
When Heat Crosses


04-20-2014, 05:42 PM

It was becoming quite obvious to Rakshra that while gone Alacritis had suffered an earthquake. Not that it meant anything to her, when she left she had no remaining friends other than Bronze. In the back of her mind she always wondered what happened to him, but she expected to never see him again so she kept it in the back of her mind.

The heat sank into her faster than a cat chasing a mouse. She was used to Glaciem and other colder places where her fur was meant to keep the heat. Now she was wishing all her fur would just fall off. It wasn't a great feeling, having your fur stuck to your body by sweat.

Rakshra had no idea why she was here, or why she returned to Alacritis. She just never felt right anywhere else. But right now, this land didn't feel very homey, either. She raised her nose and sniffed the air, her ice blue eyes scanning the area she had landed in. She couldn't pick out the scent of any other wolves, which she didn't mind. She was quite used to being alone.

The closest thing on Rakshra's mind at the moment was what pack she would join, but she was unsure if she was even going to join one. She would like to be the leader of a pack one day, or at least second ranked. She thought she deserved it. She was strong, fast, intelligent and many other things.

Somewhat exhausted from her long journey, she stretched her legs and laid down to rest for a bit.


04-20-2014, 08:54 PM
The queen has been busy, so very busy in the last few days. She keeps trying to recruit others into her pack, and ignore the prickling annoyance she felt in the back of her mind at her newest acceptance. The pack had met and hunted, and she worried for Misha, the meek girl seemed to lack confidence in her hunting abilities. She needed to do something about that. She had recently met with Cataleya the queen of Arcanum, and she felt her mind wondering about the things they had said to each other in that meetings. Most of all, the meeting with Drashiel weighed on her mind, Glaciem was in chaos- and she worried for the pack. Needless to say, she isn't paying attention to the direction that her paws are carrying her until she smells another. Her mind snaps back to reality, and she pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath and processes the scent. A female, and a stranger. She relaxes and continues to approach the stranger, her violet eyes looking over the relaxing lady as she approaches. "Am I interrupting?" She speaks softly, her tone nearly soothing.


04-20-2014, 09:04 PM

Interrupted from her thoughts, Rakshra's head quickly turned around and came eye to eye with the stranger. Rakshra got up on her paws and backed away slightly. The wolf held the scent of that of Tortuga borders. Rakshra bowed her head towards the stranger and slowly sat down.

No, Not interrupting anything. I was just resting my legs.Rakshra said looking around. She turned her attention back to the stranger."Are you by any chance from Tortuga? I was thinking about joining. She sniffed the air to make sure nobody else had followed her. She had been ambushed a couple times, and it wasn't a great situation to be in. Especially when you are alone.
