
coming in hot and dropping like a rock



3 Years
04-29-2014, 05:09 PM

The little pup was just toddling out of the den for the first time, toxic green pools flooded with the sights of the world. What to most might seem to be a bland landscape of dying grasses and dried up plants, was a strange new world of bizarre creatures. Her oversized paws thudded against the terra as she moved, gradually wandering from the den as she took it all in. Her tri pigmented banner wagged wildly at her hocks as she stumbled along. Coming to her by surprise, she tripped over her own paws and crashed onto the ground. Acidic optics flew open wide with surprise as she was met with the hard earth, breath leaving her little chest in a whoosh. Blinking a few times, it took very little time for the girl to regain her footing. Setting off once more, she watched the ground go by a little more carefully.
Soon, the scenery changed. Barren dirt stretched out on all sides, and as she laid a tentative, oversized paw upon the strange looking ground, she was surprised. It gave a loud squelch beneath her foot, sucking it downwards ever so slightly, and her dual toned audits flickered as her tiara tilted in curiosity. Her other forepaw touched down upon it, and then she was toppling forwards. Splat! She was face first in the mud, her front half dirty and mucky now. With a small giggle, the girl pushed off of the edge with her short hind legs and went sliding through the muddy lake bed. Closing her eyes against the onslaught of mud flying up from her forepaws, she couldn't help but grin widely. This was so much fun!
Skidding to a stop in the middle of the lake, she heaved herself to her dirty, sopping feet and laughed as she shook it all free of her patchwork coat. It flew everywhere imaginable, and for a moment she stood there, the ebony coated lass mainly clean now, and flopped back down in the thick mud. Sprawled out on her belly, she stared out at the horizon. A long sigh shuddered through her small flanks, and she waited for something to happen. With a grey, monotonous sky above, she had no option to watch the clouds go by. Yawning, she reveled in the newfound freedom of being out of the den, while feeling a wee bit tired from the long walk.
