
You know that hiding ain't gon' keep you safe


Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
08-08-2022, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2022, 11:13 PM by Memento Mori. Edited 1 time in total.)

The woman had not expected to leave Auster at all… but something had started pulling her to explore Boreas. Rein was content with the idea of further wanderings and had wholeheartedly supported Memento Mori when she came to them with the intent of broadening her horizons. It wasn’t like she was getting any younger… and though there was a very good chance she’d return to Auster on the chance she might run into Ezra again the woman didn’t want to hold herself back. She still longed to find somewhere to settle someday, even if the where wasn’t exactly important right now.

Paws had led her not only into Boreas but into the Northern reaches of the land. Had she ever come this far as a kid? She couldn’t remember. She didn’t remember a lot of what had happened when she was younger… it felt like a lifetime ago. Maybe it was. She had grown up into a different sort of wolf, and now that she was an adult, taking life into her own paws, she could visit any land she wanted to. She was free to make her decisions, and mistakes, with no one to hold her back… if anything, she had the full support of Rein and the less enthusiastic support of Jacques.

The jackal duo was traveling ahead of Meme as they made their way through a forest of redwood trees. Meme’s ears were pricked forward, her pale gaze sweeping the ancient trees that grew here. Such large trees… with little surviving on the ground beneath her paws. Something about the place felt calm though. A quiet area away from the rest of the world. She paused, ears twitching as her head turned off to the left. She wasn’t entirely sure but she had thought she heard something. The boys hadn’t stopped, however, continuing onward as they chatted amongst themselves and left more distance between themselves and their wolfen sister.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Unless ICly stated otherwise assume Memento Mori's companions, Jacques and Rein, are not with her.