
Whale of a tail with a dab of patience

hunting seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
09-11-2022, 07:24 PM

Kichi’s tongue lolled out of his mouth as he watched the deer’s rump as it moved through the grass, already at a distance with its success in fleeing Kichi.  It was irritating but not every hunt succeeded.  He’d skirmished with a bear the other day and come away with a few bruises that would hardly be labeled as serious injuries but it had slowed him down just enough that when the deer had twisted tightly to the left Kichi hadn’t been able to keep up with the move.  

Kichi imagined he could try finding another deer or some other prey animal of similar size for another attempt.  Turning about Kichi slowly made his way back to where Torch waited for him, giving his little water deer a small nod as they headed off together.

The two backtracked until they reached the firefly lake.  It was still day but it wouldn’t be long until the sun would start to set and all the fireflies started to gather.  It had been normal ones all this time but after last year Kichi still felt no joy when he saw them.  A bitter memory that they carried in every flicker of light.  If he was set on fishing for food he should hurry up and get it over with.

Kichi glanced to the little water deer friend, “Alright, go graze.”  There was a time he’d tried fishing and Torch had got the idea that a water deer would be a great help in fishing.  He’d done a brilliant job of getting all the fish to notice and flee the two of them.  Torch no longer got to assist when Kichi fished.

The wolf made his way to the lake’s edge before slowly sliding one paw to it, then another.  Kichi got all four paws in the lake, pausing just a stride in where the water just a bit below the height of the water. His blue eyes remained focused on the water.

Silver glimmers come and go as light reflects on the scales when fish come in closer.  Nothing large is showing itself and perhaps they are all tucked away in the deeper parts of the water but they could have just fled as he stepped in.  Practicing patience Kichi remained still, letting the cool water ripple gently along his legs, feeling the sun on his back and gaze remaining focused on the water.

Kichi let out a sigh after what felt like ages though it had really only been about two minutes.  Minnows were not going to be his dinner.  Did he want to go in deeper or go out and find a rabbit?  Maybe he should go grab one of the few pack members he liked and hunt for something more fun.  As Kichi had these thoughts a dark form could be spotted relatively near him and Kichi’s attention jumped to it.  Whatever the fish was the thing would be large enough for a decent meal.

Come here.  Come here.  Come here.  Kichi silently willed the fish to get closer.  It of course proceeded to disappear.  The splash of a turtle plopping in the water could be heard.  A duck steps in the water on the other end of the lake and Kichi gave it a thoughtful look.  That might be more interesting.  Was it teasing him? The fish came back closer, almost right where Kichi would like it.  If he kept watching the duck he might miss a chance to get the fish.  Even if the duck would be more fun it would mean all this waiting was wasted time.

Behind him he could hear Torch grazing, a few crickets were starting to chirp.  The rustling of the smaller game-like ground fowl and rodents skittered about.  Summer was only now just here yet some of the grass was already less supple and more prone to making noise with the rain no longer feeding it.

The dark shape come in closer and Kichi watched with excited hope.  This was a great reminder as to why he doesn’t normally bother with fishing.  It was in range!  Kichi jerked his head down, snapping at the fish, lifting it out of the water.  It was bigger and heavier than he had expected!  The giant fish flapped about and managed to get free, removing scales and blood as it freed itself from Kichi’s grasp.  The grey wolf had waited too long and even as the weight was free from his jaws Kichi was slamming his head back into the water, biting at the fish again before it could go deeper.  His head went fully under the water as the fish tried to thrash away.  His eyes squinted shut as the water entered them but he felt his teeth latch onto the fish again.  Kichi clamped his teeth down deeper into it and backed up.

Once on the shore, he held the flapping fish till several strides away from the water's edge before dropping the fish, one paw on top of it.  He bit into the thing, tearing open a good size chunk and slowing the fish’s thrashing, life quickly seeping away.  Food was served.

856 word count
