
You shine brighter than the stars

Ike <3



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-31-2022, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2022, 06:55 PM by Remus. Edited 1 time in total.)

Since joining Ashen he had been throughly enjoying settling into a day to day routine of sorts and getting to just live his life near Ike. When he made the decision to join the pack with her he had no idea what to expect, but he was able to acclimate to the way the pack ran a lot more easily than he expected himself to and he was slowly starting to even make some friends with other wolves in the pack too. Still, as much as he was enjoying just getting to see Ike for at least a little bit each day and doing some more common place things with her like hunts and patrols, he did want to do something more special for her too. The last time they really spent a day together was when he kidnapped her for a beach day before he joined Ashen so it was high time for something special.

He packed a few supplies and a more substantial meal than he had for the beach trip and later in the afternoon he went to get Ike, giving her his signature roguish grin and insisting that she come with him without giving her any room for protest as he liked to do. There was something about just sweeping away this dutiful, hard working girl for a bit of fun and adventure that made him happier than anything else. He wanted nothing more than to see her smile and he hoped that this could do the trick. He walked with her away from Ashen lands just as the sun began to sink toward the horizon with a small pack slung over his shoulder, his side lightly bumping into hers as they walked as he gave her a little grin. He felt like their relationship had been slowly, steadily growing closer over all of the time since he met her and without a doubt she was his closest friend he had ever had besides his own brother, but there were words that were hung on his tongue that he hadn't yet managed to say... but he hoped that could change tonight.

Remus brought Ike out to to the Fern Gulley that was lush and abundant with plant life after the numerous rains and storms throughout the summer. All of the extra rainfall had done the valley good and it was fragrant with all kinds of flowers that made pockets and patches of color all over the place. As they reached their destination, the sun had begun to set, leaving the sky in darker shades of navy, violet, and hints of red. The moon was nearly in full view and the stars had just begun to peek out. He brought Ike over to a secluded nook in the valley between a pair of trees and surrounded with flowering vines. Set up in the middle of it all was a large, plush fur to lay on and a campfire just waiting to be lit just off to the side at a safe distance from the trees. He had made sure that the fur was placed in the middle of the trees where they could still see the clear night sky through the gap in the tree cover.

As he put the pack of food down, he turned to look at her with a grin and a bit of expectant nervousness that was unusual for him. He knew this was more romantic than a lot of their usual outings, but it set the tone for what he had in mind and he silently hoped that she liked it. "Go ahead and get comfortable! I'll get the fire going for us!" He went to pull a flint and steel from his pack, fighting against the little nervous butterflies that kept trying to take over his stomach all the while.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-02-2022, 07:50 AM
Having her best friend join Ashen was better than she could imagine, but if she was honest Ike had been avoiding being alone with Remus. She knew that her body was going through dramatic changes and they made her uncomfortable and awkward on her best days. Being around Remus just intensified the strange and frightening feelings. Ike didn’t know how to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, and she just hoped he hadn’t really noticed. Thankfully she could really trust her friend, he was integrating himself into Ashen without much effort. He was just as dutiful as she was in his responsibilities. So she wasn’t incredibly worried he would notice her odd behavior.

The Princess was finishing up a patrol when Remus found her that early evening. His smile and his insistence that she follow him. For only a moment she tried to deny him, especially with the mere sight of him causing her to flush and feel a clench in her core as her belly filled with butterflies. He didn’t let her argue, and because she felt bad about not spending much time with him she gave no more protest. She couldn’t deny the feelings inside that blossomed as he grinned in response to her agreement.

She followed him out of Ashen lands, having Tanto return to the palace to let the other Akitas know that she would be gone. Anko, her mother’s dog, was the head of the canine servants of the palace. If anything happened, Venom would eventually know where they were. Not that Ike had any worry as she loped along at Remus' side. The Princess didn’t know why she felt so nervous as they walked, Remus always did everything in his power to make her comfortable and to relax. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, and she felt bad about the natural processes within. They were both uncomfortable and weirdly pleasant, but she didn’t understand and so she lingered in the grief of it all. Her little blushes and the smile lingering on her features covered the discomfort within as they walked.

They were mostly quiet on the way,it was a nice walk and despite the internal discomfort she really liked being with Remus. By the time they were arriving to their destination the sun was beginning to set and the soft glow of the golden hour revealed the little spot he had already prepared for them. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught as he guided her to their little meadow. Stars began to sparkle in the sky above, lightning bugs were beginning to rise from the grasses and bring a twinkle to the trees and the flowers around them. It was beautiful and romantic and Ike could scarcely believe she was here with Remus. The flush of her cheeks would be a permanent placement all night, she was sure.

With the setting revealed she felt herself become more nervous even as he ushered her to the cozy setting. She couldn’t really bring words to her lips so as his attention shifted to the fire Ike lowered herself to the furs by the fire pit. She knew this setting was meant for far more than just a couple of friends. Her nerves wouldn’t settle, but she tried to anyway. "It looks like it’ll be a really nice night.” Ike tried to settle herself with small talk, but little glimpses of Remus and his rump kept the annoying flicker of excitement lingering in her veins.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-11-2022, 01:41 PM

Remus glanced back at Ike where she had settled on the furs close by when she mentioned how it looked like it was going to be a really nice night. He obviously knew she likely was referring to the clear and pleasant weather that happened to line up with his plans so well, but he couldn't help but hope that tonight was nice in other ways as well. He smiled and nodded, glancing up toward the stars as he replied, "Yeah, I think it will be." Turning his attention back to the awaiting fire pit for a moment, he used the flint and steel to get the flame going easily and once the sparks caught on the tender he was able to put the tools back int he bag and he spent a couple of moments fanning the small flames until they caught on the bigger pieces of wood. Now that the fire was going the area was filled with a warm glow, making the shadows of the other areas of the Gulley seem deeper and making the nook they were tucked into feel even more secluded.

Once his task was done all that was really left was getting out their food and going to join Ike where she was laying. The nervousness he felt caught him off guard a bit because he was so confident in his decision to do this and how he felt about Ike, but the closer he got to finishing this scene he was setting and getting to the actual reason he had brought her out here the nerves were starting to get to him as he wondered if this would go well or not. Either Ike would feel the same and their relationship would get to move on to a new level or he would ruin their friendship with unrequited love and awkwardness... It felt like pretty high stakes all of the sudden and shook some of his usual confident bravado. Doing his best to shake it off and not show too much of his nerves, Remus pulled the food he had brought with them as well as a water skin and a bottle of wine. He had snagged it from the pack's stores on a whim and as he was setting it down with everything else he said, "I don't know if you like wine or not, but I figured I'd bring it along just in case."

He moved to lay down beside her then, pulling the wine bottle closer to pull the cork free before setting it between them and reaching for a couple of the fresh berries that were among their dinner. "I'm really glad you agreed to come out here with me," he mentioned quietly after a few moments of silence with just the crackling of the fire and the soft hum of insects to fill the gap. He grinned a little as he added, "I know this isn't our usual kind of adventure, but I just... I just wanted to do something special for you." He brought his ruby and emerald gaze up to hers then, feeling the warmth in his own cheeks start to build as he caught her silver and pale lavender eyes. Whenever they were close like this and his gaze found hers it always made his heart skip a beat and wiped away any conscious thought from his brain. Over the year since he first met her he had watched her features mature from the very pretty girl he had run into by the river to the stunning, ethereal woman she was now. He had always thought that she was beautiful, but as she came into her own it was even more evident just how special she really was.

The words he really wanted to say hung on his tongue for a moment before he finally forced himself to look back down at their dinner, tossing a couple of the berries into his mouth to keep himself from saying something he was just going to end up tripping over. He did eventually lift the bottle of wine to his lips, taking a long sip of the sweet and slightly bitter drink. "It's pretty good," he said approvingly as he sat the bottle back down between them while he reached for a piece of cooked, seasoned venison. "I've definitely had worse!" He chuckled lightly and started to eat, occasionally peeking her way and drinking more wine, the alcohol starting to warm him from the inside out and help him relax a bit.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-12-2022, 07:38 PM
Remus mused along with her that the night would certainly be lovely. The way he looked at her when he said it had Ike wondering if he only meant the weather as she had noted. The fire was brought to life and light emanated out from the hearth. Shadows leapt out but the colors of the sky were far from muted. Their nook seemed much more private and tucked away now, like a warm blanket of darkness settled over them as Remus took the chance to settle in close to her. She could feel his nervous energy, which was a complete oddity coming from the brave man she had come to know.

As he pulled out their dinner she found herself easily distracted and she relaxed into the furs he had laid out as her attention was brought to something else he brought. Her eyes widened in surprise as he revealed a wine skin, and admitted his ignorance to her own preference. She could feel her own nerves more readily than his as they gripped her at the thought. Ike was officially an adult, she could partake in alcohol if she so desired, but so far in her life she had not. The prospect of doing so now with Remus was exciting and nerve wracking. She nodded along curiously, not even able to bring the words to her lips that she wanted to drink it with him.

He uncorked the bottle after sampling a couple of berries. Ike wasn’t sure her stomach could handle more than a couple berries herself, especially as he spoke again after a few minutes of quiet as he settled beside her. She fluttered her eyelashes bashfully as he told her how much he appreciated her coming out on this not near run of the mill adventure. Ike felt like she could follow him on any adventure, this one was no different in that regard. There was an unmistakable difference in the atmosphere of this trip, it would be starkly different from all the ones before.

"I am too,” She confessed softly as he brought his gaze to hers. Ike felt the blush rise in her cheeks as he did. "You don’t have to do anything special for me.” She tried to tell him, but she couldn’t help the way her heart beat faster as he said it. She was certain he was about to say something else when he turned his attention back to the berries in front of them, and Ike took the opportunity to relax as well and popped a couple of the fruits into her mouth.

She watched from the corner of her eye as Remus tipped the bottle back for his first swig. She couldn't deny the uncertainty hanging around the beverage but he assured her that it tasted pretty good. If there was any presence she felt safe indulging in it with Remus, so her mismatched paws took it and grabbed her own drink as well. She didn’t know what she was expecting but it went down much more roughly than the fruits she had just eaten. Ike sputtered as she swallowed, making her inexperience obvious. "Yeah, not bad.” She gasped with a chuckle as she recovered from choking.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-26-2022, 11:35 AM

Remus was just about to put another bite of meat into his mouth when Ike went to take a drink—and choked on the wine in doing so. His ears perked with alarm and he dropped what he was holding, reaching over to guide the bottle back to the ground, lightly tapping her back and rubbing between her shoulders as she sputtered and coughed for a few moments. Once the caught her breath he was able to relax again, smiling and chuckling as she mentioned how the wine wasn't bad. Leaning close to her like this, nearly nose to nose, it made his heart skip as her pale gaze connected with his again. He felt like he should pull away, remove his paw from her shoulders, but he didn't want to. It took him a couple of moments of being lost in her eyes to force himself to move again, bringing his paw from her shoulders to her lips, gently wiping away a bit of wine that had gotten caught in her pale, pink-tinted fur. I should have warned you about that first drink," he joked lightly, giving her a little grin before he finally looked back down at the spread in front of them, continuing to eat and drink while occasionally letting the side of his paw and foreleg brush against hers, his shoulder beginning to lightly rest against hers the longer that they relaxed there together and the longer the wine had the chance to work through their systems and soothe some of those wayward nerves.

After a while, once a good portion of their meal was eaten—and over half of the wine was gone—he couldn't make himself focus on the food any longer and he let his paw curl around Ike's, shifting his gaze to her's again. Was he leaning on the bit of boosted courage the warmth and lightness of the wine provided him? Absolutely he was. But if it meant that he was finally going to admit to her how he felt for her and their relationship then he felt like it was a worthy cause. He gave her paw a gentle squeeze as his eyes found hers and for a moment it took all of his willpower to not just kiss her then and there. As long as everything went how he hoped he was sure there would be plenty of kissing to be had when he had said what was sitting on his heart, but Ike deserved for him to take his time and do this right for her. She deserved to be swept off of her feet and shown just how truly special she was. He didn't know how well he was doing in that department, but he hoped he was at least doing alright.

"Ike..." he said after a moment, slowly finding his voice and piecing together what he had practiced before he came to get her for this outing. "Ike, you mean so much to me. Since I met you I just haven't been able to stop thinking about you and over the last couple of seasons you've become my best friend and companion... Before I met you I didn't know what I was doing with my life and now that I'm in Ashen with you I feel like I actually have a purpose and a drive again. You've made me so much better and so happy just by being with me." He hesitated for a moment his dark slate tipped ears flicking as he fought against his own nerves. He knew this would be the one tipping point that would change their relationship and now he just had to see whether it would be for the better or not. "I... I love you, Ike. I love you." Now that the words were finally past his lips, he found himself grinning like a fool, his tail wagging and accidentally brushing over hers and against her hip in the process, his heart feeling like it might actually beat out of his chest. He felt like he was holding his breath as he waited on her reaction, desperately hoping he hadn't fucked everything up in the span of a few seconds.

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
09-27-2022, 12:38 PM
Remus immediately came to her rescue as she started to cough and choke on the unexpected intensity of the alcohol. He dropped everything as he guided the bottle to the ground and patted her back gently as she regained her breath. Her throat burned but she ignored it as she finally was able to take a breath and tell him how good the wine was. He chuckled with her, catching her gaze as he lamented how he should have maybe warned her. Despite the rough start, the warmth of it in her belly was pleasant, but not as pleasant as the way it felt to have his arm around her. She felt a nervous flutter of her heart as his paws gently wiped the wine from her lip.

Bashfully she looked back to her meal, but there was a lingering grin that revealed the bubbling emotions within. He leaned against her lightly, and she found herself doing the same as she tried to focus on the food that he had provided for dinner. Ike forced her mind on their meal instead of the way they were touching like she wanted to. They ate in relative silence, enjoying their food but having to force their attention while the wine really started to take effect.

Remus easily conquered her attention when he squeezed her paw and leaned into her, finding her gaze as she looked up at him with dual toned eyes. The young princess easily lost herself in his deep dark eyes, the enjoyment evident in the gently curling corners of her lips. He spoke her name, pausing only slightly as he gathered his thoughts. Her mismatched ears perked forward when he eventually found his words. Not one of them expected as her ears flowered lowered as she became more bashful as he went on.

Ike’s jaw dropped as he spoke, uncertain if she had ever had someone utter such sweet words for her. She felt them in more than just her ears, they echoed in her own heart and for a moment the princess thought she might swoon. The alcohol didn’t help anything either. Then he said he loved her. "Remus!” She gasped in surprise reaction, her face suddenly flushing bright pink as her tail brushed against his as she grinned in shock. Ike hadn’t put the feelings into so many words but she felt the same. A soft whine left her lips as her talon adorned paw squeezed his. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as butterflies erupted within her belly. "I love you too,” Shuriken returned softly.

There was so much to think about in that moment, what everything would mean in this moment and for the future. "No one has ever had confidence in me like you do.” She started. Her family were mostly supportive of her through her childhood, and beyond her sisters, no one encouraged her like Remus did. "You know exactly how to calm me down, and to let loose and have fun. I.. I’m so much better with you.” She admitted, realizing how different she felt now compared to when they met. She could see, for the first time, how much she had grown with him beside her.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
10-08-2022, 01:21 PM

Even with the liquid courage he had in the form of the wine they shared managing to finally tell her the feelings that had been sitting on his heart for a while had been a feat in of itself. Watching her face as he spoke made him question if he had done the right thing, her shocked reactions difficult to distinguished between this being a good surprise or not. It wasn't until he finally told her that he loved her and he felt her squeeze his paw as she returned the words back to him that he knew he hadn't gone wrong. Hearing her repeat back that she loved him made his heart soar out of his chest and made every bit of anxiety and nervousness that had built up around this evening melt away. A wide grin pulled across his lips as he listened in utter disbelief as she expressed what he had done for her in return and how she felt that he made her better, still reeling form the fact that this was all real. She was the princess of a powerful pack, beautiful, talented, smart... She could have had any number of wolves and instead she decided to love him.

He was speechless as he grinned like a fool, his tail wagging like crazy behind him as his wine-muddled brain started to catch up with what this meant for them and how their future together would change. It was everything he could have possibly dreamed of and he just couldn't believe he could possibly be this lucky. Words completely failed him in that moment and instead he did what he had wanted to do since they settled into their secluded nook under the stars. His paw lifted and gently rested on her cheek, guiding her muzzle to his as he kissed her tenderly and passionately with all of the emotion that was making him feel like he was flying. He had been fairly reserved in his affections with her up until now, not wanting to push too far or make her feel like this was the only reason he was interested in her, but now he couldn't help himself. There were no words to describe how Ike made him feel and where words failed him he relied on actions.

When he finally pulled back from his kiss it was with a good bit of reluctance. He wasn't necessarily a stranger to these things, but he knew that Ike was and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable or push her too far. He pulled back just enough for him to blink open his eyes and find hers, a lopsided grin pulling across his lips with a breathless chuckle. His paw that had been resting on her cheek stroked over her cheek and the side of her neck lightly, feeling her soft fur against his coarse paw pads. He looked at her with more love than he thought he could ever feel for one wolf, in absolute awe over the fact that it was possible to be this happy. "You've made me the luckiest guy in the world," he told her softly, tipping his muzzle forward to give her another, lighter kiss. "I love you so much."

"Remus Armada"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
10-31-2022, 11:28 AM
Imagining where they came from and when they first met as compared to the moment they were living right now was almost incomprehensible. His attempts at flirting had fallen completely flat and Ike hadn’t been impressed with the horned man at all. Now… as she looked into his eyes and embraced feelings she hadn’t fully felt before, it was hard to believe. Ike had fallen in love with him, and now he was her best friend, and she could look forward to being his partner. There wasn’t much else to say, not that she could form more words, and Remus saved her from trying as his paw caressed her cheek and carefully guided her lips to his.

She fell into his kiss, the tension in her shoulders released as her eyes slid closed and she let the waves of new sensations wash over her. The princess fell for the prince, though his royal heritage was long forgotten by the lands here. Her paw tightened around his as he led her into the intimate affections, leading her gently but promising much deeper feeling as he demonstrated the feelings words could not.

Ike wasn’t sure she wanted him to pull away when he finally did, just enough that her fluttering eyes could catch his gaze once more as he touched her cheek and ran his paw down her neck. He grinned down at her, and it wasn’t the wine in her belly that caused the flush to her features and innocent smile to lift her own pale lips. "Lucky?” She asked him with a tilt of her chimeric features. It was her opinion he’d worked hard to be where he was now with her. He never gave up on her and he saw something in her that she could not for a very long time. "Or meant to be.” It wasn’t a question, she knew that he was supposed to be here at her side. She could feel it. "And I love you.” Just saying it made her toes tingle and her belly erupt with nervous excited energy.

"Remus & Ike"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-03-2022, 12:51 AM
The way Ike questioned the luck he claimed he had for managing to get her as his partner and how she insisted they had meant to be only made him love her more. He had put a lot of effort into their growing relationship—more than he had ever really thought he would ever put into a relationship—so perhaps it was less luck and more persistence, but he still felt lucky to have met her at all. She had changed his entire outlook on what love and relationship could be and it was so exciting knowing that this was just the beginning. He couldn't wait to look back on this moment a year, two years, five years from now. The idea that they had a whole life time to spend together stretching out ahead of them was mind boggling, but he finally felt like he knew what his purpose was and he was excited for his future at Ike's side. He didn't want to get too ahead of himself, still wanting to enjoy this moment and remember every moment, but it still felt so freeing knowing that how he felt about her was finally out in the open and that she felt the same.

He couldn't help the grin that split across his features when she told him again that she loved him, sending his heart into those wild flutters again while his tail wagged happily behind him. "Alright, well... if not the luckiest then at the very least the happiest," he told her with a chuckle. The joy and the high of everything falling into place had him feeling like he was floating on air. His paw gently pulled her into another kiss, caressing her cheek as he pressed forward into a tender, passionate kiss, his ruby and emerald gaze slipping closed. Every time they kissed his resolve to keep himself reined in and not push too far waned, the warmth of her soft lips and the taste of her tongue only drawing him in more and more. Now that there was the added excitement and deep, newly tapped love added to that mix it was even more difficult to hold himself back.

But, as their kiss deepened and a soft rumble of delight sounded form his chest, he started to wonder why he was trying so hard to keep himself in check. He loved her and she loved him in return. She wasn't the lanky, clumsy girl he had met back then. She had grown into this ethereal, beautiful woman that he now had the absolute honor of calling his girlfriend. As these thoughts crossed his mind he began to shift without breaking his lips from hers and let one of his strong forelegs slip around her, looping around her lower back as he gently moved them to lay on their sides, pulling her into his chest as he made out with her with deepening desire and heated passion. It was so easy to get lost in her as his paws began to rub along her back, settling into the soft fur they were laying on and enjoying the peace and perfection of this night they had together. After a few long, savoring moments with this heat and fire building ever higher in his core, Remus finally let his lips slip from hers, breathing more heavily while he blinked open his eyes to find hers again with a silent question. He would only ever go as far as she wanted so if she wanted him to stop here he would, but if she wanted more he would give her that too.

"Remus & Ike"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
11-22-2022, 08:38 AM
Shuriken had always had direction in her life, she was a princess. From a rather young age she had held the position of Crown Princess, one day she would take her mother’s crown and rule over Ashen. Remus did not have that stability when they met. He was a wandering loner who didn’t have any true connections beyond his single brother. He found her, and it felt like that moment a new path was revealed, one that was made for the both of them. Like he really was the prince she was always meant to find. He knew the future that he would have if he stayed at her side, and he was eager to take what Ike could offer. Together.

They were both all smiles as they finally confessed the deeper feelings that had been growing within. Ike hadn’t ever felt something like this before, and now that they had words to describe what was going on between them. She loved him, and he loved her. He knew her first priority would have to be Ashen and the pack, but he was there to remind her there was life outside of her responsibility. He was the balance that her life needed. He conceded that maybe it wasn’t luck, but certainly she had made him the happiest. That was a statement she could support, and Ike gave a little enthusiastic nod. She was far happier when he was beside her. Like right now as they sat beneath the glittering stars, out in the middle of nowhere, just the two of them together.

There really weren’t any more words to be said, her emotions were high, her belly full of wine, and her body craved to be closer to her man. Her man. If Ike weren’t leaning against his strong form she might have swooned right there, but his gentle paw grasped her tighter, and guided her lips back to his. Remus’ touch was tender and sweet as he led her into a deeply passionate kiss, one that was much more intense than any he had shown her so far.

Kiyohime was an innocent young woman, her mind was always on her responsibility, training, and her shortcomings. Being here now in this intimate position with him opened up doors to the deeper intricacies their relationship would bring. They moved slowly up until this point. Remus had been patient with her as they worked up to the most important step of them all. Saying I love you. Ike meant it, and as she tasted his tongue and followed him through the motions her mismatched paws held onto him tighter. Her body molded to his as she gave him her heart.

She was pulled into his chest as he lowered them to the plush fur they were seated on, somehow building and intensifying the little spark she felt in her belly. Remus introduced her to desire and lust. He drew a soft whine from her lips as he carefully pulled away, both of them gasping a little harder for breath. Her own long lashes fluttered as he sought her gaze, asking a silent question that she wouldn’t have known how to answer before he brought her here. Ike trusted Remus, with her heart and with her future. There was no one else she wanted like this. Her partner, her love, her future husband. If she had thought any less of him, she wouldn’t have been giving him the answer she did.

"Don’t stop, Remus. Never stop.” She whispered, only vaguely aware of the next step they wanted to take. The only fear was that of the unknown, but she knew he would never hurt her, so the young princess easily gave herself to her prince. "I love you."

"Remus & Ike"



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
11-23-2022, 10:11 PM
Remus gazed into Ike's pale eyes, entranced by her as he silently questioned her and wondered how far this night might take them. He was swept away in the hight of the emotions they shared, but in reality this was something he had wanted for quite some time—he just refused to push this special woman any further than she wanted to go. He quickly got his answer as Ike's soft whispers reached his ears, imploring him to never stop with another reminder of her love for him. That was all it took to finally shake the last of the restraint he had and his embrace around her slender form tightened, pulling her against him even more intimately while his paw brushed her cheek. "I love you too, Ike," he replied just as quietly against her lips before he brought her into another deep, passionate kiss, holding onto her like a lifeline and pouring all of the overwhelming, unbelievable emotions into every action and affection. He knew that he was bringing her into territory that was familiar to him and not to her so he kept that in mind, leading her through her first tastes of passion and lust like a skilled teacher.

After enjoying this passionate kiss for several long moments, losing his breath to her, he eventually shifted with her body pulled into his, rolling her onto her back and resting himself gently above her. As he broke from their kiss again, his breathing was heavy, but there was a loving smile on his lips, sitting up just slightly on his elbows to look down at her with one of his paws stroking over her cheek, her ear, the top of her head—any part of her that he could reach. "You're so beautiful, Ike..." he told her softly while lightly brushing the side of his muzzle against hers. "You're the most beautiful wolf I've ever laid eyes on... Inside and out." Her looks were what had originally caught his attention when they first met, but his attraction to her had developed so far beyond that in a way he never would have expected and certainly had never experienced. He loved her for her mind as much as her body, but up until now most of his attention had been on getting to know her personality and helping her flourish and grow into her own confidence. How his attention had shifted to the stunning woman that he could now feel pressed all along his own body.

One foreleg slipped under her and held her steady giving her another light kiss before he caught her gaze again, whispering, "Tell me if you want me to stop, alright...?" He would never do anything to hurt her intentionally, but he wanted this to be as wonderful an experience for her as he could make it. He lowered his head, leaving a trail of kisses along her cheek and the side of her neck as he brought his hips to hers. The moment he began to join them together as one his muscles tensed, a quiver running through him while a low sound of pleasure escaped him. Nuzzling into the side of her neck, he took his time with introducing her to this whole new world of sensations and pleasures, savoring this moment and commenting all of it to memory. His movements were slow and passionate, not daring to rush through anything as they shared this newly revealed love with one another. He followed the cues of her body, finding what felt best for them both and learning all of the special intricacies that made Ike unique.

Remus made love to Ike under the stars and eventually as he steadily brought them to a zenith of pleasure he brought his gaze back to her face, pressing light kisses across her cheeks and the sides of her muzzle between ragged breaths, adoring and loving her in all of the ways she deserved. He brought her with him over the edge of that plateau, both of his forelegs now wrapped around her at her hips and holding her tightly while they broke the still silence of the night together, expressing his love for her in an entirely new way. Even though this wasn't his first venture into this kind of experience, nothing had felt like this or meant as much as this moment with Ike. Everything before her paled in comparison and it was the last straw to him to know that he would be forever bound to this incredible wolf. Slowly that height of pleasure began to settle into a floating, dreamy sensation and he looked down at her with a lopsided grin, pressing short, happy kisses to her lips. "I love you..." he told her yet again, never tiring of hearing those words pass from either of their lips.

"Remus & Ike"



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
11-25-2022, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2022, 07:00 PM by Shuriken. Edited 2 times in total.)
The Princess Kiyohime was innocent and ignorant for a long time when it came to how much Remus was holding himself back. The occasional peck at her cheek, or deep loving stare that she enjoyed but didn’t quite get where they came from. Now that she was fully an adult, her mind was catching up to her body. She understood more as she lay here so close to Remus, kissing him with a little smile on her lips as thrilling tingles raced up her spine. As she spoke of no resistance she could feel his grip tighten around her, different than how he had ever held her before. Like he’d break her, was how he’d touched her up until this point. This was much more possessive, and yet he was just as gentle and caring as he had ever been.

Ike leaned into his paw as he brushed her cheek, and held her gaze lovingly. She easily lost herself in the dueling tones of green and red in his eyes. As he spoke his love once more the distance between their lips were closed. Remus took her into another deep and passionate kiss. He stole her breath and excited the butterflies that fluttered within her belly. Her skin tingled as he pressed himself closer to her.

She knew that she was not the first to share Remus’ bed, but just as much, he knew the inverse was true for her. He was careful, sweet, and led her expertly. She felt his paws over her silky fur, trailing fire against the skin beneath. As she was beginning to lose her breath to him he gently rolled Ike to her back. The shifting of his weight above her caused an even deeper stirring within her core. The sensation was completely foreign and surprised her enough she gasped into lips.

He broke away, and she fluttered open dual toned eyes, reassured by the smile that played on his features. The Princess’ grin spread over her pale features as he stroked her head and she looked up at him. Remus told her just how beautiful he thought she was, and even if she wasn’t his first she knew that she would be his last. "You really think so?” She didn’t doubt his words, Remus wouldn’t ever lie to her. She just doubted herself too much, there was no way she was the most beautiful. Not when she had sisters like she did. Remus would swiftly banish the thoughts as he trailed his paws along her back and held her hip steadily against his own.

Ike nodded timidly as he instructed her to stop him if she needed to. Suddenly her nerves reached a new height as Remus shifted against her. His bright gaze held her own lovingly as he carefully brought them together as one. The pressure within built as he filled her and little whimpers escaped from her lips, "Oh.. Remus.” Ike squeezed him tightly, clinging to him as her whole body tensed and she gasped for breath. Her eyes shut tight as she buried her features into his thick fur. Remus rocked her gently but passionately careful with every movement as he slowly soothed the tension within her.

This was love, primal, basic, and breathtaking. She gave herself to him in every way and Remus rewarded her with an experience like she had never been able to fathom. A deeper adoration than she had ever felt built as much as the pleasure growing between them. Love like she had never known. He built her up and led her along, to heights that seemed impossible. Every sensation punctuated by a soft sigh or moan before he held her at the mountain’s zenith. He made her come undone, she gasped for breath and clung to him like her life depended on it as waves of pleasure rocked her form. Actions always meant more than words, and however dear saying ‘i love you’ was, feeling his love like this convinced her completely. After a few heartbeats she started to catch her breath, and the tension left her muscles as she relaxed into the furs, loosely holding to Remus; neck as they settled into a blissful recovery and afterglow.

Slowly she blinked open her eyes, finding Remus grinning features above her. He again told her how much he loved her as he peppered little kisses against her lips. Ike wore a smile she wasn’t sure would ever leave her. She returned his kisses, breathless and speechless afterwards. Ike squeezed his neck lightly, "I love you Was all she could manage in return. She couldn’t vocalize the incredible way he made her feel, or how amazing this night with him was.
"Remus & Ike"