
More Adravendis



04-17-2014, 06:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2014, 10:55 AM by Ashtoreth.)

So it's taken just about forever but Ashtoreth and Leon are finally mates and expecting a litter of darling pups. The litter itself was awarded two free pups, both of which will be claimed by Dragon and myself, but we are willing to purchase one other to join the sibling pair (note: we will not be going for the full five-pup litter since Valhalla is close to meeting its max and there are other couples who will be having pups soon).

That being said, we will be looking for one (1) pup to make it a trio. We would like those applying to use the form below which includes name, appearance, personality, and a role play sample. The minimum word requirements for each are listed in the code.

Keep in mind: these pups are part of the Adravendi line, wolves that are incredibly close-knit, supportive of one another, and often selfless. Their parents will be heavily involved and do all they can to ensure everyone is safe and happy. The alliances of the parent wolves run from lawful good to lawful neutral, and no dark alignments will be considered.

Pup designs will be coming in for you to peruse as they are made, but for now this is what we have available:

[Image: OPCnpqQ.png]

[Image: lOzYE40.png]
[Image: 4bN5aea.png]

Feel free to create your own designs so long as they follow the colorations of the parent wolves: [Ashtoreth] and [Leon].

Chosen Pups:

Vaishya (Mouser's)

[Image: fPNoIGc.png]

Applications will close on Monday, May 5th, and the chosen application will be announced promptly.

Appearance: (100 words)
Personality: (150 words)
RP Sample: (300 words)


04-23-2014, 12:56 PM
hnng okay i cave and i'm totally in love with these designs so! i'm also willing to buy my own pup slot if you guys want. :3

Name: Cador Adravendi
user posted image
When Cador reaches his full size, he will be a large wolf. At 35 inches, he will be muscular and bulky, specializing in brute strength more than speed or anything else. He will have little fat on his body, even during the seasons of plenty.

His fur is simply colored, dominated by varying shades of brown. Lighter brown will mark his lower face, his chest, and his underbelly, along with his tailtip. On his back, black marks the back of his neck all the way down to his haunches, interrupted only by a jagged patch of light brown about midway down his back. The rest of Cador's body is mostly chocolate brown, varying little in coloration, more closely resembling his father than his mother.

His eyes will be a close imitation of his mother's, a light amethyst that lacks the gold around the pupils that Ashtoreth's hold.
Cador Adravendi is a fiercely loyal creature, the kind of wolf who will do anything for his family. As a youngster, this manifests itself in his fierce defense of his siblings should they play with others. He will stand guard over them as much as possible, and should his parents get in trouble, Cador will do whatever he can to help them too. Of course, that probably won't be much, but he that won't stop him. In any sort of fight, he will side with his family, even if they are clearly in the wrong. As he grows, this central aspect of his personality is unlikely to change, though it may be tempered with time.

Perhaps it comes from hailing of a line of greatness, but Cador is a self-assured pup. He is confident in his abilities to one day be great like his father, and Cador has faith in himself. This may largely be because he has not been tested, and has yet to discover his limits, but Cador as a pup will be confident and a little bit proud, especially of his family. He looks up to his father a lot, and strives to be as much like him as possible.

Even as a pup, Cador won't get angry often. He tends to let insults roll off his pelt without getting worked up over him, and little that is directed at him will upset him. The only thing that will reliably anger this youngster is attacks, whether verbal or physical, against his family. He is surprisingly capable of holding a grudge then, and will not let someone hurting his family go unpunished. He is a fierce defender of his family, to say the least.
RP Sample:
He had escaped from his den for a little while, headed off in search of an adventure. Valhalla territory was pretty safe, but there was something fun to be found if you searched hard enough, and Cador had definitely found his favorite fun. He had tracked his father's scent, wandering with his nose pressed into the dirt until he had found it. It was easy enough to find the other wolf, who never seemed to be too far away from home when Cador sought him out, and almost as soon as he located his father's trail, the pup moved into action, slinking off to find a good hiding place. It didn't take him long to settle upon a location, and with that, Cador was in business!

Cador crouched low to the earth, brown tail sweeping against the ground exuberantly. His ears were pricked forward, and his muscles were tensed as he waited for his 'prey' to approach. With the scent of his father strong on the air, Cador knew that it wouldn't be long before the male came within Cador's vision. He wasn't being particularly subtle, though the pup didn't realize that part just yet, and as far as he was concerned, he was hidden as well as possible. No one would spot him, not when he was hidden this well.

There came the soft crunch of pawsteps against the earth and Cador let out a soft laugh, a joyous noise that only served to further ruin his "hiding place." Still, Cador didn't move until he saw the large brown paws of his father. They were distinctive to the youngster, closely resembling his own coloration, in their own way. The pup wagged his tail a little bit more, holding his breath for a long moment until he leaped into action, muscles bunching and then pushing outwards, flinging Cador forward. "Gotcha!" The pup yipped as he nipped lightly at his father's lower leg, the only part that he could properly reach.

His little nips were not intended to harm his father, and Cador pranced back within moments, tilting his head back to gaze at his father. "Did I scare you?" His tail wagged happily as he wriggled in place, but Cador knew the answer even before his father spoke. Of course he hadn't scared the male! His father would never have been scared by just a pup. Still, Cador was proud of himself. He had snuck pretty well, right? And if it had been a different wolf, they would have been scared, of course. Well, probably not his mom either. Or his siblings. But anyone else!



04-30-2014, 10:51 AM
I realized we failed to set a closing date for this adoption thread so I'll go ahead and state it now. xD

Everyone who wishes to apply has until Monday, May 5th, to finish and post any applications they may be intending to use. A closing post will be made here and then the application(s) will be reviewed and one will be chosen in a timely manner. So expect results that day or the day after.

Thanks for applying! ^^



05-05-2014, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2014, 12:44 AM by Ashtoreth.)
Since no other interest has been shown Dragon and I decided to go ahead and close this early.

We're happy to give Cador Adravendi to Fawn! ^^ We hope you enjoy playing him, and we'll be covering the cost of the extra pup pass.

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify that if the pup should fall inactive, Dragon and I retain the right to re-adopt out the pup to another active RPer. I don't see that happening, but just as a precaution. Hope you don't mind, Fawn!