
Walk The Path Of Wonders


05-07-2014, 01:46 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Such an odd cave this was. Paws lead the healer in, looking over the unique pictures that were along the walls. They were interesting... Some of the images even looked like creatures she knew. The tall ones that carried sticks... She didn?t know those. The healer would frown some, tail swishing in thought. She was father from home than she had intended... But she was going to gather more lavender on her way home, mostly to continue mask the scent of her heat. It didn?t cover it completely but... Well, she tired.

Ellis? teal-green eyes would turn to another set of images now. It seemed to be a pack of wolves chasing deer, or perhaps antelope... But behind them one of those strange long creatures carrying a stick stalked the wolves. Was it some other sort of predator? A beast that would hunt even wolves? The thought was rather absurd, wasn?t it? The female would scoff softly, narrowing her eyes. Just another beast to cause more injuries... She was glad she hadn?t encountered them here.

With a sigh the woman would turn, starting back towards the entrance of the strange caves, unaware that a stranger, just around the rock wall, was near that same entrance.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-12-2014, 06:36 AM

Shay was slowly making his way north. His hunting had improved once more, thanks to the strangely colored female assisting him in his experimentation, so he'd been able to keep himself fed, but the going was slow from his still-healing injuries. His limp had been getting steadily worse, the previously-fractured bones aching at their overuse, and he'd finally decided it was time to stop for a while and rest.

The dark entrance to a set of caves seemed to provide a suitable answer to the dilemma, and Shay slowly limped his way over to it. Standing outside the entrance the light differential made the cave seem dark and foreboding, but Shay knew he had only to step inside and allow his eyes to adjust to dispel that illusion. There would be light enough within the cave for some ways before the sun's rays could no longer penetrate. If it was a short cave system he wouldn't even need to be concerned.

With no fear Shay did not need to steel himself, he simply plunged into the shadows. He stopped immediately to allow his eyes to adjust - a good thing, for a sudden strong flowery scent hit his nose and he realized that had he continued further he may have run into another young wolf who seemed to be emanating the flowery fragrance. He sniffed curiously - the scent seemed familiar, like one of the ones the healer who'd fixed him recently had used. Lavender, she had called it in answer to one of his many unceasing questions. But the lavender then hadn't caused this strange, tight sensation in his stomach. Perhaps he had developed an allergy? Snorting the scent out of his nose, Shay backed a few steps closer to the entrance of the cave, a bit away from the wolf. The distance and fresher air seemed to ease the tense feeling, and Shay was able to relax once more from the overly-intent stance he hadn't known he'd been in.

"Hello," he said, finally finding his voice, though it was surprisingly scratchy. How disconcerting allergies could be. Well, an apology and an explanation would undoubtedly be the expected thing for encroaching upon the woman's space. Though Shay could not much see the point of exchanging such pleasantries, it did seem to be the social norm in this situation. "Excuse my intrusion into your home. I must rest my leg and did not know anyone was here."

talk, think


05-15-2014, 09:23 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The woman would reel back at first, startled by the appearance of the other wolf. They nearly collided, but he would back out then, seeming just as surprised by her appearance as she did his own. She would frown a bit, tensing slightly as she saw his overly-intent stance, but then would ease up as he backed away a few steps. Perhaps the lavender?s fragrance wasn?t quite as effective as she thought. The female would shift uneasily on her paws for a few seconds before dipping her head, forcing a small smile. Perhaps it was better to just play along as if she hadn?t noticed anything. It didn?t seem like he completely knew what he had experienced yet either... And Ellis wanted to keep it that way.

?No worries at all. This actually isn?t my home... I was just exploring the depths of the caves a bit. Please, if you need to rest don?t allow me to be the one to do so. Come on in.? She would move, passing close to the wall, though she would use the pictures on them as her excuse. ?The markings on the walls are stranger, aren?t they?? She would muse, then glance back to him. She would register now that he was in the light just how... Wrecked he looked. She would frown deeply, worry crossing the healer?s face. ?What happened to you? You... You?ve been treated I hope?? Already her kindly nature was kicking in. If this wolf needed her help she would certainly give it.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-21-2014, 08:48 AM

It was good to note that the strange feeling in his stomach had faded with distance from the female. She explained that the caves were not her own and invited him in, which Shay understood to require an expression of thankfulness and acceptance. "Thank you," he spoke, choosing the simplest expression after mulling it over a moment. At her words his gaze flicked toward the wall. There were indeed strange markings all over the cave, though the strong scent of that herb was distracting enough that he couldn't summon his usual interest in such things. All he could do was nod silently, his single eye studying her.

"What is that herb?" he asked abruptly, referring to the lavender scent currently wafting through the cave, but she'd also asked him a question so it would be perhaps considered impolite to not answer, so he immediately went on to add, "Yes, a healer from the pack of Valhalla has been assisting me as I improve. It is a fascinating process."

talk, think


05-28-2014, 06:59 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Ellis would give a nod, a gentle smile on her face. The simple thank you, for her, was enough. As she had said, however, the cave was not her own and therefore it was no problem at all if some other happened to wander in here. Besides... It certainly looked as if the male needed the rest. He would look at the markings as well, examining them for a moment before giving a silent nod, looking back to her form with his single eye. The question he would then ask would almost make her tense, but Ellis tried to remain calm, to search for some sort of explanation that might be somewhat believable to go along with her answer. Surely it was strong... But it would seem odd that a healer would smell so strongly of one herb and not others.

?It is Lavender. I apologize if the smell bothers you... It is a custom of the healers of the pack I hail from. I suppose that old habits die hard, even after I have been on my own for so long.? She would give another smile, even managing it to look at least somewhat convincing. He would answer her own question then, saying that a healer from a pack had been assisting him as he improved. Not just any pack either... But one she knew of. Valhalla. She remembered the old white healer she had encountered when she first came to Alacritia... Erani her name was. She had been helping an injured male... And she hailed from Valhalla.

?It certainly can be indeed. Healing is a unique process, different depending on the illness or injury, and a healer must have vast knowledge to know what kinds of things to look for and do. It can be a taxing job... But one that is also very rewarding.? The femme would wag her tail, keeping her distance from the male just to be on the safe side. Body would lower, still close to the wall of the cave to keep space between them. ?As you can probably guess by my earlier story I am a healer as well... Though one still in the process of training and learning. My name is Ellis, Ellis Cathal.? The woman would smile ears twitching some as she laid her head down upon her paws. ?Have you chosen a trade to follow?? Simple conversation, and things seemed to be, for the most part, going alright. She hoped that the strong scent of herb was enough... Though it seemed to be doing the trick so far.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.