
settled in yet?

[ non-mandatory pack meeting ]

Wren I

"I'm the master of my sea"


2 Years

Festival OrganizerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double Master1KPride - DemisexualOverachiever
08-19-2022, 01:31 PM
With the move official, Wren called together the pack for future plans. Or rather, near-future plans. She sat near the fire pit that Mercury had constructed for them on the ship and howled for Menagerie to gather. While it was not a mandatory one, she decided it was only polite to let them know they'd have guests in the Pines come summer. Plus, if anyone wanted to visit the friendly packs and invite them personally... She would count it toward their activity in the guild. Wren shuffled a bit against the cold wind, waiting for the others to show up. When they gathered, she would begin. "Thank you for coming" she said now "I have a few things to discuss."


"We will be hosting a few packs in the Sparse Pines in the summer" she gave a nod to behind them, where the woodland was "the Summer Fest, as I call it, will be a chance for wolves in Menagerie to mingle and show their skills. Especially our strength, to other packs" She grinned at them all "this will also be the only chance for wolves above yearling age to challenge for a rank until next summer." She already told them that though. "There will be a banquet; food and drinks provided to our guests. I expect you all to be on good behavior and chat with potential allies in a respectful way. There will also be games and prizes. If anyone has a suggestion for an activity, come see me. I'll gladly add it in. Especially if someone wants to handle it personally."

She had ideas for a melee, a race... maybe even a quiz bowl. She wanted to include everyone.

"Secondly, I'll be making a mentor-mentee program eventually. Expect it to be after the week-long festival" she eyed the pups if they were here, including them in this "if anyone wants to volunteer to mentor or be mentored, please see me later" she nodded, putting the floor back to them "and if any of you have news to share, about the guild or other packs... Let us know now."

getting the bulk of the meeting ahead of time, you can assume you arrived before she started!
put me out of my misery
nothing can fix me


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-19-2022, 02:06 PM

Mercury heard the call and arrived in prompt time, grinning at the sight of Wren by the blazing fire pit. He could feel the warmth of it already. It was starting to have the feeling of coming home. Wren spoke of a coming festival, and he straightened. There would be a lot of diplomacy and interactions going on. It was a good chance for Menagerie to make connections that would last.

She spoke of a mentor-mentee programme and he gave Beau a glance out of the corner of his eyes to wink at his young apprentice. He’d already made a jumpstart on that. “If I may, I’d like to mention a new pack that has risen recently, under a gentle wolf named Corbie. Perhaps I could bring her news of this festival?” he had a feeling Wren would like Corbie once she met her.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-19-2022, 10:27 PM

The young had arrived in a timely manner, eager to hear what Wren would have to say. His ears were perked forward curiously, blue gaze shining as the woman thanked them for coming. It seemed there was more than one thing on her mind, and he sat quietly as he waited for her to get underway. It seemed there was going to be a festival of sorts, held in the Sparse Pines part of their territory. A festival! Beauregard could feel excitement flooding through him. The chance to mingle and show his skills? Count him in! He wanted to prove himself even more, and though he wouldn’t be an adult next season just yet he could feel that time creeping closer. There would be a chance for wolves of yearling age to challenge for a rank too!?

Count him in! This Summer Fest sounded really, really fun. What sort of games could they have? “What about a treasure hunt?” He blurted out, before he could even really contain himself. “Or like, a find the location thing. You give riddles and wolves have to find their way to your destination and report back! Fastest ones win” His tail started to wag with delight. “I’d love to work on some clues for it! If you think I’d be capable of handling it that is…” The eager young wolf could feel exciting bubbling up in him. Just think of how fun that would be!

He didn’t have to ask about the mentoring program though, being lucky enough to have been chosen by Mercury to be his apprentice. He didn’t have any news about other packs to share, but he did have something about Menagerie he didn’t necessarily have to bring up, but he did. “Oh and um… I’ve started cleaning up rooms in the ship, but there’s a lot of stuff to move. Some stuff that’s too much for one wolf. If anyone wants to give me a paw sometimes I’d greatly appreciate it! I want to help make the ship more liveable and nice for all of us! Including future members!” His tail was continuing to wag back and forth. “And if you need help in any task feel free to call on me if you need a paw! I’m happy to help.”

"Talk, 'Think.'



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
08-23-2022, 06:44 AM


She had been tidying up her room with a certain someone on her mind when the howl from Wren filtered through the slight crack in the door. Curious, Audra wasted no time making her way to where the sound came from. From a distance, she could hear the crackle of the fire and murmurs of voices. Glad that there would be some warmth to keep away her shivers, she approached with a smile and her companion, Mack at her side. It would be odd to not see the comparably sized bobcat not with her, always dutifully standing on the side where her eye was missing.

Two took a seat on the other side of Wren from Mercury and Beauregard. Making another mental note that she would need to carve out time in her busy schedule to get to know the two better, she turned her attention to Wren as Mack laid down beside her. Listening intently to the news of an upcoming summer festival, her heart raced. It raced out of excitement to see old friends from other packs, but also out of worry that certain someone she wasn't ready to see yet would join. Trying not to worry about it, for now, she kept her mind focused on the topic at hand.

It would be good for her to help organize or lead an event for the festival and she made another note to speak with Wren about it later. The next topic Wren brought up made Audra's tail thump quietly against the old floor. A mentor-mentee program would be exactly the thing Audra would love to be a part of. The main reason she had even been in northern Boreas was to be a teacher at the old Abaven pack. Nodding quietly, she glanced around, letting her eyes linger on the younger wolves, wondering who would be the most interested in learning how to heal.

Her attention then turned to Mercury when he mentioned a new pack led by Corbie. Audra's glittering eye lit up briefly with happiness. Glad that the girl who had been challenged by the Armadan son had won her right to the pack, she was looking forward to meeting the new Alpha. "I-it w-would be nice if Corbie a-and h-her pack c-could come," the petite woman adds in as she smiles from Mercury to Wren. Her attention is quickly drawn to Beauregard whose excitement causes a giggle to leave her lips. It was always nice to see youngsters having an interest in things!

"I c-can help c-clean up s-some areas," Audra adds on as her tail wags a few more times across the deck. Being a part of Menagerie was turning out to be a wonderful thing. As much as she missed Auster and its warmer weather and the Hallow's family ties, she was glad to have such an important place here.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise

Wren I

"I'm the master of my sea"


2 Years

Festival OrganizerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double Master1KPride - DemisexualOverachiever
08-30-2022, 03:58 PM

She was disappointed so few showed up, but she hoped the ones that did would pass the news around to them. Wren's tail wagged at the smaller crowd. "Yes, please do" she added to Mercury, giving her consent for Corbie to show up "I was there at the challenge but left with Armada at the time" Kotori lost his chance to lead, but she didn't know if she'd feel glad or not for that. Maybe in a few more seasons, he could rise again. She hoped the hardheaded Fatalis would be a good alpha... though she wouldn't hold her breath. He didn't seem to be very social.

Beauregard was next. Wren looked keenly at the boy. "I've asked Sybil to make a trivia of sorts" she replied honestly "but you can freely make a physical challenge too. Just let me know the details. I'll be lending Creek" she glanced at the Pine Marten beside her "to a hunting-based activity. There will also be a friendly melee brawl I'm hosting. Audra, could you head a nurse's station?" she turned her attention to the Cleric "and if you want to do a few lessons for others, I won't be opposed to budding healers learning." She knew Audra really wanted to teach.

"If nothing else, I will be making rounds privately to discuss mentoring and other things. For our Mages, you'll be tested once the festival is over" and then "you'll be able to graduate into our ranks fully." Beauregard could hand this to Sybil surely.

/ ooc; thanks for coming! we'll be hosting the Summer Fest soon! please sign up if you haven't
a mandatory pack meeting will be held in early november

put me out of my misery
nothing can fix me


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-30-2022, 11:25 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2022, 11:26 PM by Phantom. Edited 1 time in total.)

He had arrived though had been quiet the whole time. Watched from the shadows of the ship, his coat blending in seamlessly as he observed the alpha lady and the handful of others that were there. His Head tilted with every other word as he listened to news about a festival. Heck...he would have to somehow protect the handful of plants he had just started to cultivate for himself. It had been an arduous process, and he wasn't keen on someone messing them up and him not being able to do anything about it since he was too young. He frowned at the thought...he had tons of mint...but the other stuff that was harder to grow? He approached Wren in silence, peering briefly at Audra for a moment. Wren asked her about a nurse's station...was she a healer? Clearing his throat, lifeless eyes peered up at the alpha. "Are my plants going to get messed up? I worked hard to move some and grow them. I don't want anyone trampling on them." He said, monotone voice doing little to show how concerned he was. "Also, a scent work contest or something. I have plenty of mint that can be used." He glanced towards Audra again, "Does she work with plants? Does she know a lot?"




Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
08-31-2022, 02:55 PM


The group was small but intimate and that, Audra didn't mind. Even as a small midnight-coated pup with coal-black eyes slid up to the group while Wren spoke, Audra kept her silence. She listened as Wren agreed that Corbie and her pack could attend the festival. It would be nice to meet some more wolves from other places in Boreas! As Wren regarded Beau, Audra's singular gaze flickered to the small pup again. Something about him was peculiar but perchance, it was only because she didn't recognize the fella. Who did he belong to?

Wren drew her attention back as she requested a nurse's station. And lessons for new healers? Both sounded splendid and it sent her tail wagging quietly against the worn deck boards. Smiling, she nodded in agreement without a word spoken. She would let Wren finish her speech before she approached to carve out some time to get the details down about the festival areas she would be tending to. As Wren's speech came to an end, Audra noticed the pup once more standing directly beside their Warden.

One brow raised, Audra waited with a curious expression as the monotone boy spoke up. She had noticed the brief glances in her direction and suddenly she understood why the pup had taken an interest in her. A small smile formed on her lips as the boy voiced the concerns of his plants and then suggests a scenting contest. "I know p-plenty about p-plants. A scent c-contest would b-be fun a-and easy for n-newer h-healers," Audra replied as she glanced from the boy and then up to Wren.


A  U  D  R  A

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise