
Pot Making!



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-04-2022, 07:52 PM

Cerberus had learned to fight pretty much since the day he was born. Viper had taught him, Moccasin had taught him a lot in his early days too. But honestly he was much more gentle natured most of the time, which is why he was a little excited when the kiln had been made. He asked Aliana to teach him how to make pots and while his large paws may not have been ideal to make them he seemed to manage much easier than his father.

Taking from the clay storage that was kept cool and damp, he moved over into the open area in front of the kiln before he got his paws dirty and started to mold it into shape, dipping his paws into a large dish of water and slowly making the center of the pot. He had a lot of patience for this stuff, and it was pretty relaxing too with the silence. His dogs laying down around the grounds just waiting to assist if needed.




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
07-06-2022, 03:51 PM

Ruse wandered through the island and the compound where she lived with her family, looking and waiting for something interesting to do. As much as she loved going out and exploring she was still a little tired from the trip she had taken with her father a couple days prior so she was actually willing to just stay home and see what fun she could find here for once. Her mother and Aunt Siren were working on something together and she was pretty sure she had seen her father leave with her Aunt Aliana earlier in the day so it wasn’t like she could spend her day with one of them. Most of Aunt Ali’s sons weren’t exactly fun to be around just yet though she hoped that would change eventually as they started to get older too. Who she did end up finding was Cerberus and she was grinned as she trotted toward him to see what he was up to.

"Hey, Cerb,” she said cheerfully as she stepped up from behind him to peek around his side at the clay project he was currently working with. "What are you making? Can I help?” she asked curiously with a little tilt of her head as her two toned eyes lifted up to his, giving him a grin. Getting her paws dirty wasn’t usually her idea of a good time, but she was interested and curious so he had her attention if she was allowed to help.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-07-2022, 07:37 PM

When Ruse popped up from behind him, Cerberus shot her a kind eye with just that bit of surprise and excitement with her being here. His tail wagged slightly before his soft grin rose a little more to her interest in helping him. "Apparently there can't be too many pots." He joked slightly, waving his muddy paw down at the clay he was molding. "You are always welcome to join me." He spoke in turn to anytime Ruse just wanted something to do or someone to hang out with. He felt very attached and protective of his siblings and would feel the same if it had been Albi, Ruse, or any of his younger siblings.

He pointed over to the little chamber with a swinging door that had the bit of clay to work with, "Grab some and I'll show you how it's done." Moccasin brought over a short smoothed stick for Cerberus to get a better angle inside of the pot when he was ready and he waited for Ruse to come back around to join him. "The clay is already damp so just trying to get a general mold into is the first step. Once it starts getting worked and harder to mold you just dip your paws in the water and apply to the clay like this." He scooted the mucky bowl of water in between them before dipping his paw in and pushing at the clay to mold it a little more. He'd use the stick soon to get a little finer inside the pot. "I hope you don't mind getting a little messy." He chuckled out. Either way, he'd be happy to spend this time with his sister.




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
07-11-2022, 10:51 AM

Ruse chuckled softly at her brother's joking comment, but appreciated the invitation to join him. She wasn't someone that liked to be alone so finding someone to occupy her time with was always a good thing. She turned her two-toned gaze toward the clay he pointed out for her to get and she walked over to it, scooping up the wet, thick material with one paw. Already she could feel the sticky dampness of the mud getting caught up in the fur between her toes and she had to keep herself from making a face at the feeling. She was going to have to take a reeeeally good bath after this! Plopping it onto the surface beside Cerberus, she sat down and started listening to his instructions, watching his paws as he worked to get the general idea.

She started to follow suit herself, her smaller paws having a slightly harder time with getting the loose shape of a pot into place, but when she got to the finer details and the sharper angles those were a little easier. She scoffed a little and smirked when he hoped that she didn't mind getting messy, eyeing how the clay had already started to work itself all over her paws and up her ankles. "No, I don't mind at all," she replied sarcastically with a chuckle, glancing over at him with a grin. She knew it would all just wash off when they were done so she didn't feel the need to make a fuss about it, but she couldn't say it was her favorite thing in the whole world.

As she was trying to form the pot, one side of the "walls" of the pot she was making kept trying to slouch down and didn't want to stay up like the rest of the pot. She frowned and fixed it again, but as soon as she moved on to the other side it started to fall again. She huffed with frustration, her brows pulling together as she fixed it yet again. It seemed thinner than the other sides somehow, but she didn't really know how to fix that so she just tried to hold it in place until it started to harden, but she didn't know how long that was even going to take.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-16-2022, 10:12 AM

They continued mostly quietly as they molded their pots which was pretty typical for Cerberus so he didn't mind. He only glanced at his sister as she was struggling to get her pot walls even and after a couple times of her near silent frustration he ended up chuckling to himself. He'd reach to grab one of the tools Moccasin gave him and using his mouth to hold the stick he scraped some of the excess clay off the bottom of his pot before reaching forward to add it to hers. His reach was gentle so she could move her own paw out of the way before he plopped down the clay but they may have touched paws in the process. No thought by him.

Without moving his own pot from in front of him, he used both of his paws to work with Ruse's pot and make it a little more even, showing her how to use the stick tool Moc had given him so she could blend the patch that he had given her.

Once it was all set and he had his own pot in the best shape it could be, he rose to place it into the heat of the kiln to dry, waiting for Ruse so she could do the same. "I bet you're ready to go wash off." He joked lightly, "Come on." And he'd lead her out to one of the fresh waterfalls nearby on the island.




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
07-20-2022, 12:33 PM

Ruse continued to struggle with her pot for a while, refusing to admit that she couldn't make it work in its current form, until Cerberus stepped in and slipped his paw past hers to add more clay to the areas where her pot had gotten too thin. His paw brushed hers and she glanced up at him with a few surprised blinks of her two-toned eyes before she looked back to where he was smoothing the extra clay into place. She wasn't exactly good at asking for help, but she did appreciate it all the same—even if she might not say so. She smiled a little as she continued to work on her pot with Cerberus' help, having to lean closer to him in order to reach certain parts of it and use the tool she was instructed how to use by him. Her side leaned lightly into his, comfortable and happy working with her brother.

When their pots were as pot-like as they could get them, she stood with him and went to place the pots in the kiln, following his lead. She didn't really know what she was doing, but she trusted that Cerberus did so she was simply following what he did. Once the pots were stowed away and drying, she turned her attention up to her larger brother when he mentioned her being ready to wash off. She giggled softly and replied, "I most certainly am." Some of the clay had already started to dry on her fur and was stuck between her toes and it would definitely drive her crazy if she thought about it too much. She nodded as he started to lead her away from their crafting area and instead took her off toward one of the islands many waterfalls on the island so that they could get cleaned up.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-23-2022, 02:10 PM

Cerberus led Ruse nearby to a probably familiar falls area of the island given the fact that they had their entire lives to explore the Forgotten Isle. The clay too had hardened and made his paws feel stiff as they walked over the terrain. He looked over his shoulder as Ruse followed along side him and soon they would have their feet in the water.

Once they were there, Cerberus looked back again at Ruse with a smirk. Maybe she had been expecting what he would do next while it wasn't unlike him. Quickly, his paw swung upwards in the water to splash a small wave at her, still with that smirk as he jumped away as if to get away from her before she could splash him back. He was playful when it came to his siblings. Maybe he still saw her as a young girl and maybe she still felt that way. It seemed that the days he could play with her like this would be numbered. Whether that was because of his own growing responsibilities or the both of them moving into adulthood. Or maybe they could stay like this forever.

He'd gently torment her for a few moments, splashing around and trying to evade her own faux attacks. But soon he would wade back through the water closer to her standing his ground against her if she still went to splash him back. Laying down in the shallow areas of the water or at least shallow for him, he'd reach forward gently for her paw that was now loose of the clay and he'd help wash the rest of the muck from off her light pelt. Happy to play with her, happy to be here with her. Worried just how long he could be this close to her.




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
07-27-2022, 01:49 PM

They had just reached the water at the base of one of the familiar falls on the island and she had only had her paws in the water for a moment before she noticed Cerberus looking at her and was met with a splash of water in her direction. She sputtered a bit and laughed as the wave of water splashed over her face and shot him a playful grin before jumping into the water to return the favor. She loved how playful Cerberus can be and they immediately fell into a splash fight in the fairly shallow water. She vaguely remembered when she was very little practically dragging him out of bed to go exploring with her and she was glad that he had gotten better and they had grown closer since then. She naturally loved all of her siblings in one way or another, but Cerberus had been there since she was born and had made and effort to know her where Scylla and Albion hadn't so he was the one she was closest to out of all of them.

She giggled as they played in the water, splashing each other back and forth for a bit, until he started to move back toward her again. She grinned and give him one last splash of water with a laugh before settling into the water along with him, her tail wagging back and forth and swishing through the water. She was a bit smaller than him so the water rose up her sides farther than it did on him, but it still was shallow enough that her back and neck were above the surface once she was laying down. He reached forward to take her paw and start picking the clay out of her fur for her and she smiled, her flecked and spotted ears flicking back with a bit of shyness at the gesture. She didn't stop him though, happy to have him help and appreciating the attention. "I like when we get to spend time together," she said genuinely, giving him a little grin. She knew he had a lot of responsibilities now that he was the heir and all, but it was fun to just hang out sometimes whenever he got the chance. "Whenever you want to just hang out or go exploring or whatever... I'm happy to."

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"