
I'll be right beside you, dear

Twig I


04-22-2014, 10:09 PM
She would trot back to the lake after her short meeting with Erani, she asked the woman to show her Fern's burial site. She had not felt strong enough to go see it yet, even looking from afar made her heart hurt immensely. It would be a damp reminder of how far she still had to travel. As the late evening would swallow up Valhalla's lands slate covered paws would bring the girl not to her den, but that of Alpine. She had very much enjoyed her exciting night with him, and though she was not eager to face her harsh realities again, she wished to visit Fern with Alpine's presence by her side. The delicate fae would bring her haunches to coil beneath her as her form was brought to the opening on Alpine's den. Her ears would lower at the sadness the day would bring, the mood only growing colder as a gentle drizzle would start above her. Orchid gaze would drift to the sky as the dreary clouds would drift in, mostly covering the dying sun.?

A sigh would fall from her lips as she let herself look back to the opening, she would hope Alpine was here. His scent was rather fresh, but she wasn't 100% sure. "Alpine?" her voice would hold a tinge of sadness within it as she called out his name softly. "I um.. Wondered if you could do something.. um with me." her ears would lay upon her skull as she watched the entrance, almost hoping he was not within so she could take another day to face the pain.?



04-23-2014, 03:20 AM

Pain. It was all that boy could think about, all he could feel and everything that swollowed him from the inside out. He felt coldy empty and lost inside. He could not understand himself, nor his actions and reasoning, and he would never, ever understand his heart. He had stumbled away, fled the scene of his crime in a flurry or reaction and instict, driving himself away from the pain and tears and all that could remind him of what he had done. He had found himself in his den, it was here his forepaws had failed him, driving his face into the earth. It was here he allowed the pain to overcome him, the tears he held back so violently to fall. He had shaken and cried out and wept until he thought he had nothing left to cry. When the tears had run dry he had fallen to fury, forcing himself to shaking paws, smashing his forpaws against the walls of his den, feeling the shock wave that drove up his arms in a bliss of mindless pain. This was all his fault, but the pain.. oh why, why couldn't he have taken the cowards way out, why couldn't he had found a way to make this different. He couldn't drive away the memory of her expression as his words dawned across her awareness, and she realised what he was telling her. He couldn't forget the sound of her tears, nor the selflesness in her words that left him feeling filthy and cruel and heartless.

Again he would fall in a helpless heap against the earth. His ability to feel emotions so keenly, his ability to feel her pain had intensified his own and he had drowned against the wall of misery. But he was spent, and he would curl his head against his side, close his eyes and wish away the world.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but he would awaken, amazed that he had managed sleep, and not remembering the moment it had taken him. He blinked groggy, bloodshot eyes as he raised his hear, wincing at the pain and stifness of the movement. He had heard his name, he was certain of it. For a second he though the voice was Lyrics, and his ears would flatten, he could not bare another wave of emotion, he could not bare to see her pain again and feel it within his own chest. But the voice would speak again, and he would let out his breath in a sigh of both relief and shame, it was Twig, and he longed to seak her comfort, but knew equally he did not deserve. He couldn't stop a soft whimper escaping his maw, but still he did not speak. He did not deserve the comfort she would offer him, after all this was all his fault. He would curl up in himself and beg for her to leave him to his shame and misery, even as he yearned and gasped for her presence.


Twig I


04-23-2014, 07:44 AM
His presence would be alerted to her by the gentle stirring of his previously sleeping body. Darkly painted audits swiveled forward as they tried to catch every sound he would make. Though instead of his bright features greeting her at the entrance all she would get was a soft whimper. Immediately the marked she wolf would begin to worry about him, with no words to go on her mind would easily jump to conclusions. Was he injured? Should she let herself into his den to make sure he was not dying? Conflict would rise up within her chest as her legs extended toward the ground. A few paces would be executed and a soft whine would leave her. "Alpine, are you alright?" he had never denied her before, and the scene was so similar to her first time with him after Fern's death. She had been curled up within her den, completely dead to the world when he had come in and convinced her to continue her life. Hoping not to over step her boundaries the cross marked she wolf would slowly enter Alpine's retreat.?

As he orchid optics would adjust she would be able to see a very sorry white wolf. He was curled into himself and looked quite miserable. A stark contrast to the wolf she had been with less than 24 hours ago. She would nudge him softly, physically he looked fine. "Do you have a headache? I could go.. Or get something for it? Or go..." she would stutter as her confidence would drain. Should she have entered here? At the same time she felt like she owed it to her friend to make sure he was alright.?



04-23-2014, 02:41 PM

His senses where locked upon her every movement, and so keenly could he hear her soft movements, her urgency to enter his den but her hesitancy to do so. The soft whine of worry that escaped her, the sound of his name again upon her lips. His Twig, his closest friend in this world stood just outside and yet he could not bring himself to open his maw and offer a response. He was too ashamed, to filled with self-doubt and self-hate and yes, even shame at how terrible he was responding to the whole situation.

Still he would not move, but would catch the sound of her movement as she hesitantly moved further into his den, moved until she was close enough to nudge and nudge him she would. The gentle, concerned movement against his side would bring him to emit a sigh from his vocals. She would continue to speak, and in the end it would be the worry in her tone that would bring his head to rise and look for the first time into the eyes of his friend. He blinked against his bloodshot eye and felt self-conscious to the damp tears that streaked against his soft cheeks. It would not be the first time she had seen him cry, but it would be the first time it would be for his own personal sadness. ?No.. it?s not.. he still struggled with words, as through suddenly he held nothing in his vocabulary that could fully explain the situation he had put himself in. He would clear his throat, letting lose another soft sigh and trying to pull himself into some sort of whole. ?What was it you where after Twig, is everything alright for you?? he would ask her softly, moving forward to offer a soft lick against her cheek, ashamed that he had now worried his best friend, to add to the list off all his other sins.


Twig I


04-23-2014, 03:58 PM
With her gentle touch she would arouse the subtle sigh from his tired lungs. He would not bring himself to rise until she finished her sloppy speech, fatigued features shifting to take her in. His brilliant blue gaze was tainted by the red stain of tear soaked eyes, down his cheek bones the river beds of his sorrow would show. With out much thinking the girl would materialize at his side, thoughts of discretion discarded as she full took in the state of him. He was not plagued by and ache of the mind, and would not offer further explanation. Slate colored ears would pin to her head, concern and curiosity taking over her features. Subtle worried whines would sneak from behind her lips, but he would continue asking of her intentions. She had nearly forgotten the whole reason she had sought him out. "Oh," her voice was soft, still holding the hints of worry she held for him. "It's not much," her gaze would avert from his own as she continued. Sure with telling him her plans and looking at his sad features she would cry herself. "If you aren't well I don't want you to over exert yourself." her voice would close to silence, unsure if she was even ready for such a step. "I wanted to see if you would come with me to pick flowers for Fern's grave." still turned away from him she could feel her bodice push closer to his form, seeking the comfort she found in his touch.?



04-23-2014, 04:23 PM

The concern and curiosity that filled her expression would cause the white boy to wince. He hadn?t really wanted any to find him in this sorry state, to cause any further distress after all that he had already done. He truly hated himself this day; he could not bear who he had become and what he had now done. He tried to pull himself from his melancholy and concentrate on the girl before him. It was hard with how hollow and dried out he was feeling, but the concern she displayed helped to anchor him. When she averted her gaze he would grow worry, his eyes focusing more clearly on her form, to see the sadness in her own eyes beneath the worry she now showed for him.

She told him that if he was not well she did not want him overexert, which indicated that she indeed had had plans for this day. With her inability to meet his eyes at the sadness he could see in her now he had a feeling it was not a simply stroll she had in mind. With an effort he would unfurl himself from his sorry state and force himself up to better meet her eyes. There was more clarity to his gaze now, more than just the hollow sadness that had consumed him. Then the words would be out, and he would understand her sadness. His expression would fall again, but this time not for himself but for the girl before him. ?Oh Twig?? he said softly, unable to speak of his own hollowness, his fear that he would have nothing left to give for this venture she suggested. He was emotionally wiped out, and her she was asking him to help her with her own sadness. But see, his sadness came from his selfishness, his stupidity, hers came from a deep lose and a death and all of this had been entirely out of her hands. No, he would not fail her now, he could never fail her when she needed him. Not as he had so badly, badly failed Lyric?

?Of course I would Twig? he said softly, rising and pulling her closer to him, drawing her in, breathing in the scents that made her her and offering comfort as he gently licked her cheek again. ?We can go now if you like?? he offered gently, forcing himself painfully past his depression to better help her with her own grief.


Twig I


04-23-2014, 05:18 PM
As her saddened lyrics would reach him, and almost immediately she would feel him shift to better look to her face. He would whisper her name, and doing her best to be strong the she wolf would look back over to him. Still he was silent of his ailments, but Twig would not pry. If he wished to share she knew he would tell her. Both broken beings would lay together silently for a moment, Twig could feel the gentle comfort coming from his presence. Suddenly his voice would grow stronger, still though it held a simple gentleness that would caress her slate backed ears. She would eagerly accept his touch, shifting as he drew her near. A blissful smile would appear on her features as a gentle kiss was placed on her cheek, a question of when would be uttered after. She felt loathe to move from his side, finding difficulty in motivating herself to move. Yeah, whenever you feel you're ready." her smile was easier as Alpine seemed to regain his composure. Something was wrong, very much so, but now would not be when she learned of his woe.?



04-23-2014, 06:02 PM

He could hold himself together for a little while, he decided, he could not hide from the world forever, from what he had done and the anger likely to come his way. He could only imagine how beings such as Erani... Surreal? how they would respond to his actions. He had half expected that as he lay helpless in his den they would descend upon him, but the only being to come was Twig. He still could barely believe what he had done and what possibly could have possessed him? but no, he knew. He did not understand, but he knew. He knew also that he could not afford to dwell, not well Twig was here and even more in need and certainly more deserving of his strength now.

Her smile would lighten some of his load, allow him to push his secrets to a dark corner to haunt him at a later date, and he would be ready to face her hardships with her. He would force himself to rise, to offer himself as a support to lean upon should she choose to do so. She had said that it would be whenever he felt ready, and he knew this was the best effort he would be able to muster, which at the moment equalled the same thing as being ready. ?Come on Twig, let?s go find something nice to place there? he said gently, knowing that Fern deserved only the best flowers they could find.


Twig I


04-23-2014, 06:37 PM
Curiosity of his sadness would still hold her, but she of anyone knew it took time to heal. He would find the words to show her what was going on in his world, but for now he would concentrate upon her and the task she had slated for them. Twig was not excited about what was before her, but she felt it very much right. She needed to visit her daughter, no matter how much it hurt. Regretfully Alpine would be quick to move, offering his own shoulder for her to lean upon. Following him in her movements, he would usher his vocals gently to her. She would push herself from the den's quarters letting him follow her out, back into the dreary evening. She would however look forward to finding the most beautiful flowers in the territory just for her daughter.?

Gaze shifting back to Alline's features she would watch as he brought himself from the earth. Having his presence would give her strength, she wouldn't back out this time. Fern deserved better from her, "Do you know where there are nice flowers? Maybe.. Wasn't there some really nice Hibiscus where the star landed?" the thought of the star would create in her another idea, "I bet she would like the fragment you gave me too." her voice had quieted with her second statement, a sad sob following her words. Her head would shake lightly as her gaze would return to Alpine, trying to smile earnestly. "He haven't even gotten there yet and I'm falling apart." her words were meant in humor but would only cause to increase the sad reality around her. Lavender eyes would turn to the forest as her paws would follow sadly. "Anyway, flowers first." her determination would grow as she set off towards the star's grave.?



04-23-2014, 09:12 PM

They would make their way from his cosy little den, and through the process of walking he would stay by her side. It was easier to push away his own emotions when he could think instead upon her own sadness. It was easier to be there for her then to face the consequences of his own sins. She would mention Hibiscus?s near the fall of the meteor and he struggled to remember. After all, at the time he had been half asleep and running on the excitement of their find. ?Maybe?? he allowed, even though he couldn?t quite call it to memory. Then her words would turn to the fragment he had found for his friend. His eyes would turn to her again, noticing the way she had spoken the words, and in turning he could see the sadness that threatened at the back of her eyes.

The loss of a child was no small thing, in fact the weight of it would perhaps remain with her for the rest of her life. These weeks, even months after would of course be the worse until she fully learned to live with it, but he had seen her smile? and now tears stood again within her eyes. As the sadness turned to sobs he would be there again, nosing gently into coat at the base of her neck and soothing soft words to her. Before she could fully come apart she would set of again, determined to get to the flowers she had spoken of, determined to make it to the grave. He dutifully set up a pace beside her and they would be besides the remains in no time. ?Pick her some flowers? he murmured gently, nudging her slightly with his head before he himself turned and made his way to the crater, where he set about searching for something in particular.

Twig I


04-23-2014, 10:02 PM
She would feel him at her side as the would exit his den, the confined space was not so bad his den being rather large. Since the birth she had preferred the Endlessness of the skies above her. As her elegant form would reunite with the outside world Alpine would follow closely behind her. Their pelts would not separate as words were exchanged, Alpine giving no indication of remembering the flowers. She could barely remember, but it they were not there she was unsure where she would find them. As thoughts of her daughter flooded her emotions the gentle touch Alpine offered would comfort and encourage her. With added strength she would sniff away her tears and head out to their planned spot. Loping next to her friend she would Steel herself for the coming onslaught, they had a bit of time before the reached the tiny girl's resting place. Still, the dread would mix with the ugliness of the day, her pelt would begin to soak in the misty water as their paws brought them to the fallen star. She would hear the gentle encouragement he would give, and return the gesture as they would go their separate ways. ?

Marked muzzle would search opposite the alabaster male, orchid gaze searching for the pinkish red flowers. Her slate covered paws would carry her over bits of disturbed earth, finding over a tiny crest the flowers she had wanted. It was obvious they had been damaged by the heat of the falling star, petals were wilted and a few closest to the crater would show slight burn marks. The moon's light had been much more flattering than this evening's dreary glow. Her ears would fall to her cranium as she realized with disdain that they would not be the perfect gift she had so imagined. With more disappointment than she had expected to feel her muzzle would pick the two best blooms before turning and finding her way to Alpine's mysterious form.?



04-24-2014, 03:10 AM

As they reached the site of the meteor they would part ways for a moment. Her to hunt for flowers for the grave of her loved and lost, and him to find something amongst the recognise the rock had left behind. He would hunt for a while before he found what he was looking for, and he would lift it gently in his maw and climb back out of crater. Instead of immediately making his way to the girl he considered his closest friend he would instead move to stash what he had found near by.

When he emerged again and stepped lightly towards her his jaws would be empty. Hers he would notice, would not be. As he greeted her with a soft nuzzle of his head he would sniff the flowers and catch a trace of burning. He would be surprised that the damage from this stars fall would be so wide spread, and saddened to see the state of the flowers she had been forced to choose from. His tail would flick gently against her. ?Come on? he said, his voice soft and comforting, for all memories of his own woe where stashed in honour of this moment. He would indicate they should move forward, continue on to her grave. As they moved away from the damaged earth he would a single Sunflower and pick that gently in his muzzle so that he himself would not be stepping forward empty handed. He did not allow the flower to remind of of Lyric, but instead of thought of the sun and the warmth this little girl could have brought to their hearts, and the sun she still shined into their lives.


Twig I


04-24-2014, 10:38 AM

Alpine would return from the crater, his search seemingly fruitless. She would offer him a light smile and a similar nudge as his form was brought towards her. It was obvious in his eyes that he too was slightly disappointed with the available selection of flowers. Though it was sad she was growing attached to them, the damage shown on them has been from the falling of a star. The star she and Alpine had wished upon and followed to its resting place. They were like Sharing a keepsake from one of the most memorable nights she had the blessing of enjoying. She would imagine that Fern would have been amazed by the fallen star, but as it was Twig knew she was out there enjoying the stars in the sky up close. The cross marked girl would be drawn from her thoughts as Alpine's gentle words and touch would urge her on. They had flowers to deliver. Alpine would manage to find a sunflower as they walked, the touching notion would help keep her going.?

Each step seemed like an eternity, there was a giant pit within her stomach that felt too much like dread. She had come so far in her recovery there was a worry that seeing that gentle hillside up close would cause her to come crumbling down. She would feel herself lean closer into Alpine's side, desperately searching for his comfort. Heavy paws would keep going however slow they might have been. As she found her way out of the trees she would find her gaze automatically averted from where her daughter lay. The familiar hole within her chest would pulse with the pain of loss. Immediately she would regret her decision, but before she could turn away the faintest of voices would whisper within the depths of her heart. I knew you'd come. Twig's features would be pushed to look forward, a vision of perfection reaching her eyes for but a moment. Flowers would fall from her lips, for the most beautiful second of her life she would look once again upon the gorgeous face of Fern. The shock would not last though, as soon as she saw her the girl would dissipate. Leaving Twig staring broken hearted once again at the tiny grave.?

Hibiscus forgotten Twig would find herself weeping upon the disturbed ground. The loss filling her up once more, "Fern.." she would cry. Marked features would shake as her orchid gaze would lift to the sky, the light of the day almost completely gone. The misty rain would continue to come down upon her, beginning to soak her plush fur and mixing with the bitter tears that fell from her cheeks. "Come back." she would mourn, her breaths would come in harsh intakes as she let the emotions fall from her. Silvery crown would fall to her slate covered paws as she wished so desperately for her child.?



04-25-2014, 05:00 PM

He knew what this journey ment for her, and he had this hope settling in his stomach that this would be the last piece of the puzzle that she needed, this would be her way of putting Fern to rest. He knew that she would never forget, and nor would he want her to. He knew that she would always miss her child, and he never expected it to be otherwise. But he still hoped that this would be a massive step down the road to recovery. He felt her lean closer to him and he wrapped his tail about her as they walked, offering her his comfort and presence, he knew also that this would not be easy.

They where reaching the spot, he could feel it in the tension of Twig and the way she averted her eyes from a mound before them. He would feel it as a gentle wind would pick up around them. Merge gently against their fur, and whisper past his ear with the softness of words. He could almost hear a gentle voice against its back, but shook his head to free of the fancy and brought his attention back to Twig in time to see her fall to the ground and the weeping to begin. He would gently kneel beside her, whisper his nose against her fur and breath in the familiar scent of her. He would sigh into her coat as the cool of the failing day would settle around them in the form of a light wind, mist and rain. He would rise, pick up her fallen flowers and move to the mound to place them gently against the earth where the girl had been laid to rest. He would bow his head so that his crown would touch against the earth and he would close his eyes. ?I think I would have liked to met you Fern, to show you this world? he whispered. I would have raised you as my own beside Twig if she allowed me to, neither of you would have been alone. I wish only that you would have had the chance to see who your mother was, to see this pack who would have loved you...? he broke of his thoughts, shaking himself free of the what ifs and looking at the mound with sad eyes, surprised to feel a trace of tears against his cheek.

He would move away from the grave and back to Twig, he would curl up around her and hold her, again he would breath in her scent, everything that made her her. He would reach his head forward and gently, he would catch a fallen tear against his muzzle as he held her. ?my dear, you are not alone, you will never have to face the world alone? he would whisper to her, and then he would fall silent and hold her as she mourned.


Twig I


04-25-2014, 10:21 PM
She would be aware of Alpine's comforting presence throughout her whole ordeal. Though the actions she would take were completely necessary that fact alone would never be able to ease the pain of looking upon her own child's grave. Her sobs were soft, the sounds but sad gentle whispers as her body would shake with her sorrow. Small sniffles would be performed as her nose would caress the loose earth that held her child. She would wish so hard that it was her warm embrace holding the girl instead of the cold ground. She would barely feel her companions first touch as she was consumed by the magnitude of her loss. He would catch her eye as the brightly colored flowers were placed with care upon the girl's grave. Barely she would hear his voice gently speak to her daughter, and as his thoughts leaned towards regret so would her own. Why had she been taken, with out even a chance to say hello. Her marked features would turn to Alpine, blurry red eyes taking in the tear shed for the lost pup. She would feel a rough sigh leave her lips as the ivory male would move to her side, she would move to push herself further into his embrace. Ever thankful for the presence he would offer, the massive amount of comfort he would provide. She would wrap herself in him, clinging to him instead of her terrible grief. His kind words would assure her, she was not alone nor would she ever be. "Alpine, thank you. I don't.. I don't want to face it..." with out you. through her trial in Valhalla the man had been a constant for her, one of the very few she could count on. He was always there when she needed a shoulder to weep on, and had even caused her to smile. How could she go on with out him? Still though tears would fall from her lips and her long journey would only be too apparent.?



04-25-2014, 11:09 PM

He would stay by her side, this girl whose friendship he had so easily gotten caught up in. there was something about her that made everything right when he was by her side, even in the sadness of her grief that he too easily shared. He knew that this friendship was everything that tied him to this life, this pack, this land. She had become one of the biggest parts of his life, so much so that his need to be by her side frightened him. His need, the one that wanted him to always be beside her would almost frightened her if it hadn't been so sweet.

Her voice would speak out again, and he would hold her all that tighter, hold her and mumer his lips against her ears, wanting and needing her to be alright. But thought of the girl she had lost, thoughts of this Fern where deep inside him as well. He had an odd image of what it would have been like if she had been there with them. Of their night by the lake watching the meteor, he could almost taste her scent in his image, feel her presence there as a little light beside them full of puppy joy. He ached to be the one to teach her, to show her this world beside's her mother... but it was nothing more then a dream, for this girl was lost to them.

So he would hold Twig instead, hold her and whisper to her and wish for a bright world where she could grow and recover and find again a happiness worth living for. ?Well, you'll never have to face it alone ? and that was all he could promise her.


Twig I


04-26-2014, 07:26 AM
No matter how hard she begged at the universe Fern would not be placed back with her. For what reason she had been taken Twig had many theories but no answers, only knowledge that her daughter was gone. Though many would tell her to never fault herself still in the back of her mind she couldn't help but blame a faulty pregnancy. Her own body had taken the life of her child, but she knew she couldn't think like that. Alpine would bring her in ever closer, his presence then was everything to her. What would she have done had she faced such a task alone? Well, she knew she never could have approached the site with our his strong presence beside her. Her strength would be pulled directly from him, she felt so weak unable to even visit her own child's grave without the help of her closest friend. A heaving sigh would fall from her marked lips as he gently caressed her ears, bringing her to a more manageable state. Still tears would stream down her cheeks, but her demeanor would become visibly calmer. "As long as I have you, I think I'll be okay." nuzzling into his neck she would feel his warmth and breathe in his calming scent. The sadness would overtake her, but Alpine would keep her anchored. "We should probably go, I don't want you to have to carry me back." through her still falling tears she would manage a tiny smile for her companion, a sign that indeed the girl would make it through her trials someday.?



04-26-2014, 05:35 PM

Time would slowly pass and the cold dampness of the air would cling to him and chill him so that his grip on Twig not only brought her comfort, but brought to them both a measure of warmth. They had spend a while now at this flower-marked grave and thought of all that they had missed, all that they had never had a chance to experience with this golden little light. He would feel the gentle movements of Twig as she sighed and seeped to pull herself together. It would seem that the moments had passed and she felt ready to return back the way they had come. He offer her a gentle smile as she even added in a joke to the end and would nudge against her neck. He would rise also, nudging for her to follow suit.

He would cast one last glance at the final resting place of a creature too small and young to have been called back to the, well, to whatever life awaited them upon their passing. He knew it was time now to drag his thoughts back to the current world, and current problems. He had washed himself out completely to hold Twig beside him but now he would remember what had befallen him and grimace at the thoughts. ?Alright Twig, lets get you back to you den? he said gently, pushing aside his pains for a little while longer.


Twig I


05-01-2014, 07:41 AM
She would feel the sadness pour off of her in waves, the utter loss would have consumed her had Alpine not been there for her. They would give a last look upon the tiny grave, her heart would hurt for the want of her child. It felt obvious though that she was healing, that she could feel she was healing. Something she hadn't believed in at one point, but again thanks to Alpine she had found her light once more. Fern was not her only reason to live, but she gave her much reason to mourn. She would sigh as Alpine's gentle words would nudge her back to the den. Looking away from Fern her orchid gaze would befall his features. She would find herself nuzzling him as she felt more tears try to slip from her reddened eyes. She would allow him to lead her away, "Will you stay until I fall back asleep?" though they hadn't even moved yet, she felt she needed to know. Would she be alone in the shared den again, or would he lay with her and help her get to sleep.?