
Stupid Goose! Let Me Kill You!

Hunting Seasonal/ Nirvana



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-01-2023, 03:18 AM

Winter is approaching, the chilly bite of early morning wind promises it. Now, while Malico has no idea what that winter means or what lays ahead, he has noticed a distinct change in the animals that wander the lands around his home. The mornings are also growing colder a low fog hangs over the lake in the center of their island most mornings. Yet, none of this deters the young boy from racing outside each morning, as soon as the sun breaks the horizon, to play the day away. His sister, Mariah often sleeps in and, some days, needs to stick close to their family den which means he does not have a playmate.

Still, he understands her needs are different than his and he does not fault her for what her body demands. It would be nice to have his sibling beside him, especially today of all days. Mal has decided that he is going to explore a little further away from the den today and, while he might not be allowed off the island just yet, he is determined to push the boundaries of his existence… but just tiny, little bit. Small paws step off the land bridge that connects the rock-strewn land with his home island and bright, excited turquoise eyes drink in ever detail.

First thing the boy notices is how flat the land is. Bright green grass waves happily at him and the only thing that breaks up the grassy land is huge, jutting formations of rock that would actually provide great lookout points. Jaw hangs open as dark paws pull him forward, the strange, wonderful new place taking up all of his attention as he slowly moves forward. Now, since there are small formations of crystals currently growing in the youth’s ear cannels, his hearing is dampened, and they even sometimes deafen certain sounds. That is why, Malico does not hear the flock of geese until they are directly overhead of him.

They create such a loud symphony that the boy cranes his neck back so that he can catch the squawking beasts’ progression through the air. They fly in an inverted ‘v’ pattern with the point of it leading them all down toward the south. He has yet to learn that birds seek the southern climates in winter months but, if he knew, Mal could not fault them for seeking to escape the cold. Eyes trail after the flock as they pass, following their progression until they become nothing more than small black dots on the horizon.

With the awe of the moment pass, Mal turns his thoughts to the many small prey animals that must surely roam this place. He knows that rabbits like to linger near the lake on the island and nibble at the grass. Stomach rumbles as the boy remembers he had left with breakfast, more determined to break the rules than fill his belly. Well, that had been a mistake. Nose lifts as he scents the air, relieved to find the familiar smell of rabbits on the breeze. Instantly, his mouth begins to water at the thought of a nice, fat, juicy, soon to be meal and he hunkers down to begin the hunt.

However, as he pulls in another long drag of air to track the creatures, Malico finds there is something… different lingering nearby. Brows shoot up in wonder as the boy considers what this new, exotic creature might be and, eventually, he decides to go see for himself. Carefully, the boy stalks toward it, cautious as he moves so he doesn’t make too much sound so he does not alert the creature. He is almost, right on top of the thing when its cries finally reach his ears, Great honks of distress reach his plugged ears and Mal kicks himself for not hearing it sooner.

Near a rock outcrop, half hiding under the rocks, he finds one of species of geese that been flying overhead. But this one is on the ground and one of its wings slightly ajar. With all the racket the young bird is making, Malico is surprised that some other predator has not come along for an easy meal. The bird looks around, honking for its flock to come and find but is too bad, since they have already left. Small form hunkers down in the grass and the boy slowly moves forward, ready to hunt and kill the unsuspecting, vulnerable prey. But the creature has other ideas and, while its wing may be broken, the bird’s legs are still healthy and strong. What follows is a slightly comical, mostly blunder-filled chase as the very small and very young boy tries to kill the goose.

Growls and honks fill the air as the pair move and Malico ponders his life choices. Time draws out and the bird starts to grow tired which means it makes a mistake in a turn. Finally, Mal is able leap up and grab the young goose’s neck and it honks even more. Damn thing is noisy. Small jaws push tighter and tighter on the soft neck, trying to silence the creature’s distressed calls. A soft pop sounds and the bird stills and the pup claims victory. Releasing his kill, Mal leans in to great bite from the goose when a new, louder, much scarier sound pulls his attention away from it.

A large cat stalks toward him, tail swishing angrily and eying his kill. Malico puts himself between the white and orange tiger, determined to keep his food away from predator. Growling loudly, the pup begins to make as much noise as he can in hopes of making the predator run away. It continues toward him…

WC: 951

"Malico Mendacium"



Novice Fighter (25)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
Extra large
01-08-2023, 11:21 PM

Elysium was her home now, and though she had not duty to patrol its lands, as her aunt and Alastor did, Nirvana didn’t mind roaming and keeping a secondary eye on things. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her relatives. It was other predators and the like that might have the balls to waltz in the lands that she was trying to be mindful of. It was early enough too that the sun wasn’t blaring, and the albino woman could push through the bit of brightness the day had to offer. It wasn’t as bad here as it was at the lake, where the rays of the sun would reflect off the water.

She had been walking for a while when a noise was suddenly heard. A young goose, distressed and flailing, seemed to be getting targeted by something. Nirvana flicked an ear, changing her direction to where the goose’s honks and growls could be heard. By the time she had arrived on scene the goose was dead, behind some kid facing… oh great… There was a predator she had worried might cross into Elysium, approaching what appeared to be one of her aunt’s pups if color said anything.

A snarl ripped from Nirvana’s jaws as she lunged forward, coming in like a bat out of hell as she aimed for the tiger’s back leg. The beast turned, but it was too late, Nirvana had already launched herself at it and clamped her jaws down on the striped cat’s rear. It roared, trying to bodily swing towards the albino woman and swipe at her, but Nirvana held on, clamped onto the predator’s rump like a vice, dancing just out of reach as it spun to try and swipe her. Stupid cat, it should have thought twice before challenging a Mendacium for food, child or not!


Fought off a large predator (Tiger) - 1/3

"Talk," 'Think.'



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-14-2023, 04:21 PM

After all the trouble the small pup had chasing down the now dead goose, the boy is bound and determined to keep his very first kill. The tiger stalks forward, an annoyed flick of its tail the only sign that it is paying Malico any mind. Small body blocks the goose as the pup snarls and snaps at empty air, bristling as he if he is ready to take the huge beast one on one. Honestly, if the tiger had gotten any closer, the purple pup probably have shrunk away; willing giving up his kill so that he would live another day. Luckily, Mal isn’t faced with that decision as a white streak of a wolf barrels toward the tiger’s backend.

A wicked grin curls the boy’s tiny maw as a tall, alabaster woman appears and latches onto the tiger’s rear end. The creature attempts to swing around and attack the new wolf which is all the distraction Malico needs. Tiny body darts forward, the boy’s pudgy puppy body easily moving into the tiger’s space. Underneath the beast, the pup’s sharp needle like teeth aim for the soft flesh of the feline’s ankle while paws slap out at the leg. Hidden obsidian claws appear as his paws flex and the gemstone claws slice deeply into cat’s leg. That earns the pup a yowl of agitation from the anger beast and Mal ducks and dodges as it attempts to stomp him.

"Malico Mendacium"