
Little Wolf


04-27-2014, 07:35 PM

Alacritis wasn't fun. Not that it ever had been, but it was even less fun now. It was basically dead. He was hardly running into any new wolves around this place since apparently they were all gravitating towards the packs that had begun to spring up, including a particular one that had caught his interest. He had taken a good leave of Alacritis to find some new blood to play with, but now that he was back, he was intrigued to see that his dear sister had taken it upon herself to rule a pack. It was a ridiculous idea, to think that Cataleya would be in charge of a group of wolves when she had...murderous tendencies like himself. Was she just keeping them around as her own personal toys under the guise that they were a pack? He couldn't deny his curiosity, so as he moved through the lands, he would find himself drawn to the borders of his sister's pack.

He had no idea how long she'd been trying to keep this charade going, but from what he could tell from the markers, it didn't seem like it had been very long. A malicious grin would twist his bloodied features as he gazed around, Nickolai sitting quietly at his side. He had to give it to his sister, she had chose a good spot. The Soulless Forest. Great for dragging victims to and making them disappear forever. A summoning call would erupt from his jaws as he called to the silver woman, an expectant look taking hold of his cyan eyes as he stood patiently at the border, waiting to see when his sister would show up. He was interested in what had driven her to do such thing. Who knew, maybe she could convince him to stick around in her pack.

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04-27-2014, 07:50 PM

Silver audits twitched, causing her to lift her crown. The voice that rang out was one that she would never forget. So her brother had returned. The Queen would rise, leaving Kylar's blanket of warmth to find out just what her brother wanted. Silver limbs carried the impressive woman toward her borders, her moves languid as she navigated her home silently. Her brother scent invaded her nostrils, just as tantalizing as ever. She would move at a constant pace until she stood only a few feet from, emerging from the mists of her home like a ghost. "Well look what the cat dragged in."

He had been gone for long she thought he was certainly dead, killed by some vengeful wolf. But her brother would never die at the jaws of another, it just wasn't possible. He stood before her, still much larger than herself, his pelt bloodied by someone unfortunate soul who was most certainly dead now. A slow grin would twist her features as coral pools raked his body from head to toe. Her gaze would drift only to his companion for a brief moment, surprised that the cat was still alive. "Bored with life again?" There was little that could keep her brothers attention for long, except for her of course. He always returned to her.

However, when she met her brothers cyan gaze, something had changed. No longer did she crave his touch like a drug addict, and her pregnancy had nothing to do with it, but rather another man. The Queen fell silent, waiting for her brothers smartass remarks. She wondered if maybe he had come to join her pack finally. While his presence was welcomed, he was far to late to come for power. Her ranks where filling out nicely, and everyone had settled in, including herself. Her brother, however, was bound to change that. Her desire for blood had dwindled, her time occupied with other things most of the time. But even just the mere thought had desire burning in her veins. Oh how she missed the cries for mercy, the taste of blood, the power of ending anthers life.



04-28-2014, 01:03 AM

A stray breeze would blow in and with it would carry the all too-familiar scent of his dear and lovely sister Cataleya. But...ah, but there was something different to her scent this time. There was the stench of pregnancy, he remembered it well from the time that she had gotten knocked up by the blue boy. So she had been whoring herself out again, had she? How predictable. It would make sense that she would seek out other partners when Demyan wasn't around. Hell he had had his share of bitches that he'd fucked during his adventures away from Alacritis. Of course, most of them were either dead or wishing they were dead, so there was that. There wasn't a wolf who could quite appreciate Demyan's fucking like his sister. But as she came into sight, he noticed a whole new element to her scent; another man.

He had smelled the blue man on her when she'd been pregnant before, but his scent had been stale, which meant that it had only been a one-night stand as it should've been. As Cataleya came to stand before him, the scent of the other man was fresh. As in she was with him now. Rage coursed hot through his veins as his cyan eyes hardened to steel. Nickolai smelled the difference in his companion's sibling's scent too, his tail flicking with interest. The silver woman was in for a good one this time. Well look what the cat dragged in. Bored with life again? He would stare death at her as he allowed himself to come to stand to his full height of 40 inches, tail curled dominantly over his hips as his ivory blood-stained lips pulled back against his equally bloodied fangs, a snarl rumbling in his chest. No words would pass through his jaws, knowing that she knew damn well he could smell the other man on her. Who the fuck did she think she was? She belonged to him not some other bastard. She could fuck whoever she wanted when he wasn't around, but she belonged to him. What did she not understand about that?

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04-28-2014, 11:02 AM

Coral pools watched with interest as the scene unfolded before. Her brother lifted himself to his full height, standing over her by several inches, his bloodied lips curled back over daggers that were crimson. He said nothing, though he didn't need to. She knew exactly what he was angry about. A smirk twisted her lips, her dark fact bright with amusement. Kylars scent clung to her silver pelt, announcing to the world that the two spent much of their time together. She knew Demyan would not be happy about it. And on top of that she was pregnant. With Kylars child. Eyes never left her brother, watching his every twitch. Surely he wouldn't be so foolish as to attack her. Her pack was 20 wolves strong, and also everyone was within ear shot. There was no doubt in her mind that Kylar would also be lurking, keeping himself hidden.

"Is there a problem, Demyan?" Silken words rolled off her tongue, reaching out towards the bloodied man. His feline friend said nothing, merely watching curiously. Several feet stood between herself and her brother, the edge of her territory included. Rage rolled over the man in waves, however, she knew her brother well enough. They may fight, claiming to want to kill eachother, but it would never happen, it simply wasn't possible. He needed her just as much as she had needed him. But times were slowly changing, though she still wouldn't ever kill him.

Crown tipped to the left ever so slightly, in feigned innocence, watching her brothers control unravel. "Why are you here?"Though her words were a seductive purr, there a slight edge that hasn't been there before. His silence was testing her patience, she was in no mood to deal with his wounded ego.



04-28-2014, 11:33 AM

Is there a problem, Demyan? Her silken purr was full of mock innocence, testing the beast's already thin control. She knew damn fucking well that he would have a problem with her being with another man, just like she would have a problem with him being with another woman. If he recalled correctly, she had tried to kill the ebony & ivory nymph that had had grown somewhat attached to all that time ago. For some reason beyond his knowledge he had protected the girl with his life but hadn't stopped Cataleya from threatening her life every chance that she got. Did she really think that she would be able to get away with being with someone else without telling him? Not that it would've made it any better to tell him that she was going to be with everyone else, but the point was that Demyan was not having this shit. Not at all.

Why are you here? It was such a bland question, to be expected after having been gone for so long. Lids would fall closed over steeled cyan eyes as the monster took a breath, channeling the rage that was coursing through his veins. When he opened his eyes again, he was the perfect picture of calm, a cynical smirk twisting his bloodied features as his cocky attitude returned. I came back to check on my dear little sister, but it seems that you've been just fine without me. He would murmur huskily, completely disregarding her touch as he moved over the border, circling the silver woman. A dark laugh would vibrate through him as he circled her, Nickolai watching with interest in his golden eyes. You've gone soft Cataleya. You really think you can run a pack? Do your little bitches know that you kill for fun? That whenever you're around them you thirst for their blood? A mock gasp would rush through his lips as he paused behind her, eyes glinting maliciously. Or has your thirst for blood disappeared all together? Because if that's the case then I can no longer call you sister. My sister was never this soft. Ever. I had a momentary lapse, but I came back from it, much stronger than before. Will this be just a phase or has the Cataleya I knew gone for good? His voice would take on a serious note towards the end as he came to stand before her again, one eyebrow raised questioningly as he stared her down.

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04-28-2014, 11:54 AM

Just like that her brothers mood shifted. His eyes slid shut, only to open again and being entirely calm. But she knew better. This was just the calm before the storm. Her brother would move towards, crossing the border without a second though, his massive paws creating a circle around her. Chin tucked as she watched him from the corner of her eyes, audits twitching to follow his movements. He would speak, mocking her openly, bringing a sneer to her own. He was so stupid sometimes. When he finally shut his trap, laugher would spill from her lips. It was her turn.

"As always, you underestimate me brother. I have not gone soft, in fact, quite the opposite. I have surrounded myself with those of similar mind sets. I have taken control and have created something you never could have. I have an army at my feet." A brow would lift as she took a moment to breathe. "What you call a momentary lapse will become permanent when that little bitch comes crawling back." Her own eyes glinted with malicious intent, dark lips contorting into a half grin, half snarl. She knew exactly what would happen if that girl came back. Demyan would kill her but his world would be turned upside down again.

It have been awhile since she had last ended a life, had her silver pet sticky with blood. But she was not weak, she had never been weak. Her power and strength grew everyday. She now had the power of a pack behind her, she had the strength of ruthless murderers to control. She was a force to be reckoned with as she always had been. "I don't need your approval, I have a built a life for myself. My name will be whispered to children in scary stories." Thick plume twitched behind her, her eyes glinting with malice as she watched her brother.



05-01-2014, 10:25 PM

She would laugh at him; always the mocking little bitch. As always, you underestimate me brother. I have not gone soft, in fact, quite the opposite. I have surrounded myself with those of similar mind sets. I have taken control and have created something you never could have. I have an army at my feet. What you call a momentary lapse will become permanent when that little bitch comes crawling back. His mind would register her boasting, but would immediately latch onto the part about Orica. He would be careful to keep his expression the same serious on, devoid of any kind of reaction despite the fact that his stomach was twisting painfully. The nymph had lied to him and stabbed him in the back; he would never forget that. Some stupid irrational part of him still cared for the little bitch, but his normal functioning killer side wanted to rip out her ivory little throat so that she would never bother him ever again. But he didn't know if he would be able to go through with it if he ever really did see her again...that was something that was not worth worrying about at the moment, especially with Cataleya taunting him.

She would only be rewarded with a slight tensing of his jaw but he would quick to relax it, the change so quick she would question if that had ever really happened. I don't need your approval, I have a built a life for myself. My name will be whispered to children in scary stories. She would continue prattling on about how grand her new pack was with all her little minions and her bit about her name being whispered in scary stories made the behemoth burst out in laughter. He would toss his skull back, his laugh belly deep as it boomed from his bloodied jaws. It took him several minutes to regain his composure, unable to believe what his sister had just told him. The high and mighty Cataleya needs little bitches to go out and do her dirty work now? Are you too good now to go out and get your paws soaked in blood? he would sneer, a snarl twisting his features. Scary stories. I'm the reason most wolves don't have children to tell those stories to little sister, so having your name whispered amongst non-existent ears suits you really well.

He would shake his head, unable to believe it. His sister thought she was high and mighty because she had a group of little bitches at her beck and call? Pathetic. He didn't need anyone to grovel at his paws and do everything he wanted them to do. If he ever were in charge of a group of wolves, they would all be his half dead slaves, his playthings. He would never send someone else out to do the work that he had so beautiful mastered over the years. No one could slaughter like he could and no one ever would. He was a beast and a hellion, one that could be not tamed nor confined. He was far worse than any army ever could be and it was sad that Cataleya had resorted to having others doing her dirty work. A look of disapproval would fill his cyan eyes as he looked down his muzzle to her, not sure who he was looking at anymore. This was not the sister he had grown up with. These lands had changed her.

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05-01-2014, 10:54 PM

Even though it didn't show, she knew that her comment about the marbled bitch got to her brother, that the mere thought of her made his blood boil. A twisted sneer pulled at her lips, even as he burst into laugher. A brow would lift curiously as he spoke, his pale lips turning into a snarl. She knew her brother all to well. She took his mocking in stride, though inside she bristled. Amusement glittered her features as his words slipped in one ear and out the other. Her brother had never been a planner, he always had sought immediate gratification. She had too at one point, however things change. He knew so little of what went on within her borders. He would meet her gaze and she could see the disapproval there, clear as day.

"You know so little." Words fell huskily from her lips as she looked at her brother. If only he knew. While she had calmed down, and put her senseless killing on hold, she still had the desire to do so. Nothing would ever be able to change that, she would crave blood until the day she died. But first, she needed to set her priorities straight. "And you know I don't care, so don't look at me like." Whimsical laughter slipped off her tongue with ease.

Perhaps one day he would understand. One day he would see the empire she was building, and just how much power she held. All in good time. While he had answered her question of why he had returned, he had not answered her implied question of why he was still standing here. Her brothers attention was hardly held for very long, and yet he had remained, even as she taunted him ruthlessly. A brow would lift in silent question. Was there something he wanted? Something else he needed to say? Part of her was surprised he had held his tongue for this long. She knew he could smell Kylar all over her and she knew it was driving him mad.



05-04-2014, 07:57 PM

He would roll his eyes at her words, Nickolai snickering beside the gargantuan. Demyan could hardly give a rat's ass about what his sister was planning on in the future. If she wanted to have an army of little bitches to do her dirty work her, then she could. If she wanted to go around whoring herself and getting knocked up each time, she could do that to. The only thing that he remotely cared about was the fact that she wasn't at his side like she'd been before, wreaking havoc like old times. Now she thought herself a queen, worthy enough to a command a fleet of wolves who were content with groveling at her bloody paws. That wasn't the Cataleya that he'd grown up. The sister he'd lived with since birth was a monster, not the leader to a pack.

Then why don't you enlighten me, hmm? Explain to me why having a little pack of minions is such an enticing idea. Why is it better than decorating the lands with their entrails and picking our teeth with their bones? The gargantuan would lower himself to the ground, well past the pack border, attempting to make it seem like he was legitimately interested in what his sister had to say.

ooc: lame post ;-;

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05-05-2014, 08:11 PM

Coral pools watched as he spoke, his behemoth form coming to rest on the earth. Her earth. She bit back a growl as her brother made himself at home. If she hadn't known her brother so well, she would have thought that he was genuinely interested, but she knew better. And she wasn't about to waste her breath. She would adjust herself as much as necessary so that she faced her brother head on. "Cut the bullshit, you don't care." Words lashed out like a whip, cracking against his flesh. She take a few steps forward, bring herself closer to her brother until she stood only inches from him.

Her brother brought back a flood of memories and feelings. The mere sight of him had her thinking back to all the times they had murdered together and romped in their victims blood. Their relationship was rather taboo to most, but it was normal to them. Until now. Kylar had taken her more times than she could count, her captivated her attention, he had taken her brothers place as her lover. But no one would ever replace her brother as her partner in murdering others. Her mouth watered at the thought, the cries of her victims echoing in her skull tantalizingly. Saliva pooled at the corners of her mouth, lips curling back. Coral pools roamed her brothers ash covered frame before returning to his cyan gaze.



05-05-2014, 08:33 PM

Cut the bullshit, you don't care. Her voice cracked the air between them, sharp and stinging. And yet it had no effect on Demyan. She was pregnant, so of course she was going to be a lot bitchier than she usually was, which was only that much more entertaining to the beast. He would roll his eyes dramatically, fixing her with a sarcastic look that a parent would give to a tantrum throwing pup. Oh, but don't I? Would I ask if I didn't? Would I be sitting in front of you if I didn't? Hmm? She would move closer to him practically nose to nose with him, or as close as she could since she was shorter, and yet Demyan would not flinch. A single eyebrow would raise questioningly as he stared her down, cyan eyes glittering with malicious intent as he waited to see if she would tell him about her little pack.

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