
Pirates FINALLY Plunder

Post-Raid Reward


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-05-2022, 05:39 PM
OOC: After raid! Gonna try to do 3 rounds for those sweet, sweet nav points.

The market:

The Armada had been defeated, and Sparrow led her crew to the market. Her grin spanned nearly both ears like a pup getting to go outside of their pack for the first time. She couldn't believe they actually won, which sounded super mean, but like they hadn't won a single raid this whole time and then they win against their biggest enemy ever- holy shit.

And she still promised to meet Sirius after. Fuck.

Well, for now, the pack wandered towards wherever they assumed the market was. "Keep your sniffers down for any sign of our wolves," Sparrow reminded her group. She generally avoided any areas that smelled too much like personal dens, not out of the good, kindness of her heart, but because as funny as it would be to have an orgy in Azure's room, she didn't trust that the pack wouldn't somehow find a way to trap them in and poison them.

She stopped briefly by the big poky looking rock and turned to her pack. This seemed like a good place to address her pack.

"Alright everyone!" she called. There were some maims- even her own- but no one was worse for wear. "First off... HOLY SHIT WE DID IT!" She stamped in place for a moment, tail wagging out of pure excitement. "We really did it and against the Armada, so like double win!"

Sparrow looked across the pack, her eyes landing in Pyralis. A hint of sadness hit her and she took a breath. "So first is that Pyralis is stepping down from Most Unholy Sin. She wants to just be a filthy old woman and do her thing, so I'll let her be our Sloth."

Sparrow let that sink for a minute, her own heart hurting for saying it even. But there was good news! "But that means the rank is open right? Well, I've thought about that and... Ignis? Gil? Would you be our Most Unholy Sins?" Sparrow was asking, but not really. They'd both been a continuous big help.

"I also would like to ask Modesty to be our Patience and Ares to be our Envy, if that's alright with them."

Sparrow smiled at her pack, "Everyone did so good, and I couldn't feel cooler among a bunch of hooligans if I tried. Now let's go get some treats!"

OOC: Round due 11/12!


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
11-05-2022, 07:14 PM

Modesty had been in pure shock when the second wolf went down and before she knew it the raid was over. Her tail gave a small wave as she moved to join the rest of their rag-tag group. She offered Gil a nose punch to his shoulder for taking so long to let her know the kids were home unharmed, but she gave him a smile none the less, she’d made it to the raid in time, and she supposed she could breathe again.

They made their way to the markets, (which she was pretty sure they could visit without raiding but maybe they would get some discounts for winning?), and Sparrow addressed them all. Modesty hadn’t expected Pyr to be stepping down, she had tricked herself into thinking the old woman would just go on forever, but now that she really looked, well… She wouldn’t begrudge the woman her retirement. That Gil and Ignis would step in to fill her paws was telling enough for all that Pyralis had contributed to the Plunder. She almost choked on her own saliva when Sparrow named her Patience, humour lit her face with and amused but darkly edged chuckle left her smirking lips. If that was the best they had to fit her then she would wear it with pride, but it might end up serving as more of a warning than a virtue, and she was almost certain that might have been Sparrow’s intention all along. She gave a nod to Sparrow, she’d take it, and she offered a shove to Gil’s shoulder. It looked like there was a bar over there.


They said that I got to keep it sweet


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
11-06-2022, 01:47 AM

At last, they had finally succeeded. And against the Armada no less! It must've been a shock to their system and a heavy blow to their pride to have been beaten by the Pirates. By some strange miracle, the misfit pack had finally managed to do it. Though Ignis wasn't one of the founding Plunder members, at this point, he knew enough of their short history to know that they had yet to succeed in a raid...until now, that is. "Old man should've retired and saved himself the embarrassment. It wasn't Azure..." He grumbled, lip lifting in irritation, "But kicking Sirius' ass is just as good!" Indeed, while he would've loved to have gotten Azure back for his bullshit attack on him at that challenge, he would take beating Sirius' ass any day! That guy always acted like he was invincible. Like he was hot shit. Better than everyone else. Carrying the self-proclaimed title of "warlord" when the old fart had likely never been in, let alone seen an actual war.

The moment they went deeper into Armada's lands, Ignis immediately set his senses to look for Eden and his missing kid. Frustration grew by the day, and this was the moment he'd been waiting for. Armada had them. They had to have been the culprits! They had so much animosity towards the Pirates that he had absolutely every reason to believe they had kidnapped them! But as the crew delved further, there seemed to be no trace of either of them. Not out here, anyway...but before he could suggest looking for them further into the Col, Sparrow made mention of both he and Gil taking up Pyralis' rank while she took up the rank of Sloth. He glanced at Gil in surprise, a small, brief smirk showing. "Fine by me, I'll do ya proud, Pyra!" He flashed a grin at her. He had grown to like the old woman. It was a shame her time was ending soon...


Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
11-06-2022, 12:41 PM
All You Have Is Your Fire...

Pyralis strode after Sparrow and the others, her pace noticeably slower. She'd expended all of her energy in her fight against Gossamer and had little remaining though the swell of pride in her heart helped to keep her going. Finally! They'd won a raid. She was glad to have tasted victory with her pack before her eventual passing and pleased as well at her victory over her rival though it was certainly hard one. Many of her compatriots had gone through multiple battles while she and Gossamer had dueled for nearly the entirety of the raid.

When Sparrow halted their expedition into the marketplace, where a number of merchants were scrambling from the invading, and blood-stained pirates, Pyralis swiftly sat down to catch her breath. Sparrow announced that she was stepping down and gifted her the rank of Sloth which sounded great to her. Lazing about and drinking? Heck yea, she could do that. Ignis and Gilgamesh were promoted to fill her vacancy and even Modest was given a special rank. She nodded to all three in turn. All and all it had been a successful day and she was ready to steal some booze.

"Congrats everyone! Let's get some goods and get out of here. Bonus points for booze!" Pyralis eased herself back up and made a beeline for a vacant wine vendor. She dug about for a bag and started stuffing it full of bottles.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!


"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
11-07-2022, 12:32 PM

Surprisingly, they had won. He had bested both of his opponents and so had his own future wife. Gil wasn't sure if the pirates winning the raid as a whole was more impressive than Modesty's wins or not. She wasn't exactly the fighting type, but he did admire her devotion to the pack and attempts at some kind of fighting. Noting at the back of his head that he should probably set aside time with her one on one to hone her skills, he kept pace beside her as they followed Sparrow.

His lips curled into a smirk as she gave him a punch to the shoulder with her nose. "The kiddos are a lot to handle, dear," he hissed under his breath, implying that he was too busying parenting to even get the word out to her about the return of Deluge. Staying near Modesty as they pulled up to the pillar, Gil looked toward the top where it was the most pointy and shiny. Huh, what a weird thing to have in a pack. What was it even for? Letting out a snort, he turned his attention to Sparrow as she addressed everyone.

The feeling of pride swelled in his chest as she congratulated them on their win against the Armada. Hoping that the crazy bastard named Azure had learned his lesson about fucking with the Pirates, he was only able to relish in his feelings for a moment. Sparrow quickly noted how Pyralis would be demoted to Sloth to live out her dying days. Gil undoubtedly would miss the old gal as she had been kind to his offspring and a fun partner to go pestering Tojo-Kai with. Before he could get any words out toward Pyr, Sparrow's next statement caused both ears to lift and his eyes to widen.

Turning his gaze toward Ignis, their expressions matching from surprise to mischievous smirk, he let out a rough sort of rumble. "I'd be more than pleased to be a Most Unholy Sin," Gil responded, his smirk growing into a child-like grin as he turned to glance at Modesty. She was also getting a promotion! Patience would not have been the rank Modesty fit best, but the irony of it was too funny to make an objection. Returning the shoulder bump, he lifted his lips to Modesty's ear before they moved toward a bar full of alcohol.

"Proud of you," he whispered quietly, the only sign of real affection he would show the girl moving off with the others. "Time to get the party started!" Gil called out happily as he followed Pyr in the pursuit of taking whatever they could manage to fit in bags.

”Speech” ’Thought’

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
11-13-2022, 10:47 AM
"Yahooo!!" He crowed as they entered the Armadan market. FINALLY they had won a raid! And against the armada no less! "We whooped their asses good!" He grinned as he hooted and hollered, though paused his shenanigans as Sparrow spoke. Holy shit he was getting a promotion!? Fuck yeah! "Envy huh? Seems about right, that's cool with me!" He flashed her a grin before flashing one to everyone else.

"Party back at home yeah? So grab all the booze and shit you can from here so we can party hard at home without drinking all our stores!" He headed further into the market area, noticed the obelisk thing and tsked at how weird this pack was. Well, to each their own! He followed the scent of food and booze, though couldn't help but poke his head into various entryways (minus the personal ones, mind), just to make sure he didn't miss anything interesting worth taking.


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-14-2022, 08:31 PM
Everyone took all the news well, which was good considering it was all good news. No better place to give good news than in the midst of the enemy's pack! As soon as everyone had finished their small celebrations, Sparrow turned to the market. There were stalls and stuff in the tunnels and Sparrow wondered if they were carved or natural. How long would it take to dig into straight rock? Sparrow didn't have time to ponder as she jumped to the first stall to rummage for goods. Sparrow tossed a glance back to her pack, "Try not to break... too much. And can anyone find a wagon or something?"

OOC: Next round due 11/19!

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
11-17-2022, 07:39 PM
All You Have Is Your Fire...

Pyralis made swift work of stuffing her bag full of wine bottles as well as furs which she arranged to prevent the bottles from clanking together and breaking. It wouldn't do to gather all this wine and then lose it all on the way back. Her ears flicked up at the mention of a wagon. Shoot… she hadn't bothered to haul her fire cart because frankly it was too far away and she wasn't going to bother lugging that thing all the way north when it had seemed so likely they'd lose. "Oh, hey, here's something…" She trotted over to a plank of wood that had four small wooden wheels attached to it as well as a woven basket secured atop it. A rope harness was left unoccupied and Pyralis quickly dropped in her back of wine. Her keen eyes scanned another booth and she whistled. "Oooooo brandy!" Taking her teeth she popped the cork and poured a little into a bowl before lapping at it and sighing. "Aww yes, this is some good stuff here." She popped the cork back in and added the brandy bottle to her loot.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!


"Ms. steal yo girl"

Raiders Hollow
Very Important Pirate

Master Fighter (258)

Master Navigator (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerOoh La LaDouble MasterPride - Lesbian1KFestival Organizer
Halloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
11-28-2022, 11:35 PM
Sparrow made an effort to ping around the stalls here and there. Sparrow took to loading anything up that looked like it could roll or scoot back to the pack. The wares weren't poorly made, and Pyralis sure seemed to be finding the best of it. "Hey, leave some for the rest of us," she joked, aiming for another stall. There was some wine and maybe trinkets of some sort, and while Sparrow was more of a food and drink type of girl, she wasn't one to discriminate on free loot. If it wasn't nailed down or a stall itself, Sparrow was intent on taking it back to the cove with them. "Alright guys, lets load up and move out before anyone gets any wise ideas."

Sparrow has a female Harlequin Macaw named Pongolo and a male Capuchin monkey named Friar, and a hairless mushroom tuxedo cat named Beef Sandwich. She also has cat claws... and some weird leg spike things.