
W.hiskey. T.ango. F.oxtrot.


04-24-2014, 08:17 AM

What a strange world this is. Bemused chuckles leave her as she explores. Her stomach rumbles in hunger, but she knows not what to do about it. For a brief moment, she thinks about the circumstances that brought her here. The war that destroyed her home- the family that she feared that she'd never again see. Were they even alive? The princess could only wonder and expect the worse. She feels the grief she felt as she fled again, huge tidal waves of it. For a moment, she stills, closing her eyes against the pain. No, she cannot focus on that right now. She's exposed- she's not safe. She can break down later. Right now she needed to find food. She's gonna be alright, she assures herself, though she's not sure how. Wide green eyes scan the area around her, searching for signs of life. Do other wolves even live here? A sharp cry echoes through the dusk, and her muscles cringe what is it? Will it harm her? Will I ever be safe? The thought echoes in her head.

Steeling her nerves, she silences the whimper that threatens to leave her, and she raises her head. She's better than this. She's a royal. The blood flowing through her pristine veins demanded her to show up- to act as someone of her status should. She could handle herself, Melto, her best friend back home, and the son of one of her father's friends, always told her stories of far away worlds and how he had survived the harshest elements. If Melto can do it, so can I. She thinks, her mind is determined. She will not be stopped.

A crack of a limb echoes behind her and she flinches, her words leaving her before she thinks. "Hello?" She curses mentally, because her tone wavers. Brilliant, the mad man is going to introduce himself before he kills you. She scoffs at herself, the thoughts causing her ears to flatten slightly. I will not show fear. She thinks, she turns towards the sound, her green eyes seeking the stranger...




4 Years
04-24-2014, 07:28 PM

The cool autumn air had drawn Serra to wandering again, stretching her limbs and exploring and getting a little bit more used to the bite in the air in the process. Her brother would certainly appreciate it if she found a good densite, right? Something that would shield them from the worst of the snows, that kind of thing. But something that would fit the both of them - Serra wasn't going to let Quelt vanish again, that was for sure.

Ears pinning back at the thought, Serra found herself distracted enough that her paw came down on the earth with a soft thump, a small branch snapping beneath her weight. The crack was obscenely loud in the silent air, and Serra jumped a little, gaze swinging around wildly. It was only when the voice echoed in the air that she took a moment to compose herself - if Serra had company, she needed to get herself together. "Hello yourself," The female let the words fall from her maw as she made her approach, announcing her presence in a slightly more friendly manner than the whole branch breaking thing.

It took only a few moments for Serra to spot the wolf that had (presumably) spoken. A female wolf, though Serra could have gathered as much from her voice. "I'm sorry if I scared you," Her tone was apologetic as she spoke, and Serra took a moment to glance over the other female's figure. "Are you all right?" The question seemed natural enough to Serra - if she'd startled the other wolf, perhaps there was something that she could do to make up for it. Serra was not the kind of wolf to cause harm to another if she could avoid it, even if that harm was something small like startling her.



04-25-2014, 01:26 PM

She can nearly feel the tension in the air, in the minutes following the crack of the limb. Her nostrils flare as she takes in the scent of the stranger, noting various properties about it. Female, Stranger, Alone... Looking up with a feeble yet challenging stare, she hears the stranger speak. 'Hello yourself.' Her ears flatten back, slightly, as the stranger comes into view. 'I'm sorry if I scared you.' The stranger speaks, 'Are you alright?' It takes Virgo several minutes to find her voice, lids fluttering over her green eyes as she hesitates. "Alright? Do I look alright?" She nearly snaps, her ears flattening against her head. She shakes her head for a moment, before speaking again, an apologetic tone leaving her. "I apologize. That was rude. I was just startled."

She pauses for a few moments. "Do you know who I am? Or.. where I am?" She's remarkably confused, but perhaps this stranger recognizes her from the regal marches of her home! Her tail wags slightly at the prospect. Her eyes widen with hope, as she waits for an answer- a reply to the questions that linger in her mind. Her stomach rumbles, and she frowns glancing down at it; seriously, she's screwed if she doesn't figure out something- anything.




4 Years
04-26-2014, 07:44 PM

Serra remained silent for a moment, letting the sharper tones of the other wolf roll over her ears. There was no point in getting upset over this wolf's personal issues, Serra figured. In any case, even if Serra had been offended, it would not have even occurred to her to show it. "It's quite all right. I would have been startled too." Serra responded to the other's apology with ease, twitching her tail as she spoke. Some wolves might have been offended by the sharp words, but Serra certainly wasn't one of them. They were just words, and not even insulting ones at that. And besides, she had had a reason to be startled. Serra hadn't exactly made the most graceful of appearances.

The next two questions were met by a blank look on Serra's part for a long moment. "I haven't the faintest idea as to who you are, but you are currently in the lands of Alacritia." A slight frown creased Serra's features for a moment - should she know who this stranger was? Was this wolf perhaps a member of her old pack? Or simply grasping for straws? Serra was inclined to lean towards the latter; she was probably simply a stranger in a strange land, and a little confused at that. "Is there anything I can offer you? I am a fairly good hunter." Probably not the most subtle thing Serra had ever said, but the rumbling of the other's stomach had made it pretty clear that this other wolf was hungry, and Serra could help her easily enough.



05-21-2014, 04:42 AM

She took in the odd appearance of the other she-wolf. Her coat was unlike any of the earthy tones that the girl had seen before. She blinked, as she accepted her apology easily, yet another thing she wasn't accustomed too. Most were grumbly, or never verbally accepted it. The stranger went on to tell her that she was in the lands of Alacritia... What in the hell was 'Alacritia'? "Alacritia... is that the name of this kingdom? Who is the king? The Queen?" She inquired, before lowering her head, her ears flat against her skull with embarrassment. "Father never allowed me to hunt for myself, I haven't been able to eat, I didn't realize how hard it was..." She explained in a hushed tone as her stomach grumbled loudly. At the other wolf's offer of help, she frowned. "Could you tell me how to get to the royal courts? Surely they know me, and where I hail from."




4 Years
05-28-2014, 07:35 AM

Kingdom? Oh, goodness, this wolf had a lot to learn. "Alacritia is a continent," Serra began carefully, "There are several packs that can be found here, though I'm not sure if any could be described as a kingdom." Serra had some experience with kingdoms, seeing as her parents had been the Duke and Duchess of one, but she wasn't up to date on the practices of other kingdoms. It was unlikely that their two kingdoms had shared much besides a designation - this female seemed a good deal more sheltered than Serra had ever been, at any rate. She had always known that there were alternate ways of living; that a kingdom was only one way to live. Which was something that this stranger didn't seem to be aware of. It was unlikely that this was through any fault of the other, but Serra was still at a loss as to how she ought to deal with this.

A frown crossed Serra's features as the female continued, explaining that she'd hunted only very little, if at all. Huh. It was strange to think of parents allowing a wolf to grow up without them learning to take care of themselves. Her parents had ensured that she and all her siblings, even the lost Wael, had known how to hunt and basic self defense. "If you need something to eat..." Serra trailed off, letting the offer hang in the air. The other could ask or not as she saw fit - it was no bother to Serra either way.

Ears twitching, Serra hesitated a moment before answering. "To be honest, I'm rather new here myself... I'm afraid I truly can't direct you anywhere." It was then that Serra realized that there was something she'd been forgetting - names. They were kind of important when meeting new wolves, and Serra had gone and forgotten. Her mother would have boxed her ears, Serra thought with a hint of amusement. "My name is Serra Arrow, by the way." Perhaps if she knew the other female's name, she might be able to help the other find her way home. It was unlikely, but the possibility was enough that she was willing to try, at least.
