
pixiedust won't make this better


12-14-2022, 11:37 PM
Art & Code © Skelle 2022


He screamed.

The jaguar had ambushed them a few minutes ago, but Pyxis was calm as usual until the cat got the upper hand on his knight. He'd never been more scared in his life until the man fell, only to be swiftly killed by the large cat the next second. It wasn't but another second later that the cat was advancing on him, hissing and growling as it backed him into a tree. The cat suddenly lashed out and he felt the claws tearing across his face as the warmth of liquid and a pain far worse than he'd ever felt before surged through him.  

Red stained his vision as he bolted, running as he blinked wildly to try and clear his vision. He could hear the jaguar following after him, clearly agitated the smaller and quicker wolf had slipped passed. Pyxis was terrified, uncertain of what to do until he saw a fallen log. He crammed himself into the hollowed out log, hoping it would be enough to protect him from the cat. Thankfully he was small or he wouldn't be able to fit in the old tree, but that wasn't all that he had to worry about. A loud creaking sound above him however made him whimper as the jaguar crept around on top the log, scratching at it and trying to get inside as it was clearly too big to follow him inside the ends.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
01-27-2023, 06:34 PM


ooc. rip to me replying a million years late

The distant, muted echo of a scream that came from the trees made his hair stand on end. It was rare he spent much time beyond the borders of Avalon lately, as he was getting used to a patrol schedule and the new rules of the pack. So it was this unfortunate soul's lucky day that he was nearby, it seemed. Taking off at a dead sprint, the titanic warrior cut through the forest with long strides. By the time he arrived it was too late, the stench of blood was thick in the air and there was a corpse already cooling on the ichor-soaked earth. Its killer had stuck around, it seemed. A burly jaguar was shredding the rotten bark of an ancient log nearby, growling with frustration. The pallid male cut a knowing glance to his feline companion, who melted into the undergrowth to circle around and take the spotted cat by surprise. As he crept closer, head low to keep his throat covered, his eyes caught on the fresh debris around the edge of the log. Flakes of rotten wood and thin score marks in the dirt, like something or someone had frantically burrowed into the small hollow.

"Are you alive in there?" he called out, keeping his attention trained on the jaguar as it turned on him. This was an older male, littered with scars and covered in rippling muscle. Not an easy beast to fight off, if he needed to rescue whoever might be in that old tree trunk. An ear splitting snarl was the only warning the jaguar issued before it leapt at him. It took a great deal of effort to keep his eyes open, when every instinct said to pin them shut and keep them from getting gouged out by searching claws. All things considered, he took the hit like a champ. The smack of a massive paw against his cheek rattled his brain around in his skull and left his ears ringing. The big cat didn't have much time to continue the assault, as Sonnet launched herself from the undergrowth to distract their opponent for a few precious seconds.

With blood dripping down the side of his face, there were only moments for him to slide across the ground and peer into the hollowed, decaying stump. "We'll get you out of here, don't move!" he growled, before he hauled himself back to his feet to rejoin the brawl.