
Let's inherit the earth



3 Years
Extra large
04-22-2014, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 11:56 AM by Kismet.)

Though S'alkrie hadn't seemed too bad, Kismet certainly hadn't taken her advice and was still nowhere near close to accepting Glaciem as his home. The young Adravendi boy longed to be free, and since meeting Warja he didn't even care if he was returned to Valhalla or not at this point. He'd grown somewhat fond of the idea of joining his friend as a rogue, they'd be able to go on all sorts of exciting adventures all around Alacritia if they did. It was a mere idea though, and of course at this moment in time nothing seemed all that possible beyond remaining a prisoner here, not unless he was willing to abandon Soren anyway.

The Polar Sound had quickly become a favourite area of his. On the edge of Glaciem territory and despite the fact it was still quite a distance, it was the closest part or the lands to the mountain on which he had met Warja. On top of that, it wasn't quite as popular as some of the other parts of the land, and the quiet away from Glaciem wolves was a rather nice change. Alone Kismet would wander, a group of seals would attempt to make a dash for the water, awkwardly dragging themselves along the ground as they tried to escape the wolf, though he paid them little attention, for a while simply enjoying the tranquillity of his own little world.


05-01-2014, 11:08 AM

What about your soul, is it cold?
The chill of the ocean licking at her paws had been enough to drive the woman completely out of the water, her hind limbs lifting as she shook the water from her back paws, then her front. Why she had decided to wade waist deep into the freezing water she did not know, but it had proven to be a bad idea. The ocean water this far north was not as warm as the water down south, where she had waded into its warmth alongside Sin, another member of Glaciem. At least now she knew that this far north there was a temperature difference in the ocean too, not just the terrain. The shrieks of flustered seals would catch the woman's attention, and she would toss her head over her shoulder to see what had scared them. Off in the distance was a smaller figure who appeared to be walking in her direction, and the overseer would extend her neck out and inhale deeply, hungrily swallowing the surrounding scents. From the musk she was picking up it appeared to be a Glaciem member and not a rogue, and so she would turn completely around to face him, and take off in his direction to meet him half way. She would pay no mind to the scattering seals who were making V lines toward the waters edge, her azure eyes locked on the growing figure of the stranger. She would walk directly up to him, leaving only a yard of space between the two as she dipped her head to him. "Hello little man. My name is Liberty, what is yours?" She would inquire his name, a warm smile creasing her ebony lips as she batted her long lashes at him, all while waiting for some sort of response.

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?



3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2014, 02:15 PM

And so it seemed to Kismet's misfortune that he wasn't quite as alone as he had thought. The scattering seals didn't bother him one bit, hell he would have taken one of those arrogant howler monkeys on again before he had to deal with a Glaciem wolf though it seemed he'd be rather unlucky on this occasion. There were no howler monkeys in sight and instead he had one of the members of the pack now approaching him.

The friendly manner of her actions either indicated that she had no idea he was a prisoner to the pack, was being particularly spiteful to seem overly nice to begin with before swapping, or perhaps didn't give a damn who he was and would be kind anyway. His bets weren't on the latter to be honest, even after meeting Eris.

"Hello little man. My name is Liberty, what is yours?" Already taller than her, little was hardly a word that could be applied to Kismet anymore. He opted not to point it out, though given that she asked for his name, the Adravendi boy assumed that she wasn't aware of the fact he was a prisoner in the pack. "Kismet Adravendi." He responded.


05-01-2014, 02:44 PM

At first he had appeared to be a smaller wolf, but upon approaching him she now saw that he towered over her despite his youthful features. It was still obvious the boy was young, but he was rather tall for his age, which only peaked the nymph's curiosity. Something about him was oddly familiar too, but she couldn't seem to put her paw on it... "Kismet Adravendi." He would respond, and her azure hued eyes would grow wide in amazament. This boy.. was an Adravendi? But how? How was an Adravendi in Glaciem? Surly one would not willingly join the pack, especially not a child as young as this. "Adravendi? Who are your parents?" She would take on a more serious expression now, her features hardening as she waited impatiently for his answer. She would get to the bottom of this, because if Isardis had claimed one of Chrysanthe's children, may the gods help him.

ooc: yes she is still oblivious to him being azalea's son xD



3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2014, 03:01 PM

The friendly tone did appear to have been genuine in fact, though upon hearing his name the expression would turn from shock to sombre as she questioned him once more. "Adravendi? Who are your parents?" It seemed Eris wasn't the only one concerned about him being here, though for Liberty it appeared the concern was more for his family than anything else for it seemed she recognised nothing but his Adravendi name.

"Azalea Adravendi" It was a short answer once more and though Isardis was apparently their father there was no way that Kismet would admit to it, no instead another name would be given "And Sarak." The man was more his father than Isardis could ever be. The boy had no idea that the man was currently sick, but even if he was well enough to be a doting father, the Adravendi's and wolves of Valhalla had already won the boy's loyalty and it was a battle that would not ever be easily won by the Armadas now.


05-01-2014, 03:27 PM

"Azalea Adravendi" She would gasp, being taken completely by surprise when the name Azalea left the boys mouth, her eyes growing even wider as she gazed up at him. How could she have not seen it before!? His markings, and the coloring.. it was all so similar to her best friend, whom she missed dearly and was still concerned about. "And Sarak." Again she was overwhelmed with shock, only this time she would not morph her facial features because she didn't want him to know she knew otherwise. Instead she would look up at him, her brow furrowing curiously as she attempted to walk around him once, hoping to circle him so that she could get a better look at him. He had two socks that Azalea did not have, and his eyes were two opposite colors, while Azalea's had been amber in color. He was beautiful nevertheless, and as Liberty stopped to meet him face to face again a warm smile would crease her lips. "Azalea never mentioned me? She's mentioned you before." She would say humorously, surprised that her best friend had never mentioned her to her kids before. "Where is she now? And why are you here?" If he thought Sarak was his father than why was he here, in Glaciem, while his parents were in Valhala? It didn't make any sense.




3 Years
Extra large
05-01-2014, 04:47 PM

If Liberty had been shocked by his surname, she was certainly even more surprised by Kismet's parentage. Given that his mother had been a prisoner in the pack it certainly wasn't much of a surprise, others had likely seen and heard of her aside from Eris. As she began to circle him though, the boy would carefully turn with her not entirely sure how she might react now and certainly not wanting to be caught off guard by anything.

"Azalea never mentioned me? She's mentioned you before." Why on earth his mother had spoken to a Glaciem wolf after escaping this place the boy wasn't sure. "And why would she?" He responded rather matter-of-factly, choosing to ignore the fact that Liberty had apparently already heard of him, more interested in why on earth she assumed Azalea would have told he and Soren about her.

"Where is she now? And why are you here?" Clearly she really was clueless about some of the goings-on in the pack, not aware of who the prisoner was. Perhaps that was why he and Soren had been left alone, no one even really aware that they weren't really members, were kept here against their will. That thought bugged him though, if it were true perhaps he could have persuaded Soren to leave and they would have been long gone by now. "Missing. No one has seen her since the challenge on Valhalla. As for me, your King and pack apparently like the idea of having me as a prisoner. He claims to be my father." Whether true or not in his words Kismet still would never wish to be here. "When he's had no part in my life other than imprisoning me though he is not worthy of such a title." Despite her friendly tone, Kismet's words certainly didn't hold the same kindness, a bitter and angry on the topic he could hardly pretend that everything was lovely.


05-02-2014, 02:41 PM

Surprisingly he would begin to turn with her as she circled him, an indication that he did not trust her. It stung to know her best friends child couldn't trust her enough to look at him. "And why would she?" There it was. Apparently Azalea had not mentioned her before, because this boy had no idea who she really was. "Because your mother is my best friend." She would respond with an eyebrow quirked, wondering what he would think now. Certainly he hadn't expected his mother to be best friends with a superior Glaciem. "Missing. No one has seen her since the challenge on Valhalla." "But how!?" She would gasp at the words "missing" in astonishment, her eyes growing wide in horror as the unthinkable was said. Azalea.. missing? But how? She had always been so strong, hell, she had escaped Glaciem while pregnant and had returned home all by herself. Liberty had liked to think her friend was unstoppable. "As for me, your King and pack apparently like the idea of having me as a prisoner. He claims to be my father. When he's had no part in my life other than imprisoning me though he is not worthy of such a title." Before she would talk to him about Isardis and his current situation she would make an attempt to calm him down a bit, as she could see his bitterness toward Glaciem and his father was starting to boil over. "Come, Kismet." She would shoot him one more glance with her frigid azure eyes before turning away from him, her tail lashing out behind her as she would stride away from him to walk along the shoreline. She would expect him to follow her, especially since he had confessed his rank as prisoner.




3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 03:26 PM

"Because your mother is my best friend." Azalea had never mentioned anything about her time in Glaciem or the wolves that she knew there. Apparently she'd helped Eris, apparently Liberty was her best friend. From his knowledge though it had been Vahva who'd introduced herself as Azalea's best friend when he'd first met the blue-maned wolf. He was not quite so naive now, knew it was probably possible to have more than one best friend, though that title was reserved only for Warja in his case. All the same, it did seem rather odd that his mother would be friends at all with someone from the pack that had once imprisoned her.

"Apparently not as good as you thought then." Kismet remarked somewhat bitterly. He still couldn't quite comprehend why his mother had attempted to build any sort of relationships with the wolves of Glaciem. Admittedly Liberty didn't seem that bad, and he'd likely regret the comment later but for now, so fed up of being here in Glaciem he simply wasn't able to help himself.

"But how!?" Liberty seemed shocked by the announcement that Azalea was missing. "I wouldn't know, I've been stuck here." That was a lie of course, he'd found ways to venture out past the borders a few times now, coming back before anyone noticed he'd gone or dared bring any harm to his brother. A trip out was how he'd heard about his mother's disappearance in the first place, he just wished that his great-aunt could have given him more information about it all.

"Come, Kismet." Prisoner status or not the boy wasn't so willing to simply follow her. Perhaps he suddenly found a boost of confidence with the knowledge that Liberty was his mother's friend, would she really hurt the child of someone she could give that title to? "Why?" Came the simple question.


05-02-2014, 03:51 PM

"Apparently not as good as you thought then." The words stung more than she had ever thought they would, merely because they were coming out of Azalea's son's mouth. Perhaps he was right, Azalea seemed very weary about her in their last meeting, so maybe their friendship hadn't been as strong as she had hoped it would be. Her warm smile would fade into a dark, emotionless glare, one that screamed hatred toward his comment. How dare he say such a thing... even if it were true. "I wouldn't know, I've been stuck here." Despite the sudden swell of anger she felt within she would choose to ignore both of his sour comments, turning away from him with what could be equivalent to a sassy flip of her hair. She would take a few strides away from him and toward the shoreline, walking along the waters edge a few more feet before realizing the boy was not behind her. "Why?" She would come to a sudden halt as her head threw back over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed as she glared at the towering boy. Azalea's child or not he was still a prisoner, and if he were to retaliate any further, she would be forced as an overseer to suppress him. "Lose the attitude and follow directions. You are a prisoner here, aren't you? I am your beta." She would scold the boy, hoping he would chose to let go of his fears and follow her before physical action was needed. If he needed to be forced than so be it, but like most mothers punishing a child she would not enjoy it.



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 04:02 PM

Liberty wouldn't respond to either of his comments, though the once pleasant expressions she'd held had completely faded from her features now. The guilt wouldn't hit Kismet yet, still wrapped up in his own problems and as her anger increased as well, it seemed more and more likely that any regret for the comment would be pushed aside for quite some time. It seemed that Eris had more patience for the boy than Liberty did, though Kismet didn't really have the time for any of them. The boy missed his family, his friends and his fears that Warja would get herself into trouble would only increase as each day, each minute here in Glaciem continued.

"Lose the attitude and follow directions. You are a prisoner here, aren't you? I am your beta." Kismet hadn't exactly been a mischievous child really, he'd had a thirst for exploring from a young age that had scared his mother a few times though certainly she had never spoken to him in such a manner as Liberty had now. Whether she truly intended to use force or not Kismet now would find regardless of his mother's views on this woman, he would not call her a friend himself. Such an act now displayed here was hardly a friendly one, yes he had started it but he was a child hurt by the fact he'd been taken from everything he knew but his brother. It was for Soren that he'd keep his mouth shut now, not wanting to get the pair of them in trouble and bring any truth into those fears that Eris had possessed. Suddenly he found himself thankful for the healer's offer and wished he hadn't given her such a hard time.

Begrudgingly he would follow Liberty, though his steps slow and cautious as he travelled. He'd keep a distance from her, still not wishing to go anywhere with the woman. He had wanted isolation, a moment to escape his prison at least mentally and this clearly was not it.


05-07-2014, 11:49 AM

A few moments of silence would pass before the boy would wearily approach her, seeming to drag his feet across the sand in protest. It was obvious she was the last person he wanted to be around, but she did not care- this was Azalea's child, and like it or not she felt the need to bond with and protect him. He would keep his distance, leaving a few feet gap between the two as they walked along the shoreline. She would remain silent for a few couple yards, allowing some time to calm down to set in before she would speak to him again. Her azure gaze would bounce from the ocean to Kismet, waiting for the right moment to explain some things he probably wanted to know, like why his mother was best friends with a Glaciem wolf.

Her pace would slow to a steady stroll as she looked back toward Kismet, who was still keeping his distance and was bringing up the rear. "Believe it or not I too used to live in Valhalla- in fact, I was born there, my mother being the lead beta, and my place being the beta's heir. You wouldn't guess that seeing me here though, would you?" She would say before turning away from him to focus on the path ahead of her so that she did not trip or stumble over anything in her way. She hoped her words would peak his interest in some way, and that he would ask his own questions for her to answer. If he chose to remain silent she would continue on with her story, as she had a lot to say to Azalea's rebellious son.




3 Years
Extra large
05-09-2014, 02:30 PM

They walked in silence for a few moments, air so quiet now if it wasn't for Kismet's bitter mood it almost as though that brief demonstration of aggression from Liberty had never been shown in the first place. The lack of words and the fact that nothing had still been explained certainly wasn't helping the young Adravendi's mood at all and as he trudged along behind her, a part of him wondered if perhaps he could create enough space between them that he'd be able to slip away from her. Where he'd go after that though, he wasn't quite sure, Liberty would probably be annoyed and track him down he imagined after that display of dominance earlier.

Her own pace would slow instead though before Kismet even had a chance to create a gap and a glance over her shoulder almost suggested that she had read his mind. Instead of a warning to not even think about it however, instead he was spoken to in that softer tone once more as she began to explain a few details about her own past. As she so rightly assumed it was incredibly difficult for him to believe, if she'd been a part of Valhalla, then what on earth was she doing here now?

Despite his warning earlier, the boy couldn't help but find his voice once more, pace picking up a little to step in line with Liberty now. "What? Then why are you here?" He questioned, tone certainly giving away his current confusion at this new knowledge.


05-10-2014, 11:18 AM

What about your soul, is it cold?
Finally she would seem to spark some interest in the boy, his voice returning as he inquired why she was in Glaciem. He would pick up his pace to walk in line with her, and she would keep walking at a steady pace, her head turned so that her azure eyes could rest upon him. Pleased with his curiosity the mistress would clear her throat and speak, wanting to tell the young boy about her past and explain why she still lived in Glaciem. "Because Isardis had a liking for me too." She would pause so that the statement could hang in the air for a moment, then continue with a further explanation. "You see, when I was a yearling- about your age in fact- I traveled away from home to do some exploring. I discovered a sunken forest, where all the pine trees were submerged beneath a thick layer of ice up to their tips. My curiosity got the best of me, and as I ventured out onto the ice I slipped and hit my head. When my eyes opened, a large, pale figure was standing over me, and those eyes, those red beady eyes, they were staring down into the depths my soul. " She would take another short pause, allowing the information to sink in before she went on. "The king proceeded to serenade me, and it didn't take long until I was completely hypnotized by his magnetic psyche. I was completely oblivious to his true desires until he made a sudden advancement I did not feel comfortable with, and so I quickly made my leave. Little did I know he had followed me home to Valhalla." Again the mistress would pause, wanting some time to pass before stuffing him with more information. "Shortly after he challenged my alpha for my head, and he was quelled by Chrysanthe, but his pride was not. He came back and challenged for me again, only this time he reigned victorious, and so like you Kismet, I was ripped from my home and sent to live within Glaciem beneath a man who I believe has forgotten about me." Her last sentence would end in a bitter tone, her tail lashing out in frustration behind her as she glanced away from Kismet. Bringing up Isardis always seemed to rub her the wrong way, since he had shown little interest in her since she had been claimed. Besides her sudden rank change she felt invisible to the pale king, hell, she saw his wife more than she saw him. "That is how I came to Glaciem, and the reason I stayed is because unlike your mother, I never had the chance to escape. My mother had drown shortly before I was abducted, and my father was claimed into Glaciem too, but he didn't show when it was time to take me there. Besides your mother I had nothing left in Valhalla, and when she was captured I was far too busy trying to get her out than myself. I tried to protect her from everything... But I couldn't. Isardis got to her when I was away, which is why you are standing here today. When Azalea got her chance to escape she took it, which is why you got the privilege to be born in Valhalla."

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?



3 Years
Extra large
05-18-2014, 06:47 AM

Kismet's first thought at her comment jumped to its conclusion from the single word 'too'. Was Liberty Isardis' daughter? She'd mentioned her mother was the beta in Valhalla but she hadn't said a single thing about her father. Fortunately he didn't have the time to interject with that thought, a rather ridiculous and potentially humorous one if you knew the truth. He would listen on and it would soon become clear to the young Adravendi as well.

The bitter tone in her voice was certainly something that Kismet was familiar with. He certainly didn't want the King's attention in the first place, would have preferred that the interest was never shown at all though it seemed perhaps Isardis had one of those attitudes of other people's toys being better than yours. He wouldn't comment upon the fact though, Liberty may have redeemed herself in the boy's eyes but he still wasn't quite so ready to let go of that little grudge from her earlier treatment of him.

She would continue to explain that she had been imprisoned with his mother and unable to escape when she had, though it certainly didn't explain why she was no longer quite so stuck here but had a high rank. He certainly had no ambitions to be anything here, but then Kismet wasn't even sure he had ambitions back in Valhalla anymore either he was quite the lost little soul at the moment. Curiosity would get the better of him all the same though. "Why aren't you a prisoner anymore? Couldn't you have left once you were free from that position?" He knew not everyone here in Glaciem hated the pack and actually wished to be a part of it, though coming from a similar situation to himself, he couldn't understand why Liberty would embrace a life here.


05-21-2014, 11:46 AM

Kismet would fall silent as she spoke, listening to her story with interest as he trailed at her heels. When she had finished he would be quick to ask questions, the words spilling from his lips with ease. "Why aren't you a prisoner anymore? Couldn't you have left once you were free from that position?" She would think silently for a moment, deciding how exactly to respond to his question. To be brutally honest she had realized how weak Valhalla really was, and had decided to climb the ranks within a powerful empire as opposed to her fragile homelands- but of course she couldn't tell Kismet that. She would need to morph her reasoning a bit, and so she would brainstorm for a few seconds before responding. "Like I said, I had no reason to return. My mother and my father were my home, and I was tossed to the wolves when my mother died, even by my own father. Isardis gave me something to live for, something to fight and strive for, while Valhalla was a constant reminder of what I could not prevent." Tones dripped with acidity as they walked on, her brow furrowing as she glared down the strip of beach. It was a touchy subject to discuss, especially since Liberty had never openly talked about it before. She wasn't used to feeling the ache of grief grip her heart, she had tried to completely toss that emotion from her system a long time ago.
