


04-23-2014, 01:34 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
How did you get here?: Interweb surfing
Age: 21... or something. o.O

Character's Name: Sequoyah Netonya
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Autumn {Was supposed to be born April 13. I'm a bit late with him}
Adult Height: 32 inches
Appearance Description:

The second born of the lovely ?owyn and Birch is none of than this young knight to be. Sequoyah is going to grow to be taller than even his father, standing at thirty-two inches in height and weighing in at one hundred and twenty-two pounds. This medium-sized wolf is going to bear an appearance that is more stocky and well built for his intend path in life. He will carry himself with a sure step, head held high and eyes alert. His coat, though healthy, will have more of a rough edge to it, giving him a more rugged appearance.

As mentioned Sequoyah is a stocky male with defined muscles on his shoulders and neck. His paws are slightly larger than average, and his eyes bear an almond shape upon his face. His facial features are sharper and more chiseled than his father?s own. His chest is larger than average, efforts gained through training as both a fighter and messenger. At first glance he will bear a much more serious demeanor than Birch as well, however once he is comfortable around another wolf he will act just as goofy and pup-like.

Sequoyah bears a base coat that is light -- a little strange when first looking at his parents; The boy carries over coloration from other family members. Warm gray covers a good deal of his lower half and his face whereas darker gray covers his top end and stretches down his front legs where it ends at silver paws. His back paws are dark gray however and silver bands cut it off from the warm gray that covers the rest of the leg. Silver also graces the end of his muzzle, splashes across his chest, and marks either brow. His eyes are a mixture of those of his parents however with the right being a golden yellow and the left being lighter shade of purple. His nose is ash gray and his inner ears are warm gray.


-Free 1st Slot [In Use By Akemi Miu Hr??vitnisdottir]
-Free 2nd Slot [In Use By Sequoyah Netonya] YOU ARE HERE!!! {{Filling the spot of Allen, as he was inactivated.}}
-Free 3rd Slot [In Use By Arietta]
-Free 4th Slot [In Use By Arwel]
-Free 5th Slot [In Use By Birch Netonya]
-Free 6th Slot [In Use By Ellis Cathal]
-Free 7th Slot [In Use By Forbidden Destruction]
-Free 8th Slot [In Use By Galahad]
-Free 9th Slot [In Use By Kar Savvil]
-Free 10th Slot [In Use By Kyda Ethne]
-Free 11th Slot [In Use By Emery]
-Purchased 12th Slot [In Use By Ritsuka Legend Sotakiu] -Click For Purchase-
-Purchased 13th Slot [In Use By F?licien Ambroise Desgroire] -Click For Purchase-
-Purchased 14th Slot [In Use By Lior Carlier] -Click For Purchase-
-Purchased 15th Slot [In Use By Arisu Sovari] -Click For Purchase-
-Purchased 16th Slot {Paid For By Azzy} [In Use By Svetlana Xanilov] -Click For Purchase-


04-23-2014, 05:08 PM

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