
Zee and Sirius Fatalis FINAL LITTER

Cursed Litter puppies!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-30-2022, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2022, 06:39 PM by Sirius. Edited 4 times in total.)
[Image: lFi1OFq.png]

Zee and Sirius
Our most beloved characters are now having their final litter. We intend to be relaxed and easy with the pups we choose in the end, but this does not reflect on how much this litter means to us. What we are creating with this bloodline is one of the most important things to both of us, and we hope to see this family running amok on the site for many, many years to come.

ACTIVITY - As a general rule we don’t want to reclaim any puppies, we only want to ensure that the pups fall into the right hands. We want the pups to feel like they belong to you rather than to us. With that said, the Fatalis family as a whole is very active and we’d like it to stay that way. I cannot stress how important it is to us that these pups see play and do not become abandoned. This pairing had a high level of interest last go around, and we know there are still players out there who have been auditioning for a Fatalis pup without success. Choosing players is already hard enough, please do not apply if you are not excited about (and feel like you can remain active with) your potential puppy, as that could keep a very wanted puppy out of someone else's hands. We will only look to reclaim a pup if we feel the pup has been abandoned or if you leave the site or vanish without letting us know what's going on, and in that scenario we reserve the right to give an IC reason for your pup being gone.

Because OOCly on Ardent, pup applications are required to have clear guidelines on when a pup will and will not be reclaimed for activity, we are putting down some loose ‘rules’ for clarity. We would like to see every mandatory thread attended (barring exemptions given by Sea and RK for IRL things) while your pup is still young, and hope to see a pup reach somewhere around 50 posts in their first year on-site. If we have to give a number of consecutive months without play (and without warning / discussing it with us) to reclaim, I think it is fair to say we reserve the right after 3 months without posts. This is mostly legal jargon to protect us and our pups should a player vanish off the face of the earth, and RK would like to stress that we will not be picking through pups with a fine tooth comb waiting for the moment we can reclaim, nor will we reclaim without warning. We’re pretty reasonable, just talk to us and let us know if you’re going to be going through a slow period, we all have ‘em.

ALIGNMENT - So far the Fatalis family is fairly spread out around the alignments, and while any alignment will be accepted, they will not be risking raising an uncontrollable child who may shame the name and it's likely that as soon as any psychopathic/bloodthirsty/overly cruel characteristics began to show, that the pup would be simply put down. It's for that reason that we won't be accepting a pup who falls really far on the Chaotic Evil alignment. If this sort of thing develops naturally ICly we will understand, but players should be aware that while Zee and Sirius love each and every one of their children, they are not above culling a potential problem.

COLOURS - Blues and browns are common from Zee, and purple from her mother. Sirius himself has muted colors like blacks and silvers, but the tones of his parents are unknown. We are pretty open on what colours can be picked for this litter If you can not afford colors/markings you like, feel free to talk to us. We may hand out some passes

MUTATIONS - As we are rolling a cursed litter pass, there is a possibility of themed mutations or disabilities in this litter. In the scenario that we roll more then one positive mutation we may place them up for grabs. This might be rolled, or decided upon on the apps we like the most. (Purchasing your own mutation will not affect this either way) Mutations are common in this line, but not having them won’t hurt your chances, we know most people can't afford them. For anyone with an inheritance pass, you can choose between cat claws, saber fangs, thicker fur, kudu horns (small) or Zee’s newest halloween-themed mutation, crystalline fur. Outside of that there is a wide variety of mutations within the Fatalis family, we are pretty open about them. Dire height is another thing commonly seen so far in their pups, but feel free to go as big or as small as you’d like.

DISABILITIES - As we are rolling a cursed litter pass, there is the possibility of disabilities in this litter. In the event we roll more than two there is a chance one might be up for grabs, or that we might be forced to ask a player to accept a disability. This is a Halloween themed disability, and there could be some fun to be had with it. Please keep in mind that while OOCly we have nothing against disabilities, ICly your character may (or may not!) get a lot of flak from the family for being visibly disabled. We can’t say for certain, but it’s definitely a possibility. If it will bother you to have family members who may look down on your character as lesser or broken in some way, you may want to apply for a healthy pup over a cursed-disabled one. (This also heavily depends upon the disability in question.)

FAMILY RELATIONS - Sirius and Zee will be integral in the puppy stages of their lives. You can assume they will be there at night, in the morning, and frequently throughout the day, once they are old enough to have periods without their parents there. This is also Zee’s first litter since being kidnapped/enslaved and suffering the trauma surrounding that. She missed a good portion of her second litter’s lives to this event, and not all of her children have forgiven her / are currently on speaking terms with her. It is very likely she will be a bit of a helicopter parent this time around, as well as being exceedingly doting on these children to make up for her being absent from the last litter’s formative year. We are always happy to work things out ooc, if you want to check with us how much or what you want your pup to know about what's going on in the family around them. We want everyone to feel included and a part of any ongoing plots. If you feel your character needs more IC interactions feel free to hit us up. We are both always open to work on character development IC whenever you need.

BORDER ALLOWANCES - We really encourage threads/skill grinding, and we also understand that there are times you would like to write with a character that does not live in the Armada. Because of this, for all of our litters we have permitted our pups to thread outside pack lands under the assumption that they are supervised. This could be supervision from one of the many Fatalis family companions, or PPing that mom or dad agreed to come along and stay in the background (for something like The Battlefield.) Please do not abuse this privilege and make us regret it. It is not realistic to think that they could travel 5 territories away, nor that they could sneak out unnoticed by the many critters belonging to the Fatalis family who patrol. Try to be reasonable with it, Zee and Sirius will not hesitate to restrict the movements of a pup who is crossing Boreas a week after it's playable, but a trip to a neighbouring territory for a skill thread is acceptable. When in doubt, ask! You may power play that one of Zee or Sirius' companions are watching them in your thread, and assume that should anyone try to harm your pup that said companion would be calling for their parents without hesitation. The companions are as listed: Spotted bear, Vulture, and Snow Leopard via Sirius. Bush Viper, and Toucan Via Zee. Generally just assume that while they're pups there's something sentient stealthily babysitting, but don't feel like you need to let it ruin your threads.

SEXUAL ORIENTATION & INCEST - The orientation of your character does not matter ICly to Zee or Sirius or OOCly to RK or Sea, though a character willing to further the bloodline is a very slight bonus to the application. The Fatalis bloodline is still pretty new, and it's for this reason as well that we will be disallowing any and all incest plots in this litter. Sirius ICly is incredibly against incest of any kind. ICly and OOCly we'd like the Fatalis line to grow, and preferably not into a wreath! I (RK) personally like to read and enjoy the threads of all my puppies when I see them on the recent-threads board, but have suffered personal trauma that makes reading some certain very mature themed threads very difficult. While we cannot reclaim a pup for reasons outside activity (nor would I want to) I’d like to request that players stray away from topics including underage (below 2 years old) sex and rape with these kids, for my sanity. There is as well an IC component to this, as Zee, Sirius, and by extension most of the Armada would absolutely be dragged into retaliation in these sorts of plots.

NAMING - OOCly we do not care what your name is... Zee on the other hand, does. Zeitgeist (Don't call her that) has made it very clear over the years how much she hates her name, and although we'd like you to have all the creativity in the world in your decision please try to avoid the complex / hard to pronounce ones for her sake. (It doesn't need to be Tom, but Glanticablrator is probably going to be a pain in the ass for me to ICly have Zee suggest and if she allowed Sirius to name them they'd all be Zee one, Zee two, and Zee three) (Alternatively, if you did want Sirius to name them, these names would be accepted… I kid! I kid! Don’t kill me Koala. No Zee one and Zee twos please).

All free to use adopts (for this litter):
(More will be added later)

(Or feel free to bring your own)


<b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
<b>Character's Name</b>:
<b>Adult Height</b>: (25% discount on height up to 42”)
<b>Appearance Description</b>: 100 words
<b>Personality</b>: 150 words
<b>Mutations</b>: (Do you intend to buy a mutation, if so, state it here)(Optional)
<b>Themed Mutation or Disability</b>: (There is a slim possibility of a free rolled themed mutation, if you want a chance for it state it here((Optional)
<b>Intended plots / other</b>: (Optional)



Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
07-30-2022, 06:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 07:15 PM by Lackadaisy. Edited 7 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Lackadaisy
Character's Name: Nikita "Nikki" Fatalis (Nee-kee-ta)
Name Meaning: Victory in Latin
Adult Height: 43-46 inches with donation, 40-42 inches with gems
Size: Dire (if I can afford), Extra Large if not
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Build: Light

Note: If Unable to use the above design, my second choice is THIS ONE

Appearance Description:
Nikki takes more after her mother than her father, even if she is a near-perfect representation of both. She has Zeitgeist's brown coloration with teal stripes but has some black markings. Mostly faded and overtaken by the soft earthen hues. She takes after Sirius' size and mutations more than her mother's, but can and probably will mutate as she ages (due to events) in various sort of ways. Nikki has a hood of diluted black around the back of her neck, skull, and ears. At the tips is an outline of white, not striking or very obvious, but heavily muted. She has bluish-teal eyes, with a streak of white-black up her snout and an ebony nose with black lips. Cream highlights the edges of her fur and chest. On her rear are white stripes, and on her front leg are teal. She has an underside of white, fading into a darker brown on her legs and rear. She smells like mint and dew.

While not good or bad, wild is an appropriate keyword to describe Nikki. She never seems to sit still, be she grows out of this or not as she ages, and can be unnaturally cheerful toward others. And while she is not always positive, she is practical and realistic. Being a 'realist' is also a bit of a stretch for Nikki. She is cuttingly honest and upfront, not one to hide her emotions unless stewing in her own world. She is not 'a brat' but can be annoying as she jumps from one task to the next, unfocused and gleaming various ideas all at once. The type to burst with creativity and her words, even if you don't like it.

She always tries to seek an angle that nobody else has thought of, becoming more of an individual as she ages. Having a massive family causes her to shrink into the background around them; she is more social and outgoing around strangers. Nikki thinks her family is holding her back sometimes, even if she appears soft and agreeable to them. Not very daring around her parents as she ages, but will test them sometimes - as all children do and will. Nikki does not place stock in relationships, especially during her yearling age. She is mostly asexual with heterosexual tendencies.

To her, a partnership isn't very important. She will likely fall in love with a good and long-term friend over a stranger. She doesn't seem to eyeball anyone unless they have cool-looking weapons/armor or mutations. Even then, Nikki "gushes" over the items/mutations over the wolf itself. She can become 'geeked', obsessive and hyperactive. Especially if those cool things are used against her in combat - she calculates their speed, energy, etc. Has mad scientist splashed with gamer girl as a vibe. Studious and unrelenting, creative and controlling. She likes to be unique and goes out of her way to associate with unusual people. Does not seem to care much about her siblings, perhaps has one that she's very close to. Follows her parents around more than often. Values her mother's softness. Aspires to be like her father's strength.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Intellect / Fighting (Juggernaut / Tactician)
Mutations: Saber Fangs
Themed Mutation or Disability: NO, thank you! Would like no disabilities.

Intended plots / other:
1. as a personal vow to you (RK and Sea) I will promise never to ever participate in incest, assault, underage stuff... Because of personal trauma/experience myself. I respect the hell out of triggers.
2. Skill threads with family and friends obviously. Want to get her to master one skill before her 1st year! Focus on Intellect with Seasonals, and Fighting Skill threads with family
3. Would looove a best friends turned lovers plot when she's 2 years old. not required but i want it so bad
4. best friend in another pack? could be fun! a light rivalry with the other wolf looking up to Nikki or Nikki looking up to them but they're actually best friends
5. she's focused on being a weaponsmith, with a soft interest in armor. loves offense over defense, oogles weapons and sharp objects (too much)
6. runs to Zee more than Sirius, likes being coddled by her mother but will begin to feel like she has to be tough to get by. probably always willing to sit and chat with Zee, relies more on her and focuses on Zee's expectations



3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
07-30-2022, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 11:12 AM by Malachai. Edited 5 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Lolaf
Character's Name: Crux
Adult Height: 41"
Size: Extra Large
Gender: Male
Build: Light
Appearance Description: Design

Crux looks more imposing than he really is. As an adult, he will stand an impressive 41 inches tall, though probably not all the impressive considering much of his family. While his height is clearly influenced by his father he takes after his mother more in the rest of his build. Crux is a slender wolf, limbs appear long and slender while the rest of him has a sort of roundness that takes the edge off of what would otherwise be a potential threat in his height.

This softer roundness is absolutely in part because of his pelt, Crux is wrapped in a thick coat. He is mostly covered in a dark black color which fades ever so slightly lighter towards the top of his back and the bottom of his belly and legs. But he's more than just that. Crux's dark pelt is broken up by an off-white color that marks his toes, running up the back of his forelegs, as well as marking the top of his muzzle, in a stripe down his chin and his left eye in a tell-tale claw-like marking that shows his lineage clearly upon his face. A darker grey cream color dots just slightly above the white on his paws, this color dapples along his chest and runs along his underbelly, and the tip of his tail is also dipped in this color. A more grey color of cream markes the tips of his ears and flecks along his back just behind his shoulders. Finally, a familiar green coloration also flecks along his back, blazes up from his nose, and marks his rump in another very familiar marking.

A pair of ivory sabres protrude from his lips, curving gently backwards, the tips of them marked in the same green as his nose.

A pair of steel blue eyes sits in Crux's skull... Always watching.

Personality: There's a certain weight that comes from being born as Crux was, into a family of strong warriors and leaders, son to the founding Warlord. But if Crux has ever felt the pressure he's never really showed it. Crux knows he breaks the mold a bit but he doesn't seem to mind it too much, the boy has never had much an inclination towards violence, while he certainly understands the value in knowing how to defend one's self but he's not motivated by it much beyond that. No, Crux would struggle to hurt a fly unless in self-defense, at least physically. No one said anything about psychic damage. Crux's tongue will be sharper than his claws, even as a child he'll prove himself an astute one, able to soak things in and internalize information and then turn it around with a sort of ease that many grown adults would struggle with. Not that he tries to be mean or anything, he's just realized words are his primary weapon, but he's just as capable of using his mind for a well-timed joke or a comforting comment. In all he's usually pretty good-natured, knowing when it's the right time to step back to let others have their time and when it's time to step up to the plate, he's a team player without being too show-boaty about it.

As he grows older Crux will really finally find his place when he starts to explore the natural world around him, the possibilities of herbology and how he can help those around him will snap into place. Crux desires to fully grasp all the possibilities of how he can help or hurt others with these skills, he can often be found muttering to himself about any given hypothesis he has and will take any willing test subject he can get, though not without their permission first. He's driven to truly master his craft, and dreams of one day discovering a brand new species of flora, and is more than willing to range a field to do so if need be.

Or he would be if he still didn't feel a strong connection to his family. He does all he does to be of use to them... Okay so maybe he has felt that pressure a bit, though he certainly doesn't let it show Crux is aware of the fact that he's got big shoes to fill and doesn't quite fit the expected mold, he doesn't feel the pressure to conform, after all, he appreciates his family for who they are and can only hope they feel that way about him, still better not be found slacking.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Healing and Navigation
Mutations: Saber Fangs (Have a Mut Inheritance Pass, plan to use it regardless of cursed litter outcomes)
Disability: Preference of yes (But built Crux so he can exist with or without it and willing to play him regardless)
Themed Mutation or Disability:

Possible Mutation: Crystalline spurs that sprout from the top of his hocks and his elbows.

Possible Disability: Crystals that grow from the joint of his right hind ankle, it pierces the skin of his ankle and cuffs the back of his leg to just below the hock of the leg. Due to the growth being on the bone the movement in that ankle is limited, giving the boy a permanent limp, though he is still able to move and hold his weight on that leg. (Visually think of a leg brace, he can walk and put weight on it but because of the limited movement has a limp/has to lift the leg to the side to move it properly, functionally because it is growing in the space where his joints would move it is the *reason* he has a limp)

Intended plots / other: Mostly up to IC but I see him as sort of a black sheep at least amongst the established family but overall still eager to prove himself, but only under his own terms. Probably stick close to family but often be out trying to find new plants or to replenish his stores to do more experiments. Long term would want to aim for Trauma Specialist.
[Image: eqRWCiM.gif]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
07-30-2022, 06:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2022, 12:16 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 16 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Beau-tifullyWritten

Character's Name: Charlton "Charlie" Fatalis

Adult Height: 45"

Size: Dire Wolf

Gender: Male

Build: Heavy

Appearance Description:

Charlton, or Charlie as he prefers, is a stong-looking wolf just at a glance. With dire wolf sizing, he stands at a total of forty-five inches tall and is one of the tallest of his kind. As if that is not enough thick, powerful muscle ripples under his coat, as well as a barrel-shaped chest, giving the male a bit of a powerhouse-esc appearance. Was it not for some of the softer features of his face Charlie might have looked intimidating. His muzzle is broad and his ears are more rounded. His fur tends to be fluffier in places, particularly his cheeks, rough, and tail. His flesh is black in color while his eyes are wider and bright, shining with cyan blue.

But that is not the end of this male's distinguishable features. Like his parents, Charlie has inherited a mutation, specifically from his father. Starting as slightly larger than average fangs his canines will grow over time, becoming bigger, stronger, and healthy saber fangs. These fangs will reach down past his chin in typical fashion for saber fangs and start off a pristine white color that will grow a bit more creamy with age.

[In the case of a themed disability] Unlike his parents or siblings, however, Charlie will have crystals growing from the most peculiar of places; where his eyes should be. Devoid of sight, considering he doesn't have actual eyes, the blue-green crystals will rise from where his eyes should be. At their tallest point, the crystals will be roughly two inches tall and will definitely give him a bit of an unsettling appearance.

When it comes to his fur coloration however Charlie's base color is a natural light brown color. A medium brown overlays much of his coat, running from his nose up along his head and back before dipping on his forelegs and sliding back down his back legs and tail. A deeper brown still runs over that same mark from the nose, capping most of his head, ears, and capes along his back. The color also fades along his front limbs near the shoulders, back legs near the ankle, and caps the end of his tail. His jaw is a creamy off-white color that reaches up onto his cheeks, travels down his neck and chest, races across his underbelly reaches under his tail, as well as touches the insides of his back legs, and reaches down the back of his forelegs to cup his paws and reaches from the back of his ankles down to cap his back paws. He also has off-white striping on his shoulder and on his rump as well as the Fatlais eye marking over his left eye and caps his ears. Finally, a smokey green snips across his nose, tips his ears, blankets thinly across his back, touches his toes, and tips his tail.


Charlie is a male who values the laws and customs that protect not only himself but the whole of the pack. He is mindful of these laws and is one to bring up a particular rule or law when he is uncertain about a choice. He is respectful, particularly of his parents and all positions of power. That said, however, you’re either the base, regular members of the pack, the ones that have some sort of power over those in their rank, or the alpha, and each has their own varying levels of respect when it comes to them. While not one to talk down another pack member, he is mindful of what those in authority have to say and will generally stand by their decision.

He is, however, capable of making his own judgments of others that may clash with the mindsets of others. Charlie is not a hateful male, and doesn’t like discriminating against others for what they do or do not have or their personality… at least to a fault. Charlie will never be okay with highly dark wolves, nor would he condone extreme acts of violence or force. That said, he is not above fighting and going for a maim if he feels he comes into contact with a wolf deserving of such action. This is an action he takes lightly either, being a rather thoughtful wolf and one who looks before he leaps, so to speak.

Analytic in nature Charlie tends to lean on the perceptive side. He looks over data carefully and considers the thought of an action before doing things. He can be insightful too, the sort of good, listening ear that will offer advice at the end. He is loyal to his family and pack above all us, a reliable member that you can count on being there when it really counts. He is honest too, though he doesn’t stress if he feels it necessary to tell a lie. He tends to be flexible as well, one that can change the direction he’s going on the fly as needed. He hungers for knowledge as well, even dabbling a little in arts that are not his own. His heart belongs to wandering, however, and seeing the world, though he always knows where home is and makes a point to return frequently should he be needed or missed.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Skills: Navigation and Intellect

Mutations: Saber Fangs

Themed Mutation or Disability: I would appreciate a chance to be chosen for it!

Disability: Don't Mind

[Crystalized Eyes Disability]
Making Charlie completely blind, blue-green crystals would be growing where his eyes would be. They would protrude about two inches from the socket at their tallest height.

Intended plots / other:

[Personal Note / Reassurance]

While I enjoy romance plots as much as the next person, I can reassure you both that overly mature rated threads of sexual nature will not be written. I can also ensure that should this character would not be a rapist, nor condone the acts of rape or incest. While I won't lie and say there isn't a chance that I may start looking for romance plots once they reach a year it will be roleplayed as puppy love; there will be no teenager mating threads period. I myself am also uncomfortable with these topics so rest assured such things would not be in my threads. I'm also with Lunar on the idea that if anyone rapes his siblings that Charlie would go feral and react strongly. While I don't want him to be a maim-happy individual, I do expect him to react with anger in extreme cases of transgressions against his siblings.


Family threads galore. I want Charlie to interact with all his siblings, expressing acceptance of their walks of life [with the exception of if they do something extreme that would make them go from disappointing or unsavory to a target of the family]. This will be especially true if Charlie happens to roll a disability. For the most part, I want Charlie to just be active, as I'd hope for any of my characters. I'd be leaning towards getting him skilled up before age two, as mentioned in the skill section, but regular activity threads and just getting him out there to experience life would be important to me.

[Skill Related]

As with all of my other characters, one of my side goals with each character is to get them to master at least one of their skills. For Charlie, I would be prioritizing him becoming a double master, preferably before age two, as a personal challenge for myself.

Navigation - A roamer, a land seeker, perhaps even a map maker himself, Charlie would be wanting to push boundaries and explore as much as possible from a young age. That said, Charlie will respect the boundaries put on him by his parents, and instead of trying to break that rule and go further, I want him to become an expert on neighboring lands and his home turf. As he grows a sense of wonder for the wider world around him will entice him to go further as his folks allow, and a creative side will lead her to document what he finds. I would like for him to go for the Daredevil specialty in this skill.

Intellect - A social butterfly with a purpose, I'd love for Charlie to get a boost in this regard through his intellect skill. Charlie will start with his packmates and especially his family. I'd love for him to get some points for getting to know a pack member part of intellect skill claims! Because I want him to be a valuable fighter, just without a fighting skill, I am leaning towards the tactian specialty for this skill. It'd also make sense for his fighting style, being more a smart fighter, rather than one who prefers brute forcing his way past opponents.

[Companions and Accessories]

For fun, since I know that companions and accessories are not a necessary addition to any application, I figured why not? If anything, it gives me a little reminder of what I would want to get him later on. Only listing companions as the cosmetic accessory, however, as I'm still uncertain about battle ones.

Small Companion - A great gray shrike to aid in perception. Female with natural coloration. 12" wingspan.

Large Companion - A male fisher to aid in fighting. Maale with normal coloration. 24" long.

Small Aesthetic Accessory - Two jay feathers braided with strong twine to be worn around his right ear.

[[Don't mind me. -Sweatdrops-]]


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
07-30-2022, 07:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2022, 05:29 PM by Hermes. Edited 7 times in total.)
Done! Might get an updated ref with my changes but, if not, the app is ready!

Out-of-Character Name: Hermes

Character's Name: Andromeda Nicknames: Andy, Drama

Adult Height: 38"

Size: Large

Gender: Female

Build: Light

Appearance Description: Adopt 6

“'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars

Description Includes Changes To Adopt

The base color of Andromeda’s coat will be a soft purple that is similar to the fuzzy lining of a lavender petal. Where her base is soft, there is a large swath of a darker, gray-purple that cuts tracks from her head to her tail. It is the hue of violet, if someone turned down the saturation and smudged it with charcoal.

Throughout is a thread of blue that becomes apparent around her eyes, on the back of her neck, on her back, and at the tip of her tail. It is the perfect meld of purple and blue, a soft, gentle marriage of both without drowning out the other colors of her pelt.

Meanwhile, a deep, rich gray-purple coats her muzzle, marks a small patch on her shoulders, coats her legs, and gives Andy, the telltale Fatalis markings on her hips. The final color that marks her, is a pale lavender. It encircles her eyes, dots the tips of her ears, paints her toes, and makes an appearance on her tail.

However, this is not where Andromeda’s beauty ends. She has a pair of pale blue eyes that have a far-away, dreamy look in them. Oh, and a set of black kudu horns, similar to her mother, Zee’s, pair.

Compassionate ~ Dreamer ~ Inquisitive ~ Loving ~ Quiet ~ Stargazer

An old soul reborn into a youthful body

From a very young age it will be apparent that Andromeda is different from her littermates.

The first thing that will be noticeable is her speech or, more accurately, her lack thereof. Andy will find that speaking is not important to her and she will, instead, prefer to sit and watch what others are doing. Now, to be clear, it isn’t because she doesn’t know how to speak. No, Andromeda’s vocabulary will be as robust and colorful as any one of her siblings, she just prefers to observe what other’s do in her own, quiet, contemplative way.

Another thing that will set Andromeda apart is her advice. At times she can speak with a wisdom that seems far beyond her mortal years and she will always be willing to give it to those who seek her out. Andy will also have a listening ear, a kind word, and shoulder to cry on for those who need it and her kindness will be freely given along with her friendship. The starry-eyed girl will be the kind of wolf who wears her heart on her sleeve, loves fully and completely, and isn’t afraid to tell others how she feels. Blunt? Maybe. Mean? Never intentionally.

Andromeda will always be a dreamer, looking to make the world a better a place then what she finds. Hard work does not scare her and she will happily spend her time peacefully toiling alongside those she loves. While she may not seem ambitious, Andy will have her own secret desires that she keeps to herself, since she worries that her siblings may not approve. Her days will be spent in search of knowledge and Andy will seek to learn everything she can from anyone who is willing to teach her. This eternal search will lead Andy to seek out other, friendly packs in the hopes of expanding her understanding of the world.

Lastly, the stars will always speak to Andromeda. Many nights will be spent under the star-studded sky, staring up at the glittering heavens and quietly imagining a world beyond her own

Alignment: Neutral Good

Skills: Fighting & Intellect

Mutations: I will make a $50 donation to get an open character pass and minor mutation so that Andromeda will have kudu horns!

Themed Mutation or Disability:
Option 1: Diamond teeth
Option 2: Ametrine (purple and yellow crystal) cat claws
Option 3: Ametrine quills

Disability: Don't mind Crystals form inside her left ear channel. They cause her headaches along with a moderate amount of hearing loss.

Intended plots / other: Family threads! Skill grinds to (hopefully) get her to double master before one year old. I would like to get her out exploring Boreas as soon as she can. Also, get to know the Armada’s allies, maybe go spend time at Ashen, the Hallows, and Menagerie (temporary, not leaving the Armada) as a sort of exchange student.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-30-2022, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2022, 11:35 PM by Kunai. Edited 16 times in total.)
im sorry i have to table this. its too hard for me to read it when im on my computer and cant zoom in :( I'm also reordering the app a bit, to keep the paragraphs together and the basic stuff up top.

finally finished

Out-of-Character Name: skelle
Character's Name: Killian "Killjoy" Tempest Fatalis (hover each for meanings)
Adult Height: 17" ─ runt
Size: Extra Small
Gender: Male
Build: Light
Alignment: Neutral as a puppy; I will have to see how things go to know for sure which direction he'll go! Probably somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral!
Skills: Probably nav and fighting so Zee can helicopter teach him everything she knows
Disability: yes!!!

Themed Disability: note ─ I am open to changing my disability, especially if either of you have a good idea, since I know Sea's pup will have a similar disability but entirely blind instead. This was honestly just the first thing I thought of and I am most certainly open to something else for drama and diversity!!
His right eye that is hidden under the bangs is missing, and at first everything looks alright. However, very soon after he is weaned, Killian will quickly experience pain (at first confused for phantom pain) centered within the socket. Raw Black Labradorite will erupt from the socket rapidly at an early age, quickly filling the once-empty crevice with larger chucks of the gemstone. Around the eye, smaller pieces of the gemstone freckle across his cheek bone and even slightly above the eye socket as well. He suffers from incapacitating migraines, especially around that eye area, and often spends his time in the dark. I may also be interested him experiencing seizures due to the crystals growing (probably for his whole life, if thats allowed, in the form of 'freckles' and slowly filling the socket and maybe shorten his life a few years), though I will want to do a lot more research before promising any kind of permanent problem and not just something he will deal with once or twice! Unfortunately, that kind of research will get me too invested in the character so I would like to wait until decision day before writing it into his character somehow, sorry!
Mutations: I will be using my pup pass thing with two free mutations to get elongated hair (in the form of emo bangs covering his right eye) and sabers, and also using one of my inheritance passes on zee's crystalline fur. If I don't get the disability, then I may drop the bangs and switch it for something useful in fights but the little emo kid bangs has me pretty sold tbh xD
Description: Killian is born a dark, charcoal gray puppy that might kinda look blue if you tilt him the right way? Strange. One thing is obvious though, his single cobalt eye and the empty socket where the right one was supposed to be. Actually, that’s two things, but to throw in a surprise third, the boy is absolutely tiny. Able to fit in the paw of his father at birth, Killian doesn’t really show many positive signs at first. His size makes it hard for him to combat his larger siblings for food, but even suckling seems to be a challenge at first. There's no argument that the littlest of the Zeerius boys (i think?) will need personalized care and not just at first it would seem, either.

As he grows, his bloodline will become a bit more obvious in his markings however he resembles something more like a stick than any man in his family before him. Whether it’s just because he’s the runt, the problems associated with his less than stellar health, both, or something else entirely is a mystery, however the nausea that comes with his migraines is probably the biggest culprit. While his coat isn’t of poor quality, it isn’t full of luster, or a healthy one anyway. He resembles his father most in coloration, primarily almost black with hints of a lighter, not quite white, gray on the bridge of his nose, toes of his forepaws, backs of his heels to his rear paws, the tip of his tail, and some mottling along the small of his back and waist. His muzzle, throat, lower limbs, ears, nape, shoulders, a belt around his waist, and the top of his tail all darken to black, blending seamlessly. Under only his left eye, as if a constant reminder of his shortcomings, white trickles down in his cheekbone more like running makeup after a long night of ugly crying than the trademark slash-across-the-entire-eye made so famous by none other than his father.

In a lot of ways, Killian resembles his mother and that isn’t including his smaller size and frame than what is typical for Fatalis men. He will always look more like a lanky teen than an adult, his softer, gentler facial structure aiding in looking youthful throughout his life despite the scowl or rbf he frequently has. But it isn’t his body, it’s that strange blue color again! He inherited his mothers crystalline fur, his own a deep dark sapphire that is almost impossible to see without the proper lighting. Splashes of blue compliment his face, limbs, and the general area of his nape, shoulders, and rib cage although it isn’t just for show. Like guard hairs, the hairs that are encased in a sapphire-hued crystal give him a bit of an extra layer of protection against his bullys fangs.

To add insult to injury, even his sabers are smaller than what would be proportionally correct based on his siblings and father. Barely sticking out from underneath his upper lip, the tip of his fangs just reach his chin as an adult. Half an eye marking wasn’t enough, now he only had half-size sabers, too! The world granted him one favor at least, and that favor is bangs. Even if he can’t effectively hide behind him, not for a lack of trying anyway, at least he has something to hide his biggest fault behind; the raw black labradorite erupting from his missing eye's socket and freckling across his cheek.

Personality: To say that Killian feels like the ‘Killjoy’ he was so aptly nicknamed is an understatement. He isn’t a particularly healthy child as if it wasn’t already obvious, requiring much more care than the average pup. This unfortunately has separated him from his siblings, quite literally even. Although he doesn’t think very highly of himself either, he looks up to both his older siblings and littermates regardless of their opinion of him. He doesn’t go out of his way to spend any more time than necessary with them however, as he was both ostracized as well as a natural loner, but see’s even his fully blind sister in a better light than himself.

Killian isn’t friendly, but he isn’t unfriendly either even if it may come off that way. Really, he’s just a broody as hell and it definitely isn’t just a phase, mom! As he often has some sort of headache or migraine, it’s very easy for him to fall into the habit of scowling and settling into some sort of bad attitude though he seldom means what he says. Deep down, Killian is a very sweet boy but the world hasn’t shown him many favors in life so he tends to take the worst of his moods out on others when he’s had enough.

Hiding his pain behind his bangs sarcasm is its own medicine for the smaller boy. While he might not have the size and strength of the Fatalis men, he was at least gifted with his mother’s smart mouth, though it could be argued that it's from the amount of time they spend together. Despite his general disdain for his mothers obsessive care, he frankly wouldn’t know what to do without it. Rendered useless by the worst of his migraines, there wouldn’t be a Killian today without her borderline obsessive helicopter parenting. Killian simply couldn’t, and probably wouldn’t, care for himself all things considered.

There isn’t a bone in the boy's body that’s itching for a fight, but that doesn’t mean he won’t protect himself. It takes a lot of pushing to press his buttons, but he will bite if threatened and can’t escape the situation otherwise. Although he was taught to fight, mostly just to defend himself if anything, he would much prefer sharp words to fangs. Unfortunately, it’s often those words that earn him the fangs in response.

Intended plots / other: I'd love to play the runt, a tiny little thing with near constant headaches so is also near constantly doted on by zee bc he can't run from her love and affection. I'd love for one of his litter mates to bully him secretly or not so secretly xD asdf. I think eventually he would like to find himself in the watcher rank, though I could see him trying for the diplomat rank one day maybe? He won't have very much confidence growing up so I don't want to speak too much of a possible adult life without playing him for a while and seeing how it goes!

* while I would much rather play him with the crystal disability, should he not be chosen for the it I will probably still make him with chronic headaches/migraines and/or a single blind (or going blind!) eye (that way zee can still helicopter xD) and will edit the profile as necessary should the time come
please DM all tags to skelle#0666
Commissions are open! Check out my shop here!


07-31-2022, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2022, 10:53 PM by halfawyrm. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Wyrm
Character's Name: Atramen [Short for atramentaria, as in coprinopsis atramentaria, also known as the Common Ink Cap]
Adult Height: (25% discount on height up to 42”) 23”
Size: Small
Build: Emaciated
Appearance Description: Design


The runt of the litter, Atramen will be born at a pitiful weight and height. Her limbs will be twigs and her skin paper, her ribs protruding with every fall of her chest. Her hide wraps tight around her body, almost painfully so. Looking at her, you’d imagine it wouldn’t take much for it to tear. The weakest link in a chain filled with dire wolves with saber teeth and wide feet. Her sea-grey eyes bug out wildly from her skull.
Her coat is pale, pretty, a sandy beach beige fading to ocean green where the water meets land, all the way down her spine. Amidst this transition are the iconic fatalis stripes, the foam on the crest, encircling her face, shoulders, rump and back legs, a subtler set blending blue and yellow in an enigmatic swirl. Dull toned socks stretch up her back legs, ending at the knee.

Her most curious and troubling feature will be a permanent growth of mushrooms emerging from her skin, blooming upwards in a large cluster along her back. Their colour will be a similar shade to the darker beiges of her coat, and newer crops will begin bell-shaped. However, as they begin to mature, the cap will flatten and split and deliquesce, a peculiar process in which the gills of the fungi releases black ink when disturbed. The substance drips from the mushrooms constantly, but the flow increases with physical and psychological stress. The nature of this growth is parasitic, absorbing most of the nutrients the pup consumes. They can be removed, but not without pain, and the fungus will grow back within the day.

One could think, that this sickly and infected child would be ripe for culling, a picture perfect example of something that should not be able to continue, lest it sully the Fatalis bloodline irrevocably. Despite her obvious handicaps, Atramen pulls herself into something of a functioning, contributing canine. She will live her quiet life as a healer and gardener, acutely aware of the needs of flora around her, though this is more out of experience than any true ‘leafspeak’.

She is a scattered soul, brain altered by her malnutrition. She will first acknowledge the mushrooms and her as one, then treat them as two as the judgement of the people around her truly impacts her.
Alignment: True neutral
Skills: Healing/hunting
Mutations: I'm broke :sob:
Themed Mutation or Disability: Yes!
Intended plots / other: (Optional)

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
07-31-2022, 01:53 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2022, 11:17 PM by Dragon Mod. Edited 13 times in total.)
I gtg right now but will finish posting up the rest as soon as I'm back! Definitely before midnight <3 Other than potential plots & a pup personality, I'm pretty much done tho!

Out-of-Character Name: Dragon
Character's Name: Zale Fatalis (going with an ocean themed name here! "Power of the Sea"Zee hahaha)
Adult Height:  Maybe 42"+ or 17" - 23" haven't decided >:/
Size: Either extra large - dire or small - extra small
Gender: Female
Build: Light - Medium
Appearance Description: Zale comes to stand smaller/or as tall as her parents, a lithe frame swathed in a dual base coat that is seemingly a mixture of Zee's beige and a muted white variation of Sirius' markings, as well as his darker base coat. Of course, the blue that adorns her frame is inherited from her mother as well. She does not bear the common claw-like marks across either of her eyes, however, perhaps someday she may earn something similar in battle. Instead, blue adorns her visage in a sort of curved U shape over the bridge of her muzzle that extends up between each bright golden eye. The blue breaks up in small bits and pieces upon her face, sweeping beneath her eyes and over her brows. It adorns her crown, going down the back and sides of her neck, sweeping down her shoulders, back, hind legs, tail, and sides like multiple streams of varying blue shades. Akin to the colors of the ocean, Zale's bodice is laced with subtle darker markings blending seamlessly together to create a pleasing pallet that is easy on the eyes.

Her stature is unwavering, taking up her parent's pride and standing tall even in the face of adversity. Lithe and slender legs make her agile, plush fur well-kept, and dainty paws hide within them a nasty surprise in the form of feline claws. On the outside, she may appear fragile and much too ladylike, however, and she does use this to her advantage if it's to her benefit. However, like her namesake, Zale is likely to be a force to be reckoned with. Definitely not someone to be underestimated.

Personality: Adult
Zale is a refined woman. One of her pleasing qualities is her elegance, the babe moving with an air of grace and respectful authority. She takes pride in her lineage and her appearance and does her utmost to ensure that she is someone who shouldn't be messed with to the best of her ability. As mentioned before, she takes pride in her blood, so she carries herself in a way that shows who she is and where she's from, and that her family isn't to be messed with either. Head held high, tail carried at or above waist level, her steps confident and her gaze sharp. Much like the majority of her line. She has a hawkish stare, a vibrant golden gaze nearly piercing those that stand before her. Despite her elegant air, however, she tends to look deadpan. Always appears bored and disinterested, but in reality, she's absorbing everything around her and calculating her next word or move. It's incredibly hard for her to show any emotion to those outside of her family (and possibly even to certain family members that rub her the wrong way). You won't really know if she's angry or upset, happy or sad, since she tends to act aloof. The only time you'll know if she's angry or displeased is when she's already trying to rip you apart, be it with her claws or with her words, but even her fighting style boasts elegance as she tends to dance around her opponents using her speed and size as opposed to flat-out brawn. She is a confident and poised individual, self-assured as her upbringing has left little to no room for lack of confidence or weakness. She lives for herself and the legacy that was started by her parents, though she wouldn't hesitate to come to the aid of her family if necessary. In this regard, she can be quite protective of her blood. Ready and willing to fight to defend her honor, or that of her family if need be.

She loathes laziness and irresponsibility. She doesn't really like to play games or act in a childish manner. She's pretty much the definition of all work and no play, seriousness being a big trait of hers. While yes, she is capable of trickery (and quite good at it), it's generally her last resort in trying to get someone to do what she wants. She's incredibly intelligent, though that's a given considering who she takes after. She analyzes every situation she's in, always looking for an advantage that would work in her favor. You see, she can also be selfish. She craves her parent's attention like no other, practically putting them on a pedestal and always looking to please them. Around her mother, however, she's Well-mannered and sweet, doing whatever she can to help her and be the perfect daughter. Whatever it takes to remain the apple of her mother's eye. And around her father? She boasts strength and unwavering confidence, often adopting a soldier-like attitude and willing to do whatever she can to show that she is just as strong as everyone else if not stronger. Loyalty to her mother and father comes first and foremost, everything else is far second. She cares not for wanton relationships and desires or childish dreams. She is ambitious, always seeking her next step to the top and achieving everything her ambitious heart desires.

When it comes to relationships, Zale desires someone that she can trust. Someone that loves her and only her with an eye for no other. Should she find someone devoted to her, you can bet that she will return it in kind. She isn't one to dive headfirst into meaningless relationships if she can help it, and is disinterested in wasting her time with meaningless sex and doesn't care to dabble and satiate her urges unless it's with a lifelong mate. In fact, she looks down on those who just do it for nothing more than to satiate their own selfish desires. She wants something like her parents. To love and be loved, and is willing to work through the thick and thin and strives to protect what she loves, as well as her own feelings.

Alignment: True neutral or lawful evil
Skills: Fighting x Navigation or Intellect
Mutations: Cat claws like Sirius, possibly kudu horns like Zee, considering a 3rd mutation but not sure yet.
Themed Mutation or Disability: Indifferent about the disability. Interested, yes, but not the end of the world if I don't get it <3 For disability, if chosen, an amber crystal eye for partial blindness.
Intended plots / other:
- definitely staying away from incest & underage & rapey stuff. I'm not a fan of that at all.
- Ambitious, wishes to rise in the ranks and earn her father's favor, but at the same time also wants to please her mother
- aims to master her skills by the time she is a year old
- May aim for her own pack someday if she's pushed in that direction and finds the desire to lead alongside her family
- someday wishes to find love and further the Fatalis bloodline, but not just for the sake of it, but to strengthen the bloodline with desirable traits and someone who is worthy of her heart
- Mommy's girl, probably a daddy's girl too. Will do what she can to earn her parents favor and please both of them.
- Definitely would love to see where she goes Icly <3


The Chaotic One

13+ Years
Extra small

Coder - RainbowArtist - RainbowContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowToys for Tots
08-01-2022, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2022, 06:36 AM by Bunni. Edited 4 times in total.)
- Okay so I completely changed my app to a diff pup idea because I fell in love with the ref and disability idea. Hope you guys like her <3
Out-of-Character Name: Bunni
Character's Name: Adira Fatalis
Adult Height: 42"
Size: Extra-Large
Gender: Female
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description: big hunky gorl adopt OR option 2 bc its so lovely
At first glance, one might not give her a second look. Burlier than most of her siblings, Adira will be a pudgy, rotund, and awkward mess of long legs and too much puppy fat during her puppy years. Quickly becoming self-conscious of this fact, she will spend a lot of time honing her skills, cleaning up her physique, and turning into a powerhouse of a female. She will always have a thicker and slightly curvier body than most of her family, but she won't let that get in her way. Hosting a wide-built chest, large ribcage, bulky shoulders, and slightly shorter legs, it will be clear that she is no one to mess with.

Aside from her thick build, the rest of her appearance will be what some consider feminine. Her base coat color is sandy tan with a teal saddle that extends from the bridge of her nose all the way to the base of her tail. If one pays close enough attention they can notice a dark grey pattern mixed in around her eyes, ears, over her neck, and extending from her hind paws up to her thighs. Laying over the trio of her main colors is white striping in various areas. Lastly, while the saber fangs sticking out from her lips might be distracting, her cold silver eyes staring out at you will surely send a quake through your bones.

(If she gets the disability, I will be adding this)
From birth, five teal stripes lay over her left eye as a stark reminder that she belongs to the Fatalis family. At first, it will appear normal until days later, pain begins to seep into her skull causing violent headaches. Looking closer, her parents will soon notice vibrant teal crystals forming over her Fatalis marking. As she ages, the crystals will take over the whole marking and protrude into her eye cavity which will cause her eye to die and permanently blind her. No matter how much scraping of the crystals or covering of the wound they do will help her eye return.

During her puppyhood years, Adira will be a feisty, determined, and hard-working gal that will try at everything to make her parents proud. Constant teasing of her chunkiness will infuriate her, but instead of becoming depressed, it will only push her harder to do better. Somewhat snarky and very stubborn, no one will be able to change her opinion. Heavily influenced by the adrenaline that she feels while she hunts or spars will drive her to want to climb the ranks within the Armada and prove her worth from a young age.

As she grows, she will mature into a graceful, prowling lady that while she can bite her tongue, will choose not to. A little bit of drama never hurt anyone, right? Still sassy, she will be tame and respectful when around the proper company. With friends, Adira can be a loud, rambunctious, punchy spitfire. Her hot-headed stubbornness will create more enemies than friends, but if they can't handle her, are they really good enough? Around her family, she leans more on her quiet, thoughtful, and observant side. Allowing her siblings to speak out and make stupid mistakes, she will learn from them.

When she finally begins to notice the other gender, she may fall hard and fast. Attention drives her deep down and any thrown her way will make her feel good. Always secretly worried that others will find her ugly, she yearns to be loved the way that Sirius loves Zee. When you're raised by a power couple, it's hard not to dream of the same thing. This may scorn her later in life causing trust issues, but she will try her best not to outwardly show this.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Skills: Fighting & Hunting
Mutations: Saber fangs
Themed Disability: Over her left eye, teal crystals protrude from her skin in the formation of her Fatalis marking causing blindness in that eye.
- Will get the ref edited to show this!
Intended plots / other:
- Main plot for Adira is being the good daughter that works hard to impress her parents and climb the ranks to being a badass.
- Secondary plot is a frenemy-type plot with another pup similar in age to herself (or multiple pups).
- When she's older, I would like to look for a romance plot for her where she's scorned by someone she fell hard for and then has to take time to relearn how to trust and ends up falling for someone very unexpected (slow burn, drawn out, much drama).
- Also open to any other drama/plotting that includes her family and friends!



Pride - GenderfluidPride - BisexualToys for TotsEaster Egg Hunt 2023
08-01-2022, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 11:24 AM by Asena. Edited 8 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Asena
Character's Name: Titus Fatalis(meaning "to burn" in latin)
Adult Height: 42"
Size: xL
Appearance Description:

With disability,

Without disability,

Personality: spoiled, intelligent, likes playing with plants, loves his family but can seem uncaring to those outside of the family, self aware maybe
With disability,

Without disability,

Alignment: lawful evil
with disability, intellect and healing
Without disability, healing and fighting
Mutations: sadly I cannot afford one at this time but I own a open charrie pass for any colors
Themed Mutation or Disability:
Crystalline growths affecting the front right leg, causing it to be gone from birth, crystal protrudes from his chest at where the leg would be though he hardly seems to notice otherwise(if a disability is rolled and I'm chosen)
Intended plots / other: I kind of just wanna thread them around, and see where life takes them but I wont be open to them getting severely harmed or raped or anything like that, I will be open to plots such as kidnapping, friendships, and other non-lethal or permanently harmful things, I am also if I get a disability pup open to the idea that they might be culled for the good of the family image

Note: I would prefer with the disability but if I'm not picked this is also fine and I'm all for him being the only pup without a disability i can also afford all the things this character would require and will not require help unless you guys want all the pups to have mutations and the disabilities, in which case I cannot afford mutations.

Disability: Yes!!!! I will play him either way though.


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-03-2022, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2022, 02:49 AM by Modesty. Edited 5 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: NachoMumma
Character's Name: Midori (Dori) Fatalis
Adult Height: 39” (maybe up to 41”
Size: Large/X Large
Gender: Female
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description:

She is tall, and heavy set, moving less like a nimble dancer and more like like thunder personified (she’s a klutz). Breaking through a black base, tones of green shine through, growing lightest at the front of her face and towards her ankles like socks. Dark slashes cross her rump and tail are bordered by a pale green that makes them stand out in stark contrast. Within these slashes are rosetted spots of the same dark green that marks her toes, dark shoes to her pale green socks. Her fur is darkest black across her ears and down her cheeks, and down her front in a deep black bib. Eyes of peridot green almost blend into her facial markings, only accented by a black dot above her left eye. Her right bares 5 familiar dark slashes, betraying her origin to any familiar with the mark.

She shows no mercy, because the law will give mercy if it is warranted

The young Fatalis has more than her fair share of pride, both in herself and her family. This can result in young Midori coming across as cocky to those unaware that she will do all in her power from an early age, to make sure she has the bite to back up her bark. She is a strong believer in what is best for all over what is best for the individual, with her strongest focus towards the ‘all’ on her immediate family. Their extension often only addressed as an afterthought.

Once the girl has decided where a line should be drawn, she can be difficult to dissuade, and her sense of justice may not meet the expectations of softer wolves. Once her mind has been set to a task, she can be prone to tunnel vision when it comes to actually getting said task completed, losing her ability to ‘think outside the box’ for sheer stubbornness. From a young age, the girl will display a keen interest in, and affinity for other animals and he will likely form a very close bond with any familiar she were to take.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Skills: Fighting/Hunting
Mutations: would like cat claws or antlers but may not have any passes left
Themed Disability: Don’t mind - Disability - Crystal spikes growing out of her ears making her hard of hearing? Would also impact speech development
Intended plots / other: Prefer IC development



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-06-2022, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 01:49 AM by Sirius. Edited 1 time in total.)
Hello everyone! We are excited to announce that we now know our litter size and cursed litter result. With a max size of Seven puppies and three disabilities. Can those applying please add a new section to their apps so that we can send the remaining disability (as me and Koala are each taking one) to the most applicable app:

Disability (Yes, No, and Don’t Mind)

Also, I’m placing up a few more adopts (which can be found in the original post, or here:



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
08-07-2022, 03:16 AM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2022, 04:28 PM by Hazel. Edited 9 times in total.)
Listen, we knew that I'd be applying for one of these
Okay it's like... technically done but I'm going to keep messing with it
this design

Out-of-Character Name: wicked
Character's Name: Dread
Adult Height: 45"
Size: diiiiiiiiiire
Gender: male
Build: medium
Appearance Description:
Dread is his father's son. He wears a dense coat of steel grey, with long, somewhat coarse guard hairs that are a bit darker in color. There's a lighter gradient to his underside that will become more apparent as he reaches adulthood. Just by looking, it will be clear-- this is a Fatalis child. The markings splashed across his face are a dead giveaway. In addition, white slashes across his hind legs, an echo to the markings on his face. If you look really, really closely though, Dread has his mother's eyes.

A formidable, serious-looking creature, overall. Dread has a handsome face that he'll grow into over time. As he grows, he'll constantly waver between puppy-pudgy and too thin. It won't be until he's nearly full grown that he'll even out proportionally. Though his awkward stage will be a long one, Dread will eventually be a handsome man. Eventually is a key word, though, and it will take some time. In all, a good word to describe the boy's build is capable. He's a capable young man.
Family comes first. Family comes first, and more to that, his sisters come first. Dread would put their happiness ahead of his, every time. In the early years, Dread wants to fix... everyone. Fix everyone, all the time. He wants to remedy anything he can, and maybe that's why he takes an interest in healing. Though he wants to help, sometimes he does more harm than good. He doesn't get it. It'll frustrate him. In this frustration, Dread will begin to find himself. In all, he's nothing if not a hard worker.

Dread will develop an understanding of how others think and feel. It's not quite empathy, but something a little deeper. Highly sharply observant. An understanding of what others mean, more than what they say. Reading between the lines and working from context alone, Dread is good at that. He has the potential to be manipulative, but is more likely to use his understanding for good than anything darker. Likely.

Underneath it all, though? He's melancholy. There's a deep melancholy to Dread that even he himself doesn't understand. Where did this sadness come from? What will it take to get rid of it? Dread doesn't know. Maybe he'll learn, in time. Maybe he won't.
Alignment: "true neutral" -- if you were to use an expanded alignment system he'd be rebel neutral or neutral impure. Not chaotic or evil, but serving of his own interests and not afraid to get his hands dirty.
Skills: Fighting & healing
Mutations: zee's crystalline fur <3
Themed Disability: there are a lot of cool options from all the other pups so if you'd like to omit him from the disability roll that's cool with me ^^
Intended plots / other: he's going to be fiercely protective over the siblings that are cursed, but esp probably sea's bean. Very duty-bound, very serious about what he views his purpose is. I'd also like to see him be particularly close to Zee, especially as he realizes that his parents are aging
Moodboard: what's a wicked application without a moodboard? click


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
08-15-2022, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2022, 01:13 AM by Virgil. Edited 4 times in total.)
I am not immune to Zeerius propaganda...

Out-of-Character Name: Virgil <3
Character's Name: Stratum Fatalis
Adult Height: 40"
Size: XL
Gender: Male
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description: (option two)

Pup -- A little butterball, all downy fluff and rolls of puppy fat. It becomes obvious quite early on that he’s not meant to stay tiny forever. Stratum will quickly find himself stumbling on oversized paws and struggling with awkwardly long legs. The tips of his ears will stay floppy for longer than the average pup, and bounce with each heavy step for the first few months of his youth. Coupled with those big, starry eyes of his, he’s at risk to be whisked away by the first stranger to happen upon him out in the big wide world. As he grows, the gentle roundness of his puppy fat will linger for a while, until eventually his growth spurt hits like a freight train.

Build -- Stratum is built like a bastion of the earth itself. That dun and coal coloured coat draped over a burly frame, everything about him is sturdy and imposing. He cuts an incredibly intimidating figure, with powerful shoulders wreathed in muscle and prominent muscles in his jaws and neck. The size of his thigh muscles leave little room for doubt about the consequences of stepping in front of the charging behemoth, which would almost certainly snap a smaller foe in twain. His long legs are not unlike tree trunks, retaining their rippling musculature even when the rigorous training of his youth tapers off. His massive paws leave the ground trembling with each stride, even if the thick fur of his paws muffles the heavy steps. Stratum moves with a great deal of weight behind each stride, unabashed about making his presence known. Stratum has an incredibly deep, broad chest with enough muscle and insulating fat that his hugs are pillowy soft and his right hook is devastating. His neck and head are blocky and solid, with rounded ears that add a bear-like quality to his face. The broad planes of his face are adorned with high set cheekbones and an endearing crookedness to his smile from his oversized fangs.

Coat – He proves immediately to be quite a unique wolf, with a coat that seems like it couldn’t decide which parent it wanted to take after. Stratum is a chimera- the familiar onyx hues accented with ivory stand in stark contrast with the other half of his dun and turquoise pelage. His body appears almost perfectly split down the middle, with his right half being coal dark and his left half draped in burnt gold. The stark line of contrast between the two hues drifts along his spine at a gradual rightwards angle, which leaves his tail entirely gold coloured as the dark hues engulf his right hip. Where his pelt bears its muted golden hues, a faint saddle of a deeper brown stretches from crown to tail tip, as though he had been lightly toasted by the heat of a fire. Mismatched stockings upon his limbs mirror the chimeric nature of his pelt; Stratum’s dark right limbs bear dun coloured socks, and his blonde left limbs wear ebon stockings.

Each paw is dipped in ivory, most notably on his hind paws. The white sock climbs up his left heel to end at its apex, while the right sock covers only the paw itself. Upon his forepaws, his blonde right paw wears a faded ivory sock, while the toes upon his obsidian left paw are painted with ivory around the edges of each pad. These same thin streaks of white mark his knees and forelegs, creating feathered stripes over the long bones of his limbs. Across his hips and belly, matching sets of pale stripes reach towards one another like lovers’ grasping fingers that are doomed never to touch. Along the length of his tail, alternating streaks of turquoise and alabaster mingle with the pale underside of his banner. Stratum’s ruff is snowy white, mingling with the contrasting colours of his chimeric pelt and muddying the distinct lines of where two pups became one.

Where his markings become truly enthralling is over the split hues of his face. A little more than half of it has been claimed by the jet black hues of his sire, though the markings that have settled over his features are unaffected by his unique trait. The end of his snout from nose to chin is stained in ivory, as well as the tips of his ears and a thin stripe between his eyes. Muted turquoise marks the tip of his muzzle and outlines the rounded points of his brows. Over his left eye, two sets of the infamous Fatalis slashes overlay one another- one white, one green-blue.

Eyes & Scent – Stratum certainly takes after his parents, with striking blue eyes. However, a fun twist of his chimerism has lent him subtle differences in the two gems. The left is cerulean as a cloudless sky, and the right is a pale silvery blue. There’s a subtle downward tilt to the corners of his eyes that lends a hint of kindness to his expression, even when locked in a very familiar scowl (who could he possibly have gotten that from?) that seems permanently painted onto his features when he’s working on something or another.

As his fondness for herbology develops, he’ll begin to take on the sharp tang of fresh herbs alongside the earthy aroma of damp stone. The specifics of his natural perfume will change with the seasons and the availability of herbs, and in the winter he’ll wear a far more notable stink of charcoal from working with armour while he waits for the growing season to start back up.

Voice & Gait – Adulthood will bring with it a sudden drop in his voice, and a rich baritone will rumble from somewhere deep in his chest when Stratum speaks. Like the rest of him, it will be incredibly imposing and perhaps even threatening. So he finds himself trying to counteract that effect by simply staying quiet. Can’t scare a little kid with how deep your voice is if you don’t say anything, right? When he does speak, it’s often quite softly. Cave walls carry voices well enough, he rarely finds himself needing to shout.

** (this only applies if he ends up with the disability, if not I’ll rewrite it nbd)
He walks with a limp, even when he’s not in pain. He doesn’t have full mobility in his joints, and he’s not the most graceful beast out there. But he gets by, and he doesn’t complain about it. Stratum favours his hind left leg, which is just a tiny bit more affected by the strange crystal growths that push up through the thin skin of his knees and elbows. The swing of his limbs is more of a lumber than a prance, but one could just as easily attribute that to the impressive bulk of his build. Regardless, his eyes are always scanning his surroundings and he rarely stumbles.


Shy-- Stratum struggles with his place in the world, uncertain of how to conduct himself or where he stands amongst the crowded masses. It mostly manifests as silence during meetings and hesitance to share anything personal with strangers. It suits him just fine to leave the lime light to his many siblings, who are just as keen to make themselves known as he is to relish in obscurity. While it may be ill-suited to a wolf of his lineage, he’ll never be able to shake the urge to avoid the spotlight. He keeps to himself on his bad days, preferring to work quietly on his own tasks or creative endeavours until someone or something pulls him out of his funk.

Mellow-- He's broadly accepting, and prefers to live and let live. Stratum doesn't waste much time with judgement or offense, and prefers to outright ignore pointed remarks. It makes him an exceptional friend and confidant, where he'll listen to anyone's struggles or problems without comment. At the end of it, he might not have the best advice, but you'll walk away without that lingering feeling of anxiety or rejection that sometimes follows you after a deep conversation. Growing up with such an intense, driven family Stratum has had to learn to let many things go in order to keep moving forward.

Thick Skinned-- Kids who have been dealt a rough hand in life (or granted the privilege of status) tend to go one of two ways when it comes to their tempers. Rather than being quick to anger, wearing a mask of empty pride, Stratum is nearly impossible to rile. The most vile degradation handled with nary a slip in the bored facade of his broad features, he'll simply sit there and wait for someone to lose interest in berating him. You can only scream at a brick wall for so long before you're simply too tired to continue. Stratum was quick to master the grin and bear it technique- even if he's hurt by what's being said, he won't act simply for the sake of denying someone else the satisfaction of getting under his skin.

Kind Hearted-- The core of his being is impossibly soft and warm. He wants only the best for everyone, at the end of the day. He loves his parents, he loves his siblings. As time goes on, he will love healing- helping those around him recover from minor sicknesses to traumatic injuries and everything in between. Life is cruel and the world is unforgiving, but he doesn't have to be. Stratum is the type to help a stranger without any expectation that the favour be returned, and the kind of wolf who would put a baby bird back in the nest if he could. Some might see it as weakness, a waste of energy that has no guaranteed reward- but he's not one to listen to that kind of nonsense.

Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: healing & fighting
Mutations: Saber fangs & antlers probably!
Themed Mutation or Disability: Plz. Plz gib.
Trapped within the synovial fluid of his joints, unusual concentrations of minerals took up residence in a freak turn of fate. Upon his birth, the progression of his condition will lead to the gradual emergence of tiny shards of blue-green crystals from within his most major hinge joints. Knees and elbows hindered by the protrusions, he moves a bit slower than most, and in the hours before a storm hits he can hardly move at all from the marrow deep pains. The worst of the growths is rooted in his hind left leg, where the crystal that pushes through his flesh is wider than that of his right knee- disrupting the bending of that joint just that much more. His limp favours that side, especially when the weather turns and his bones start to ache fiercely.

Intended plots / other: I would love for him to be super into fight training as a little one, and as his joint condition progresses he's forced to learn how to contribute in some other way, so he starts making armour and weapons for the pack while also learning healing to help his loved ones. Maybe eventually progressing to be a pretty skilled and respected healer, and turns armour crafting into a hobby? Basically he'll be disabled and REALLY upset about it because Fatalis kid.

alternately he just realizes that he'll never stack up to his more accomplished siblings in fighting and just like.. tries a few other things before he lands on healing. A little bit of inner turmoil before he settles into a skill he likes.

Tarot OOC

08-16-2022, 11:22 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Tarot
Character's Name: ___ Fatalis
Adult Height: 36
Size: Large
Gender: Male
Build: Light
Appearance Description: 100 words
Personality: 150 words
Mutations: Yes, if no disability is given.
Themed Mutation or Disability: (There is a slim possibility of a free rolled themed mutation, if you want a chance for it state it here((Optional)
Intended plots / other: (Optional)



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-25-2022, 10:23 PM
I have no idea how to edit Sea's stash so, new designs! to choose from!

Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.



7 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipExplorerOoh La LaWinnerPride - Bisexual
All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1OverachieverStudentCritical Attack!
Critical Dodge!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! HomebodyIce Bridge ExplorerLoserVengeance
Island HopperDouble MasterLegendaryHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave1KValentines 2020
VolcanoCritical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-28-2022, 06:26 PM
Alright everybody, sorry for being late, this was definitely supposed to be announced yesterday, our bad!

We are grateful for all the interest and as always, fuck every one of you for making us choose between so many exceptional players and puppies! /s /s /s
No but seriously it was a really hard decision that took days and days of deliberation and we're both very sorry to the players who didn't make it in. We wished we could take you all (and seriously considered even throwing a mystery litter pass at the problem to increase our litter size rofl)

Congratulations to Lolaf with Crux, Beau with Charlton, Hermes with Andromeda, Wicked with Dread and Virgil with Stratum!
The last disability was rolled between Lolaf and Virgil, being the only two chosen apps who had a preference toward yes please gib. The dice have chosen Lolaf's Crux to receive it! If anything changes Lo and you don't want it, let us know and we can pass it onto Virgil instead :heart:

Once again, thanks everyone! We love you.

Sirius as her husband may crash any of Zee's threads.

Zee has a rough scaled bush viper companion as well as a toucan, who unless otherwise stated can assume to not be present.
During combat, Zee wears a wrapping of thorns around her kudu horns.