
i never said i was a taxidermist


Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
12-25-2022, 10:49 PM
using half word count seasonal, post dated to sooner after her birth

There wasn't a lot that Widow felt that she could manage in her condition. According to Medusa, she had given birth to a litter of horrible disfigured bodies and Morte. She could vaguely remember the birth of her daughter, but frankly, she wasn't so sure she wanted to remember it. Instead of allowing her mind to wander and remember more clearly, she busied herself with crafts and reading from her books. When an unknown wolf's body had been found near the pack, Widow requested the pelt be returned to her once it was removed and stretched. It was a beautiful coat, simply black in color however a blue iridescence gave it much more depth and beauty.

When the pelt was ready and in her possession, she wasn't sure at first what to do with it. She could make something nice for herself from it, but one look over to Morte's tiny sleeping form on her blanket told her that she didn't need anymore. With Medusa having three,  she could probably use the extra blanket. Luckily for her, a blanket for the Wraith would be much easier than one for herself. While Widow would want the limbs and tail removed for some shred of decency, she believed that Medusa would actually prefer they be left attached. If anything, the pups would have a good time attacking the tail.

Moving slowly over to her poorly organized collection of belongings from the move, it took her a moment but she finally found her bone needle and a heavy duty cording. It would be a tedious task, but reinforcing the edges with a strong, reliable cord would give the pelt better survive-ability against Medusa's wily children. Settling back down in the den with the blanket, she began by flexing her dexterous toes to stretch. She'd be at this for a while, but if she were lucky, she'd be done in an hour or so. Morte was sleeping soundly, so she felt that she had good odds.

Stringing the cord into the needle took the longest it felt, but once she had it tied off and ready she made quick work of stitching up the edges of the black wolf's pelt. She wondered what had killed the wolf since there weren't any injuries damaging the pelt and they seemed young, but Widow didn't think too hard about it. He probably just ate something that poisoned him or broke his neck, or something. Widow hadn't thought to ask the wolves that found the pelt at the time, but now she was a bit curious.

She considered the possibilities of his death until she finished the blanket, somewhat to her surprise. Tying it off, she took the time to study her work and make sure that the cording seemed sound and strong. Once she was happy with what she had, Widow folded the blanket up and set it aside. Now, she just needed to find the words and the energy to give the blanket to her.

WC 499


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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022