
It's going to kill you slowly



7 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 07:05 PM

Recently Quelt had been doing a lot of thinking, and maybe that was bad for him. He hadn't been around as much as he'd like, been too distracted by his sister. By everything in fact, he sighed. Well in that hopes he'd get things together when he felt the confidence he wanted to try and claim a pack. A home, someplace where he wasn't as much of a ghost as he was now. He definitely felt like he was fluttering in the wind. His conversations were held short, and he mostly never saw the wolves he conversed with ever again from one short meeting.
Erani and Vahva had been an exception though, and Serra was his sister so he couldn't do much about that. Perhaps being alone was best for him before his big outbreak. No dragging anyone down if the pack members of the pack he challenged for were pissed at him. That was a high chance as his paws carried him to the oasis. The huge man lowered his snout to drink some of the water, giving a soft sigh to himself.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


05-02-2014, 11:03 AM

They had taken to wandering together, curing Altavro of any loneliness that might have been building. Now that he had Albatross, Altavro no longer felt a lurking desire to seek out a pack and join one. No, for perhaps the first time in his life, Altavro was entirely content with the life that he led. The female that he had met on the beach had so suddenly become one of his closest companions and to be honest, he wouldn't have had any other way. She made every moment in her company worth it, and Altavro was determined to make up for abandoning her as he had, even if Albatross herself did not blame him for it.

It was only when the scent of another reached Altavro's nose that he really realized that they had all but stumbled across the other. His blue gaze settled upon an interestingly patterned gray wolf (not that he really had room to talk about 'interesting patterns'), and Altavro inclined his head in the direction of the larger male. Oops, he thought to himself, ears twitching. He would have offered Albatross the chance of heading somewhere else if he'd noticed that there was another wolf just up ahead. But he hadn't noticed and the chance had escaped him, and Altavro figured he might as well say something, seeing as it would have been pretty hard for the other wolf to miss the presence of Albatross and himself. "Hello there," Altavro greeted the grayish wolf, casting a glance in Albatross' direction.

Though his greeting was polite enough, most of his attention was focused on Albatross and Altavro didn't bother trying to hide it. He cared a lot more about Albatross than he did some random stranger and Altavro wasn't particularly worried about what the stranger thought about him. Altavro mostly just wanted to keep an eye on Albatross - if she wasn't enjoying this, Altavro would be on his way quick as a blink.



05-04-2014, 09:14 PM

The soft light of the autumn day would find the girl with high and prancing steps as she easily kept pace to the boy beside her. This feeling of freedom and peace that had recently been bestowed upon her was a far cry for the torments that had littered her past, and she had fully expected for them to have done so in her future. Her guardian, her friend and her protector walked beside her now, with steps far more measured and sane to her high prancing dance beside him. You would think she a pup and he a dad out on a first adventure by the light in her shinning orbs and her excited head bobs as she took in the world. Except of course for the fact that she was clearly full grown, and the closest resemblance between them would have been in his white paws to her white coat.

She herself didn't notice the wolf that was before them, not until Altavro spoke and she was torn from her daydreams and excitement. Tongue would loll joyfully between her fangs as she swivelled her head first to her Altavro, then to the stranger he spoke to. She giggled at the boy, her high spirits soaring far to openly for her to contain. ?Yes, hello There? She agreed with Altavro, nodding her head to the wolf her boy had dubbed 'There' ?This is my Avro, and I am his Albatross!? she exclaimed, looking to Avro to see his warm gaze upon her. She swooned a little beneath his gaze, quite literally swaying upon her paws as she caught and held his gaze. There was a power in his eyes that she needed, that grounded her and reminded her of the sanity she once held and that a semblance of had returned to her since Avro had saved her.
