


04-24-2014, 04:05 PM
Warning for MATURE LANGUAGE. It's Cree guise, this should be obvious. Also I apologize for choppy and short posts, I'm trying to handle his memory issue and its confusing

What the fuck had happened to him?

He couldn't remember who he was. What he was. Two colored eyes stared at his reflection in a puddle- a remainder from some recent rain. Where was he? He couldn't remember anything about himself. So he lapped at the water, experimentally before plodding forward, through it. His head throbbed, and he didn't know why. He could smell blood, was that coming from him?

What the fuck had happened to him?

He paused in his steps. Who was he? What was he? He looked about himself, more importantly.. where was he? "Fuck it all." He cursed, words leaving him in a whine. Why couldn't he remember anything. It was all dark in his mind, and it never seemed to get light. He was confused, and the confusion left him in an enraged snarl. What the fuck was wrong? What happened to him?

And just like that, his memory was gone. Again he questioned who he was. What he was, where he was. So many questions. Could anyone answer it? Would the gaps in his memory ever fill?


04-29-2014, 12:03 PM

She no longer grieved nor spent countless hours awake contemplating the demise of her mother as she once had, but the memories still lingered and the vision of the woman?s bloodied countenance still haunted her thoughts. She could not bring herself to forget--she wouldn?t; her mother deserved an everlasting place in her blackened heart and poisoned mind, and there she would remain for as long as the breath poured from her lungs and her heart pulsed to release the blood that once ran through her mother?s own veins. Even through death, Artemis was bound by loyalty to her mother--voluntarily enslaved to a surname the white witch had forged and brandished her with and practically a dog that still abided to the ghost?s commands. The queen was gone yet retained her choke-hold upon the leash she had fastened around her daughter?s neck at birth, and although the relationship was toxic, Artemis would have it no other way. She was the embodiment of her mother as far as she was concerned--but still, so much more capable than the woman had ever been.

Almost unconsciously, the phantom glided towards her mother?s grave, mismatched gaze trained upon her surroundings but unable to actually register the sights that crossed her line of vision. She had spent her first few months of life within the premises of the mountain along with her brothers under her mother?s reign, and although so much time had passed between then and now, it was as familiar to the babe as if she had resided here for her entire life. Even the scents that assaulted her nostrils were familiar to the wench--familiar, but so unexpected. A frown creased the prodigy?s marred facial features, dragging her from her trance-like state as her mind rushed to put two and two together--her half-sibling?s father still lived? Curiously, she abandoned her mission to seek out her mother?s grave (however temporarily) as she followed the goliath?s tracks, pupils darting through the abundance of foliage in search of his pale coat. The muffled curse that cascaded from his jaws ensnared her attention, and a sly smirk began to creep upon her visage as his behemoth form sidled into view, splashing about through the puddles that adorned the earth like a child; who did he think he was?

?This is the father of my mother?s children?? she interrupted incredulously, venom lacing her vocals although her facial expression betrayed her disdain. A chuckle fell from her frayed lips as she scrutinized his broken form, entirely oblivious to the tragedy that had stricken not only the brute, but the island as a whole. ?Who?d you piss off this time??


05-13-2014, 10:36 AM

He was lost, confused. He didn't know that with time after his trauma, some of his older memories would return. For now, he was clueless- like a babe without its mother, a bastard child with no one to turn too. Sloshing about the muddy water, he couldn't focus on anything for long, in the light of his injury he felt agitated, prone to snapping about himself. When a voice spoke from behind him, he spun to face the speaker drunkenly, staggering about in the mud. It took a few seconds for her words to register. 'Father of her mothers children?' What could she mean? "What do you mean?" He questioned, and in the seconds that followed his mind apparently reset. "Who are you?" He barked, a growl leaving him. He was frustrated- incredibly so, but why? "Who am I?" His voice commanded. At her final inquiry, his ears flattened against his head, who had he made angry? Why couldn't he remember?! "God. I think I made God angry." He bit out, glaring up at the sky. "Can't remember." He grumbled, glaring about him. Another few moments who pass... "Who are you?" He would question again.