
oh boy, that was a wrong step!



Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
11-04-2022, 07:12 AM

Inevitably, Scald had snuck off once again. This time, without the company of his siblings or friends. Heading south of Obsidian Beach, barely making it through Gambit Briar without any major cuts, he paused atop the sloping banks of Faller's Fjord. From his view, he could see the winding river below that was fed from the ocean. All around him, boulders jutted up at precarious locations making it near impossible to find a way down.

Thirst bit at the back of his throat. Even with summer coming to an end and autumn whistling in with a chilly breeze, the growing pup felt warm and in need of cooling off. His bi-colored gaze roamed the area for a path down, even if it was a goat path, it would do. Taking steps as he continued to peer downward, Scald would startle as little pebbles slipped from beneath his paws to echo down until they plopped in the water. Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to try and make his way down to the river...

Again he was reminded of how thirsty he was. Swallowing made his dry throat itch even more. Plus, he was a Pirate! He had to be brave! No slippery slope was going to deter him from getting sustenance! Determined, the lanky boy thought he saw a good pathway down below. Being as careful as he could be, he began traversing his way along the path. Any time his footing felt unstable, he would stop and test out the rocks before continuing. Everything was going swell until that one pesky rock slipped out from beneath him.

Scald began to tumble the last ten feet of the slope. Unable to catch his footing before he reached the bottom, he pulled in a deep breath before he went crashing into the river at the bottom of the basin. Fully submerged, bewildered, and thoroughly annoyed, the youngster resurfaced shortly with a few gasps of breath. Making his way to the shore, he laid down and rested his cheek against the mossy stone. Unsure if he was injured or not, he decided to lay and gather his wits before making any sudden movements.