once more now at the males flank.
" You called Sir?"