
Manea x Alastor Litter Three



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
11-06-2022, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2022, 01:37 PM by Manea. Edited 8 times in total.)

Time for more Mendacium pups!

Now that some details have been ironed out, here is the official litter application for Manea and Alastor's third litter! This is the first time we're doing open adoptions for these kids so I'm excited to be able to invite some other players into the family! The litter is going to be born on December 6th (my birthday!) and will be playable on December 20th! Due to the Mendacium genetic trait of having naturally smaller litters, we're looking for a maximum of three pups, but we're more likely to pick around two.

Due to some bad bad rolls on our cursed litter pass, we'll have to have two pups with disabilities. We would prefer to have crystal themed disabilities just out of personal preference, but if you have a really good idea for a mushroom themed one we're open to suggestions! Please keep in mind that any pups with noticeable deformities would likely be killed by Manea and Alastor. They would not want their children to struggle through life or suffer due to their disabilities so we encourage you to think of things that either wouldn't be immediately noticeable or wouldn't have as much of a physical impact on their daily lives. If you need ideas or help you can leave that part off of your app or DM myself or Joe for suggestions!

All of the information about the Mendacium family, their beliefs, and their laws can be found here! I'd encourage you to give it a read before applying for a pup just to make sure you get a feel for their culture and what would be expected of them in the long run.

Personalities and Skills

Their alignments can be a pretty wide range, but for the most part they would skew likely either neutral or evil. They will grow up with very loving, protective, and encouraging parents, but there isn't many limitations on what is "right" and "wrong". They are pretty much allowed to live as they please as long as they are abiding by the Mendacium laws. The Mendacium family as a whole does tend to be more volatile and violent, but are very dedicated and passionate as well. All of that being said if any of them skewed more sweet and kind that is certainly not a bad thing! In fact, Alastor would adore it!

As far as skills go, it's pretty much anything goes! Manea, Alastor, and Saracyn all went the fighting/hunting route while Avacyn and Fiametta went fighting/intellect. They'll grow up around Irilyth and Aunt Ikigai as well that could be mentors for healing if you want to go that way with it and there is also Ricin in Elysium that could teach them navigation. Whatever skill they want to learn there's someone that can teach them! Obviously fighting as one of their skills is preferred, but not required at all.


Color scheme should stick to purple, red, and black and can have accents of white, blues, or other unnatural colors. More vibrant coats and various mutations are definitely encouraged for their bloodline. It's common in Manea's line of the Mendacium family to have a marking around one eye and all of their children so far have taken after that trait so if you wanted to incorporate that into your design as well that would be awesome! There are some unused designs on the Mendacium family information page to sort through if you'd like, just keep in mind those were purchased for the family as a whole, not for this litter in particular.

Applicable discounts:
25% off purple coloring
25% off red coloring
25% off odd shaped marking passes
25% off regular shaped marking pass
25% off melanism
50% off all height up to 42"

Inheritable mutations:
Serrated bone ridges
Tiger paws/claws
Retractable gemstone claws
Long tail (cosmetic)
Longer, fluffier fur (cosmetic)

Here are some designs you can pick from! You can also bring your own design as long as it fits the family's color scheme and patterns.

Activity Requirements

Activity wise I do expect them to be at least moderately active and to participate in Elysium pack activity checks as well as family events. If they are set inactive at any point or go two months with zero posts with no warning I will take them back for readoption. If at any point there is a major life event that would prevent you from posting for a long period of time just contact me and we can discuss it! We would prefer for them to be at least advanced in both skills by their first birthday as well, but this isn't a hard rule.


Here is a form to fill out if you're interested! It doesn't have to be complete right away, but a work in progress would at least let me know if I should pursue having this litter or not. Thanks in advance!

Applications due by November 29th!

<b>Character name:</b>
<b>Appearance:</b> Site minimum 100 word description (though a reference image is highly encouraged as well).
<b>Disability:</b> What disability will you be choosing? Keep in mind guidelines up above!
<b>Personality:</b>  Site minimum 150 words



4 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverUnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1K
11-06-2022, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2022, 11:29 PM by Incubus. Edited 20 times in total.)
much interest
Character name: Mathias Mendacium
Gender: Male
Height: Dire
Build: Large
Appearance: There is a minor issue with the leg markings, I'll fix it eventually. Also, I will pick a different design if you guys want me to!
[Image: mathias_ref_by_karabearrr_dfh8d8s-fullvi...ukGvnfydsM]

A vivid purple paints the majority of Mathias' pelt. Legs, ears, and his muzzle seem to be dipped in a slightly darker purple hue. It also sweeps across the upper region of sides, near the flank. A lighter variation of this purple, resembling a lavender shade, moves along his shoulders, underbelly, tail, neck, and the back of his hind legs. A much brighter purple is seen on the front his two front legs, along his spine, down his muzzle, and dusted along his abdomen. In contrast to this purple is a bright red that makes an appearance in that of mostly jagged and irregular stripes. Three of these are seen just above his tail on the spine. Mathias also has six of the crimson stripes on both hind legs just above the ankle. The last of the red is seen just under his eyes, a single sliver of the crimson below each orb. - If the male's pelt could not get any more unique he is also adorned with a white marking around his right eye, similar to his mother. This marking is physical evidence of his Mendacium lineage, deriving from his mother's line. - Physically, Mathias, is a rather impressive creature standing at a tall 45 inches with a medium build. Mostly, he is void of mutation. Lacking his mother's tiger paws or his father's lengthy fur. The male only managed to end up cursed with a crystalized right eye. It's color is the same blue as his other eye but glassy due to the small crystals that formed on the orb. The condition is painless as the crystals are not large or sharp enough to do damage but it does render Mathias mostly blind in that eye. In the daytime he can see shadows and at night he can see bright light, but nothing beyond that.

Disability: Right eye is partially crystalized causing blindness.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting and Hunting
Personality:  dominant . cold . vicious . impatient . protective

Mathias has little to no patience. He lacks the ability to level with other Wolves. To see from their perspective and understand why others care about things he may feel are trivial. You will receive no pity laughter or pick me up from Mathias. He is not afraid to straight up end a conversation when bored but he’s not horribly mean about it, most of the time. If Mathias feels as though his time is actively being wasted his temper may flare into agitation or frustration. It takes a lot for him to verbally snap at someone but when he gets to that point he will make it count. Especially when it comes to constant complaining, general incompetence, or laziness.

It is undeniable the brute is rather cold but he is not void of passion. There is nothing Mathias enjoys more than a good fight. The thrill of absolutely dominating an opponent will become addicting and drive him to be unfathomably dedicated to becoming the best he can be. This desire for superiority is not out of some sort of sadistic bloodthirst; it mostly derives from his competitive nature. There is good and bad that comes from this ambition. The good being he is focused, goal oriented, and rather healthy. The bad is what comes after the fight. Win or lose Mathias will be very hard on himself. Tearing apart the battle or hunt step by step to figure out what he could have done better. His will often hyper fixate on negative and rarely will he allow himself to celebrate a victory. Mathias has an unyielding hunger to conquer his opponents and will stop at nothing to do so.

Mathias is incredibly loyal to his family. He does not spend all his time training for only the sake of personal gain. Being born into a matriarchal system he knew from a young age a crown would never sit upon his head and he accepted this. Also, it will become rather clear he has no patience for dealing with subjects or politics. That being said his goal is to protect his pack but most importantly his loved ones. This need to protect others will bring out a rather vicious side to Mathias. Usually he is rather reserved and collected but if a threat is made to someone he cares for Mathias will not think twice about stepping forward in their defense and ensure they leave with a maim to remember their wrong doings.

Relationships, both friendly and romantic, will be relatively few and far between. But, not entirely impossible. Matthias is fairly selective when it comes to those he spends time with. He’s not one to entertain anyone he doesn’t find worthy of his attention. Though, if he takes a liking to someone those barriers may very well fall and a relationship could form. That being said, romantic relationships would be far more rare than friendships. It would take a good amount of time to build those feelings and trust for him to settle down with one Wolf. Until that time comes he will tend to his lusty desires with one night stands or ‘beneficial friendships.’

Plans: (added my own little section here)
- Going to grab a Dire Wolf Character Pass for him (if i get him)
- I really want him to be a mommas boy as a pup but be a little bit of a shit stirrer with his siblings.
- Heavy focus on getting his skills up ASAP.
- Gonna get him companions and battle accessories asap as well.
[Image: CjtKtHg.png]
[Image: Incubus-Puffball-smoller.png]


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Toys for TotsEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
11-07-2022, 01:59 AM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2022, 01:36 AM by Hermes. Edited 6 times in total.)
Done! <3

Character name: Malico Diabhal Mendacium
Nicknames: Mal, Co
Gender: Male

Height: 40"
Size: Extra-Large
Build: Medium


Malico’s base coat is the bright, vivid purple of lavender petals that have just bloomed. Various shades of purple swirl through his coat, lightening in some spots and darkening in others. Like his mother, the boy’s coat is reminiscent of a swirling purple galaxy.

His father’s deep onyx color will cover his nose and part of his muzzle, both ears, and his paws. While, standing stark contrast to the black, is the soft white of snow. It splatters his coat at random and is most noticeable around his eyes and the very tip of his tail.

Malico will bear the Mendacium eye marking although his will be much simpler. Red lines paint the area underneath his left eye, forming a strange and unique pattern.

Finally, Mal’s eyes are a bright turquoise and they watch the world with great intensity.

Disability: Crystals form in ear canal causing moderate hearing loss
Mutation: I will use my mutation inheritance pass to give Malico retraceable gemstone claws. (Thinking either Onyx or Obsidian)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Fighting & Intellect

Adaptable ~ Dedicated ~ Introverted ~ Pushover ~ Observant

Malico will be born without any detriments to his hearing. Starting at six months, crystals will begin to form in both of the pup’s ear canals and, by one year old, they will reach their full size.

This disability will shape the rest of young boy’s life as the crystals will cause him to have moderate hearing loss. Malico will be forced to discover alternate versions of interpretation, including lip reading and subtle shifts in expression. This hardship forces the boy to be overly observant of others and not much will miss his trained eyes. Learning to adapt and change with any circumstance will be one of Mal’s first big life lessons and he will take it to heart.

Family will be the most important thing in Malico’s life and he will dedicate his life to what his parents wish of him and for him. Being a male in the Mendacium family, the boy will know his place and strive to help his sisters reach the goals set for them. In his own mind, and probably those of some (if not all) of his siblings, he will see himself as worth less than his sisters. If his siblings choose to bully him, Malico will accept it calmly and without quarrel. However, if anyone outside of his family tries to test if he is a push over, they will be met with sharp teeth.


11-11-2022, 08:07 PM

((I have an odd-colored marking pass already, but if she needs anything else I am not sure I can afford that case just ignore the mutation part XD))
Character name: Zerachiel (Zera) Muerta Mendacium
Gender: Female  
Height: 36 inches (because I cannot afford Extra Height or Dire passes)
Build: Medium

Appearance: Dark, abysmal violet greets the world under snowy white eyelids, mixed in with black shards from daddy. Her base coat is a different take on the Mendacium line, much like her aunt's alabaster coat, cloaked in snowy white with a few key highlights. Brilliant royal purple covers her lower jaw, throat, belly, backs of her forelimbs, paws on all four legs, and under her tail where it borders a black tip. The same purple hue is seen on her tail, hips, thighs, and under her eyes in brindle markings. This brindle fades into black along her sides, though this coloration does not touch her shoulders. Her ear tips and tail tip are black as well. She is well-toned, training constantly since she may very well be the smallest in her family. When she matures she will be just like her mother, silent, seductive, and deadly. Her natural scent is a mix of vanilla and bergamot, something like pound cake.

Mutation: (Idk if we need passes for these, but if not...) Serrated bone ridges (black to purple tips) & tiger paws/claws like mom.

Disability: Crystals form over her vocal cords, effectively making her mute. She can speak in whispers only.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Skills: Fighting & Healing

Personality: Zera is naturally quiet and reserved, and some can even say her presence is long as you are not on the wrong side of her teeth. She tends to be rather kind and soft-hearted, finding a soft spot for anything injured. There is a dark side to the girl, finding an odd love for all things dead and dying, even to the point of poisoning someone just to see the effect it might have and if she can find an antidote before they perish. To the ones she loves she is a silly little goofball who needs her loved ones to be in a good mood and healthy in order for her own mood to lift. Quick to crack a joke or offer some strange fact of life to lighten the moods of others, Zera hides a dark and deadly secret. Do not make her angry, she is too much like her father. Even though she may wear a smile and will whisper funny little quips, the girl will attack at the drop of a pin. This is daddy's little monster if there ever was one. There is little in the way of morality, so incestuous relations may occur, though this will be a girl who follows her family's beliefs without flaw.



Rapid Poster - Rainbow
11-19-2022, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2022, 10:22 PM by Indie. Edited 8 times in total.)

*** I really liked this design from the family thread. But I toned down the orangeyness.
if that wasn't cool, I can totally come up with a different design! Just thought it was worth a shot!***

Character name: Mariah Mendacium
Gender: Female

Appearance: At her foundation lies a base of crimson that is truly only exposed in her unders- her belly, her throat, her forearms, her inner legs, beneath her tail, and the sides of her muzzle. However, the tips of her ears are crested in the same shade. As for the rest of her topline, she adorns a coat of obsidian. Jet that begins at the bridge of her nose, masks her face, covers her shoulders, back, and hips- fades into her sides, and stops just short of the tip of her tail. Even still, there are some silver linings that should be noted. Her front toes, and her back paws with markings that trace the back of her legs up to the point of her hock. And of course, the Medacium mark- intricacies around her silver eyes.
Height: Medium (32")
Build: Light

Disability: Okay. So. I'm not entirely sure if this is acceptable or not, but I guess we'll find out together ^^; I had kinda imagined that she had crystalization in her digestive tract ..... I don't know if internal crystals are allowed to fulfill the disability, though ... Anyways. She would be born a seemingly healthy puppy, but the crystals will prevent her from absorbing nutrition properly after birth and as time goes on. Throughout her life, I imagined that she would be kinda teetering back and forth between a 'light' and 'emaciated' build. Because of her difficulty absorbing nutrition, I had also envisioned that she wouldn't grow to full size- maxing out around 32". IF THIS IS A DUMB IDEA AND DOESN'T WORK OR FULFILL THE REQUIREMENT- and she needs to have a disability, I would be happy to come up with something else. This is just what stuck with me through her development.

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: With the crystal nutrion disorder, I would have her be Intellect and Healing. If her disability isn't needed or doesn't work and I need to go with something else, her skills would likely be something else. Probably Intellect and Fighting.

There is a lot that can be said as to what drives Mariah, however, it all comes down to her ingrained desire to be in control of every detailed aspect of her life. She is relentless in her pursuit of perfection and is overly critical of others who fail to meet her expectation- no matter how unreasonable they may seem to mere mortals. She has a very difficult time delegating tasks to those around her- no matter their willingness to help- because she simply believes that no one else could accomplish a task as well as she could. Mariah is very neat and organized with her stock and belongings. If she says that she will do something, she can be depended on to do so. That being said, disorder is an extreme source of stress for her, and will often avoid a messy environment so she doesn't feel compelled to right everything in her path. Her need for structure often overrides her concern for others, making it difficult for her to connect to those in her life.

Mariah's duties to her family and to Elysium are a compulsion that can't be ignored. Her loyalty is unwavering, and her heart and soul lie in the best interest of the Medaciums. She is focused and determined with concrete goals. She is a strong planner and is interested in choosing the best and most direct course of action in order to achieve her desired result- even if she has to go through someone else to accomplish her desired outcome. Throughout her life, Mariah will be determined to succeed- and her success will be her priority. Whoever stands in her way will be considered collateral damage for the greater good. She will be extremely competitive in her skillset and will refuse to take "No" for an answer. Mariah will be one of the first to rise to a difficult situation, eager to prove herself and assert her superiority. She is bold in speaking her opinions and is unafraid to take action to further her objectives. She will remain quite focused on her goals without being distracted by others and their needs. Her lack of concern as to what others may think of her will give her a sense of transparency; as in, you'll usually know what she's thinking because she doesn't care enough to hide her thoughts and feelings. And when it comes to a difficult truth reveal, she's always eager to be the one to rip off the bandaid. Mariah has no reservations when it comes to conflict- or being the voice of general opposition. It doesn't bother her to stand alone in her own point of view if nothing more than to get a rise out of those around her.

Mariah lives her life with great passion. She feels strongly about what she sees and hears, and once she does finally establish a connection with someone, she will have intense feelings for them as well. That being said, she will have obvious hot buttons and could be described to have a temperamental nature. It won't be outside her character to withhold resources, information, or attention until her needs have been met. When upset, she will have a tendency to behave erratically and explosively, leaving relationship shrapnel in her wake. Her impatience will often get the best of her, as well. Because of her desire for things to happen quickly, she will often push herself to work quickly. She is forward-looking, keeping her sights set on what's coming down the line to be prepared to the best of her abilities. Mariah is a thinker and enjoys the process of metaphorically reducing an object or issue to its base components in order to see what's working, and what needs improvement. She works well alone, is dedicated, intelligent, and is a strong problem solver. She has refined observational skills and is generally accurate in her assessments of the world around her. One of her many points is to try and put the pieces together in order to see what's coming down the road.

+ I would like her to find a healing mentor that she'll study with for a long time- and then spend her adolescent life trying to surpass in skillset. She'll be desperate to prove her capabilities and her superiority. So I think that would be a nice one-sided rivalry. She would also be really frustrated if they didn't challenge her back- which may be good or bad ^^;
+ You know me, all about that skill grind.
+ I'm down for sibling romances. As far as her soul mate- or any arranged relationships, I'm pretty well open for! She's gonna be a bit neurotic/high strung though, so that should be fun.
+ I'm not sure if she'll favor one parent or the other. Honestly, as she gets older, she may spend more time trying to impress Avacyn than Manea, once it clicks that Mom isn't going to be in charge forever.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
11-24-2022, 12:51 AM
I know it's a few days early, but I figured since we've received a couple of applications we're very happy with why not give you guys a few extra days to get your purchases and such in order? I'm very happy to have our new members to the family, Indie with Mariah and Hermes with Malico!! Thank you two so much for playing my special birthday babies <33

They're born on December 6th so I'd love to see their applications in acceptance by then! If you need any help covering purchases or anything like that please let me know!