
Planting Life, Breaking Ground



Expert Healer (120)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

9 Years
07-06-2022, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2022, 02:18 AM by Eramaya. Edited 1 time in total.)
Eramaya of Valhalla

With the slow arrival of Spring ebbing into the lands, the Nomad was getting to work cultivating the ground in preparation to plant the various medicinal plants she’d saved from seeds gathered over hundreds of locations, both in the Boreasian and Austerian continents, and lands beyond over the years of her life and the generations of Nomads that had come before her.

The Elders had gifted her with several of the rarer plants when she’d made the decision to remain with her eldest daughter in Valhalla—both as a parting gift and a mourning present. It was Nomad custom to plant seeds and bulbs of some of the best healing pants to celebrate the lives of those passed on. What better way than to celebrate the life through growing herbs that would help save more lives?

Valhalla’s beta Cairo had made many sets of the bear-claw armed bracers he wore nearly at all times, and Eramaya had borrowed a set that suited her paw-size, slipping her toes into the loops and wiggling them to assure the claws would work as intended, before she turned to the plot of ground outside one of the huts Ardyn had built.

She’d chosen the hut instead of one of the alcoves in the hill-cave – though she would be working there often, she liked the huts better. They reminded her of the yurts and tents of her culture, and she wondered idly as she began raking her paws over the ground, sinking the bear-claws into the soil and sod, if that had been Ardyn’s intention.

It was a relatively large structure, built by a tall wolf, and she had no worry of conking her head on the ceilings or doorway. Broken into three rooms, the largest central chamber held the firepit, with a hole cut into the hide ceiling to allow the smoke to escape. It was just large enough for four average sized wolves to lounge around the fire, or two of Ardyn’s size.

The walls were stacked stone, with the added support of older sapling trunks, peeled and painted with something she hadn’t identified yet that seemed to prevent them from rotting, carefully chosen so they each had a crotch at the top for the roof-beams to set into. The central beam ran from one side of the hut to the other, like rafters she’d seen in old human structures, and the stone walls broke the hut into its three rooms, adding more support to the structure.

To the left was the room she’d taken for her bed. She’d found that the firepit had a tunnel that ran into the sleeping room and underneath it all, providing heating during winter. When she’d asked Ardyn, he’d told her that the tunnel could be blocked off with a slate piece during summer. Ingenious young wolf…

To the right was her storage and workplace. It wasn’t an infirmary by a long shot, just a home. Patients were to be cared for in the Alcoves under the hill, where they were protected by the earth.

She leaned into the work, clawing up sod and tossing aside the clods to knock dirt off of later. Under her breath, she hummed the tune of a lullaby she’d sung to her children many times. Three of them had died with that song soothing their ears, even though it was thick with her own tears.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-24-2022, 02:40 PM
Laoise Adravendi

Finally it was spring and with it always brought the brindle girl a sense of happiness and excitement as it was the time new fresh herbs began to grow once more after the harshness of winter. It was around this time when her store of dried herbs began to become useless, too dry and too brittle to be of use for healing. Lee also enjoyed the hunt for new herbs, the slow, methodical walk and scanning for herbs allowed her time to shut off her ever loud and turbulent thoughts that no one knew she had. And it was in this slow search over the plains, she vaguely realized she was near the huts but did not think too much of it until he heart the scraping of dirt and pebbles and the strong scent of another near by. Lee blinked her deep blue eyes several times as she dragged her mind from the quietness that the search of herbs provided her and looked to find a monochrome female digging in an obvious purposeful way.

Laoise had never seen this female before but Ardyn had mentioned a new member and the scent of Valhalla was clinging to her pelt mixing with the scents of many other unknown places that intrigued her. Lee watched for a bit longer, watching the woman dig skillfully and with a purpose before she decided to approach. As she got closure she heard the woman humming a beautiful tune causing Lee to stop a few strides away, not anted to interrupt the woman's song. It was so very different than the songs that her mother would sing to her but it still something carried the same familiar feeling, the same warmth and love of a parent to their children, that it made Lee smile softly as the grey woman hummed away. And then when the soft lullaby float away into the air, only then did Laoise announce her presence. "Tá do amhrán go hálainn." She said in her birth language before repeating in the common tongue "That was a beautiful song... Im Laoise, or Lee."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think



Expert Healer (120)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

9 Years
08-01-2022, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2022, 04:19 PM by Eramaya. Edited 1 time in total.)
Eramaya of Valhalla

Her eyes lifted from the steady progress she was making in the garden, and she smiled at the young woman, recognizing her from the meeting Ardyn had held. Legacy had described each of the wolves she knew from Valhalla who were healing inclined, and Eramaya could hazard a guess that this was Laoise.

Lee confirmed the suspicion with her introduction, and Eramaya nodded with a widening of her smile as she greeted softly, " Go raibh maith agat. Ba é mo pháistí is fearr leat."

Despite the ache of the memories, her smile remained steady and warm as she added her own introduction in turn, remaining in the Old Tongue, though her Common Tongue was as fluent as any native born to the language.

" Is mise Eramaya na Nomads... de Valhalla anois. Is mór an pléisiúr bualadh leat go díreach faoi dheireadh, a Laoise."

The healer sat up, regarding the tilled soil she’d gotten worked over so far, then smiled at Lee. She knew the young woman was keen on healing, and by her scent, it was her birth season, so it was highly likely the woman would want something to do that would take an edge off that restlessness.

"Tá tús á chur agam le mo ghairdín leighis. Is mothú suimiúil é, ag cur i ghairdín buan. Fásaimid iad de ghnáth i bpotaí is féidir linn a iompar."

Her head cocked, and she added, "Más mian leat cabhrú, cuirim fáilte roimh an gcuideachta. Tá cúpla síolta plandaí annamh agam le cur isteach."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think