
It's a wonderful life


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2022, 09:06 PM

Rudy had never seen the island before and that had made it all the more important that Fern and he explore it.  The swim had taken time with the two wolves having to stop at one little island to another before they managed to get to this large island.  The island was a strange place of palm trees, vibrant colored birds, and caves housing numerous bats.  Unusual prey was an enticing bit of sport for two hunters.

Tired from the swimming though, the first matter at hand would be finding one of the many caves to take a nap in.  Rudy eyed the bats that resided in the cave but they showed little interest in the wolves and that was good enough for Rudy.  There was no scent of any predator, at least nothing Rudyard recognized.

They had slept, at least Rudyard had slept, until late morning.  Once energy was returned it would be time to explore the landscape.   “These birds look amazing,” Rudyard mentioned at the vibrant blue, red, yellow, and other flashy colored birds in the trees, “but they sure are loud.” Birds on the mainland might chirp or kaw and a variety of other sounds but few made the raucous sounds as some of the larger birds here.

Walking further down to the beach Rudy saw a thing he couldn’t define.  It had a beak and what was either wings or fins where wings would go.  It waddled on two awkward-looking legs and showed little interest in the wolves.  The rockhopper penguins didn’t see many wolves nor were they worried about being close enough to the waves to escape fast if needed.  Did they taste good?  Would it even be fun to hunt them?

In the end, they had moved on and found some Sitka deer munching in the grass.  Dinner time.



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-05-2022, 09:49 PM
It has been a dream traveling with Rudyard. When the pair had spied the island off in the distance, they had decided that they needed to go explore it. The swim was long and it took some time, with Fern having to work to keep her small bundle and sword above the water while also keeping Puff from drowning. When they finally made it to the island, they had found a cave and settled in, the exhausted wolves easily falling into a deep, peaceful slumber. The gray woman’s dreams are filled with flowers and exotic plants as she sleeps next to Rudy.

The sun breaks the horizon and Fern’s eyes open, darting over to where Rudyard lays tangled around her. Carefully, she works herself free, placing a gentle kiss on his brow before slipping out into the morning light with her bundle. She glances to where Puff sleeps and smiles as her friend twitches, dreams causing her little body to react. Old habits die hard and every morning, she has woken with the sun to continue her training. Donning her armor, Fern slips the sword over her shoulder and buckles it in place.

Animals begin to stir, birds of every shape, size, and color begin their morning rituals as Fern steps up under a palm tree and falls into her normal stance. The blade slides free of its home and she trains for hours, making sure that her body does not forget how to work with armor and sword. By the time it is moving into late morning, the gray woman finally forces herself to stop and sheds her scabbard and armor to rebundle them and return to the cave.

Stashing her equipment, Fern spies the beginning signs of waking in the wolf she loves and she returns to his arms, encouraging him to open his eyes with gentle nibbles and soft kisses. Once he is awake, they go to explore, Puff up and dashing off to find yummy food while sticking close to the pair. Blue eyes cannot stay in one place as Fern looks all around, pointing out beautiful flowers and strange, striking vines that crawl up the trunks of some palm trees.

A soft laugh escapes as Rudy comments on the birds and her eyes catch his golden gaze as she says, “Maybe I should see if one of them wants to come home with me. It can wake you up!” Another, bright laugh falls past her lips as she gently bumps into his shoulder, blue eyes dancing with mirth. They travel down the beach where they find a strange creature that waddles slowly along, the rockhopper penguin unperturbed by the wolves’ presence.

The sun trails through the sky, reaching its zenith and beginning its descent as they explore. In the early evening the pair find a Sitka deer munching on grass close to the cave they are calling home. Eyes flick over to Rudyard and Fern sees that he has the same idea, it is time to eat. Body instinctively lowers as she stalks forward, testing the wind to make sure it is with them. A small flick of her head is given to Rudy, indicating the direction to chase the deer. If he wishes to ambush or chase it down, she will be ready.

"Fern Carpathius"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-07-2022, 12:45 AM

The island had to be the best land they’d found through their entire travels thus far.  The entire trip had felt different and brighter as he roamed with Fern across the lands but on this island, it wasn’t just Fern.  This landscape really was different in some ways than what he’d been used to on Boreas or Auster.  At Fern’s comments on the birds, though Rudy let out an indignant snort, “trust me, you don’t want to do that.  Not unless you want to ask where your pet went and why we are eating bird for dinner one night.” Obviously, it was an empty threat but then again so was her notion of taking one of these obnoxious birds home.  They were pretty but it wasn’t worth the noise.

Eventually, they come upon the Sitka deer and Fern seems to be of the same mind as Rudy.  The deer surely tasted as good as any other species they had hunted.  Fern offered him the option to choose the hunt style.  Rudy did find the chase and ambush style a simpler hunting style for efficiency but this was a hunt for more than just food.  This was a hunt to share as a moment of fun and closeness together.

“Together,” Rudyard breathed out the word, Rudyard slowly started stalking to more the right side of where the deer stood between them.  Fern would thus have the left side, it was perfectly obvious enough that she should understand it.  How many times had they hunted together now?  Rudy had lost count of that long ago.

Rudy finds himself a nice position, glances at Fern, and waits for her to find a spot that works well for her.  The two wolves wait for the right moment and as Rudy sees the deer’s head lower he rushes toward it.  There is no doubt in his mind that Fern will match the timing.  

The deer’s head shoots up and of course, takes off running.  There would be sport and teamwork in bringing the animal down.

"Rudyard Carpathius"


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-08-2022, 01:44 PM
The happy couple joke about the loud birds around them, Rudy’s threat of eating her pet bird is met with a mock-horrified look and a playful swat of his gray shoulder as Fern says, “Rudyard Carpathius, you wouldn’t dare!” It is all in jest but it feels nice to use his last name… which both of them now share. Happiness seems to be the gray woman’s default state these days and, humming thoughtfully to herself, Fern once more casts her gaze up to the colorful birds while simultaneously side-eyeing Rudy, she says, “You know, Puff could use a friend…” a huge grin splits her maw as she laughs and bounds away, avoiding any playfully swats that might come her way.

They eventually find the deer and the pair hunker down, ready to get themselves some food. Casting her blue eyes over to Rudyard, Fern silently awaits his verdict and nods in agreement when he breathes out the word together. Hunting is more than just chasing and killing, it a carefully timed dance with steps that all parties must know. The deer will run and they will pursue but there is a level of confidence that they need to have in each other or else this age-old ballet will fail.

However, Rudyard and Fern have that innate confidence in each other that comes from knowing the other so intimately. So, when Rudy moves himself to take the right side, Fern subtle shifts herself so that she is bettered positioned on the left. As the predators await the perfect moment to strike, Fern carefully readies her body, coiling muscles and sucking in a deep lungful of air. She holds it and, as the deer lowers its head to graze, the gray woman releases the held air in one smooth exhale while also releasing the stored energy in her muscles.

Both wolves rocket forward, their timing impeccable, as they thunder toward the doomed deer. It senses them, head shooting up and turning to catch sight of them and it moves to flee. Fern easily races up to the deer’s left side, locking it into place between her and Rudy. They herd it out and away from any others, awaiting the moment to strike. Hooves fly at them but the wolves deftly dodge the attacks without incident.

The gray woman spies the moment, the opening that she had been waiting for and strikes out, teeth closing around the creature’s back left leg. Fern shoves her body weight backward, yanking the appendage out from underneath their prey and forcing it to collapse down to the earth. No words are spoken as she moves to pin the creature’s shoulders, knowing that Rudyard will take the opening to end the flailing animal’s life and the ageless dance will, once again, be complete.

"Fern Carpathius"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-08-2022, 02:34 PM

Rudyard smirked in amusement at first when Fern acted shocked at his threat to eat the bird.  His mate got a rather dramatized hurt look at the swat.  After he comments on Puff getting a friend only to bound away Rudy snarls, playfully of course.  Oh ho, she wanted to escape him now?  Rudyard ran offer her, aiming a leap from behind to send her to the ground. It wasn’t an attempt to start a spar or anything of the sort, just playful revenge.  “Puff can have any quiet pet for a friend.  Get an owl or something.”It was a lot quieter, and she could use a bird buddy as he had.  Rudy hadn’t plotted it before but in his typical fashion, he threw out an idea and would quickly be ready to sell it if need be.

The two wolves came upon the deer and after a quick discussion had set themselves up well and chased after it.  As sure as a dance or form of art the wolves chased the deer, moving alongside it so the three seemed to be of one mind.  Fern got a back leg and as the deer fell they pivoted by the deer’s weight.  Rudy wasn’t waiting, even as they fell he spun with them.  The deer hit the ground and Rudy’s teeth sank into its flesh.  Rudy took several bites into the neck until the blood flowed out fast enough the deer died quickly before it could suffer long.  After all, Rudy now had antlers gifted to him by some deer god or something, best to be respectful.

“Supper time,” Rudy offered once the deer was dead.  There hadn’t been signs of any other large predators here, at least not yet.  There was no scent on the wind or paw pads at least so unless something surprised them it would be safe to take their time and eat.  It was a good end of the day for the two wolves, though most days this season had been good ones.  



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-09-2022, 08:59 PM
Under the canopy of exotic trees and being sung to by loud, colorful birds, the gray couple tease each other back and forth. Fern bounds away playfully and she hears the teasing snarl that Rudy gives her. He pounces on her, knocking the gray woman down as she laughs with joy. Rolling over to face him nose to nose, she chuckles at his words and says, “My mom had an owl. Might be fun to have another nocturnal companion... besides my husband.”

A bright, joyful laugh fills the air as she places her pale paws on either side of his face and pulls him toward her. A gentle, loving lick is given on his nose before she releases him and stands. Shaking out the stray leaves that have gotten entangled in her coat, Fern uses her tail to playfully swat at his legs before trotting off. The deer is found and the hunt goes off without a hitch; the couple easily downing and killing the deer with flawless timing.

The deer stills and Rudyard happily offers up words of supper time and Fern moves from her place on the creature’s shoulders. With a huge grin, she moves to stand next to Rudy and folds her haunches to sit upon the ground. With a cheerful voice, she says, “My compliments to the chef!” A soft laugh is given before she leans over to begin the fest. As they eat, she moves closer to Rudy until her side is pressed into his. Her tail wraps around his hips and she enjoys the feel of his little puff of a tail.

Looking up to him after she has eaten a good amount, Fern marvels at how handsome he is. In the fading light of day, she traces the curve of his horns, the shiny glint of his metal leg, and his face. She cannot help but be fully and completely in love with the motley man that has captured her heart. Standing, she steps away from their dinner, pink tongue slashing out to swipe off the blood that coats her lips. There is something she has wanted to say for a while but has been afraid to.

Now, as Fern turns to face the wolf that has her heart, she offers Rudy a smile and says, “Rudy, I have been meaning to say something. I… I want to have pups with you but I am worried I won’t be a good mother. My mother did the best she could but it was a rough life moving all the time. Just… promise me that you won’t leave me. No matter what happens… please.” Her old insecurities bubble up to the surface and the gray woman waits to hear Rudyard’s response.  

"Rudyard & Fern Carpathius"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-09-2022, 09:52 PM

Playful chatter, teasing, and joyful chases around different scenarios.  It had been like that just about everywhere they had traveled to.  It was a strange existence to be away from the family and pack for such an extended period of time.  While he loved all his family it was wonderful being alone and seeing the world with just Fern.

They enjoyed their meal together.  Rudy could feel Fern watching him, and it just brought that small knowing smile to his face.  It didn’t stop the motley wolf from finishing up his meal, followed by cleaning the blood from a leg, and muzzle, and carefully cleaning up the metal gauntlet that covered his foot.  

Rudy’s ears swiveled at Fern’s words even as he turned to face her, hearing something more serious and concerning in her voice. There had been a point at which Rudy had been uncertain on if he could be a father.  With that in mind, he understood the hesitation of knowing how to manage a role, understood at least that much of Fern’s fears.

“You know,” Rudy mused, “Art and I have no clue who our father is, never had anyone take on a father's role.  We have no idea what it is to be one.” With that statement those bright confident eyes looked at Fern, “Come on,” he nodded back in the direction of the cave they’d stayed in last night.

Rudy wasn’t done talking though, he just saw no point in sitting there while they did so.  “The answer came to me, and I think to him after some time. You don’t need to have a past example, sure it's nice I bet to have learned from another but Fern, that’s not how you really learn what to do.” Rudy’s attention from the path turned to look at Fern.  “I know your heart, and I know how big it is, and how open you are to sharing your kindness to others.  Fern, the most important thing for a child is to know is it's loved, and safe.  We can both love them, and we can both keep them safe.”

Rudy used a paw, pushing some loose hanging limbs and branches a bit higher for Fern to walk through, a rogue grin at getting a chance to offer a bit of unnecessary help.  He continued on with his talking though.  “I’m sure for some point in your youth, regardless of when it was broken, there was a period of naivete, a sense of curiosity of the world, and no thought of dangers.  You knew Meadow would keep you safe.  Why?  Because she loved you.  Sure, as you got older you didn’t like all her opinions but in the beginning, it was just confidence of knowing you were safe.”

Then he had lost her, they had all lost her.  Then so many scars had been put on hearts, and on some bodies, that would never leave.  The pain was part of them now, it had been part of what shaped the family as well as the good parts.
“Our role as parents is simply to protect, to encourage, to restrict, provide for all their needs, and show them our whole hearted love.  There are no set instructions.  So long as we love them, the rest falls into place.  Fern, there is no end to the amount of love you can show.  I can’t imagine anyone making a better mother than you.”

Stepping into the cave, Rudy nudged her chin gently.  “As to never leave you? Fairly certain I already promised you that at our wedding.” Rudy licked Fern’s cheek tenderly.  It was important for Fern to get it fully lodged into her mind that she never needed to fear being alone.  “However, Fern Carpathius, I will never leave you.  There is no threat, no treasure, no fear, no excitement that could ever make me think for even one moment that I would leave you.  Our children will be filled to the brim with love and I know you, as well as I, would give our lives to protect our children.  You will be a wonderful mom Fern.”

Rudy grinned, whispering in her ear, “let me prove it.”



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-10-2022, 02:52 PM
Fear and weariness had been Fern’s default emotions after she had watched her mother be killed. It had kept her alive, kept her moving when the world didn’t make sense or felt like it was difficult to go one. Yes, they had kept her alive but it had been hope that kept her going. The bright thoughts of meeting her aunt and being safe had comforted her when everything else felt lost. Now, as she looks to Rudy, worried that she will not be a good mother, it is her mate that offers her hope.

Fern walks alongside Rudyard as they slowly make their way toward the cave, taking in his words and keeping them close to her heart. Meadow had kept her safe and, before she had been murdered, the young Fern had thought their lives would continue on the way it was, traveling with the nomadic band… together. But everything had changed when the six-month-old pup had finally emerged from the bush she had hidden in for three days, her view of the world tainted by blood and gore.

Of course, it had been easy to blame Meadow for the hardships that followed, or at least, easier then admitting she was alone in the world because of some freak accident. How many nights had she cried herself to sleep wishing for her mother’s strong legs to wrap around her and tut away the fears of the nights? Fern feels tears sting the back of her eyes as she looks to Rudyard, his words igniting a fire of determination while also helping to quell the doubts that roll around in her head.

Even in the smallest gestures, pushing aside branches and holding them for her, Fern knows how much they love each other. That is one thing she did not have from the beginning, a mother and father whose love is as strong as theirs. She absorbs his words as they cross the threshold into their temporary home, Rudyard nudges her chin and reminds him of their vows. His tender lick on her cheek pulls a soft, loving smile to her lips.

As he finishes, whispering a challenge to let him prove that she will be a good mother, Fern turns to him and sits so she can wrap her legs around his neck and pull him toward her for a deep, passionate kiss. After some time, she breaks the contact, moving a paw to loving trace one of cheeks as she smiles warmly at him. Voice choked with emotions, Fern whispers, “I love you, Rudyard Carpathius. No matter what comes our way, we will face it. Together.”

Releasing her hold on him, she guides him to their makeshift bed, pulling him down into a loving embrace once there. Licking his cheek, she catches his golden gaze with her soft, affectionate blue eyes and whispers, “You will be a great dad Rudy. Let’s bring the Hallows some good news from our travels… hmm?” A soft laugh escapes before she captures his lips with her own. Tonight will be special and she hopes that they will more to celebrate in the coming days.

-fade to black-

"Rudyard & Fern Carpathius"
Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.