
To victory!

Autumn Seasonal


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-26-2022, 05:47 PM

There was early afternoon when Kea and a couple pups made their way out of the castle and across to the closer lands of Boreas. Following after Briar, as his mum and the Queen took them on this little adventure. A decent wind was brushing through the ravine, bringing with it the scent of ocean and berries from the nearby forest. But more exciting than the scents, was the burnt-orange leaves that scattered about in little tufts of wind. Blowing in from the large trees that encircled the ravine.

Kea was just happy for a chance to explore, and stretch his legs. To see new places, and burrow through the long roots of the trees around the ravine. Slipping down the ravine, he landed with a giggle in a large pile of autumn leaves at the bottom. The crinkling discard puffing up around him as he was half swallowed by its sheer size. He got to his paws, shaking off what he could, and hopping about as others clung to his damp paws.

He heard the sound of another wolf moving towards him and he turned in his pile of leaves. “Mumma, Mumma!” he said, ready to kick some of leaf pile at his mother, only to find it was the white pup that had come with them. He grinned at his cousin instead and surged forward. Throwing up as many of the autumn leaves as he could, so they showered down on the white pup, and they were both as thoroughly covered as they could be. “Falcon, Falcon, come join me” He said, stomping on a few more leaves as he indicated the pile that now surrounded the both of them.

Wc: 287/1500



12-26-2022, 06:29 PM
His auntie Briar was taking them out on a trip today to the lands of Boreas that were closer to Auster. He hadn't ever taken a trip that far yet, but excitement coursed through him as he followed along after the other pups that were coming. He supposed it wasn't too far, and the land bridge they crossed was pretty neat! He never imagined there could be that much water on both sides, he thought there was just water on one side where he could see it from the castle, but boy was he wrong! As they went from Auster to Boreas, however, the transition awed him. It was Spring in Auster, but on this side, he noticed leaves had fallen off of trees and the ground was littered with orange and yellow leaves! Small gusts of wind swirled them around, and Falcon was eager to play in them the moment the opportunity came up!

When his cousin climbed down into the ravine, Falcon watched him curiously before getting distracted by some leaves that blew by him. He gave chase, nearly tripping into the ravine but catching himself (albeit clumsily) and managed to save himself from face-planting, though he did fall on his side before scrambling back up to try and catch the leaves, teeth snapping on air as he came close once or twice. When his cousin called him, however, his attention was drawn to Kia. His cousin was stomping around in the leaves, so naturally, Falcon raced over and jumped into them, scattering the leaves every which way! "Yahoo! So many leaves to play in!"

WC: 554/1,500


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-26-2022, 06:42 PM

Kea giggled as his cousin immediately joined in, jumping the leaves and helping to scatter them across the bottom of the ravine. All he could smell was the faintly decaying scent of the leaves around him now. The smell didn’t even bother him, he was having far too much fun. He did wonder if he managed to scramble back up the ravine, could he shake a few trees hard enough to send a new wave of leaves down on them? A glance up at the brightly coloured oaks told him there was plenty of ammo left up there. Maybe later, he couldn’t be bothered trying to scramble up the side just yet. Instead, Kea let himself fall to his side hard, so that leaves scattered around him and puffed into the air above. Raining down on him moments later. He lay there for a moment, half buried, and watching his cousin playing. His dark fur standing out in the brightly lit autumn leaves around him. He lay there for a moment before an idea occurred to him.

He climbed back to his paws, making sure as many leaves as possible went crunch beneath him as he did so. His tail wagging behind him as he faced the white wolf that was his cousin.. “Hey Falcon, fight me!” He said with a wide grin. Playfully snapping his jaws in the air in the other wolf's direction. “I bet we could really make the leaves fly around us if we did that!” he said in a way of explanation. Already putting forward the defences he had started to learn. Spreading out his weight across paws that crunched on the loose leaves beneath him.

He hoped Falcon agreed, because he just knew it would be a lot of fun!

Wc: 854/1500



12-26-2022, 08:36 PM
He was far too focused on jumping around in the leaves and sending them scattering. At one point, he leaped onto a small pile and sent them up in the air where he promptly snapped his teeth at them as he leaped up trying to see how many he could catch. Somewhere along the way, his dark-furred cousin had flopped on the ground and sent more leaves up in the air. Falcon took the opportunity to jump at those too, teeth snapping closed on air and the leaves with an audible clack with each snap. He adored the satisfying crunch of leaves on the ground every time his paws touched them, tail wagging furiously. “Hey Falcon, fight me!” His cousin called to him while he was in mid-jump, head turning to look at Ciaran and his body followed, causing him to land awkwardly and almost face-planting once more. He hurried to right himself, shaking the dirt and leaves from his fur. “I bet we could really make the leaves fly around us if we did that!” "You're on!"

He play bowed, tail wagging in the air behind him as he watched his cousin get ready. "Ready or not, here I come!" He shouted before rushing at Ciaran. Colorful leaves flew up in his wake and they crunched beneath his feet. He aimed to charge him head-on, looking to rise up and wrap his forelegs around his cousin's neck in a bear hug, teeth reaching to playfully snap for Ciaran's ear. He wasn't looking to do any serious harm to his cousin, and he had not yet had any formal fight training. But he would take any opportunity he had to take on anyone, anytime!

WC: 1,138/1,500
Falcon vs Ciaran for Spar
Round: 1/?
Age: Under 6 months
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-26-2022, 08:58 PM

Watching his cousin snap at the leaves, Kea couldn’t help but giggle. The other wolf was younger than him, and smaller still. He knew he would have to be careful with his cousin, but he could do that without ruining the fun. It was like fighting with Tally. She didn’t have a knack for fighting, but she was still good for tumbling in the dirt together.

Falcons immediate agreement sent Kea’s tail going a little faster. His younger cousin then raced towards him, no care for defences. All play, and Kea was completely fine with that. As the younger white wolf tackled him, Kea lowered his head. Giving Falcon more room to grab onto him and reach his ear. “Ahh!” he cried in mockpain, flopping down into the leaved, before attempting to wrap his paws around his cousin and drag him into the pile with him.

Ciaran vs Falcon for Puppy Spar
Round 1/2
Age: under 6 months
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather and metal plate cuirass
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying [Attack]
Companion 2: Miniature Polar Bear, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Stronger teeth/jaws - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter



12-27-2022, 12:19 AM
His rush attack had worked, and Falcon found himself snapping toward Kea's ear as his cousin lowered his head. He hadn't fought anyone officially, only really play-fought with his siblings and had yet to take lessons, but he still had plenty of time to learn and it was likely that this first fight/mock fight would send him well on his way to taking a strong interest in the fighting arts. While he had nothing special like most of the Carpathius, that wouldn't stop him. In due time, Falcon would eventually be a master crafter and one that do his best to protect those who needed protecting. He fantasized about it often, but for now, he had a fight to try to win, and it started with his cousin.

Leaves flew up as his cousin mirrored Falcon and sought to wrap his arms around the pale boy. They both fell into the leaves, sending them scattering even more before Falcon brought his hind legs up to his stomach and aimed a playful kick at Kea (aimed just above the stomach), along with an attempted paw smack to his head in an effort to get Kea to roll away. This wasn't his best attempt, but considering he had yet to have formal training, it was all he could really think to do in a fight that wasn't serious. Perhaps later when they got back, he'd bug his uncle and some of the other pack members to show him how to really fight!

WC: 1,535/1,500

Falcon vs Ciaran for Spar
Round: 2/2
Age: Under 6mos
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual


The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
12-27-2022, 10:41 PM

Together, they rolled around the leaves. The dampness at the bottom ensured that the leaves behind him stuck to his back. Turning him into some sort of brightly coloured creature. Paying no attention to the crunchy leaves, he giggled, and felt Falcon’s legs kicking into his stomach, and a paw reaching towards his head. He aimed to try and grab the paw in his mouth if he could. Both to attack, and to stop the playfully hit.

As for the legs in his stomach, he lifted his own paws, attempting to scrabble them against Falcons. So they were more playing footsies than attacking. Kea was laughing so hard he was breathless, and the pair of them were more leaf then wolf at that point.

Ciaran vs Falcon for Puppy Spar
Round 2/2
Age: under 6 months
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather and metal plate cuirass
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying [Attack]
Companion 2: Miniature Polar Bear, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Stronger teeth/jaws - Offensive
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Beginner Hunter


The Judge


01-14-2023, 09:27 AM

And the winner is...


CIARAN must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



Attack Roll: 22
Defense Roll: 80
Agility Roll: 43
Perception Roll: 17
Total: 162
Attack[22] + 20% Bonus[4.40]: 26.40
Defense[80] + 10% Bonus[8.00]: 88.00
Agility[43] + 5% Bonus[2.15]: 45.15
Perception[17] + 10% Bonus[1.70]: 18.70
Total[178.25] + -20% Bonus[-35.65]: 142.60


Attack Roll: 17
Defense Roll: 73
Agility Roll: 96
Perception Roll: 86
Total: 272
Attack[17] + 5% Bonus[0.85]: 17.85
Defense[73] + 5% Bonus[3.65]: 76.65
Agility[96] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 96.00
Perception[86] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 86.00
Total[276.50] + -30% Bonus[-82.95]: 193.55

Thread Move Log
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1. To victory! Cryer's Ravine 05:47 PM, 12-26-2022 03:35 AM, 02-13-2024