
Come meet the plague


04-29-2014, 02:36 PM

The shape would come to rest against a broken stump, body pulling onto it as she pulled her head to look around the area. It was funny about what she had been thinking as of late, how she ended up in such a disgusting situation with wolves she hated. However her misery was something she was far used to, and was used to tolerating it no matter who she was at the presenting time. As her identity formed from those who were around her, right now she was a dignified wolf waiting to become a warrior from an invitation from one of the other members already. However the daughter of the plague, didn't know where this life would lead. Who knew if someone would save her, there were fools like that here. Fools who would not understand her curse.
Her sea-green eyes would give a blink, it was only the gods who could forsake her as they had done. Her apparent father of the plague too, the wolves around her, had taught her to simply obey. Obey the authority, never go against, because you are a burden even among yourself. Ragna hoped no one else felt or was treated the way she was, after all the world was better off without her. And if she was not so afraid of death as she was, or so indulged in life, she would have long since jumped off a bridge. Now the only choice was to pass the time among these pack wolves.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2014, 06:20 AM

A stranger at his border's was not something Basilisk Saxe would dare ignore. Carefully he would pace along the borders, marking his scent more strongly, searching for scents that were out of place. As something foreign to him became known, his posture would stiffen and he would change his direction.

Over the last two weeks, Basilisk had grown strong once again. He had eaten more than his fill, and his chest had grown wide and strong again. There were no ribs protruding beneath his dark pelt -- he was the embodiment of strength and brutality as he slunk forward, his eyes narrowed and his tail curled above his back.

A woman with a pale pelt lay slumped over a fallen tree. He could not immediately tell if she was a threat, but she didn't initially come across as one. A huff left his lips as he drew near to her, his eyes watching her intently. "Who are you, and why are you here?" Words were cold and yet not entirely cruel.


05-01-2014, 04:42 PM

A stranger? Of course she was one right now, but ever since acceptance that was something she debated. Ragna's tail flicked, she nearly jumped when approached like she normally would. After all she was relaxing on a tree stump happily for the night since she started living here. Now it was being interrupted by a higher up, she would normally go straight into submission mode but now her persona was something a bit stronger yet still respectful. Her body would come to rise, and sit up as her sea-green eyes of the plague came to rest on the monarch. Obviously similar to Cat as she had observed.
Ragna's head would dip in a respectful greeting towards him. "Ragna, I recently joined under acceptance of cat and invitation of Daegmar." she explained in a clear smooth tone. She seemed nearly unresponsive as well. Obviously, her eyes showed nearly no emotion. Because her burden was the greatest but she wouldn't let that show. Her tail curled around his waist, she was a hunter training to be a warrior. What more was there to explain in her miserable life.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
05-05-2014, 05:26 AM

This interaction only proved he had to be more involved in the pack. Had to know everyone -- to know their strengths and their weaknesses, to know them better than some even knew themselves. The man's nose wrinkled, a visible look of disdain crossing his features and his mind began to turn. Basilisk watched as the woman turned to stand, her posture strangely neutral. He had once been so passive, but now he made an effort to stand tall; his shoulders were hunched forward slightly, his tail held high and curled fiercely over his back.

A sneer lingered on his lip as he eyed her. Why had she been chosen to join the Arcanium pack? "Ragna," he tasted her name slowly. It was a strong name, pleasing to the tongue and without interruption. "Interesting. What about this place intriuged you?" He wanted to know what was appealing about the pack -- what drew wolves here and what might keep them here.