
Ancient Dances



04-16-2014, 01:50 PM

Large paws carried him across the plains at a slow, dignified stroll, head lowered to take in the scents left on the earth. He was patrolling the borders, something he did for good exercise. He was getting older, but like his sister, Erani, his aging was slower, due to good habits of a strong training regime, daily runs, and staying limber, as well as eating and drinking right, and taking the herbs his sister gave him for bodily health.

Heavy black fur only held a hint of grey flecking about the muzzle, hardly enough to be noticed. Fish from the river and lake added to coat health, and his fur was as luxurious as it had been when he was young. The only discerning signs of his aging was the limp in one foreleg, the right one. It came from the injury received in the massacre of his birth pack. While the Nomads had healed it to the best of their abilities, the limp was something he?d carried with him, as well as the scar. He?d have been much worse off, though, had they not found him; he?d be dead.

Full-furred tail swayed in a lazy flick as he finished his rounds with no troublesome scents to be found, and he sent up a howl to announce an all-clear, all-well for his patrol round, then turned, eyes sweeping the land beyond the borders of the pack for a last check, before turning away and heading into the territory, halting at the gathering area. A second howl was tossed into the air, a call to his fellow pack mates, inviting them to a spar.



04-16-2014, 03:32 PM

Alpine had answered one spar already before this day, and well he had come up second he had enjoyed the exercise and the experience. He wasn?t an incompetent fighter, he couldn?t be considering his choices in mentoring a pup, but he also knew that he wasn?t as experienced as others in the pack. After taking on Erion he found himself becoming more interested in the idea of pack spars, after all, the more he learned the more he could pass on to the younger boy. It was with Erion in mind that when the call came out from the gathering area asking another for a spar, that he answered.

His answer was in his appearance as he gave an easy, warming lope towards the sound, and would emerge into the gathering area with an easy smile as he assessed his opponent. Standing still as he was, the other brute didn?t yet know of the injury Cormalin boosted in one leg, but he could see the age and the healthy glean that contradicted it. He knew he was facing a seasoned warrior here, and he bowed his head to him, knowing he would take away anything he learned here to better teach his student. ?Greetings, I?m Alpine ? I don?t believe we?ve met before?" he would say politely, as he evened out his paws to centre his balance, gripping the ground neatly with the claws on all four pads. He would bunch up his shoulders, drawing the bulk of his fur and muscle about his neck to protect it, well flattening his ears to his skull and levelling his tail out behind him for an added sense of balance. He felt set, and ready as he steeled his mind for the coming joist, appraising the wolf before him carefully to see any form the other wolf might take, defence or offensive and how he managed either.




7 Years
04-16-2014, 04:29 PM
Surreal: Poppin' in to watch!

Surreal Adravendi

Surreal heard her uncle?s howl in the distance. Vericona Plains was clear of danger. A few moments later, her uncle?s howl sang again, this time an invitation to spar. Her ears perked, and she turned from her neatly cleaned paws, having just finished a rabbit, and headed out, passing through the territory until she came to the gathering stone. It seemed Alpine had beaten her to the call, so she grinned at her uncle and her possible future brother in law and bounded up onto the big flat boulder, settling down with forepaws dangling off the edge to watch them dance.

Mismatched gaze of blue and gold watched the following spar, however it went, taking notes and learning from them. Her tail beat a contented rhythm on the stone, as she waited for the spar to begin. Her uncle was a known fighter, and though he?d lost his fight in the War, he was still a strong fighter.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



04-16-2014, 05:42 PM

Cormalin?s invitation was answered swiftly. The wolf who came to dance with him was Alpine, the wolf courting Lyric, his niece. Mismatched eyes swept over the male, assessing him with interest, as his body fell into it?s easy defenses; Paws falling into a balanced, square stance, tail lifting to level with his back. His shoulder blades rolled forward as his hackles lifted, fluffing around his pinned ears, plush against his tucked chin. His weight rolled back to rest in his haunches, pelvis bearing the weight easily, allowing the strength to coil in his muscles.

?My name is Cormalin. Brother of Erani. I?m glad to meet you in the flesh.? One eye closed in a quick, friendly wink, before both lids lowered into a protective squint. ?I?ve heard a lot of good things about you. Erion, Surreal, Erani, and Lyric all have good things to say. You should rise swiftly through the ranks.? He grinned through slightly parted jaws, lower jaw hanging loosely. His claws extended as he stretched out his toes a bit, raking into the soil until they had a firm hold. ?Now, don?t hold back. We may be pack mates, but this is training; we can take a few bruises. How else will we toughen ourselves to real battles? Mind, no maims, of course.? A low, rumbling baritone laugh rippled from his chest. ?But make this a fun challenge of skills, aye?? With that, he charged forward, words left behind, as silence fell.

Cormalin charged in a short circumference, to the left (Alpine?s right), then swerving in to his right, (Alpines Left) aiming to attempt at coming in fast for Alpine?s right side at a diagonal slant, dropping his right shoulder low, before jutting powerfully forward in an attempt to ram the point of it into Alpine?s right side ribs, aiming for just behind the elbow. If successful, he would propel his weight upward in an attempt to lift Alpine off his front feet, jaws snaking in at Alpine?s upper right back in an attempt to grab hold of the skin and fur there.

Hind paws fell level beneath his pelvis as he pushed himself upward, hoping to take Alpine up with him, forelegs attempting to grasp his shorter opponent about the ribcage (behind the front legs.) and back in a bear-hug. Left foreleg would attempt to rest on Alpine?s back, while the right moved in a simultaneous bid for purchase. Tail swept through the air, acting as a balancing rudder, as his hind claws dug into the soil beneath him for further traction.

Fight Stats

Round: 1 of 3

Defenses: Listed in First paragraph, then drizzled in throughout rest of the post.

Attacks:He attempts to circle quickly to the left, in order to try and charge in at Alpine's right side. His shoulder drops low to attempt at ramming the point into Alpine's ribs, behind the elbow, as he rams his shoulder forward. If successful, he then thrusts his weight upwards (Sort of like he's rearing) in an attempt to lift Alpine off his front feet and shatter his balance, while attempting to grasp Alpine's upper right back area in his jaws. Finally, during all; this, he attempts to wrap his forelegs and paws around Alpine's barrel, left paw intending for the back, and right paw/leg aiming for grasping around Alpine's underside of the barrel.

Injuries: N/A, First Round

Out Of Character Notes: Yay for diagrams, eh? Aerial: Side:



04-16-2014, 06:54 PM

Ears would flick slightly at the foot-fall of another that announced the presence of the brute before his actual appearance. He was getting to know Surreal, even if they had barely spoken. His presence seemed to be everywhere within this pack lands, it showed how much he cared for Valhalla. He was surprised that there was to be an audience, but pushed him quickly from his mind; he did not want nor could afford the distraction. His assessment returned to the other as he fell into his own defence, but it was the words that caught his attention first. He was surprised to learn that this wolf was the brother of their queen. His next words almost caught him off guard entirely ? he wasn?t certain what had been spoken of him and considering he had had little interaction with the queen to date was in fact surprised. He supposed he had done good with helping Erion in the quake and feeding the mothers of the pack, but that was something anyone part of a pack life would do. ?Thank you, Cormalin, and I believe it will be a pleasure to spar with you? He said softly, still taken aback by the kind words of this stranger.

The change was abrupt and without subtly as they went from pleasantries to spar, and the older boy was running for him. In the moments before Cormalin moved the brute would check over his defences again, the balance of his tail, the dig of his well-spreed claws in the dirt, the roll of his shoulders and ensuring his muscles felt limber and strong beneath him. He was ready for the force of the brute as he propelled into his right shoulder with the momentum of his run. Well Cormalin was taller than Alpine, the snowy brute stood with more pounds and weight to his muscles. He took the weight, having already been easing out his breath as they collided to sooth his lungs, and having shifted his centre weight into his forepaws, and rolled his shoulders backwards, lowered himself to take the force and move the impact to absorb the shove there in his shoulders instead of in his ribs as the other had planned.

The result would be bruising, but his stance was solid and would not shift. He would instead move to drive his shoulder into the neck that snaked out in order to get his jaws into the shoulder of the white brute. By driving his shoulder upwards he would be aiming to get the other in the windpipe, to bring him short of breath and cut off his lunge for the tuff of his fur at his upper back. As the older boy would lift his forepaws off the ground to encase Alpine in a bear hug, the drive to the neck, weather connected or not would drop lower to drive into his chest, showing onto him as he lost the security of balance that came with four paws. He would drive at an angle in an attempt to knock the other to the side, hopefully off balance but if nothing else to expose the throat at his side, which Alpine?s open jaws would lunge for even as he tried to tackle him to the side.

Defenses: 1: Well balances weight with spacing of paws, paws dug into earth for traction with tail flared behind him also for balance. Shoulders rolled to protect throat and tighten his muscles for extra layer, ears flattened to skull.

Attack Defenses: Driving his weight forward to take the impact on his shoulders, which roll back to absorb it, center of weight lowered to add weight and keep him on the ground.

Attack: As Cormalin stretches out to bite neck will move to ram shoulder into exposed neck to cut off breath and stop the attack to his upper back. As Cormalion moves to hug him he will move his shoulder to drive into the shoulder of the other hoping to flip him to the side well his balance is off his paws, but before his paws wrap around Alpine, since the movement of his shoulder from the others neck to shoulder is a very small one he believes it can be done faster then the other can shift his weight upwards, rise his paws and encase Alpine.

Injuries: Heavy bruising on shoulder from impact




04-24-2014, 07:48 PM

Oh Alpine was good, and smart. A grin flashed quickly through Cormalin?s expressions, before the blank fa?ade dropped like a curtain over his features, as his right shoulder glanced across Alpine?s left shoulder, and the white male remained planted firmly. Good defenses. He?d be hard to bring down in a siege. Good. The faint throb in his shoulder was noted, and he guessed that Erani would scold both males for the bruises. As Alpine?s shoulder jutted out toward Cormalin?s neck, the veteran abandoned the bid for Alpine?s scruff, the shoulder instead brushing against his thick fur as he arched his neck out of the way.

As Cormalin rose, it was here that his plan fell back into place, hopefully. Alpine shifted his weight, his shoulder aiming for Cormalin?s brisket, and Cormalin tucked his chin, right leg abandoning the attempt to wrap around as he brought his right shoulder forward to protect his throat against Alpine?s lunge. The teeth would connect instead with Cormalin?s thick fur and hard right shoulder point, leaving a small puncture wound set. Instead of flinching away, Cormalin shoved his right shoulder toward Alpine?s jaws, in an attempt to stuff his mouth with fur, as Cormalin?s own jaws dove for Alpine?s neck scruff, in an attempt to grasp him there, his hind paws hopping to the left, attempting to bring the two fighters into a roughly perpendicular position, or a rough ?L? position, upon which time, his left foreleg would pull against Alpine?s back, and should Cormalin?s lunge for Alpine?s scruff have been successful, he would use his larger size and powerful muscles to attempt at pulling Alpine further into his lean towards Cormalin, right foreleg attempting to hook over Alpine?s neck or head to aid in his attempt at toppling Alpine.

Tail swept through the air, a balancing rudder against his movements, while his hind paws remained squared, claws tearing into the soil for traction. His hackles remained fully raised, chin tucked, ears pinned, shoulders rolled forward, while his abdominal muscles tensed. His eyes squinted to protect the blue and gold gaze from attacks, and through it all, Cormalin made no sounds other than measured breathing.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: Listed toward the end

Attacks: Attempting to shove his right shoulder into Alpine's jaws to gag him with fur, simultaneously diving in an attempt to grasp the scruff of Alpine's neck in his own jaws. Attempting to use his left foreleg/paw to pull Alpine over and possibly underneath him, and attempting to add his right foreleg as leverage, attempting to hook the leg and paw over Alpine's head or upper neck/base of the skull.

Injuries: Moderate Bruising on the right shoulder from initial attack's impact | Minor puncture wounds from Alpine's teeth on the right shoulder, light bleeding will begin at third round. Moderate bruising on the brisket (chest), from Alpine's secondary shoulder jab.

Out Of Character Notes: Sorry I took so long xD I tend to have to think hard for stuff like this. And hopefully, it makes sense to ya! I'll try and get Azazyl's tablet back from him to make diagrams soon, hopefully! Any questions, feel free to ask ^.^ <3



10 Years
Athena I
04-24-2014, 10:15 PM

Cael had been drifting through the territory, as he had been tending to do as of late, when a howl in the distance caught his attention. It took him only a moment to realize it was his father's voice and Cael smiled at the sound. He quickly turned his path toward the sound, trotting off in its direction. He hadn't seen Cormalin since he had returned so he was both excited to see him again and to see who might show up to accept his father's offer to spar.

He soon arrived, stopping when he saw the black form of his father locked in a fight with the pale form of a wolf he had yet to meet. Seeing them fight brought back memories of his own attempt at a spar with Arwel, making his ears flick back in embarrassment. The art definitely was not his forte. But, perhaps he could learn something from watching them?

He glanced over to see Surreal sitting nearby and he moved to sit beside her, giving her a nod and a smile before turning his attention back to the fight. He tried to pay attention to how his father and the stranger were moving and what attacks they were using while at the same time trying to ignore his natural hatred for the violence.




04-26-2014, 11:05 PM

The younger boy was succeeding in one thing, pushing the older brute off the offensive and into the defensive as he met the attacks with ones of his own, pushing against the other boy, forcing him to abandon some moves to protect himself from Alpine's own actions. So the attack to the neck hadn't fully succeeded as an attack, but it had succeeded as a defence. The other boy had stilled his attempt to grab Alpine's neck and as he moved back Alpine's thrust landed upon a thicker part of the neck lined with fluff, and didn't do as much damage as he would have liked, certainly it didn't wind him. The lunge of fangs would also be partly deflected, and his jaws would snap against the thick of shoulder and puncture somewhat into the skin.

It was here that Cormalin fought back once more. Driving the shoulder into Alpine's throat, the boy rode with it. Lightning his paws grip upon the earth to allow himself to be pushed back by the thrust, thus lowering the impact unto his jaws. He would try to dig in again as the other brute lunged for Alpine's own scruff. He would push himself further into the other boys shoulder, sacrificing his hold on the shoulder to go for the neck again of Cormalin as the older boy also lunged for Alpine's neck. He would try to evade this by burying his head into the neck of his sparring partner, bulking his

Somehow, despite everything the other boy still seemed to have found a way to place his left shoulder against Alpine's coat. The single paw against his back would do little to sway his weight and hold against the earth, which had settled again immediately after he had moved with the shove. The leg upon his back would move upwards, to hook against Alpine's neck and Alpine would shove all his connected weight which hung on the boy's right side of his neck downwards upon the side where his left leg was raised over Alpine, in an attempt to push all his weight on the unbalanced side and knock Cormalin over. Using the boys own pull against him with Alpine's more stable, balanced weight that came with all fours upon the ground. His balance would remain relatively the same throughout the fight, with his ears to his skull, his tail out behind him, his paws dug into the ground, shoulders rolled to protect the side of his throat the other lunged for.

Defences:Well balances weight with spacing of paws, paws dug into earth for traction with tail flared behind him also for balance. Shoulders rolled to protect throat and tighten his muscles for extra layer, ears flattened to skull.

Attack Defences: Allowing the shoulder shove in his mouth to push him backwards to absorb it before balancing himself again. Burying his head into the neck of his sparring partner, bulking his shoulder up around the side of the neck that had been lunged for in defence.

Attack: Lunging for the throat once more, also driving all his weight which is set on the right side of the boys neck, into the left side to push against the side where his leg is not against the ground and knock him off balance.


The Judge


05-04-2014, 07:26 AM

Cormalin v Alpine for Spar

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 ' rest on Alpine?s back,' Where abouts? you need to be more specific. -2 'simultaneous bid for purchase.' Where?

7 for powerplaying. -3 ' to the left (Alpine?s right), then swerving in to his right, (Alpines Left)' You assumed that you got to alpines right side, then his left.

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen

7 for attack. +2 for ram, +3 for thrusting his weight upwards in an attempt to unbalance. +2 for attempted clasp

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Cormalin Total: 38/50


5 for clarity- -2 'By driving his shoulder upwards' Which shoulder? -3 'He would drive at an angle in an attempt to knock the other to the side,' drive? how did he try to know him of to the side? With his shoulder, by leaning? you need to be more specific!

8 for powerplaying. -2 'which Alpine?s open jaws would lunge for even as he tried to tackle him to the side.'

6 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +2 for ram +1 for vital area. +2 for shove to knock him of balance

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Alpine Total: 34/50

Round 2


6 for clarity- -2 'glanced across Alpine?s left shoulder' doesnt really make sense. -2 'dove for Alpine?s neck scruff,' where abouts on the neck? The top middle,end?

5 for powerplaying. -3 'abandoned the bid for Alpine?s scruff, the shoulder instead brushing against his thick fur as he arched his neck out of the way.' Firstly, fights happen really quickly, and to change the move at the last second is pretty much impossible. Also, its pretty hard to predict how Alpine was going to do that so quickly in a heat of a fight. It seems to be like you trying to avoid damage or taking minimum. -2 'would pull against Alpine?s back,' you should put an attempt in!

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen. -2 for for not reajusting balance after hop

6 for attack. +2 for shoving shoulder to mouth, +2 for aiming to bite scruff +1 for trying to pull alpine over +1 for for trying to hook paws near skull

3 for injuries. -2 for bruising -3 for teeth punctures in shoulder. -2 for unrealism with some of alpines attacks.

Round two Cormalin Total: 28/50


6 for clarity- -2 was rather confusing to understand overall. -2 ' push all his weight on the unbalanced side' how did he push all of his weight? by leaning, which side is unbalance?

7 for powerplaying. Notes

6 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for attempting to grab neck +1 for vital area +2 for shove

6 for injuries. Notes

Round two Alpine Total: 31/50


Cormalin: 66/100

Alpine: 65/100

And the winner is...

Cormalin! Alpine must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Cormalin- bite wounds will take 2 ic weeks to heal, bruises a few days.

Alpine- Bruising will take a few days to heal, small scratch and bite wounds will take 1 ic week to heal


Watch for clarity guys (no points are deducted here)

For Briena
Be careful with powerplaying, you did well but make sure to keep realism. Fights happen really quickly, and just abandoning attacks within the last moment is pretty much impossible!

For Sea
you did well in this fight! it was super close, if you added just a few more defenses you could have got it. watch for clarity also, there where times where it was super hard to understand. If your against another male make sure to put his name instead of 'he' or 'boy' it throws us all a little bit. Make sure to have more complex attacks. When fighting a taller character you need to put in multiple attacks.

- By [luisiana]