
melodrama is my middle name



1 Year
10-26-2022, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2022, 06:54 PM by Vaella. Edited 1 time in total.)

Sore paw pads carried the lithe fae through the lush grass. Vaella's fierce gaze swept across the foreign land with palpable anticipation. Inky lips were parted ever so slightly to allow any scents to fall upon her tongue. Hope flooded through her and would be her fuel to keep on. But, she was horribly aware that a break was going to be needed soon. Every now again, if watching closely, said observer could see the babe flinch every now and again. The source of such turmoil was three shallow yet painful cuts on her back left leg. The wounds were inflicted by a party of Coyotes she encountered the night before but with her constant movement they had yet to scab over. Every time a scab formed she somehow managed to reopen the wound by stretching the limb the wrong way or too long of a stride.

Vaella set her sights on a thick tangle of bushes directly ahead of her. The brush would be a nice reprieved from the sun and her legs were nearly throbbing with exhaustion at his point. Upon reaching the resting spot she plopped down with a grunt and stretched out her limbs with a long groan. Blue eyes nearly rolled in the back of her head as she was overcome with instant relief. As she came back to reality she returned to her scanning of the basin, blue eyes taking in every inch of the landscape that was visible. Idly the babe panted as it was a hot summer day. Every small movement of brush or the fluttering of a birds wings caused her heart to sore with hope but it quickly came crashing down when she realized it was in fact not one of her loved ones. Though, the Velennis femme was as determined as they come. Vaella would find them, she just knew she would.




Advanced Healer (100)

Beginner Fighter (0)

3 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-22-2022, 02:15 PM
The last couple of seasons had been awfully strange. Like, well and truly and terribly odd. Ivy wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do with himself, other than keep moving. The idea that he belonged anywhere was still pretty foreign. Home had always been other people... what was supposed to happen now that he was all alone? Ivy didn't get it. Maybe he never would. When you're raised on the concept that there's nothing more important than your family and your bloodline, what happens when you find yourself out on your own? The yearling shrugged inwardly and simply continued on.

Ivy had officially explored to the edge of the continent, what felt like the edge of the world. This was the western side of Boreas... this was it. Laid out before him was the sea. Why didn't it call to him? Why didn't it seem like there was all this adventure thick in the air? Why didn't it feel like he thought it would. Frowning to himself, the blue boy turned and looked back to the east instead. Maybe he could try and make his way back to the Range as autumn set in. At least there would always be small prey there, the little furry things that fed on the dropped fruit from the long-overgrown trees. There was shelter for the winter months too... and then he could regroup. An approximation of a plan, even if it wasn't a very good one. What if someone had taken control of the Range? Especially with Fireside being gone now... well. Whatever. Ivy would burn that bridge when he got there. "What do you think?" Ivy cast his gaze to his companion, watching as she flew high above. As was typical, she didn't answer. Never was much of a talker, anyway.

First, though, he needed to rest. It had been a long walk. It would be a long walk. Sighing softly to himself, the boy's gaze slid across the Basin. It's only now that he realizes that he isn't alone. How long had she been there? There was no doubt in his mind, she'd seen him, and now Ivy had to... do... something? Interact. Ivy arranged his gaze into something more friendly than the contemplative stare as he approached. What would he say? The question was only fleeting in his mind, though, when the boy realized something else-- she was injured. The slashes at her back legs, they couldn't be comfortable. When his distance was comfortable, finally, the boy spoke. "Are you alright?" Tone gentle, doing his best to look friendly in the moment.




1 Year
11-27-2022, 02:16 PM

A figure in the distance drew the girls attention. A cooled toned beasty was headed her way. At first he paid no mind to her, likely not even noticing her at first. Vaella wouldn't be upset if he just slipped away like never having been there. She hadn't a clue about the natives and didn't know if this was a good time to meet one. But, she also knew it would be wise to get to know them as well. She wasn't going to make it in these new lands without any sort of intel. Thus, when she watched him realize he wasn't alone and move closer she watched with simple curiosity. - As his glacial gaze fell upon her injured leg Vaella instinctually tucked it closer. She had no desire to display weakness to an unknown male. But, as the question came she had no choice but to acknowledge the wound. "Coyotes." The viper wrinkled her nose and flicked her gaze to his own. "Horrible creatures." She shrugged ever so slightly, "I am fine... I am new to these lands so finding the proper herbs and what not has been a challenge."

Vaella allowed her eyes to take over his rather impressive pelt. Deep tones of blue and charcoal swam together with ripples of a pristine white. Where she came from unnatural colorations were rather rare. Most of her kin were painted in deep brown hues or charcoal. She did have a half-brother who was partially albino, but that was merely a lack of coloration. "I am actually looking for the rest of my group. You haven't seen anyone that looks or smells similar to me in your travels, have you?" Perhaps revealing that rather vulnerable fact of solitude was irresponsible but curiosity got the better of her. - Suddenly the fae perked up and heat swam to her cheeks, "My name is Vaella Velennis, apologies for my lack of manners." The name slipped from her tongue with a little flourish as her gaze met his again.




Advanced Healer (100)

Beginner Fighter (0)

3 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-06-2022, 06:48 PM
She tucked the injury closer, but worry creased Ivy's forehead. Coyotes had gotten after her, and she was out here seemingly alone. "Truly... and dirty," the words were soft as he peered at the wound from his carefully maintained distance. "I... um, not to pry, but when was the last time you cleaned it out? Coyotes are gross, you run the risk of infection," or at least, that's what he'd always been told. Most of the nuisance predators that hung around were an infection risk, and coyotes during this season? Well, it was worth worrying about. A healer and a worrier by nature. "I can show you some herbs that should help, I've been traveling light so I don't have any on me," Ivy's tone was apologetic. Somewhere in the back of his mind, the boy could hear his grandfather's chastising for going out of his way to help a stranger. Consciously, Ivy pushed it down. She was out here alone. He was a healer, he had to at least offer.

She asks if he's seen anyone who looks like her, smells like her. The blue boy takes a thoughtful moment to process before shaking his head. Though there were plenty around who were similarly earthen, none he'd seen were built quite as lithely, or smelled anywhere remotely similar. "Cami, have you?" He looked to his companion, who finally came to rest on a low-hanging branch. Pensively, the raptor shook her head as well. "We haven't, I'm sorry. We've been traveling from the heart of this continent to this westward edge." Once more, his tone was apologetic. "Ivy," he offered in return, choosing to drop his surname. Something about it being Regni, about having not been given the full Imperialis honor, felt like a failure. Not that she'd know, but just... it felt wrong. It felt better this way. "It's a pleasure, Vaella." A polite dip of his muzzle, a little wag of his tail. Spending so much time on his own had perhaps stunted him somewhat socially, but that was alright. He was doing alright, here.




1 Year
12-07-2022, 02:26 PM

Despite her horrible job at tucking away the injured limb the blue boy pressed on about it. Vaella watched him as he gently spoke about infection and possibly finding some herbs to tend to it. She glanced to the wound and considered it for a long moment. Obviously he was right, in every way. But, would she accept so much help from a stranger? Perhaps he was a healer and this was his duty or just a kind soul. Vaella wanted to believe either of these were true. "Yes, that would be nice. I think I remember how to make a poultice so if we can find some ingredients..." Blue eyes poured into his own, seeking traces deception but finding no traces... yet. Vae has just fled her war torn homeland and within the last two seasons has learned to be skeptical of pretty much anyone she came across. The babe is the daughter of a dead King and holds claim to a throne that has usurped. There are Wolves out there that want her dead, that is a fact.

Unfortunately it seemed neither he nor his Bird had encountered her lost loved ones. She nodded gently, "I figured it was a long shot." Her voice was neutral to not damper the mood with more of her issues.  - Vaella offered a small smile as his name was revealed. Ivy. "The pleasure is all mine, Ivy." Vaella slowly stood and gently shook out her slim form. Any clinging debris fell to the earth as she allowed her eyes to connect with own again, "Shall we go on this herb hunting endeavor?" A more playful nature replaced that more serious tone as she waited for him to lead on.




Advanced Healer (100)

Beginner Fighter (0)

3 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-06-2023, 02:49 PM
A healer and his duties, that was enough for Ivy. It was tough out here alone, and he'd learned that much in the last year. Since getting separated from his siblings, he'd been... honestly, he'd been a bit lost. Trying to pick his next move, the course of action that would take him next, all of it was... it felt strange. All of it felt so strange. Being his own man, making his own choices-- he was still trying to figure out what it all meant. What it meant to be himself, especially without the companionship of his twin brother. It was a bit like missing a limb, being Ivy without Lotus. Still, he's trying. Maybe she's in the same boat. Maybe she's trying too. It was all they could really do, right? Try.

"There should be some marigold out here, for the bleeding." He nodded, taking a long step to lead the way. "And I'm pretty sure I smelled some basil, maybe to help fight any infection that could be brewing." At least, that was probably what uncle Alarr would do. He was still clinging to his uncle's teachings, along with some trial and error of his own. He gave a soft smile to the girl.

"We're heading towards the northeast for the winter," Ivy speaks idly, making conversation. "There's a lot of continent here, I wanna see all of it y'know?" It had been a long while since he'd had someone to just chat to. Going from being constantly surrounded by the company of his family to nothing, it had left him a bit starved for company. Ivy had it in his mind that he'd make the most of it.
