
Moon Song


04-17-2014, 09:11 PM

The swim to the island had been short, though somewhat rough. The fall had brought with it, weather that was somewhat savage. A storm was on its way, he could sense it in the prickling of his fur and the very air itself. The crescent moon barely weaved its way through the clouds, as they seemed to try and choke it out forever. He shook out his pelt upon stepping on the sands, aquamarine gaze taking in what he had sought to find. Though what it was he had no idea. Perhaps solace? A place of rest? A place where he could be alone and cling to the solitude he had come to know so well. He knew not to get close to others for it would only spell disaster for his heart and soul. And of course, it had happened twice. But third time was the charm. He would seclude himself here, perhaps return after a day or so to his pack. He needed the short time away to think, to piece together what had happened in his life that brought him here.

The silver sands shifted underfoot as he walked, the waves behind him clawing hungrily at the shores. Ears lied flattened against the winds that would soon pick up, the cold air sending a shiver down his spine as he sought out to explore this place. Moving forward, he would come to find himself within the confines of a jungle like forest, something that seemed to be a normalcy for the islands nearby. Silently he walked, the only company was that of the unknown within the shadows. He kept his wits about him, however, though for the most part walked with his head down and his tail low. The X shaped scar across his chest rippled with each step he took, dual toned gaze blank and void of any emotion.

At last, he would find an empty clearing, a glade that once seemed to feed a heard every now and then, possibly during the spring season. Stopping for no reason other then wanting to rest, he felt weary in both body and mind. Quietly and without protest, his body would find itself sitting upon the ground, head tilting up and a song would flow through his vocals. From a place deep within him, a place he had not reached into for so long. A song would rise into the sky, singing to the moon, the lyrics of sorrow.




04-17-2014, 09:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2014, 09:38 PM by Venin.)
The female's mixed coat seemed more like a light chocolate color in the night sky. It had been a long day of travel as she had swam through the frigid water to get to the island. It been unoccupied to her as she walked in through the forest, soon coming across a glade. The crescent moon was surely something to behold, for the femme always thought that the moon was always beautiful.

Her trance on the moon was short lived. A howl rippled through the air, filling her ears with a sorrowful melody, causing her to hang her head low, and ears pinned forward to her head. She could tell that this male was going through somewhat of a rough time, but, then again, she didn't know. And if she had appeared before him and asked, it might be considered rude.

She approached the brute and sat down a little bit away from him. She also began to howl her own melody. The melody she had howled was a more reassuring and comforting song than the one being howled by the male beside her. She had soon stopped and looked to him.

"Is everything alright, Sir?" She asked in a kind and caring tone, tilting her head slightly to the side. "I could not help but wonder if something is wrong, that is why I asked."