
I got all the answers to your questions


04-30-2014, 02:50 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2014, 02:09 PM by Wael.)

Fear. It coursed through his veins like poison, and he whimpered every few minutes, looking over his back. His tail was tucked between his legs, and, as he moved closer to the trees, he dropped to the ground entirely. His light gray ears were pinned back in fear, and the only thing on his leg was the light gray spot. At first, nothing was there. Then it appeared at the edge of his vision. A monster. A demon. It would kill him, and that would be the end of it. Of him. Then, past the fear, a strange determination came, and Wael struggled to his paws.

The wolf blinked rain out of his eyes, and shook his head and tilted it at the trees. It seemed like they could be climbed....Was it worth it? The risk of falling? Apparently, to survive, it was. Wael ran as fast as he could, his paws barely touching the ground. Maybe he should have. The next thing he knew, he was on his side, with his legs and tail touching the ground a little. He had fell. Shaking with fear, Wael got back up and ran, making sure he didn't fall this time. After a while, the trees were in front of him.

Panting heavily, Wael jumped at one tree, sinking his claws into it. Then, he began to walk, stumbling quite a bit. At one point, when the bark was slippery, Wael almost fell. His claws dug into the bark, ripping it away, and he dangled off the edge, until he managed to scramble to the tree he was on. Blue eyes widened as the trees moved up, revealing the sky. Finally, Wael decided to speak one word. Wow..... A crack of a limb would cause him to whip around. He lost his balance, and fell, hpoing he wouldn't get hurt too bad.




4 Years
05-02-2014, 10:08 AM

The scent that danced under her nose was achingly familiar. Serra recognized it immediately, her blue gaze widening just slightly, the only outward sign of a shock that rocked her to her core. Wael. Wael, the scared brother; Wael, the one that she had shielded from a world that he believed would hurt him. She had never dreamed that he would leave their pack behind, and that had been why she had not felt guilty about leaving him. He would have her sister, and her parents, and the rest of their pack to save him from his mind. She had consoled herself by believing that he would be just fine without them, but Serra had never even dreamed that Wael would abandon his pack and end up here, of all places.

The platinum colored wolfess' world had been turned on end with just a scent, and it was nothing like discovering Quelt. She had been expecting Quelt; she had tracked Quelt for seasons. But Wael? Never in her wildest dreams would Serra have expected him. Always hiding in the den, afraid of the sun and what it might bring to light.

Without conscious thought, Serra moved mechanically, her blue eyes scanning the horizon blankly. She felt like something had lied to her. Finding Wael out here was like finding out that the sky was actually green and the grass was blue. And yet Serra did not even dream of turning away from this path. She would find him, of course, bring him to Quelt if he desired, or just stay with him for a while. Of course she would. He was family and Serra always looked out for family, even when that family was scared of things that she could not see or comprehend. It was just what her parents had taught her.

When her paw slammed down on a twig, making it crack like gunfire, Serra's muscles tensed, panic coursing through her limbs for a short second until she realized what it had been. It's just a twig, Serra... She thought irritably, and it was only then that she realized how close she had come to Wael. The realization came as he plummeted towards the earth, falling from the branches of a tree. She didn't stop to question what he had been doing in the tree, and instead flung herself forward, leaping into action "WAEL!" Panic forced her to race towards him, pushing her legs as quickly as they could until she had reached his side. "Wael, are you alright?" Slightly more under control now (she could not scare him), Serra forced herself to speak gently, with none of the panic or fear that was making her heart pound in her chest. Adrenaline surged in her system, but Serra remained still, her anxious blue gaze tracing his form, seeking any injuries, new or old.

Questions danced through her mind, but she could hardly remember them from one second to the next. Her mind was jumping around, jumping all over the place, panic still the dominant emotion in the girl's mind. Would he be okay? Serra was no healer, and had no idea how to find a healer, but if she had to find a healer, where could she go? Maybe Quelt would know. But Serra didn't even properly know where Quelt was and oh gods, what if Wael was seriously injured?



05-02-2014, 10:39 AM


It was a cherished factor in the males life, he was growing used to it until that pesky female Misha to drive him away from his home temporary so he could escape the stench of one so unworthy. Which lead him to the mile-high woods, this landscape with trees that seemed to reach up towards his divine home, it's meaning did not escape him, nor did it elude him. If he could each the top of the trees, he could go back home, he could hold the angels of divine providence between his paws once again, lick away the tears, allow their tender hearts to smother within his grasp. The was what drove him insane.

Snap. What was that he did hear? The male turned is head slowly toward the direction of a twig snapping under the weight of some other creature. Investigation? The male lowers his head to run at the same level as his spine as he stalks through the underbrush. Legs drag, and then vibrantly pump under him as he lurches over a branch and then lands on it's other side, his eyes narrowing as he cuts down his gaze to see further.

"A pup?" His thoughts circled within his mind as he approaches, but then another appears within his view. "Female," his thoughts quickly add on as his tongue makes its way across his lips, gaze flicking between the female and then pup, this could provide entertainment. He watches them interact, her questioning the pup, who decided it would be a good idea to make tree climbing a hobby. "Very interesting."

Imonde didn't know what sort of pack would teach the art of climbing trees...The man twitches his nostrils inhaling their scents and noting that there was no dominate scent that ruled their furs. Perhaps they where like him then? One who did not care for the weakness that a pack brought.

He would then turn his head upwards as the last thought slips away, flicking his ears toward the female and the pup as the regards the broken branch in the tree. "You are in-jured?"



05-03-2014, 11:15 AM
{Wael's an adult. And also, he's not that badly injured. Just a few scratches.}

The young adult was not aware of much, except for the pain in his new scratches, and a familiar face standing over him, asking if he was alright. For just a moment, he had thought it was the black wolf, coming to kill him, and his lips had jerked upwards in a snarl for just a moment, before he struggled to speak, staring at his sister."S-Serra....." His voice, although soft, was cracking with the pain he felt, and when Serra asked him if he was alright, he could only manage to lift his head and shake it once. The pain was making him sick, and, as he smelt the air, he realized that it was the sickly sweet scent of blood that was bothering him, too. Wael shook with a silent fear, before staring up at his sister, helplessly, the same way he had as a pup, so many times. No! He shook his head, shaking away the memories, or trying to, but instead a small gray pup on his side stared up at Serra with wide eyes, and Wael closed his blue eyes for a minute, reliving it for just a moment.

Wael was afraid now, of the sun, and, out of the corner of his blue eyes, he saw the black wolf, getting ready to lunge at Serra, it's claws out and it's mouth open. The male jumped up, almost falling, and jumped in front of his sister, falling down like he was fighting with an invisible wolf, which he thought that he was, in a way. It's jaws snapped at him, it's red eyes glowing as the pain in his shoulders made him drop his paws. Like always, the wolf lunged, and was gone, running at the sight of a new wolf, before a voice scared him and made him look up. For a minute, Wael narrowed his eyes at the wolf, stating the obvious about him. Then he flinched away, the crazy wolf's mind making sure that he was convinced that this was the demon wolf.

Shaking his head, blood matting his fur, Wael struggled to his paws and crawled behind his sister, his tail between his legs as he waited for her to comfort him. He looked over his shoulder, one side of his black mask matted with blood and one eye swelled shut. He stared at his sister, then leaned closer and whimpered in her ear, the things he usually talked about; the demon wolf possessing another wolf. Serra. I don't trust this wolf. He's the demon wolf, I know it.....I know he is. Don't trust him, please. Please, Serra. Please. Wael shivered, and then looked back at the snapped tree limb. Slowly, Wael slunk around his sister. His black paw almost gave out, but he dragged himself to the limb and sniffed it carefully, drawing his head back in surprise. Yes, there was Serra's scent, of course, but something else beyond it...

The only thought was the name of his brother, who had left the pack first, and Wael turned around and stared at his sister. Then, his mind began to race, as the wolf regained his sanity for just a moment, until he heard what no other wolf could; the crack of limbs beneath something's paw. The hallucination he always had was back, and it would make a fool out of him in front of his sister. Then, realizing what he had said about the other wolf, he glanced at pale wolf, and narrowed his blue eyes, glaring into it's gray eyes, before turning back to the hallucination. It was lunging at his sister again, but this time, the hallucination wouldn't get that far; with a snarl, Wael launched himself at it, running as fast as he could with his injuries.
