
Something New




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-29-2022, 01:25 AM

The violet Matriarch settled into a bed of soft grasses with a contented sigh as the night settled in around her and it got too late and dark to keep traveling. She had made good time so far on her trip back home from Fenmyre and if she had really wanted to she likely could have stopped in Ashen for the night, but instead she had kept going a bit farther past the allied pack and found herself in this peaceful slice of Boreas among a cluster of large willow trees. Laying within the branches of one of the draping trees, it nearly gave a good amount of privacy on its own with just the slight breeze causing the branches to sway a bit and occasionally give her small glimpses of the land around her. The safest option certainly would have been to stay within Ashen's borders for the night, but with as much as she had on her mind she didn't necessarily want to have to make small talk and socialize with Venom who undoubtedly would know her well enough to pick up on the fact that something was weighing on her. No, she would enjoy this moment of solitude before she got back to Elysium and had to bring up her concerns and plans with her children.

Stretched out comfortably on her side, Manea rested her head on her paws as she let her eyes close with another soft sigh. She had just finished a long day of travel so she was easily beginning to drift toward sleep until a sound beyond the curtain of leafy branches caught her attention and made her aqua gaze flicker open again. Lifting her head, she peered through the branches in the small gaps that the breeze brought her, trying to pick out what it was that she had heard. It was movement of some kind, but what or who it was she wasn't sure. She laid quiet and still for a bit while she waited to see if the source of the sound would give themselves away, continue on their way and leave her be, or if she was going to have to get up to deal with whatever was trying to bother her.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2022, 01:58 AM
He'd been stalking the deer through the willow forest for the past ten minutes, moving slow and through the shadows so as not to alert it to his presence. With his pelt of alabaster white, even in the cover of the growing night he would be noticeable. The wolf needed to be clever and cautious if he was to earn his meal tonight. So he had stalked the doe from a distance, following her long enough and just far enough away that she hadn't caught wind of his presence. Sharp azure eyes remained locked with deadly focus on the cervine as she moved leisurely through the fronds of the willow trees, following a gentle stream to who knows where. Probably looking for somewhere safe to bed down for the night. Unfortunately for the prey animal, it would not live to see the morning sun.

Kavik loved the thrill of the hunt. It wasn't quite as thrilling as a real fight or the heat of battle, but it was a close second. Massive silver-flecked paws moved almost soundlessly across the grass, keeping the doe in his line of sight at all times while creeping about through the trees, using foliage and willow branches to obscure him from sight. The doe continued on its way, passing through the trees without a care in the world. Sunlight had all but faded, and twilight was giving way to true night as indigoes and violets in the darkening sky shifted into deep navy blues that would eventually become blackness. A full moon hung fat and heavy in the dimming sky, adding a silvery ethereal light to the world that would no doubt soon begin to reflect off his pallid coat. He needed to move fast; his window of opportunity was closing, and Kavik would not go hungry tonight.

As the doe was passing by a cluster of willow trees, the hunter decided to make his move. Kavik kicked off the loamy ground, propelling himself like a white rocket at the unsuspecting cervine with lethal focus. Large paws snapped a few stray sticks on the ground, catching the doe's attention, but by the time it turned around, it was already too late. The wolf was upon her, and with a pounce, Kavik used his superior weight and musculature to knock the deer off its spindly legs. Predator and prey tumbled over one another for a brief chaotic moment before coming to rest right before the fronds of a large willow tree. Kavik moved swiftly, righting himself to get his footing and leaping atop the flailing doe, careful to avoid any kicks from its pointed hooves while he pinned his prey to the ground with his weight and sealed powerful jaws around her throat with a vicious snarl.

The doe gave a panicked bleat, calling out for help for only a second before a squeeze from Kavik's jaws shut its windpipe, strangling the herbivore to death slowly. Sure, Kavik could have been more efficient and just ended the deer's life then and there, but he'd won his game and he deserved to bask in the reward for a few moments. If that meant the deer had to suffer a slower death... oh well, too bad. Low, deadly growls continued to rumble in Kavik's throat while he held the deer's neck in his jaws, giving it no slack while it struggled and flailed in vain, its movements slowing gradually. A breeze rippled through the grove then, rustling the willow fronds in front of him enough for his keen eyes to catch a glimpse of violet on the other side in the fading light. Kavik glanced up, not releasing the doe all the while, and spotted the face of the wolf hidden away behind the willow curtain watching him as he claimed his kill. He couldn't make out any details of the wolf through the gangly branches and low light. So Kavik simply stared back, holding the other wolf's gaze while he squeezed the last of the life out of the deer, waiting until it had made its final spasms in its death throes before it fell still.

Once the deer was dead, the snowy white brute dropped it to the ground and rose back to his full height, his piercing blue eyes still staring through the willow branches at the wolf within. He leaned down to grab the deer carcass by the neck, dragging it across the grass and through the curtain of willow fronds to join the other wolf in their natural hideaway. Once inside, he could get a better look at her. She was distinctly female, with a lithe, slender physique and enough length for him to suss out that she was probably pretty close to his size. Her face was decorated with intricate white markings that stood out against her royal purple swirling fur, all shades of violet blending together in her coat. "Good evening, my lady," he greeted her in his smooth, mellifluous baritone voice, an easy grin on his lips while he set the deer down between them. "I apologize if I startled you. I was busy catching a meal and didn't realize anyone was here." Kavik gestured with a paw down to the deer corpse, casting a curious look to the sumptuous and rare fae he'd stumbled upon. "Can I buy you dinner to make up for intruding so abruptly on you?"

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-29-2022, 01:38 PM (This post was last modified: 08-29-2022, 01:38 PM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)

The slight noise she had heard suddenly shifted into a brief moment of chaos as a few snapping twigs gave away the heavy footfalls that were running toward the trees she was resting in followed by the distinct bleating from a panicked prey animal. Ah, so it was some sort of predator on a hunt that she had heard then. That settled her curiosity at least, but she still remained on alert just in the off chance that said predator was a tiger or lion that wouldn't take too kindly to her presence near its kill just in case it noticed her here. A brief thud and tumble just outside of the curtain of willow branches finally landed with a solid thump within the scope of her view here, the movement causing the branches to be disturbed for a moment and revealed the massive, pale brute that had a doe firmly in his clutches. She watched as he slowly drew out his kill, the doe uselessly fighting against its inevitable doom while he held its throat tightly between his jaws.

Her aqua gaze connected with the slightly lighter, more icy blue of his and a slight smirk pulled across her lips and a curious brow lifted as he continued to strangle the doe, taking his time with his kill rather than just killing it quickly and being done with it. She would catch glimpses of him through the leaves as the branches continued to lightly sway, his eyes not wavering from hers while he finished his kill. She got the sense that he would have slowly killed the deer regardless of whether he had noticed her here or not, but now that he realized he had an audience he was intentionally making a bit of a show of it. Her large, feline front paws crossed over one another neatly while she waited for him to release the doe, the smirk still lingering on her lips, throughly amused with this burly stranger and his unintentionally dramatic entrance.

Eventually the doe fell still and its hunter released it, allowing him to draw up to his full height. Even through the willow branches that obscured him she could tell that he matched Alastor in his height and build and that was only confirmed as the male decided to pick up his prize and drag it into the privacy of the willow tree she had been occupying. Now that she could get a full look at him she could notice the subtle, but interesting, gray and silver markings that speckled his coat and created a soft shadow across his face to frame his piercing eyes. While not her usual taste of dark or vibrant appearances, he was still quite handsome and certainly had the heavier, more muscular build she could appreciate. He greeted her politely and apologized for startling her before gesturing to his kill, offering to 'buy' her dinner to make up for it which made her grin and chuckle in response. She considered him for a moment before finally chuckling and giving in with a small wave of her paw. "Well, how could I turn that down?"

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2022, 04:33 PM
The violet fae he'd happened across didn't seem in the least bit startled or perturbed by his sudden appearance and presence, in fact taking his abrupt entry with grace and a strange familiarity, as if she was used to it. The woman simply crossed her paws, which at a closer inspection he realized were no ordinary paws. They resembled the feet of large felines, rounded and thicker, with no obvious claws that were doubtlessly hiding within her digits. That was when he noticed the two crests of rigid bone atop her crown, and Kavik realized quickly that she was no ordinary wolf. She possessed a number of mutations the likes of which he hadn't encountered before. Mutated wolves were not something new to him, but her particular brand of changes were something he had yet to see. She smirked at him, those hypnotic aqua eyes never leaving him all throughout his approach, and when he offered her dinner, she replied with a simple statement of acceptance.

Kavik widened his debonair smile, his frosty blue eyes shining with delight while he held the stranger's gaze. It felt like the two of them were playing some sort of game—him being the dangerous gentleman, and her the coy and enigmatic femme. Well, this was a game he was familiar with, and one he enjoyed playing as well; he was not one to lose in these types of encounters. Briefly, Kavik wondered just where this evening would take them if he played his cards right. Suddenly the potential for this ravishing fae to be warming his bed this evening became a possibility, and the alabaster prince was all in on this deal. "Well, you could tell me no," he teased her with a bit of humor in his tone while he chuckled, dragging the deer between the two of them before gazing up at his dinner date from beneath white lashes with a suggestive smolder in them. "But I find it much more fun to say yes."

With the precision of a wolf who knew his way around a dead body, Kavik rolled the deer carcass so the soft underbelly was facing towards Manea. Using fang and claw, he peeled away the pelt and skin from the meat, tearing open the deer's guts to present the feast within to the purple lady. With his muzzle and paws now stained red with blood, Kavik waved a paw over their smorgasbord. "Ladies first." While he waited for her to start their meal, Kavik settled in on his belly on the opposite side of the deer so the two would lie facing one another. It felt more natural and less intrusive to have a conversation with the gorgeous fae like this rather than trying to move around to her side. Slow and steady wins the race. "I'm Kavik. Kavik av Fjellen," the white wolf introduced himself. He looked at Manea with a curious tilt to his head, waiting for each time Manea went to take a bite to sneakily let his gaze roam down over her supple form in assessment and appreciation. "And the name of the beautiful fae I have the pleasure of sharing a meal with is...?"

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 01:14 AM

Something about her, whether it was her appearance, her demeanor, or her response—or maybe a combination of those things—seemed to capture his attention and his grin grew as she easily and casually accepted his ofter of sharing his dinner with her. She smirked as he mentioned how she could have told him no and watched as he drug the deer closer between them before glancing up at her with a suave, debonaire way about him, saying how it was more fun to say yes. The suggestion was difficult to miss in his tone and it made her smirk pull into a more proper grin as he peeked up at her through his lashes. It had been a very long time since she had pursued any sort of interest without Alastor or without some other kind of connection. A random, chance encounter like this certainly hadn't pulled her attention since she was a much younger and far less commented fae. She thought for a moment that she ought to just shut the brute down now instead of leading him on, but... There was no harm in enjoying being wanted, right?

Kavik easily and neatly opened up the fresh kill so that they could pick what they wanted from the carcass, giving a small display of his skills in the process. She had already gathered that he was a competent hunter from the ease he had taking down the deer in the first place, but she had to admit that hunting and preparing the kill afterwards were two separate skills to develop so she was impressed with his work. There was a certain finesse that he lacked that told her that he wasn't as dedicated a hunter as herself or Alastor, but she wouldn't hold that against him. For someone that didn't hunt constantly she was just happy that he didn't make a mess of the thing like some wolves would. He offered her the first pick and she gave him a smirk, replying, "A gentleman." She rolled to her paws then so she could better reach the portion of the doe that she wanted and easily cut away the still warm meat with her deadly claws. She sliced free a portion she was happy with and then settled down in the grass once more across from her unexpected guest.

As she settled in to begin eating, the pale brute finally introduced himself with quite an interesting and unusual family name. She cast an interested glance toward him, but before she could ask about it he asked for her name in return—while slipping in a compliment over her appearance at the same time. A sly smirk tugged at the corner of her lips and she chuckled softly. He was laying it on thick, but she couldn't say that she wasn't enjoying the attention. "Manea Mendacium," she replied, slicing off a piece of the meat between her paws with a claw and popping it into her mouth while her aqua gaze remained on his, curiously assessing the bold wolf across from her. "Tell me a bit about yourself, Kavik. What brings a guy like you out hunting at this time of night?"

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
08-31-2022, 01:54 AM
Ever the megalomaniac he was, at no point did Kavik think he was failing in his quest to woo and seduce the violet woman before him. The art of seduction was a subtle and complex game, one he loved to play—and judging from the way she smirked and grinned at him, he could tell she was enjoying the pursuit too. She had all the power in their interaction and both of them knew it. She could deny him and shut him down at any point, end their time together as quickly as cutting a thread. But like him, she seemed to want to see where the game led them. She assessed him as a gentleman and he gave a chuckle and glanced away, ears folding bashfully back to his head. "Well, I don't know about all that..." Then the astute wolf watched as she skillfully dissected a piece of prime venison from the deer carcass using her retractable claws, further reinforcing his initial assessment of her. She did indeed possess many unique mutations.

Kavik waited just long enough to get his own portion of food before settling in on the soft grasses across from her. The wolf introduced herself as Manea Mendacium, and Kavik swirled the name about in his brain several times to let it sink into his memory. "Manea Mendacium," he repeated back, sampling her name on his tongue like one would a rare vintage of wine. "Your name suits you." So far, so good. He had her grinning and chuckling, sharing a meal with him. His excessive and obvious flirting had paid off by amusing Manea, now he would scale it back, subtle it up now that the tone for their evening had been set. No need to keep being campy about it. Without the razor sharp claws she possessed, Kavik's method of dining was much more primal, tearing into the fresh venison with sharp fangs that he proudly displayed to Manea while he ate. All the while both wolves kept their eyes on one another, almost as if having a silent conversation between themselves with their gazes and body language alone.

Manea was the first to break their silence, asking what brought him out to hunt at night. Kavik swallowed the meat in his mouth and ran his tongue over his lips to clean his pallid muzzle of runaway dribbles of blood, flashing Manea a small grin with a husky chuckle. "Would you believe me if I told you I was chasing my destiny?" The white and silver wolf chuckled again as he shook his head. "I'm something of a traveler. New to Boreas, just got here about a couple of weeks ago. I left my home pack years ago because there was nothing there for me. I've been looking for my place in the world ever since. It just so happens that my road took me to these woods tonight, put me on the path of a tasty looking deer..." Blue eyes met aqua and held, staring with a deep intensity into Manea's gaze, perhaps showing that he was no beta wolf when she clearly had alpha-like tendencies. "...and led me to you." An equally tasty looking wolf, he thought with a roguish grin, his tail giving a slow, subtle wag in the grass behind him. "And yourself?" asked Kavik, taking another bite of meat. "What would make a fae like yourself choose to bed down beneath a willow tree when you've got the scent of a pack all over you?"

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-31-2022, 03:52 PM

Manea gave a small dip of her head and a grin to his approval of her name, replying, "Thank you, I'm quite fond of it." He wasn't over bearing with his flirting and was quite sly and knowing in how he approached her. This was obviously not his first time playing this game and the skilled brute certainly knew what he was doing. As he settled in to eat his share of the venison across from her, she occasionally let her gaze drift across the strong planes of his form since she had no doubt that he was doing the same to her whether she caught him doing it or not. Eventually though, as she broke the silence with the question she posed to him, her attention was fully returned to his icy gaze as he responded with a grin and chuckle. She responded with a soft chuckle of her own when he suggested that he was out chasing his destiny, her own tongue swiping across her muzzle as well. She listened as he described what had brought him to Boreas and how he was new to this area, a man looking for his place in this world that just so happened to wander toward these woods in pursuit of a deer.

He held her gaze with a deep intensity as he said that, pointedly bringing up how this series of events landed him here with her. She raised a brow as a small smirk crossed her lips at the direct and bold claim he seemed to be making with the statement. It was amusing, in a way, the amount of parallels she felt between how she met Alastor and now. A surprise encounter, a kill, talk of destiny... Of course her first adventure with Alastor had been far more violent and bloody, but the similarities were still there. Even though she had grown more realistic and grounded since becoming a mother and an alpha she did still tend to think that the world put certain wolves in their lives at certain times for certain reasons... even if those reasons weren't immediately apparent. The grin that pulled across his features at some unspoken thought made her smirk pull into a grin as well, making her chuckle as she finished off the last couple of bites of her meal and gave her paw a slow lick to clean away the blood there. "You're an interesting one, Kavik. No doubt about that," she teased lightly, crossing one paw neatly over the other once again.

While he continued with his own meal, he turned the questions to her, asking why she would choose to stay here for the night when she obviously had a pack to go back to. Chuckling a bit and stretching to get a bit more comfortable, she replied, "Well, if you must know, I was on a trip to visit an ally of mine in the southern continent. I'm on my way back now and got half way before it got too late to keep going. I haven't enjoyed a quiet, peaceful night on my own since I met my mate and formed my pack so I thought why not take advantage of this lovely spot to do just that?" She gave him a playful glare as she grinned and added, "Well, it was quiet and peaceful until a certain brute came crash landing into my willow tree with dinner."

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
08-31-2022, 09:18 PM
If there was one thing Kavik was, it was self-confident. The snowy white and silver gilded brute was practically built of charisma and poise, never faltering or stumbling in his mettle while he tried to charm the metaphorical pants off of Manea. Her reactions spurred him on, encouraging him with every subtle shift of her expression. Her raising eyebrow, the growing grin on her lips, the way those gorgeous aqua eyes lit up and sparkled with intrigue and delight the more he spoke. Each one gave him a glimpse into where Manea's mind was, and he read the signs as if she were outright telling him how well he was doing. This was the game he loved—learning each wolf's subtle social cues and tells and manipulating them to his advantage, all without them being any wiser. It allowed him to get to know the other wolf faster and far more personally in a short span of time. It also let him figure out if the wolf was worth his time. Manea Mendacium was turning out to be very, very worth his time!

As he recounted his tale to her in basic detail, Manea chuckled with her widening grin stretching across her muzzle and commented on how he was an interesting one. "I'll take that as a compliment, thank you," he replied in his smooth-as-silk voice with a casual chuckle in return. He watched how Manea crossed her paws neatly, ever still prim and proper. She had to be someone of high regard in her pack to behave like this. Kavik returned to finishing his meal while Manea took to answering his question, giving her lithe body a stretch while she began. Kavik couldn't help but let his eyes roam with a certain primal hunger down the length of her svelte, feminine body, eating up every delicious dip and curve of her frame from slender shoulders to round, shapely hips and her sumptuously slim sides in between. Oh yeah, Manea was hot and she knew it. Kavik was smirking while he listened to her, licking his lips and paws clean in turn now to remove the stains of red from his pristine white fur.

So Manea had been visiting a pack ally down in the south, eh? That meant she was either a diplomat or someone in high standing for sure. His unspoken question was answered when Manea explained how she'd stopped to rest here to enjoy a quiet night—something she hadn't had since she'd mated herself off to another wolf and formed her pack. Her pack. Kavik's interest visibly brightened on his already attentive expression. So she was the alpha of her pack, was she? Now THAT was a veeeery interesting tidbit of info! To her playful glare, Kavik simply shot her a debonair grin again. "I'd say I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I don't tell lies to beautiful faes," he remarked with a husky chuckle. Then he shifted his weight, settling in more comfortably and crossing his paws as well while he gazed at Manea with vivid fascination. "So you're an alpha, hmm? Can't say I'm really surprised. You have all the hallmarks of an alpha. And a mated alpha at that!"

Kavik pretended to look disappointed for a moment, turning his gaze down from Manea's to glance at his paws with a soft sigh, then looked back up at her through slightly lidded eyes and smirked. "Am I barking up the wrong tree then? Would your mate have a problem with you sharing dinner with a strange brute? Should I leave you to enjoy the rest of your quiet, peaceful evening, Manea Mendacium?" Or would you like to make it a little more... lively? His smoldering eyes asked the question through his gaze to the sultry violet alphess. Really, Kavik didn't want to leave. He wanted Manea to tell him to stay, to continue their conversation and see how hot the night could become between them. The fact that she was mated meant nothing to the devilish brute. Soccer had a goalie, yet you could still score, and marriages were not a permanent establishment as some seemed to think. It all depended on what she told him here tonight though, and if he even had a chance of getting anywhere with Manea.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-01-2022, 12:11 AM

She was intentional when she told him about why she was here to casually slip in the fact that she had a mate and was an alpha just to see his reaction. Those sorts of things could either turn on or off a brute easily enough and it was better to just get it out in the open now than try and circle back to it later. She wasn't sure why she was still entertaining this silvery male and humoring the idea of keeping him for the night, but she also couldn't exactly find a reason not to. He was obviously interested in her—to the point that she was pretty sure that if she told him to take her right here and now he'd jump over the remains of their dinner to do it. Being desired like that and having his undivided attention out here was certainly an intoxicating thing and something she hadn't really realized she had been missing. She was careful not to let her thoughts wander down that path too much too quickly though. He was still just a stranger—a charming and handsome stranger, but a stranger none of the less. She didn't know his intentions yet so she wasn't going to let herself get swept away in the idea of him so easily.

The surprise and interest that colored his expression when he heard that she was the founder and alpha of her pack was obvious, but he didn't speak on that right away. Instead, he teased her back with a comment about telling lies to pretty faces that made her grin and give him a little roll of her eyes as she chuckled. He did certainly love his sly comments and compliments, but she couldn't say she minded. Then he got down to the things that had caught his attention, saying how he wasn't really surprised that she was an alpha. His expression when she mentioned it said otherwise, but she didn't call him out on it. When he brought up the fact that she had a mate was what she was really interested in since some would stop their chase immediately after they found out that she was spoken for. She thought that might be the case as he glanced away with disappointment on his expression.

However, he surprised her when he glanced back up at her with a sly look, asking her if he was barking up the wrong tree and whether her mate would have an issue with all of this. So it seemed that her having a mate didn't discourage the tenacious brute after all. She gave him another appraising look as she considered him again for a moment. Would Alastor have an issue with her being here with him? Most likely. They weren't an exclusive couple by any stretch of the imagination, but she liked to think that her husband might be possessive enough over her to have a problem with her sleeping with another brute without his involvement. Although... She had to wonder what he had been doing in the time she was away. She doubted that he was simply sleeping alone in their den waiting for her to return. He was probably with Relm as he tended to be and that was seemingly fine for him so why wouldn't this be fine for her? The promise he held in his gaze was incredibly tempting, especially with the jealous train of thought her mind had decided to wander down. After a lingering moment of consideration and thought she finally smirked and replied "No... You should stay. He can have an issue with it if he wants. Exclusivity is certainly not our strong suit." In fact she hoped Alastor had an issue with it. Keeping Irilyth to herself was certainly not getting the reaction she wanted from him any more so perhaps this would.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
09-01-2022, 07:42 PM
Kavik was playing a dangerous game and he knew it. The flirtatious dance he and Manea had been tangoing together up until now had suddenly shifted in its dynamic. Now there were mines on the dance floor. Manea wasn't just some pretty fae he was trying to bed down for a pleasant evening. There were much deeper connotations at work here with much greater rewards at stake. Manea was an alpha, a leader of a pack she had established herself. Not only that, but Manea was also spoken for by an as of now unknown male, a challenger and an obstacle he would need to overcome. The game they were playing had been kicked up a notch, but instead of being deterred, it was the opposite. Kavik was intrigued and excited by the new challenge and the prospect of being able to beat out an opponent. If he played his cards right, perhaps this would be the start of building a lasting bridge between himself and the enigmatic and alluring Manea Mendacium.

He had asked her if her mate would take issue with her spending an evening alone one-on-one with a strange brute, and Kavik couldn't help the amused smirk crossing his lips while Manea looked him over once more in unabashed appraisal. He reclined into a more leisurely posture, letting Manea look him over and showing he had no qualms as she did so. He was quite proud of his body and physique, and showing off to the pretty ladies that liked to ogle him was a nice boost to the ego as well. When you have something worth showing off, why not let others enjoy it? The white dire gave the violet fae all the time she needed to process whatever thoughts were going on in that head, and after a spell, he was rewarded with a smirk from Manea and her confirming that he should stay. Kavik gave a rumbling chuckle in his husky voice, that suggestive grin creeping its way over his lips once more while a brow raised in intrigue. "Then I'll gladly stay and let him take issue with me. You're proving to be worth the risk of pissing him off," replied the suave dire brute with a devil-may-care attitude.

Reading into her invitation for him to stay and incur the wrath of her absent mate, Kavik decided to press his luck just a smidge with his companion for the evening. "So, if exclusivity isn't your strong suit, I suppose you wouldn't mind if I... did this?" With a daring grin on his muzzle, Kavik rose smoothly to his paws, muscles shifting and rippling with his movements beneath his short coat. He slid one massive paw beneath the deer carcass and, with a rippling flex, tossed it aside and out of the way. With nothing between them, the pale brute closed the distance between them with a few graceful steps, moving to stand over her before leaning his head down and bringing a massive paw up to catch Manea by the jaw, using a gentle yet insistent pressure to tilt her muzzle up to claim her lips with his own. Icy blue eyes remained on Manea's face for a brief moment, wanting to see her reaction to his move before letting them drift closed while he kissed her, pale lips parting her own with a little pressure to slide his tongue into her maw. It was a bold advance to go from casual chitchat to making out with her, but if Kavik's hunch was right, something told him Manea would enjoy his bravado and daring to take charge of her with the intention of pissing off her mate and pleasing this gorgeous femme.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-07-2022, 08:47 PM

Kavik and his inability to be deterred from his pursuit of her was interesting and flattering at the same time. It had been a very long time since she had felt as chased after as she did in this moment and it was certainly a nice feeling. She was often so dominant and forward with her own advances that there wasn't much room for others to chase after her instead, but Kavik had beaten her to the punch and had begun making the first moves right away, catching her attention and making her even consider sleeping with another brute on her own for the first time since her mating ceremony with Alastor. She grinned with amusement when he said how she was proving to be worth the risk of pissing off her husband and she chuckled, giving him a challenging glance. "Well, we'll have to see if you think that's still true if you ever meet him." Alastor was by far one of the most imposing, brutal, violent presences she had ever met and it was one of the things that had drawn her to him so immediately when they met. Of course his edges had been slightly softened after they started their family and he became a father, but he was still the same demon of a wolf that had gifted her with the heart of one of their kills once upon a time and had taken her on top of the body of the enormous dire wolf they had killed together. It would be interesting to see how Alastor handled this pale-coated brute if Kavik did intend to keep pursuing her.

As if reading and challenging her thoughts, Kavik stood with a suave air about him as he questioned whether or not she would mind if he did something before tossing the remains of their dinner to the side and stepping toward her. She raised a quizzical brow at him as he moved closer until he was standing over her, but when his paw caught her jaw and pulled her muzzle up to tip it up toward his own she very quickly caught on to what he wanted. A smirk tugged at her lips before his caught them in a firm kiss, pulling a quiet, pleased hum from her before her aqua gaze flickered closed and she pressed forward into his kiss as well. It was certainly a sharp spike in his advances to go from their banter and conversation to suddenly making out with her, but if anything she just appreciated this approach more than if he had slowly built up to this moment. He was making it very clear that he knew exactly what he wanted and that he was determined to take it. Her tongue met with his in their connected mouths as their kiss continued, tasting this near stranger as their kiss deepened further at his insistence and the light pressure he put on her lips. The sudden turn of events tapped into a wild streak she didn't often get a chance to enjoy these days and a familiar warmth flared up in her core, tightening with a slowly building desire the longer her lips were locked with his.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
09-07-2022, 09:12 PM
Taking the bold approach had definitely been a calculated reach, a risk that Kavik knew he was taking by advancing on a married fae like this. Many others would never have considered doing what he was now doing with Manea, sticking to strict social etiquette and changing course as soon as they found out she was spoken for. Kavik wasn't like most other wolves though. He saw an opportunity and he took it. That was why everyone else would fall behind while he kept advancing. His bold nature was rewarded with a delighted smirk from Manea, followed by pleased hums and heavier breathing as she pressed back into their kiss. He tasted Manea's tongue while hers danced with his between their connected mouths, the two wolves that were still veritable strangers to one another making out as if they'd lusted for one another their whole lives. Kavik could feel the willingness in Manea's body as he pressed closer to her, noting no tension or apprehension while his paw held her muzzle to his so she couldn't pull away. She gave herself to him willingly and he would take all that she offered him. Manea was too good of an opportunity for him to pass up.

Heat flared inside Kavik's core, familiar and growing intense the longer they fed from one another's maws. Low rumbling growls of delight vibrated in the dire brute's chest as that heat grew and spread, settling between his thighs as he pressed himself even closer to Manea until we was urging her to roll onto her back for him. If she relented, Kavik would move to position himself above her, refusing to let their muzzles part all the while. There would be no questioning what intentions he had in mind for them once that happened. He planned on savoring and enjoying all of Manea for as long as he could have his paws on her, giving her a reason to thoroughly indulge and enjoy her evening of being single. If she showed him resistance now or pushed back, then it seemed like Kavik would need to convince her further. She did strike him as a dominant woman after all, and if she wanted to turn this into a contest of wills, then he was eager to play her game and see who ended up on top.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-07-2022, 10:41 PM

As Manea made out with her suitor for the evening and that desire started to rise easily in her core, she didn't try to resist or keep herself from giving into the temptation of him. Being strictly exclusive had never been part of her and Alastor's relationship. At one point their agreement had been to always share whoever they found interesting enough to pull into their bed, but since Alastor took Relm as his that no longer seemed to hold sway on her husband so she wasn't going to let it have sway on her. She understood that she had, in theory, already had an equivalent exchange in the form of having Irilyth as her lover, but in a way she had only done that with the hope that perhaps Alastor would notice how it felt for her to keep him from someone she was sleeping with. Apparently it didn't affect him like it did her or perhaps he just didn't care if she was sleeping with other women. Well, perhaps her sleeping with another brute would finally make him take notice—and if not then there wouldn't be any harm in having another male to keep her bed warm from time to time. It was only fair.

When Kavik began to press closer and make it obvious that he was trying to pressure her to get onto her back for him, Manea's natural inclination to be the dominant force in things flared to life. She resisted a bit for a moment, returning the pressure back into their kiss as the making out grew more hungry and heated the longer it went on with a bit of a quiet, unspoken power struggle between the two strong willed wolves. After a few moments she pretended to relent, giving into the pressure he was putting into their connected muzzles and allowing him to push her onto her back as she rolled over and exposed her belly for him, her lean, lithe body stretching out on the grass as he kept their kiss going while he stepped over her with his more thickly muscled frame standing over hers. As soon as he was above her though, she reached up, hooking her hind legs around his waist and placing her large, feline paws on his chest. She shoved and rolled with him as she pulled him down on top of her, using her experience with Alastor to easily flip him over onto his back.

Once she had him pinned under her she broke away from their kiss with a soft gasp, her breathing heavier and more heated as she grinned down at him with her paws pressed to his chest. She straddled his waist, settling back into him as she looked down at him with a dare in her lecherous gaze while a grin pulled at her lips with a flash of teeth. "Trying to dominate me right out of the gate, hm...?" she questioned, her voice a velvety purr while her claws lightly pricked at his skin and her tail began to dance and tease over some more sensitive parts of him. "You're going to have to do more than that if that's what you want..."

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
09-08-2022, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 04:07 AM by Kavik. Edited 1 time in total.)
Kavik could feel the urgent hunger and lustful heat growing between him and Manea as their making out grew hotter and more intense the longer it went on, reveling in the power struggle between the two dire wolves as Manea resisted his further advances—at least at first. A low growl rumbled in his throat, and then the violet fae yielded to him, allowing her body to be rolled over at his insistence. Kavik found himself settling Manea on the flat of her back, her fluffy belly exposed in a submissive stance to him while they continued to kiss, his broader, thickly muscled body taking its place above her lithe, voluptuous form. Kavik felt a swell of triumph start to cause other parts of himself to respond in turn to successfully dominating his lover for the evening as though he had completed a grand conquest. But that triumph was short-lived, for as soon as he was over top of her, the white brute felt strong purple legs wrap around his waist and large paws press to his broad chest. Then his world flipped.

There was a moment where he felt his body being tugged and tumbling, and when everything had settled, Kavik found himself on his back on the soft grasses now with Manea on top of him, straddling his waist with hind legs hooked around his his hips and strong forelegs pinning him to the ground by his chest. Their kiss broken, Kavik could pant lightly for air, left breathless by their making out and Manea's sexy move. He gazed up at her grinning face, enjoying the way she looked breathless and turned on just from kissing alone. Kavik grinned back, his breathing interrupted with a sharp gasp when he felt the lean fae settle back into his lap with her rump rubbing up against his male parts. The way Manea flashed her deadly teeth down to him in a grin and the daring look in her lecherous gaze made a spike of lust lance through his core. Kavik had never wanted another woman as much as he wanted Manea in that moment. Manea teased him with her words and velvety lyrics, her dangerous claws dancing over his skin while her silken tail began to sway and dance between his thighs and over his most sensitive parts. Kavik's reactions were immediate—a sharp intake of breath, a shuddering gasp, and a shiver that ended in his hips. Their game had changed and elevated to the next level. Now it was time to play.

Kavik shot a look back up at Manea, a lecherous fire smoldering in his cool eyes while pearly fangs were flashed back to her in a predatory grin. Massive alabaster paws came up to grab Manea by her slender sides, toes flexing to prick his own claws into her tender flesh in turn. Then he slid his paws down, moving agonizingly slowly to drag his claws in light scratches all the way along Manea's svelte body and over supple curves until they came to rest on her hips, grabbing at her powerful thighs as he gave a firm push down while rolling his hips up, grinding their anatomy together in a firm yet languid movement. The spike of pleasure made Kavik bite his lip to stifle a groan, ravenous eyes fixed on Manea's to enjoy her every reaction he was able to coax out of her. "Who said I can't still do things you when you're in my lap...?" he teased her back, hips rolling into hers again to emphasize a point while he ground their bodies together with a heavy breath. "But if you want me to dominate you completely... I can play like that too…"

The next time Kavik rolled his hips against Manea's, the dire brute waited for the fae atop of him to give some sort of reaction, and when she was distracted, one of his paws shot up to grab Manea by the throat, squeezing just enough to get a firm grasp around her and perhaps make it a bit harder to breathe before using her surprise to rock his body forward, sending her tumbling backward while he was still wrapped up in her legs so he would land on top of her when she hit the grass on her back. Kavik wore a victorious grin on his face as he held himself above Manea now, his hips still pressed to hers and his paw still around her throat, squeezing with just enough pressure to choke her a bit. "How's that for doing more, sexy...?" He chuckled, a low rumbling laugh while he leaned in closer to flick his tongue against her chin.

"Kävik av Fjellen"



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-11-2022, 06:42 PM

While she kept him pinned down beneath her, her hips pressed into his and she enjoyed the sight of having this massive brute under her control, she felt his large paws come up to rest on her sides. The feeling of his claws digging into and dragging down across her skin made her gasp and groan quietly while her back arched under his touch, the move accented with the feeling of him gripping onto her hips and rolling his own up into her, giving her a small promise of what was surely to come sooner rather than later. His comments about doing things to her while she was in his lap and implying that he could dominate her completely made her grin widen and she gave a slow, grinding movement of her body against his in return as she purred in response, "Is that so...? Well, I'd love to see you try..." She was quite enjoying his banter and the slight power struggle between them—and the fact that he was ready and willing to take on the challenge.

As the thought crossed her mind he gave her a pleasant surprise by reaching up and grabbing her around the throat, pulling a slightly strangled gasp from her and making a shiver run down her spine. As she was caught up in the feeling of his most sensitive parts pressing into hers and his paw squeezing around her throat, the sensations making her eyes flutter a bit and her back arch again, he took the opportunity and slight opening it provided to push her back onto her back. She landed in the plush grass with a soft thud and Kavik's larger frame pressing down into hers again, his paw still firmly around her throat and restricting her breathing to just shallow, strangled gasps. A wide, pleased grin was painted on her muzzle as he leaned down over her, his deep, rumbling tones reaching her as he mentioned his "doing more". She couldn't quite respond with his paw heavy on her throat, but when he flicked his tongue across her chin she nipped back at him with a playful, lustful glare.

Her large, feline-like paws hooked around his sides, gripping around his lower back with her sharp, deadly claws sinking lightly into his skin and bringing rivulets of blood to the surface while her hind legs that were still wrapped around his hips squeezed tighter and pulled him down into her. She shivered again with the quickly building heat and desire that he had sparked in her, her head tipping back slightly with her eyes fluttering to encourage him to keep his paw right where it was as he urged him to take what he very clearly wanted. She could feel all of him against him and with this heat clenching at her core she needed to feel a lot more of him than this.

"Manea Mendacium"



6 Years
Dire wolf
09-21-2022, 07:39 PM
With Manea pinned securely beneath him, Kavik had half expected some form of resistance or retaliation from the alphess, as she had done before. What he got instead caught him way off guard when Manea instead nipped at his teasing lick, seeing the playful, lustful gleam in her aqua eyes. His grin widened, and he had been about to make another suggestive comment when he felt Manea's large, leonine paws wrap up around his back and grip tight to him, her razor sharp claws biting into his flesh. Kavik hissed through gritted teeth at the sudden flash of pain, shooting a playful glare down at Manea while his paw squeezed a bit tighter around her throat in response, quite enjoying the way her strangled gasps of breath sounded. But then his own breathing was cut off in a gasp when Manea's hind legs, still wrapped around his hips, flexed and squeezed tighter around him to pull him down into her.

Kavik gave a shuddering groan as he felt his most intimate parts meet Manea's, the sultry, sexy fae grinding their bodies together in such an enticing manner. The heat of desire that burned in his core soon grew to an unstoppable inferno, immolating him from the inside out. The dire brute watched the way the violet fae's eyes fluttered for him, sending a shiver of wanton lust down his spine, and how she tilted her head back to expose her throat to him, yielding to his desires. Kavik didn't hesitate to take what they both wanted. His paw found a more secure hold on her throat, replying with a lecherous growl while he repositioned his legs and slid his hips to align their bodies. Then, with a gasping moan, Kavik slid forward to combine their bodies in heated passion, a victorious grin on his lips while he claimed Manea as his for the night and got to work bringing them both the pleasures and satisfactions they both lusted after.

- fade -

"Kävik av Fjellen"