
Truly, madly, deeply

Venom ♥



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
11-13-2022, 07:39 PM
Maverick had made up his mind. Ever since joining Ashen, his relationship with Venom had only grown stronger and burned brighter with no signs of faltering or failing. He might have been skeptical at the start of this, doubtful in the longevity or his ability to commit to her and to the pack the way she wanted and needed him to. Hell, he'd even been doubtful of himself! A vagabond with no long-term ties or loyalties to any packs in years suddenly whisked up to be the prince consort of an empire? Anyone who placed bets on him balking and fleeing wouldn't have been wrong to do so. Yet here he stood, several moons later, preparing to make the biggest and life changing decision he'd ever made. The snow and sky colored wolf knew what he wanted his life to be from here on out and he was ready to take that step, that leap of faith with the wolf he loved.

Following the night where Venom had confessed her fears around their inability to conceive any pups out of season, Maverick had racked his brain trying to think of what he could do to assuage those worries in his lover's heart. Realistically, he knew he could do nothing to increase their odds of conception, or to combat the lingering shadows of worry in the Empress' mind. But what he could do was offer all he could, give all of himself to her. Show her that no matter what, he was in this for the long haul. As long as she would want him, he would be hers. And so, Maverick had gone north to the blacksmith in Ashen's allied pack, commissioned a special gift, and made his preparations for what he hoped would be the best night of their lives. With Plague's help, Mav had learned the location where Venom and her litter had been born and raised—the overgrown thickets down in southern Boreas by the Bifröst. He knew the area well, as he had passed by there many times in his explorations. Armed with the knowledge of the significance of the ravine, Maverick made his move.

It hadn't been difficult to convince Venom to take a day trip with him exploring some undisclosed lands. All he'd said was that he wanted to see more of Boreas and invited his beloved Empress along with him. Little did she know as he led the way southward what he had in store. The trip took a good portion of the day, and by the time they arrived at the outskirts of the ravine, the sun was already sinking in the late afternoon sky, the hours growing shorter as the fall season advanced. Autumn had turned the ravine into a beautiful lush thicket of bright golds and fiery reds, the land even more stunning than he could have hoped for! "Surprise, we're here!" the playful rogue announced with a bright grin on his lips, looking to Venom at his side with an eagerly wagging tail. "Okay, so I have to admit to a bit of espionage on my part. I wanted to learn more about your past, so I asked your brother and he told me you were all born here. I wanted to come see the lands you grew up in." Mav smiled and waved a paw to the thick woods before them. "Would you care to show me around your childhood home, Ven?"

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
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HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
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ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
11-16-2022, 05:21 PM
When she met Maverick over a year ago she never would have imagined that a wolf like that would now be one of the most important aspects of her life. This vagabond casanova that wandered wherever the wind took him. Settling down for her. Venom knew she was quite the catch, however bruised her ego might be from Hattori’s broken vow. Who could have guessed that a couple of random encounters would lead to this and how much she needed Maverick now. He had changed his life completely to fit himself against her side here in Ashen’s loft titles. He was a good opposite of herself, and he showed her many aspects that she had been neglecting.

After he had gone on a longer hunting trip Mav had asked her out here now, a trip with just the two of them. With everything going on in Ashen she had been eager for the small vacation from the pack’s boundaries. She didn’t know where he was leading her, only that they were headed westward. The sun was beginning to set before she had even a clue about where they were going. Not until the scenery began to truly have recognition did Maverick reveal his secrets. The evening was beautiful, they hit the golden hour as they arrived at their destination. With the vibrant sunlight falling to the fiery red, orange, and yellow leaves.

Her eyes widened slightly, wondering for only a moment how he could know the significance of this place. Going on to admit that he had conferred with Plague before bringing her out. Her look of wonderment was replaced with a sly smirk as she realized what he’d done, but that didn’t answer the why of it. Surely not just to get a tour of her puphood home. "If that is what you desire. I will admit, it's been a very long time since I have stepped paw here.” Her sunset gaze glanced around, reminiscent of much of this place, but foggy in parts. "I believe another pack resided here for a long time as well.” She added as her shoulder leaned into his and she began strolling down the path down into the ravine. Like her paws had never left, she navigated the natural staircase. "I think.. I think everyone denned here. And the… palace.. Is at the opposite end.”

"Maverick & Venom"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
11-17-2022, 02:46 PM
The wide-eyed surprise that crossed Venom's flawless features when he led her to the ravine had been exactly the reaction he had hoped for. Even now, Maverick still reveled in the chances he got to catch his lover off guard, keeping her on her toes and surprising her with sweet gestures. The day he no longer brought her surprised joy would be the day he had let her down as her partner. As he explained his knowledge of the importance of the forested ravine, he turned a cheeky grin back to Venom's characteristic sly smirk, a little proud puff in his chest. Yeah, he was proud of the investigative work he'd put into this trip. Venom admitted that she hadn't been here in a long time, but agreed to give him a tour of her childhood home regardless. "Oh, I desire much more than just a tour with you, but we'll see where the evening takes us," he remarked, teasing his lover with a subtle brush of his tail against her thigh while they walked together through the foliage, walking at her side while she explained the history and layout of the land to him. The dire wolf paused to take a quick sniff, sampling the air for scents of other wolves. "Hmm, looks like whoever was here is long gone now." All the better for them.

The two wolves moved nimbly up the natural staircase in the earth past where Venom pointed out the communal dens the pack used to reside in. Being the size that he was, Maverick wasn't as graceful as Venom was in his movements, but he was still surefooted and swift as he kept pace with her over the unfamiliar terrain. He stepped over a few large roots running across the stairs, following her lead to where she explained the palace was. "I'm detecting a theme with your family and palaces." A deep chuckle rumbled in the man's chest while he turned shimmering teal eyes down to his coal and snow fae, his usual roguish smirk sitting lopsided on his lips. He glanced briefly up to the tree branches overhead, spotting his sparrowhawk sitting and watching them. Around its neck, a short strand of ribbon was tied. Mav's smirk grew; good, everything was set. "Let's go see this palace, Ven," he said, gesturing with a paw for her to continue on her lead. After a brief pause of looking around the twilight valley, Mav asked, "What made your family leave this place for the Archipelago?"

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
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HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
11-20-2022, 07:08 PM
Maverick’s subtle affections were so much more thrilling today. Partially because of this unexpected surprise. Venom never would have guessed Mav would bring her back to her childhood home. The fog of memory clouded her perceptions, but Maverick’s touch was clear and concise. She found herself grinning easily up at him as he insisted her tour was far from the only thing he desired from her. Venom shook her head slightly, disguising the subtle hint of flush over her features. She was much more sensitive right now too, the shift to fall brought about another change as she too went into season.

Those thoughts were discarded for the moment, but only pushed away. There weren’t many moments the thought was not on her mind. Nerves and excitement both as they would find out if their efforts would prove as fruitful as Mav’s confidence predicted. For now, her mind was focused on the almost haunting feeling of the ravine. Of a time so very long ago, in a time so much different than this one. Whoever had taken over this place when Ashen was gone from it, had also been gone for a long time.

Sunset gaze caught Maverick’s every few steps, but they were mostly running up and down the ravine, observing the differences between now and her puppyhood memories. She could have strolled through the brush for a long time, but Mav’s voice brought her back from the past as he suggested they make their way to the once palace. He’d chuckled about her family’s affinity, and really, it was Deathbelle. Her mother had always been royal throughout. Venom led him up the path as he asked his question.

"Plague didn’t tell you?” She teased as she fell in step with the massive man, and leaned into his shoulder affectionately as they walked. "There was a great volcano eruption. We were forced to leave or perish from the aftermath.” She told him simply enough. "We retreated to the redwater rocks until the climate returned to its normal state, then my mother took the pale shrine for my father, and for Abraxas.” She hadn’t much mentioned the religion she had been born into, then again her beliefs were left deeply changed as her life went on.

She trailed off slowly, stopping short of telling him what else she had lost when the eruption happened as they appeared before the grand entrance. It wasn’t much compared to the island mountain, but it was incredibly nostalgic to the midnight snow queen. There was no longer a heavy fur door, just an old entrance, musty and littered with cobwebs.

"Maverick & Venom"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
11-27-2022, 12:47 AM
Just as Venom was feeling her senses heightened by her season, so too was Maverick hyper aware of his lover's fertile condition. The two had spent countless days and nights over the past couple of seasons attempting to recreate Venom's fortune with her first litter conceived out of season, but to no avail. This time though Maverick felt confident in his abilities. There wasn't a shred of doubt in his mind that they would be concluding this season with a family on the way and the wild renegade preparing to become a father. The thought still thrilled and terrified him, but with Venom at his side and her confidence placed in him, Mav felt like he could take on the world—or at least a litter of puppies. Walking side-by-side with his beloved Empress made it challenging for the red-blooded male to keep his attention on their surroundings, but he did his best. He genuinely was interested in Venom's past, her family's history... just maybe not as much as he was pouncing her and mounting her right here and now.

Fortunately for him and his feral instincts, Venom kept their tour and conversation going, expressing her surprise that Plague hadn't told him all about their family's trials. Maverick just shook his head. "No, he didn't. Your brother is actually pretty tightlipped when it comes to your family." Mav didn't know if there was a reason that no one in the Abraxas family chose not to speak of their earlier generations or where they had come from, but he figured it was probably a topic best left alone for the time. Now, however, more than ever it felt like the right time. At least it did with what he had planned for Venom. The shadow and snow fae regaled him with a tale of a volcanic eruption, the abandonment of their home in the wake of the destruction, and how they had come to settle on the island archipelago around the shrine he knew as Ashen now. Mav blinked in surprise. "Y'know, when I heard you'd left your childhood home, an apocalyptic eruption wasn't what I had on my bingo card," he remarked with a stunned sigh. "Is this the first time you've been back since you left?"

Venom led the way for them up to the old Klein palace. The caves were mostly overgrown with the dense vegetation that inhabited the ravine, thick vines draping down its sides to almost obscure the opening to the inside. Maverick did his best to hide the excited smile on his face. Yes, this would do perfectly! "C'mon, let's take a look around. You can show me your room," he said with a gentle yet insistent nudge of his side against Venom's, adding a teasing tail flick across the back of her thigh for good measure just to tempt her along. Grinning his wide smile, Mav traipsed up to the entrance and ducked inside, taking a look around the dim space that had once been Venom's home. It wasn't as grand as the palace in the archipelago, but it did still have that aura of dominance and power to it, like it was always meant to be the home of a powerful family. "Have you ever thought about moving Ashen back here now that it's unclaimed? You could take your family's ancestral home back if you wanted." A gnawing curiosity continued to eat at the back of Mav's mind when he mentioned her family, glancing to Venom with a tilt of his head. "Your mother and father... you don't speak about them much. I haven't seen them around Ashen either. Are they... still living?" Maverick took great care broaching the subject; if it was a sore one for Venom, he didn't want to ruin the moment by bringing up painful memories.

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
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HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
11-29-2022, 12:40 PM
Really it was anytime she was with Maverick there was a sexual tension lingering between them. She’d never felt attraction like she did to Mav, and almost their entire relationship was filled with the intricacies of intimacy. Venom wouldn’t swiftly forget the day he had saved her from the fall in the gully, nor how easily he had gained her trust that night. Really, that night he had started to steal her heart. With how he leaned against her, and flicked his tail against her hip, there was no doubt that especially now he was feeling as she was. There was always the temptation to disappear into the darkness, descending into carnal pleasure with him.

Their conversation, and unconventional destination were enough to keep her thoughts on their conversation. Plague hadn’t mentioned much more than the location, which didn’t really surprise her. After everything that happened the past wasn’t often brought up. She mentioned the volcano, and Mav replied with his own surprise at such a reason. Those days still ranked as some of the most difficult of her life. Losing Archon that way… That was also the day she believed that Abraxas died, finally hunted down by the gods that banished him from heaven. Venom had been in denial of that thought for a long time. She could ignore it for now as she explored this familiar but alien world with Maverick.

"Yes, this is the first time. We didn’t even return here before the move to the islands and shrine.” She returned softly as her gaze wandered the entrance of the cave system. It could maybe be considered a palace, but not by current standards. She turned back to Mav, he looked much more excited about her childhood home than he should be. It could have been on other things though, so there was no suspicion. "I don’t know that I was even old enough to have my own room yet.” The memories were foggy at best. It was a time before when everything had been perfect and she had no troubles. All of it seen through rose colored glasses.

So she led him to the main chamber where Deathbelle had originally claimed her place as Empress. The cavern wasn’t near as extensive as the mountain palace. Instead of being able to hold the whole royal family, this was a single home. She half expected to find the cavern just the same as the day they had to leave it, but as she slowly walked into the room it was completely empty. Dusty… no. There was still ash lumped in the corners. Venom grew quiet, but Maverick went on softly. The question of returning here was posed, but forgotten as he talked about her mother and father.

"My mother still lives, as far as I know. She had been living in Habari for a long time.” She started, not hiding the fact that Deathbelle wasn’t a permanent fixture in her life anymore. Her mother was a difficult subject, but Archon’s missing presence was a true foundation of who Venom was today. "My father died during the eruption.” One white gloved paw lifted to the stone door ‘frame’ and her eyes followed. She knew he was being careful with his words, and that his intention wasn’t to bring up difficult memories. Venom leaned against him then, knowing that no matter her struggle he was here beside her. Ready to support her and be strong when she felt weak.

"Maverick & Venom"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
11-30-2022, 06:51 PM
Listening to Venom speak of the volcanic eruption that had claimed her family's ancestral home was a sobering experience, especially as the two wolves wandered their way through the old ruins of what had once been the fledgling Ashen Empire. Coated in ancient ash and soot, the world was almost shockingly peaceful. Like how he imagined the world might be after a calamity that exterminated all life and nature was given free rein to reclaim the planet. It wasn't far from the truth of what had happened here. Though the eruption of the volcano hadn't been a major extinction event, it had clearly been powerful enough to shift the course of the world and countless lives permanently. The way Venom described her life before the eruption, Maverick assumed she must have been very young at the time of the tragedy. "I have a hard time ever imagining you as a tiny puppy," he remarked with a touch of his roguish humor, shooting her a half smile. "Though I bet you could probably say the same for me."

Large mismatched paws followed his white-gloved lover into what he assumed was the main chamber that acted as the master suite for the palace. It wasn't as grandiose or vast as the palace they resided in now on the archipelago, but it mattered little to him. If anything, it was a stark reminder of just how much the Abraxas family had grown in terms of power and influence. From humble beginnings to legendary renown. And yet he still felt like such a small drop in such a large bucket when he considered what he had gotten himself involved in. A real rags to riches story, Maverick's life was shaping up to be. Their steps left paw prints in the thin layer of igneous ash as they walked. Mav immediately took note of the lack of furnishings. No furs, no bedding, no furniture. Had they all been destroyed in the eruption, or pilfered by scavengers in the aftermath? Had the pack that occupied these lands used this palace for their own purposes, or had they left it undisturbed?

Maverick listened intently while Venom informed him of her parents' conditions. Her mother lived, though in a different pack. Her father, however, had perished in the calamity. In an instant, the dire wolf's heart plummeted in his chest. Yeah, this was exactly what he had hoped to not bring up—though he supposed the topic would have been avoidable at some point. "I'm sorry, Ven." Dammit, had he ruined the moment? Surprisingly, he found Venom leaning gently into his side while she touched one of the stone archways that made up the door frames, idly watching her survey her childhood home, lost in nostalgia and wistfulness. Mav lifted a paw to rest on her back, stroking gently between her shoulder blades; a silent gesture to show he was there for her.

"Well, I guess that means I don't need to go looking around to ask for a blessing to do this..." he remarked, slightly cryptically, with a hint of a chuckle in his voice. Maverick slowly extricated himself from Venom's side—though he was loathe to do so—and moved to sit directly in front of her. His navy paw lifted to take one of the Empress' alabaster ones in his grasp, holding sunset eyes with his own aqua gaze. "I did have an ulterior motive for bringing you here, Ven," he began, all traces of joking and humor gone from his visage. "I wanted to know more about where you came from and see your past, but I also wanted to be here when I asked you for the rest of your future too." Mav let loose a whistle, and in a flutter of wings, his sparrowhawk came to land at his side. With deft paws, the prince consort untied the ribbon from his companion's neck, concealing it from Venom's view for the time being. "I love you, Venom. More and more every day, and I don't ever want to stop loving you. You took a chance on a scruffy, wild rebel with no regard for your borders or rules and you gave me a new lease on life. You took me into your home, your family, and you never showed any regret for betting on me. I don't think you'll ever really know just how much you've done for me or what you mean to me."

Meeting Venom's iridescent purple eyes with an affectionate smile, he once more took her paw in his—only this time, he placed the ribbon in her hold and turned her paw over so she could see it. It was a thin strip of velvety black ribbon, luxurious and high quality in its ow right, but the piece de resistance were the three stud earrings pinned to it. Made of lustrous gold, each one featured a different gemstone. A purple-hued ruby that was a near perfect match to Venom's eyes, a pale Montana sapphire that was reminiscent of the teal of Maverick's irises, and a brilliant red ruby, a traditional representation of passion and love. "Where I come from, it's tradition for a brute to present the fae he wishes to take to mate with a gift that represents themselves. A stone for you, a stone for me, and a stone for the strength of our love," he explained, still holding her paw delicately in his, his gaze never leaving hers while he took in her reactions. Mav's heart was racing as he bore forth his love and his intentions, watching to find the moment Venom realized what they were doing here. "I can't show you my past the way I can see yours... but I can promise you all of my future together. Venom Klein Abraxas, will you marry me?"

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
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HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
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ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
11-30-2022, 07:23 PM
Maverick let her lead against him as she reminisced about one of the great tragedies in her life, having her father taken from her so early. At least when Hattori left their children were very nearly adults. She hadn’t even seen her first birthday when the volcano erupted. The thoughts weren’t meant to take from the evening she was spending with her beloved, but he had asked and she would tell him. He gave a soft condolence but she shook her head. "It was a long time ago.” And yet it had rippled through her entire life. Mav lifted his paw to her shoulder, navigating through her quills as her offered his support. The corners of her lips pulled back into a timid smile as sunset eyes met his teal gaze.

He spoke cryptically as he reluctantly pulled away from her side so that he could settle again before her. He took her paw as he captured her gaze and he spoke seriously. He had her full attention as he explained exactly what his intentions were in bringing her here. He loved her, just as she loved him. She welcomed him into her life because he wanted to prove himself, and he had. Venom trusted Maverick with her life and her heart. He was her scruffy wild ruffian.

Her eyes widened in surprise as he took her white gloved paw once more to reveal the tiny but glittering jewelry he had for her. Speechless, Venom looked up from the eye catching gems to Mav’s sweet gaze. She knew what was coming, and all sad thoughts from before were forgotten as a promise for the future was made to her right there. Marry him, and take the last step to truly bind their souls.

"All I want is to share my future with you.” She started in a whisper, still surprised at the sudden turn of events. "Today and always. I love you more than anyone who has come before, and I’m thankful for you and the light you’ve brought into my life.” Venom confessed softly, each word finding herself leaning in closer towards her unlikely love. She had already given him her heart, now she would give it to him always. "“Yes, Maverick Rhydderech, I will marry you.” She said with all the confidence of an Empress. This was the man she wanted at her side, to raise her children with. One who would keep his vow and she to him. Venom closed the distance then, wanting so badly to kiss him and show just how much love she had for him

"Maverick & Venom"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
11-30-2022, 08:12 PM
Maverick had spent half a season planning this one pivotal moment for them. He had spent days tracking down the gemstones needed for the proposal gift, even longer getting them made into the earrings he now presented her with, and just as much time finding the right place to do it. The surprise that crossed Venom's beautiful features when she realized what was going on had been the reward he had hoped for and it made all the effort more than worth it. He had never seen his Empress so speechless as she was now; the clever and witty Venom always had something to say, but right now, she looked so overwhelmed with emotion that words failed the Empress. When she did find her voice again, the first words that came from her loving lips were all Mav had hoped for. She wanted nothing more than to spend her entire life with him. Bushy tail began to wag a mile a minute behind him, stirring up the ash on the ground while Venom made his heart race and leap in his chest. She professed her love for him, deep and profound, and affirmed all that he was for her. Then she accepted his proposal without hesitation or trepidation.

The sky and snow brute was already leaning forward to take Venom into his strong arms when she was leaning towards him. Maverick didn't delay to scoop Venom up into a tight embrace while his mouth moved to meet hers halfway, desiring nothing more than to kiss her in this moment to seal their eternal love for one another forever. His lips mets hers, pouring forth the heated passion he held for this wonderful woman, a fire so hot it raged like a magma core within him, sweltering deep within his belly. Mav clung to Venom, never wanting to let her go. And now he never would. They were sworn to one another in the bonds of the deepest, most pure love, and soon they would bind their hearts and souls in matrimony together. But first, Maverick would bind them in body and flesh.

That heat in his belly grew, clenching with a primal need stoked by both their closeness, their intimacy, and the fragrant perfume of Venom's heat still riling up his hormones and urges. His body felt restless, his lover's pheromones doing exactly as they were intended to and inciting his lust for her to levels he seldom ever indulged in. It felt like no matter how much physical contact they had, he could never be close enough to her. But he knew where he wanted to start. Breaking their kiss only once his lungs ached for air, Maverick swallowed a few hot, shallow breaths and looked to Venom with smoldering half-lidded eyes and a grin that left nothing to her imagination of what was on his mind. He wanted Venom—no, he needed Venom. Their engagement would be sealed in the course of their mating, and in the thick of her season, perhaps they would finally create the family they had both been yearning for as well.

Maverick didn't say a word while he untangled himself from Venom just enough to be able to slide his massive, toned body beneath hers to hoist her up over his back. His actions would speak for him while he carried her in a display of primal manly prowess from the doorway across the chamber to where a pile of old furs had been discarded. They were free from the ash that covered the rest of the room, so he assumed they were left behind from whoever had lived here before. While not the luxurious bedding they shared in their home, it would be more comfortable and less dusty than taking Venom right then and there—although part of him did entertain the idea of the two of them getting covered in the igneous soot together in their fits of passion. Maverick carefully tossed Venom onto the bedding and wasted no time climbing over top of her, covering her svelte body with his own larger form. Burning teal eyes roved over his Empress' perfect body, drinking her in as he realized she was his fiancée now and soon to be his wife. A wolfish grin spread wide over his lips, flashing teeth in a proud and ecstatic smile. His Empress. His wife. His Venom.

"I love you," the scruffy dire wolf whispered down to his queen in the quiet of the old palace while he positioned himself between her hind legs, lowering his hips and his muzzle to align them at both ends, and then claiming her mouth in another loving kiss while he brought their bodies together. Low groans were muffled by her muzzle while he made love to Venom for the first time as engaged lovers, starry eyes drifting closed as he gave himself wholly up to the exquisite pleasure and passion they created together—along with other things they would create here tonight.

- fade -

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
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TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
11-30-2022, 08:46 PM
She really had no hesitation is accepting his proposal. Venom had long decided that he was the one she wanted to share her life, now everything would just be more official and proper, as the station she occupied called for. She hadn’t told anyone important about Maverick outside of Ashen, but a royal wedding would make sure he was no longer a secret. Part of her wanted to be sure, but all of her was certain now. Venom’s grin would not falter, and as Maverick grabbed her tight she smiled all through his deep kiss. The taste of his lips, the support of his arms, and the closeness of his body sped her heartbeat.

White gloved paws weaved into the thick fur of his neck as she clung to him while he held to her. Feeling as if they would never be close enough she pressed her belly to hers, sharing in the heated passion of their kiss and the warmth of his body. However honorable her loving desire may be, the deeper need for him was a primal urge that the both of them were eager to devolve into. She whined softly as he pulled away from her, breathing heavily though gasping lungs as their eyes met again. Love, lust, and a mixture of both lingered in her sunset gaze. His promises never really left her mind, but the greatest of those was to have their family. Marriage was another step, but this one was more important.

With careful movements Maverick shifted himself beneath her, sweeping her off her feet with ease. Venom felt her belly flip over in excited nerves as she giggled, while being thrown over his shoulder. He carried her to a much cleaner alcove, one that still had a few plush furs to keep them both more comfortable. With no warning she was laid into the bed and swiftly overwhelmed by Maverick’s huge form. That same blissful grin covered her features as she looked up at him, completely yielding to his leadership in their bedroom antics. She felt herself warm beneath his gaze, the feeling of being so deeply desired made her love him all the more. As she mirrored that same insatiable need for the man who held her.

"I love you too,” Venom whispered back as they paused just a moment, falling into one another’s gaze as they wrapped themselves in the other. Heshifted gently against her, and she fit against him like a missing piece that always belonged with him. With a soft gasp she let him claim her lips and the whole of her, now in every way. He knew her past, and he would be her future. They were one, now and forever.


"Maverick & Venom"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
12-02-2022, 03:56 PM
Working together and in harmony with their natural rhythms, the two lovers brought each other along on a rollercoaster of emotions and passionate pleasures. Maverick had made love to Venom numerous times in the past, and she to him in turn, but nothing felt quite like it did this time. There was more to their movements than the sheer pursuit of ecstasy. It satisfied a deep, primal desire and hunger in him, but more than that, it fed his starving soul of the love he had never known he'd been craving. Venom had enlightened him to parts of himself like no one else had. Within her, he lost himself, giving everything he was and everything he would ever be to her without hesitation or afterthought. When they had reached their peaks and tumbled into an ocean of euphoria, Maverick cradled Venom's body to his own and flopped to the bed, panting and breathing heavier while pleasure continued to shake his body from deep within his core. He rolled them both so he was on his back, lying belly up and holding Venom across his chest to use him as a giant pillow.

The aftermath of their lovemaking was all gasps and sighs, a wide, pleasure-drunk smile on the dire brute's face while he held his woman to him. Giant mismatched white and navy paws made slow circuits through her fur, one stroking the side of her neck and cheek while the other looped around her back to navigate through the quills hidden between her shoulder blades and scruff with practiced precision, teasing each of her sharp spines with his delicate touch. Dark teal eyes, closed up until now, finally began to flicker open, gazing up at the ceiling of the old palace above their heads while his vision swirled with colors. Still grinning like a content idiot, he glanced down to gaze at his beloved Empress, marveling at how beautiful she looked in the aftermath of their sex with her fur mussed and ruffled. Mav chuckled under his breath, proud of what he had done to her, and craned his neck down to place a gentle and loving kiss and lick to her crown.

"You're so perfect, Ven," he whispered beneath his heavy breaths, close enough so she might feel his breath against her ear. Strong arms squeezed his Empress in his embrace, never wanting to let her go, nor did he want to stop loving on her tonight until they both collapsed and their bodies gave out from exhaustion. They would be making their family tonight, of that Maverick was certain, and he wouldn't stop until he had nothing left to give and they were sure they had conceived a litter.

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.



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Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
12-09-2022, 11:14 AM
Time didn’t really exist when she was with Maverick like this. So intense was the love they shared that past, present, future all combined in the incredible feeling. Their forms worked together in unison, as each soft cry and soothing sigh revealed the pleasure they shared. Venom fully opened her heart, mind, and soul to Maverick just as he did for her. They joined as one in every way, just as he promised to marry her their hearts and souls were intertwined right here. They did not have a grand palace around them, or royal decorum, but it didn’t matter. When they were together Venom felt like she was on a cloud of bliss, with silken linens beneath them, and the endless starry sky of love above. They reached the highest mountain peaks, and plunged into an endless ocean of ecstasy together.

With heavy breaths and waves of pleasure pulsing through her Maverick cradled her in his arms. He rolled with her, leaving her sprawled over his belly, a much more comfortable position than the hard ground. Her sunset eyes flickered open as she panted lightly, her white gloved paws still grasping at the fur on his chest as they lingered in the afterglow. His huge paws traced lazily over her fur and Venom purred softly as she sighed heavily in contentment and nestled into the crook of his arm. He caressed the length of her quills, the intimate touch was thrilling as he showed his knowledge of her.

Sunset eyes met his vibrant oceanic gaze as his owl eyelids fluttered open, as they embodied the care-free happy expression on his face. Venom knew her own mirrored his display of love and affection. Venom lowered her head slightly as he gave her a tender kiss on her forehead as he lovingly murmured to her. "Maybe not perfect,” she insisted as she nuzzled and kissed his strong jaw. "But perfect for you.” Venom went on before she nibbled against the fur there, wrapping her white gloved paws around his neck.

She wasn’t done loving him yet, not after this final declaration of love and adoration. A commitment of both of them giving of their hearts and lives. Shedding who they were before and becoming better together. They would get married, and if they had any say over it, they would also be raising a family together. Venom pulled back enough that she could catch his gaze before lowering her lips to his again. The passion never left, but Venom’s movement was slower and more sensual. She loved him fiercely, but every moment was savored like she would never experience him again. That was the opposite of truth though, she took her time because they had the whole rest of their lives together.

"Maverick & Venom"
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
12-18-2022, 04:41 AM
Basking in the warm afterglow of their passions and raw lusts laid bare, Maverick knew he and Venom would be quite a sight. With mussed and messy fur clumped together from wandering grabby paws to the dopey love drunk expressions of sexual ecstasy they both wore in their post-coital stupor, it would be hard to imagine Venom and Maverick as the dignified royal leaders of the Ashen Empire. Well, at least one of them was supposed to be dignified. Mav couldn't care less how he ever looked to the public eye, and this was doubly true when he was with Venom. The way the ebony and alabaster fae saw him was the only opinion that mattered to the lovestruck brute. He had bound himself wholly to her, and she had done the same to him in turn. Even now, in the wake of their lovemaking and pleasure they had shared countless times, Mav was still left breathless and in awe of his lover. Maybe someday he'd figure out what he'd done right in life to deserve her...

While they cuddled and he showered her with affections, Venom showed the humble side of herself when she gently denied his declaration that she was perfect, correcting his assertion that she was perfect for him. The tender kisses she grazed his jaw with coaxed quiet murmurs of delight from the dire man, and his wandering paw gave an appreciative squeeze to one of her hips. Maverick chuckled and met Venom's sunset jewels of eyes while she nibbled along his jaw and draped her slender forelegs around his neck, pulling herself even tighter to him in ways that made his body react with eager anticipation. They might have just finished one round of incredible sex, but it seemed like Venom shared the same stamina he had and was getting ready to go again. "That's all I could ever need," he replied in a deep, lustfully husky whisper, his signature lopsided grin of a rogue creeping its way leisurely across his lips the longer he gazed at her.

Venom had made it known that she wasn't done with him yet, which worked out perfectly, because he wasn't done with her yet either—not by a long shot. Murrs of delight slipped from the dire wolf while his goddess kissed and nibbled along his jaw, oceanic teal eyes slipping closed while he enjoyed her little ministrations of love. They opened again when he felt the svelte woman shift atop of him, peering up to watch as she raised herself up just enough to claim his lips with her own, and just like that the two wolves were sinking back into the deep ocean of their love. Maverick kissed Venom back without hesitation, eyes closed while he tasted her and savored her. Venom began to wrap him up in her own passion, a slower and more sensual form of lovemaking that was entirely her own. It intoxicated and enthralled Maverick, the sky and snow brute's breathing deepening while giant paws roamed freely over her perfect body that with any luck would be growing their pups by the time the night was over.

Mav gave himself entirely over to Venom, keeping her body held on top of his as she shifted into her movements and settled against him, coaxing deeper groans from him as she found more sensitive and familiar parts of his anatomy with her own. He never stopped kissing Venom, all the while pouring forth his passion, lust, and love while he stroked over her sides, following feminine curves down slender sides to massage and grab over her hips and shapely rump, appreciating every single inch of her he touched. Some parts he appreciated more than others though, as he made evident when he squeezed around the base of Venom's tail where it met her body, gently guiding her hips into perfect alignment with his own and giving a slow, languid roll of his hips up to meet hers, coaxing her onward with his body language while he practically purred and pleaded for her. Venom had Maverick wrapped around her paw—he knew it and she surely knew it too. Now all the prince consort wanted was for his Empress to smother him in her intimate and sybaritic carnality, to take him in ways that felt tantric as their souls and hearts melded as their bodies did.

"Maverick & Venom"

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.

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