
Only Love

Dutiron i


8 Years
04-26-2014, 04:14 PM

Alacritia. They were here.

There had once been a time that Dutiron could never have imagined leaving his home. He had been born in Ahlon, and for the majority of his life now he had ruled the pack alongside his mate as Ena. It was always his sister Dubara that had been eager to get out into the world, exploring whilst he remained behind to care for his other sister Arelahn, and even she had ventured out more than he had. After seven years he felt he'd certainly hit a stable point in his life, was confident that things wouldn't suddenly change and yet clearly they had. Now he was only sure of one thing; Novel was the only stable thing in his life, and as always one of the most important.

"They're close my love." He would speak softly, though the hint of excitement was even clear in his voice. They'd mostly guessed their way to Alacritia on the desperate hunt for their family but together they had managed it. Most of their children been gone for around a year now and it seemed likely that only Lyric would remain in Ahlon at least for the time being, stepping into her parents role as the urge hit them to search for their family. There was no telling if any of them would return, though as long as he had Novel at his side he didn't care where they went. Reuniting with his children though, that truly was a wonderful thought.

Though the journey had been nothing but the two of them he was still more than content to savour a moment of peace with his beloved. Though Autumn had arrived the weather was still fortunately rather pleasant that evening, the sky filling with colours as the sun began to set. "Lets rest for a while though. I think we deserve it." He added with a smile nuzzling her lovingly.

Novel i


8 Years
04-26-2014, 04:54 PM
Years had passed since the alabaster woman had seen her oldest daughter Song, and a good amount of time since their other children had been present. Of course she worried desperately for them, never sure if they had made it where they were going or not. After a while it had become painfully obvious that they would not be returning. Novel had never planned on leaving Ahlon, she grew up within the pack she planned on dying there. It seemed however fate had a sense of humor. She wanted her family back though, and as she still felt quite strong despite her climbing age they would decide it was time for a change.?

Leaving Lyric in charge had been an easy decision, though with the Destructions gone the pack had certainly found themselves with less numbers. Maybe someday the rest of the pack would migrate, but only time would be able to tell them that. So, with hopefully hearts Novel and Dutiron would face the unknown and follow their children to a land filled with mystery. And hopefully a future. Her mate's gentle words would sound softly into her alabaster ears, her own senses picking up on the incredibly faint scent of the destruction family. It was likely many of them had come together, the reason they could smell them already. "I can't wait to see them, but still I feel such a nervousness within my heart." she had never made amends with her daughter, the last she had seen of her was that awful day she disappeared.?

Novel took full responsibility when it came to Song's leaving, she had pushed the girl much too hard and expected so much. Though it seemed not to matter what she did, all but one of her children had left Ahlon. Now, she craved them do much she left her homeland in search of them. She would enjoy the time alone given with Dutiron, it was not often the two would enjoy such time to be carefree. She had felt so young the last few weeks, so full of energy and excitement at seeing their children again. She didn't want the journey to end, but at the same time she craved the faces of her pups. Dutiron's voice would shake her from her thoughts as his gentle voice suggested a rest. As the words would reach her the fatigue would too, "That sounds marvelous." her pace would slow to a stop as she nuzzled his features in return. A blissful smile would light up her features as she enjoyed being with her other half in the beautiful weather.?

Dutiron i


8 Years
04-26-2014, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2014, 10:13 PM by Dutiron i.)

They had been young with their first litter and made many mistakes. Though so knowledgeable, Dutiron had quickly become aware of the fact that he knew absolutely nothing about raising children and Novel had quickly become intent on training their eldest daughter to take the leadership role in years to come. Whilst it truly would be nice to keep the pack in the Destruction family, the man had certainly feared the ferocity that Novel had made that decision, what on earth had she expected to happen to them to need Song to train so early?

Fortunately nothing it seemed but to drive their daughter away. How the man wished he could have found his confidence, seen the error of their ways early enough to prevent such things from happening. He prayed that the time apart had done both good, the loss had certainly weighed heavily upon the family and perhaps now Song would welcome them back. As much as he wished to see them all again, there was a part of him that feared now they were so close what might happen if she didn't.

"I can't wait to see them, but still I feel such a nervousness within my heart." From her words it seemed that Novel suffered similar worries. "Butterflies." He smiled warmly, pushing his own nerves aside for the sake of his mate. She was the one that had the most reason to worry after all. "They've brought us plenty of joy in our lives so far. Try not to be too worried."

"That sounds marvellous." He wasn't sure if the break would only make the anticipation and worry of seeing the children worse but it was welcomed all the same. If things went well who knew when they would have such time alone again. Leading a pack had left such moments occurring far less often than he cared for. With a content sigh he would allow his legs to rest and lie down.

Novel i


8 Years
04-26-2014, 10:26 PM
Novel's rough parenting style was likely due to the only experience she had with her father. He was a very harsh man, borderline cruel. It was hard for Novel growing up, which in turn made it difficult to raise her own brood. Though she would make no excuses, she had pushed to hard and had not been prepared to deal with the recoil. The sadness of her past mistakes would be calmed by her mate's soothing words. They would assure her all was well and all would be well. After so long together, she was starting to listen to him better. Still doubts would arise and swim within her thoughts. "It's been so long since we've seen them, especially her." she didn't want to think of the what ifs that would play within her mind. Instead the she wolf would bring her legs underneath her in a similar manner to Dutiron's. Her sigh mingling with his as the relaxation took hold of her. Gold flecked gaze would wander to the skies, the uncertainty she felt was almost overwhelming. "I just hope beyond hope that she will let us meet our grand children." she would rest her head upon his shoulders. He was and always would be her rock, the stability beneath her feet. Wherever he was, she felt perfectly at home with him.?

Dutiron i


8 Years
04-26-2014, 10:43 PM

It was Novel's rough childhood that had brought them together one fateful day. New to her rank in the pack and struggling with the fears she would be like him had caused her to seek comfort and it was in Dutiron that she found it. Then he had believed her to be nothing like her father and whilst there had indeed been difficulties in raising their children, even now he would be swift to correct anyone that dared compare her to the harsh man.

"It's been so long since we've seen them, especially her." It had been too long, even after Song's departure Dutiron would have never thought that each of the children would suddenly leave the pack, even now he still found it somewhat difficult to believe they'd done it, but perhaps simply because he truly did miss them. Whilst he loved Novel, was glad that at least she would remain with him, there had always been that slight feeling of emptiness each time one of their children had left.

"I know. But it will be fine. Do you really think that Anthem would turn us away? And who could say no to him?" Of course he had no idea how many of their children still remained together, he was certain that someone would still be caring for Anthem, even the younger litter had begun to step up and help care for their big brother before leaving. It was an attempt to lighten the mood though, bring back the joyful excitement they had experienced before leaving Ahlon.

"I just hope beyond hope that she will let us meet our grand children." That was of course one big worry. No matter what Anthem or any of the others said, a reconciliation with Song was needed in order to meet their grand children. After the news had reached them he had spent a long time wondering what they were like, and at last they were close to making that fantasy a reality. It just all depended on Song.

He wished he could promise Novel that everything would be fine, that they would meet their grand children and be one big happy family once more though he wasn't sure that even he could manage to make the story sound entirely convincing, not with the way things had ended with Song. "They'll be a year old now, able to make up their own minds. Perhaps if they want to meet us Song will listen regardless."

Novel i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 09:07 AM
It was hard for her to watch each of their children slowly disappear from Ahlon. Song had certainly been the most difficult, with her display of aggression before she had left. Losing her was the biggest failure of her life, and she'd had to live with the fact every day. Again Dutiron had become her isle of comfort, a safe place to be. The only wolf who would stay with her during her most troubling times, what would she do with out him? His vocals would turn to Anthem, the second hardest to let go of. With his disability she had nearly worried herself to death when he too left to search for Song. His disability had been another of her downfalls though she could hardly know where to place the blame. The long birth had caused his mind to disfunction. Had she known this it was likely Dutiron's words would have depressed her more. "Oh, how much I miss his sweet face." she would nuzzle further into her mate's fur, the gentle touch again comforting her.?

She would hope desperately she would be able to meet her grandchildren, as Dutiron had her visualization of them had been massive. She thought of them so often, about who they were and what they looked like. It hurt her heart to think she might not ever meet them. Her mate would go on, his words very much convincing. At a year old they would be able to make their own decision, maybe they would want to meet them too. Still, the worry within her was great. Though their rest was welcome she was impatient to get where they were going. She needed to see their family. "I can only hope." she would sigh heavily again, "So will we stay here the night and continue tomorrow? Or are you as in a hurry as I am?" her gentle nuzzles would continue as she lay with him. Breathing in his comfortable scent while enjoying their close proximity.?

Dutiron i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 10:56 AM

Dutiron certainly had no plans on ever leaving his mate's side, perhaps the children hadn't imagined they would either though for him it was entirely different. It was a fact, something he knew he could never let happen unless for whatever reason it was Novel that departed. As much as she felt she relied on him, he too relied upon her and though he never cared to spend any thought on the matter, he didn't know what he would do without her.

"Oh, how much I miss his sweet face." It had been hard to lose Anthem, hopefully soon they would reunite with the boy and find that he was ok. He believed the others would have cared for him, though to see Anthem with their own eyes was probably the only way they would really feel any release from their worries. It was the same with each of their children and these fears about meeting their grandchildren. Only time would tell. "I can only hope."

"So will we stay here the night and continue tomorrow? Or are you as in a hurry as I am?" As reluctant as he was to move now there was certainly a part of the man that was eager to track down his family and finally reunite with them. Of course fears would tempt him to hold on a little longer, enjoy this moment in the event that things went badly though of course if all went as well as they hoped, they'd likely regret taking that little longer to reach them. It'd been a long enough wait already. "It is your choice, I will be right by your side." He responded softly, the loving nuzzles continuing.

Novel i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 11:11 AM

Novel knew she could never leave her mate's side, his comforting presence was everything to her. And though she'd lost her children and given up the alphaship of Ahlon Dutiron was still by her side. The continuous support of a wolf so wonderful was enough to make her cry. After everything they had been through and still he kept himself close, there was certainly no other wolf for her. Her other half, her soul mate. They were made to be together. No one could convince her otherwise.?

She would lean into his touch as she asked him what he would prefer to do, his sweet voice trailing after her own. They had come such a long way, they really should be resting longer but all the excitement within her kept her feeling rejuvenated. If their children were still together, as she suspected many of them were, they would have plenty of time to rest with them in the future. "I think I would like to continue. I miss them so much, one more night would be too much." though they didn't have to get up and go that second she was sure she didn't want to wait another night to be reunited.?


Dutiron i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 11:23 AM

It had once seemed unlikely that he'd love another so much, though he had certainly always had emotions, he was a man of knowledge rather than feelings and had never set out on a goal to get a mate all those years ago. Dutiron had given his heart completely to Novel then and even now he would have life no other way.

"I think I would like to continue. I miss them so much, one more night would be too much." And with a soft smile he'd silently agree with her words. They were so close now, it did seem ridiculous in some ways to remain separate. "Whenever you are ready then." He once again left it up to her to decide for them, this was nothing that needed two minds carefully thinking it over, in fact over thinking would probably only lead to wasting time and perhaps cause imaginary problems, something that they'd both done enough of as of late. Novel was right, the sooner the better.

Novel i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 11:48 AM

There was a time in her life when she would quiver in fear at the site of a male, that fear would turn to bitterness. She had not been below forcing another to bow to her will, especially when they had been the opposite gender. Then she had found an odd solace in Dutiron, he was so incredibly different she could help but let him close. It turned out to be the best decision of her life. She would nuzzle the base of Dutiron's ear lovingly as the thoughts of their past would arouse within her mind. Now she couldn't imagine ever living without him. Her features would mirror his gentle smile, still she couldn't help but enjoy their care free time together. Having no responsibility was such an odd feeling, so freeing. Though she still held a purpose, she had to find her children. Dutiron would again allow her to make the unlimited decision about when they would leave, his deep vocals would resound within her pale ears as she enjoyed his presence.
She would roll to her side, leaning her weight upon him as she let her legs stretch out before her. They had sat for long enough, their babies were waiting on them and she had no intentions of drawing out the time they were apart. She craved the presence of their offspring, her tiredness could wait to be sated. She would maneuver her again, this time away from her shining knight. Pushing her legs underneath her the woman would shake the loose leaves and dirt from her pelt. "Then let us go, I don't wish to be away from them any longer." with a surge of excitement growing within her she would watch as Dutiron would bring himself from the ground, when he was ready they could be off.?


Dutiron i


8 Years
04-27-2014, 12:38 PM

Dutiron had never been a particularly ambitious being, he'd been relatively content and had never aimed to reach a certain rank. When he and Novel had taken each other as mates however, he'd found himself suddenly leaping through the ranks to join her in leading Ahlon. Ever the responsible man he'd done what he could for the pack even before becoming an Ena and this new-found freedom was rather odd although certainly somewhat enjoyable as well.

"Then let us go, I don't wish to be away from them any longer." He longed for the feel of Novel against his side once more as she suddenly moved away though a smile would still reach his lips as he watched the sudden burst of excitement surge through her. Certainly not wanting to waste any more time with Novel's eagerness the brown male would lift himself from the ground once more with a small shake before moving once again to Novel's side as the pair began the last stretch of their journey.