
Miniature boat building

Valta game 2 for kids



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2022, 01:16 AM

After the first game had ended it would be time for the kids to play.  The adults would have to either watch the children as they worked or start their drinking early.  Kotori imagined those who entered the drinking contest would not start early but certainly, there was no requirement to remain sober.

“Pup’s line up and listen well if you want to win.” Considering who the children were Kotori was certain none of them would have been forced to enter. Three children, his youngest siblings, would be in this competition, certainly not a large number but it should still be interesting for some to watch.  Those who might not normally care could once again gamble to help spike their interest.

Kotori waved a paw, pointing to where three clumps of items had been placed close to the water.  To the best of their ability, Valta wolves had attempted to find items of similar shape and size.  Nature never made anything perfectly the same.  The piles included some vines, leaves, branches, flat wooden slabs of wood, and smaller twigs.  A small pile of mud was also near each pile.  “The piles were made for convenience however you can also look about the area to find other things you want to use to make your floating boat.  The boat that goes the farthest before breaking or drowning will be the winner.  We have lowered the net so it will not stop your boats.  Make it to the falls, I’ll be impressed”  

If it did make it to the falls the boat would surely break on the way down however.  Still, more than likely they would break or drown from the rough waters far earlier.  “You will have an hour to make your boats, at that point whatever you have is what enters the water.”  The kids had known what the competition would be ahead of time so if they’d been smart about it they would have already come up with an idea of what design they hoped to make.  If they wanted something else in the surrounding area that might work better than what they had it would take precious time to go find it.  So, how creative were his new siblings?  He’d only met them the one time for a short time before, too bad there was no competition aside from them to compare.

“Contestants – you can start!” Kotori called out before sitting down to watch.

(3 rounds – at the end I’ll roll 50-sided dice with highest number winning)


[Image: HMmbDEu.png]