
Helloooo world (Lokimar puppy thread)

Loki 1


6 Years
04-29-2014, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 06:31 PM by Loki 1.)

Did you expect any differently?
Loki trotted swiftly through the plains, skirting Valhalla territory on his way to the den on the edge of the territory where Imena was taking care of his pups. Not truly part of Valhalla, they stayed somewhat apart, only nominally enjoying the benefits of pack life. Some of the benefits, and all the drawbacks, Loki thought snidely to himself, though he'd not voice that out loud. Not now; not while the pups still depended on Valhalla for their existence. Particularly Aksel, the male, who had been sick and completely unresponsive for some time. The healers had been unable to help him. Though they assured him he was not going to die, Loki had been frantic. He'd been spending every waking at their den, rushing over at the slightest possibility of sound or movement from the sick child. He'd left only to hunt for himself and Imena - though she was also supplied by the pack, he felt it was the smart thing to do, to curry her favor and also to keep her strength up so she'd produce more milk for his beloved children. He had a pheasant dangling from his jaws currently, a gift for the healer. And, despite the gloom and worry that had settled on him, there was a spring in his step. Because he, Loki, had decided that today he'd be bringing his children out to explore the world. Though his mood was dampened that Aksel would be unable to join his sisters, if they were anything like their father the girls were probably less than thrilled that they'd been cooped up in the den.

Bounding up to the den he dropped the pheasant just outside, then crouched in the grass. "Where's my giiiirls," he crowed. "Come out, come out, wherever you are. Come out and explorrrre." He couldn't help but hope Aksel would hear and wake up as well... But he couldn't let Aksel's sickness ruin his girl's childhoods. No doubt he'd fuck that up himself at a later date.

It's in my nature


04-29-2014, 07:06 PM

The crooning sound of her father's voice was what stirred Helena from her slumber. She recognized the sound, of course - which of her siblings wouldn't recognize their father? Perhaps Aksel, and Hel was distantly worried about her slumbering, ill brother. But only a little, as her small mind could not even begin to wrap itself around the concepts of mortality. And even if she had been able to, she wouldn't have tried, not with her father right outside their den.

Hel was one of the first pups to leap onto her paws when Loki called out, "C'mon, c'mon, less goooooo!" Hel yipped out, her voice high and reedy as she leaped over her siblings and raced towards the fourth wall of their den. This wall was the most mysterious of walls; it was made of light, rather than darkness, and the older wolves could pass through it. She'd tried that same with the other walls a few times, but it had never worked for her. But Hel was confident that now it would. Now that her father was out there, she would be able to reach him!

Moving as fast as she could (which admittedly wasn't too quickly), Hel bolted towards her father, coming to a stop only when she had nearly collided with his front paws. "Daddeh!"




04-29-2014, 07:16 PM

Orochi had been having fun prancing about, it looked odd for a giant puppy to be playing with loose leaves and the such. He looked nearly like a small yearling, yet he was still two seasons off maybe a little less from being a year old. Probably due to him going to grow to his mothers size. As he hoped along the lands though he saw something, saw a beauty even more. A pup with her father, and their coats both fabulously shining in the sunlight it nearly sent shivers down his spine. Happily he trotted over with feminine like swings as he stopped a few feet away and went into a play bow.
"Hi! Do you want to play?!" he exclaimed to the other pup his black tail flicking back and forth. Of course the rogue was not part of Valhalla but he was allowed here because of his god mother and also used to being here. His paws outstretched, he was a lot bigger than Helena but he would be gentle. After all, he couldn't ruin that beautiful fur of hers. His silver eyes shined with fascination.




3 Years
04-29-2014, 08:52 PM

Sleep was something the girl seemed to relish, even at an age where it was common to sleep a little longer than most. The petite babe would haul herself to her oversized paws with an immense yawn, blinking sleep from her toxic green eyes as she did. Her small frame quivered as she stretched, a small noise arising in her throat as she did. She did want to explore, see what everything was like in this strange place they called home now. Shaking out her fluffy black, patchwork coat, the lass gave a happy wag of her tri toned tail and started for the mouth of the den. Her comically large paws of varying colours thumped against the ground with each step, though she was getting better at not tripping over herself as much. As she passed Aksel, she stooped to nibble on his ear, trying to coax him into waking. He was even lazier than she was, he hadn't gotten up and played with them since they'd gotten here.
Abandoning the lost cause of trying to get him out of the den, Acadia toddled across the den and peered out into the sunlight. Her acid toned eyes blinked rapidly as they adjusted to the sudden brightness, and she stopped short for a few moments. Simply staring at everything outside, how brilliantly green everything was. Her father looked different in this bright light, his fur shone now and his eyes glinted. Hel looked different too, like a living sculpture of silver as the sunlight caught her mercury coat. What did she look like? The little girl wasn't exactly familiar with the array of colours that covered her. She hadn't the faintest clue that she looked like someone had stitched her together from spare parts. One rust red leg, a white ear, ashen ruff, two different colours at the tip of her tail. She was a walking display of her heritage, not that she minded at this point in time.
Smiling up broadly at her daddy, she trotted over to him and gazed up at him with happy green eyes. Her double dipped plume wagged so hard her rear practically shook with the force. "Pretty colours!" She yipped, the vision of joy as she licked at her father's muzzle. She didn't really understand why he wasn't home all the time, or why he was always rushing to Aksel's side. If she thought more into it, she would probably worry about favouritism. Then again, Aksel was the only boy. Without caring what was going on, she put her paws up on her father's much bigger shoulder and scrabbled with all her might to clamber onto him.
"I'm queen of the castle!" She barked when she was sprawled across his upper back, grinning all the while and happy as anything. Then she caught sight of someone she didn't recognize. He was big, but he didn't look like the other big wolves she knew. Almost everyone had dark fur, but the boy had pristine alabaster cloaking him. Acadia paused in her mirth to stare, awestruck by the strange new sight. He was pale, and his eyes were like liquid mercury. Logic dictated she be frightened of the stranger, but fear didn't quite make it into her brain all the time. Instead of calling out, she remained gawking for moments longer before returning to her royal business.
That being, chewing on dad's ears.
Flopping all about, she managed to turn herself around and provide perfect opportunity for her master plan. Little jaws stretching wide, her sharp little puppy teeth aimed for his tall audits, she lunged. This would be fun!




2 Years
04-30-2014, 09:42 AM

The dark princess was stirred from her slumber by the sounds of paws crashing across the den. Her verdant eyes flashed open, seeking to glare at the one responsible. Instead her eyes moved to the mouth of the den as her father's voice was heard. He called to his daughters, enticing them to come explore. Everest felt her heart quicken with excitement, though her careful expression of contempt remained. She grunted a bit and lifted her lithe body from the ground, shaking her stormy pelt clean in the process. She growled feebly as Helena hurried past, nearly knocking her off balance. "Slow dowwnn!" She scolded, stumbling off after her enthusiastic sister.

Everest pushed her little legs as fast as they could go. She had a lingering memory of not being the first pup born - a memory that she detested. Surely she would not miss this chance. She would be the first to see the world outside their den. With a determined grumble, the dark pup sprinted shakily past her siblings, bursting into the light before the rest. At this point, she paused to take in the sights and sounds around her. The wind caused the colorful trees to rustle. The crisp autumn sky was a startling shade of blue. Their father stood before them, crouched playfully in the dying grass. The princess felt her mind overwhelmed by these fantastic sensations, the sheer beauty of it all enough to make her gasp. She even broke her stoic mask for a moment to smile as Acadia yipped out a remark about the beautiful colors. Everest nodded in agreement and watched as her sisters climbed all over their father. How childish, she scoffed inwardly, contenting herself a foot or two away. The small female settled her fuzzy rump on the ground and simply observed, rolling her eyes at the immaturity that was being displayed here.

Still, she had to admit, it did look fun. Perhaps she would join them, just to give it a try...

Loki 1


6 Years
05-02-2014, 06:34 AM

Did you expect any differently?
There was an immediate reaction to his words, as pups boiled out of the den excitedly. Acadia and Everest both paused just outside the den, apparently in awe, but Hel nearly collided with him, and Loki reached out a forepaw to try to roll her playfully. "There's my girls! Now come here so I can eat you up," he mock-growled, but an unfamiliar voice and scent reached him almost simultaneously, and Loki stiffened. His whole demeanor changed in a moment, from childishly playful to coldly protective as he pivoted to put himself between the stranger and the den. A rogue, but a young one. His scent was of a wolf not yet sexually mature and, judging by the puppy ungainliness of his body, still growing. Probably not a threat, but any of those assumptions could be completely off the mark. Loki would not risk danger to his pups. "Who are you?" he snapped coldly, though he tried to keep it toned down to avoid scaring the girls.

But before he could come up from his crouch in a more aggressive manner, his face was suddenly being attacked with licks. Acadia had apparently gotten over her awe enough to come up on him while he was distracted. Loki softened again, momentarily forgetting the rogue pup as his eyes half closed in happiness. He licked her in return, his much-larger tongue swiping her from her forehead down her gray scruff. She scrabbled at his shoulder, and he lowered himself obligingly for her to climb him like a rock until she was sprawled over him squeaking triumphantly. Everest, he noticed, had seated herself haughtily some distance from them - well that would simply not do! Loki eeled forward, taking care not to jostle his rider, until one hooked paw darted out in an attempt to scoop Everest up and towards his face so he could stick his muzzle into her fur and make "nom nom nom" sounds like he was eating her.

The sudden sharp poke of puppy teeth in his ear made Loki yip in surprise and he collapsed in the grass dramatically. "Raaaaaargh," he roared, one paw at his brow as though he were swooning. "The monster has been vanquished. The world... going dark. Ah, ergh, blaghargh." With those final gurgling noises, the big black wolf collapsed in the grass, acid-green eyes nearly shut and tongue hanging out as though dead.

It's in my nature


05-02-2014, 11:21 AM

Tail wagging at the appearance of her other two sisters, Hel greeted them with a happy yip, though she turned her attention back to her father as his paw reached out towards her. Hel gazed balefully at the paw, waiting until it had almost reached her to try and leap at it, pouncing towards it, only to end up rolling onto her stomach as her father moved. "No eat!" She scolded her father sharply, tail wagging even as she spoke to show that she wasn't (very) serious. Though Hel really would prefer to not get eaten. She liked being alive!

Looking joyous, Hel was not even vaguely perturbed by the appearance of the stranger, though her father seemed rather worried. He looked interesting! But unlike her siblings, who watched the other silently (or ignored him, depending on which sister it was), Hel wagged her tail, a greeting escaping her even as Loki growled at him. "Hi!" Hel's voice was bright and happy, and even as she playfully leaped at Loki's paws she eyed the stranger. She did want to play! But she wasn't sure if her daddy would be okay with that, and Hel didn't want to make her daddy mad.

Watching as her father fell, Hel crouched down, small dark gray tail waving exuberantly as she lay in wait, leaping forward and launching herself at him as he hit the ground. "Come pway!" Hel called demandingly towards the older pup, before turning her full attention towards climbing up the mountain slope that was her father's back. Acadia wasn't going to have all the fun!




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-02-2014, 01:56 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani had deviated from her usual patrol path today, feeling the need to see how the border colony that was building on the outside edges of Valhalla was faring. Loki, brother to Baldur and Thor, had recently joined this colony with five small, un-weaned pups. How could she turn away a desperate father and five helpless beings? So she had set Imena with the duty of mothering them, starting the Theta Primary?s milk flowing with a fixed dosage of special herbs. All was well enough in the pack. Battle Training would begin in the next few days, and Erani had Surreal?s training to think over. She knew there was more than what she herself had learned from Amoren, the alpha of her birth pack, and her uncle through her aunt Adania, Aobhinne?s sister. Her own training would have continued for over two years, but Amoren had been killed. As had the rest of Redwood, save for one very lucky brother of hers. Cormalin.

Voices up ahead brought her thoughts to earth; Loki?s adult male voice, the piping voices of the girls, and Orochi?s unmistakable voice and cadence. A smile flitted across the snowy Alpha Primary?s face. Orochi was an interesting personality. He swooned over clean fur and interesting coat patterns, and moved with a decidedly feminine sway to the hips. The boy loved to be in the spotlight, and had an almost comical way of speaking and forming his words. He was likeably bubbly, whereas his brother, Laufey was the opposite in behaviorisms. Oh Laufey was a sweet boy as well, but he could care less about being clean at all hours, and watching him eat was something else. He had the appetite of a horse, no offence to Obsidian and her kind.

Erani came into the scene, just as Loki ?died?, and settled back onto her haunches, watching with a small grin on her features. It was interesting how parenthood changed some wolves.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



05-04-2014, 01:09 PM

Caring for pups again was like a dream come true. They might not have been her's by blood but one would never know with the tender care and love she gave the little litter. Though she did briefly worry about how Cael would feel about it but concluded he would understand. He had yet to visit her but that was ok. These pups were making her tired. Not tat she minded though but she swore she slept as much as they did. Aksel had much of her attention though, having him sleep right next to her at all time to keep an eye on him. Though she decided he would live and be ok, she could not help the worry she had for him.

Sound asleep they all were, Imena's body wrapped around the pups protectively. A voice from outside the den had her ears twitched and sky blue eyes slowly opened. The girls were far quicker than her to respond to the voice of their father as they scrambled and raced out. Alarm shot through her, head snapping up. She was about to rush after them till she realized Aksel was still sleeping next to her. Worry built up in her stomach, not wanting the girls out of her sight but not wanting to leave the boy alone. She whined softly, torn. She knew Loki was out there but her natural protectiveness demanded the pups remain in her sight. Carefully getting up she would nose the little boy gentle.Aksel darling, its time to wake up. The world is out there waiting for you. She said softly before gently picking him out and walking just to the point where she was right outside the mouth of the den. At first she was greeted with the sight of Loki and the girls playing, then Erani off to the side and an older pup, Orochi. Placing Aksel down between her paws in a protective manner, she would sit silently and watch everyone with careful eyes.



2 Years
05-06-2014, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2014, 10:35 PM by Aksel.)

Heavy and locked in a haze he could neither lift nor fight Aksel had found himself drifting deep within his own mind, rarely and barely breaking the surface of consciousness. Unable to comprehend what was happening to him he had little cause to worry or fret. Yet this morning brought him an unfamiliar clarity. He still felt groggy and weak but for once he was able to open his eyes for more than a few minutes and take in the world around him.

He laid there next to his mother just staring at the patterns of light that moved across the floor. A weak whimper slipped from his maw as he tried to get some attention, to let his mom know he was awake and still not feeling the best. He tried to get to his paws but his shaking limbs brought him quickly back to the ground. Fortunately though he wouldn't have to walk far as Imena bent down to pick him up and carry him to the lip of the den so he could at least look out. Wide emerald and sapphire eyes blinked as he took in the awe of the world that rested outside. His sisters were tackling dad and there were a few strange wolves he didn't know.

Aksel wiggled a bit towards Loki, anxious to join in the fun but his limbs just would not hold him yet and so he flopped on the grass not a foot from the den entrance, face pulled in a pout. Why couldn't he go and play too? What was wrong with him?

Talk, Think



05-07-2014, 03:26 PM

Orochi just wanted to play, but then when he heard the strict voice of the man he recoiled tail tucked and ears pinned with a flinch. Why, what did he do? It wasn't like he was in any position to hurt his children. The boy didn't even have a father so this, was interesting to him. His gray eyes widened as he watched the little pups play, you could play like that? A slight wag of his tail started when one of the girls told him to come join them, as much as he wanted he felt nervous about being snapped at again. That was when he noticed the small boy at the entrance of the den. His coat, was different than the others, his eyes two different colors and it sent shivers down Orochi's spine for a few moments it looked like he was having trouble getting up to play.
The huge pup would try to sneak over to Aksel near the den as the others, Erani, and Imena would arrive. He would sit his body in front of Aksel facing forward towards him as he offered a goofy smile and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Hi, my name's Orochi, what's yours?" he asked. Maybe this boy needed a friend, and Orochi would gladly be that friend if it was needed.




2 Years
05-13-2014, 05:01 PM

More wolves appeared, coming to watch the little spectacle. Everest rolled her verdant eyes once more and looked away with a little huff. She tried to tune out the squealing voices of her sisters, only interested in the figures that now emerged from the den. Their mother carried out Aksel, who seemed more animated than usual. Even then, his attempts at movement were pitiful, and the dark princess felt the need to avert her eyes once more.

It was then that her father became distracted with the large white pup that lingered a good distance away. He seemed defensive, his voice reaching a harsh tone before he once more focused his attention on the pups. Typical. Such a short attention span. Then a large black paw swept in her direction. She let out a yelp and reared up, but it was too late. Her father yanked her small body toward him and pressed his muzzle into her personal space, making obnoxious munching noises. Everest couldn't help but laugh sweetly as she was tickled, genuinely enjoyed the brief moment of play. She lashed out two front paws and shoved at the beast, that laugh still echoing from her throat. "No, Daddy, no!" she cried out dramatically. Her sister joined in on the sudden burst of fun, scolding their father for eating his children. Everest laughed once more at the thought and allowed her maw to twist into a malicious grin as the monster was finally vanquished.

Their father collapsed and put a paw to his brow, swooning and letting out a series of choking sounds. Everest then bounded away to watch the finale, her stubby tail flipping with anticipation. Already the child enjoyed the cries of defeat. She continued to grin, those acidic eyes shining brightly in the sun.

Walk. "Talk." Think.

Loki 1


6 Years
05-19-2014, 07:52 AM

The "dead" wolf sat up suddenly, green eyes popping open and ears coming forward warily as he suddenly came back to his feet, gently dumping Acadia and Helena off into the grass as he did so. He gave an absent lick of apology swiping over Acadia's forehead, pressed his muzzle against Hel, and stalked forward stiff-legged toward the den. His silky black tail twitched behind him in the manner of an angry feline. His eyes drifted over Erani, then Imena - not quite unseeing but less than caring. They stopped with wary precision on the large young male approaching his young son. The diamond sharp green eyes flickered to Aksel as he stalked forward, and his whole demeanor changed to one of relief. Finally, after so long being completely unresponsive, Aksel had woken up.

Stopping before Imena and giving her a characteristically cheeky grin, Loki nudged the large stranger away and swooped down to the squirming bundle of pup at her feet. "Aksel," he said, his voice soft and coaxing, "do you want to come play with your sisters? We've all missed you." He pressed his nose into Aksel's side, inhaling his scent in relief before gently plucking him up - not bothering to ask Imena's permission, since he was their father - and trotting back to the other pups. Setting him down there where Aksel could be somewhat more a part of the action, he flopped himself down. "Where were we?" he asked the girls, his mouth quirked in a sly grin as he reached out to ruffle Hel's fur with his paw.

As he did his eyes flashed back to the stranger pup. Loki was suspicious - how could he not be, with a stranger around his children - but Erani had shown no hostility toward the boy and Imena had not reacted either, so it seemed he was not unknown to them. He could almost, almost feel sorry for the boy with the way he'd looked so crushed when Loki had snarled at him. Almost. Still with one eye warily on the boy Loki settled himself, ready for the next wave of pup attacks.




2 Years
05-23-2014, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 09:05 PM by Aksel.)

Wriggling with as much determination as he could muster the pup froze to a sudden stop as a larger white pup bounded up to him. Fur on end a hissing screech slipped past the pups lips as he shuffled rapidly backwards, a warning growl slipping from his throat. "Stay back!" Mismatched eyes watch the other warily as he introduced himself. Little nose sniffed at the larger male, ears flicking forward.

Suddenly his father was there. "Daddy!" He chirpped, little tail wagging. "Yes, I wanna play too!" Focusing, he bunched his legs beneath him then slowly, slowly got to his feet, the limbs shaking but managing to support him. Aksel was gently picked up in his fathers jaws and carried over to his sisters, his tail never stopped wagging.

As soon as he was set down Aksel started wiggling toward Helena. "Look out I'm a poisonous snake. Hssssssss"

Talk, Think



05-24-2014, 12:35 AM

Orochi was ready to play within a moments notice, but as soon as he was growled at his ears came to rest on his head and his tail would tuck. Only to be then thrown to the side like a rag doll buy the boys father. He was suddenly feeling outcasted, he withdrew himself by a few feet. Seeing as everyone was too distracted by their own fun while he was left out. The large pup whimpered staying on the side lines as he crouched down onto his stomach. Small tears leaving his eyes. They were so lucky, so lucky they had an actual family who loved them. His mother had run off, and he was all alone. All he had wanted to do was play.
Tilting his head away so that he didn't have to watch them, he still let his ears perk slightly so that he could hear them. It was a fantasy all to real to him, as he sniffled pressing his paws against his snout. Aksel was pretty too, but he had been rejected so he wasn't welcome here. No wonder his mother had run out, he must have just not been pretty enough.




05-24-2014, 08:45 PM

She laid there comfortably with Aksel between her paws, happily watching the other girls play with Loki. But a frown would crease at the corners of her lips as she watched the older pup and Loki's hostility towards him. But when he came to ask Aksel to play she could not help her muscles from tensing up. She could not help the over protective surge that suddenly boiled in her veins. She would have felt that way over any of the pups but Aksel warranted a higher level of defensiveness. Fortunately Loki would step in, shoving the white pup aside and taking Aksel to his sisters. Jaws opened in the beginning of a protest but snapped shut as she saw how happy he was. For now she would let it be, she wouldn't ruin this day for him.

A crying to her side made her sky blue eyes pull away from Loki and the pups. She had nearly forgotten him when Aksel was taking away to go play. She eyed the white pup for a moment before getting to her paws and walking over."Come now don't be upset. You must understand, sometimes parents are very protective of their children. She said softly with a gently nudge on his shoulder with her nose. With a smile she lowered her front half in a play bow, tail wagging as she grinned at him.
