
I'll Huff and I'll Puff



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10-27-2022, 07:53 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence

Jynn wandered down the row of assorted decorations and materials to build a straw wolf. While she'd never done anything like that before the gears in her head were already turning as to how she might be able to accomplish it. She sniffed at a few different dried plants before selecting her materials and trotting over to one of the stones to work. It provided a nice back drop for her in the golden light of coming evening. She remembered the first time she'd been to the Steppe and she never thought she'd see it in such a state, all decorated with wolves, festivities and familiars all floating about. It was all very strange. The logical part of her mind just assumed that autumn had arrived early while the more spiritual side wondered if there was something mystical afoot. She believed in spirits and in an other world and the idea that these two things might be connected made her fur stand on end.

Pulling her thoughts from her mystical musings she focused on making her straw wolf. She shredded some of the longer strands of corn leaves to make little ties before grouping a small bundle of straw and folding it in half to start making a wolf head. It took some doing to tie it. Thankfully Tahmores was there to help. She really didn't do fine crafts often and was starting to think she should find a companion with opposable thumbs some time.

With the head done Jynn moved onto the body, wrapping the straw around a large gourd to get the start of the shape. She started weaving the straw together much like she'd done with her fishing baskets, working to get a good shape before pulling the gourd out and stuffing the body with more straw. Using a weaving method gave her more structure and also allowed her to let go more easily which she had to do. Lacking a nimble beak or deft hands it made for a long and tedious process to create something so advanced.

She glanced around at the pups that were working on theirs. Ok… so maybe she was over thinking it a bit. Setting her jaw in determination she continued working until the body was formed. Then using more straw she attached the neck and began to work on the legs. Again she folded long strands of straw in half then neatly tucked the loose ends up into the body. Using a bit of pine resin she secured the legs in place before doing the same with the tail.

Phew! Now that she had the main shape done she could start the fun part. Decorating! Hmmm… her wolf needed some eyes. Jynn glanced around at the supplies. Finding some elderberries she carefully plucked a few off and tied them in with sinew. Deciding that she also wanted to put some kind of bow around its neck she got up and went back to the supplies to see if anything struck her fancy. Being a wanderer she only carried so much with her at a time and most of what she had wasn't very good for decorating with. She spied a garland of deep wine colored leaves and quickly snatched it up. She measured a small piece for her wolf and returned the excess for other crafters. Taking the piece that she'd cut she wrapped it around her wolf's neck and fastened it with a small piece of leather cording. There!

It kind of reminded her of the figures some of her old band mates made for their pups at festivals. They'd be stuff with yummy treats like dead rats or frogs. She could almost taste them now! Often the remnant would be used to fuel the evenings fire. Jynn wondered if these would be used for something similar or if they had a different purpose. Well she’d probably find out sooner or later. Shame she couldn’t keep it and bring it with her but in all seriousness what would she do with it? A wanderer had to be particular with what they carried with them. Even if she chose to leave it in one of her storage dens somewhere how often would it get taken out? Best to leave it to the familiars and the festival goers to enjoy.

Jynn fussed a bit with her straw wolf. Tucking in loose ends here and there until she was satisfied with the outcome she then added a string to the back to hang it up with should the familiars choose so. Picking it up in her jaws she carried it to where the other finished straw wolves lay. She thanked the familiars for the fun little project then wandered back to the feast in search of some yummy snacks. Hopefully they had some freshly killed rats!