
A Warm Welcome



05-09-2014, 08:37 PM

Archaic stood just above the highest rapid, waiting. He stood poised, gaze locked on the water gushing just feet away from where he stood safely on the bank. It would be almost certain death to fall in, to be bashed by boulder, perhaps knocked unconscious and drowned, or simply broken-limbed and unable to care for himself. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Well, aren't you just a bundle of joy this morning? No, what he was was hungry. 'Harvest season' his right buttock, he hadn't had a good meal in weeks. He had seen fish swimming up the cascades not long ago, and figured maybe if he waited... But he'd been there for nearly an hour already. The one fish he'd seen had been going downstream and he'd been too slow. With a sigh and a dramatic turn, he whirled away from the water's edge and stalked towards the treeline instead. Who needed food anyways, right? It was completely overrated. Unnecessary, even! He was a cold blooded killer, ruthless, the needs of lesser creatures bowed before him and his- ...His stomach growled. The lanky man sat down in a huff, shoulders hunched and glaring towards the offending waters, muttering curses all the while.

"Talk" "You" Think


05-09-2014, 09:11 PM

Tea cupped paws of a creamy alabaster struck the terra with a jovial pace, a long, plush banner swinging cheerily from petite hips as she trotted along and regarded the rapids. They were intense, rushing and foamy water threatening to sweep you away if you stepped into it unprepared. Humming a jaunty tune under her breath, the petite English lady strolled along the banks in search of something to occupy her time and attention for the time being. A vaguely familiar scent caught her attention, and her curiosity was piqued. Golden bathed audits perked, she picked up her pace and headed towards the lupine ahead of her with an inquisitive glint in her twilight pigmented optics.
A magnificent pelt captured her attentions, and she recognized the lanky build immediately. The strings of profanities escaping his lips definitely caught her attention, and her ears tilted back as a quiet gasp left her lips. Brows raised high in surprise, and her hackles were ruffled by the foul language momentarily. "Well now, that's some colourful language." She commented, an amused smirk playing lightly upon her ebony lips as she stepped forwards. Slowly she approached his left side, looking up at him with a quirked brow. "Something amiss?" She would inquire, thick British accent evident and as endearing as ever as it wrapped around her alto tuned lyrics. She recognized the male, but for some odd reason, his name seemed to have slipped her mind. A true horror for her, as she was usually so good with names. Pale golden dipped plume would sweep against her heels absently as she regarded the fairly gaunt features of the taller man.

image by Luisiana



05-11-2014, 12:58 PM

The sudden intrusion brought out a startled flinch in the man, but he recovered quickly. That accent was uncommon enough to strike a chord in his memory, and he turned to find the petite woman eying him with something akin to amused disapproval. He smiled and shrugged, not entirely phased by it. It was hard to consider much more than his growling stomach at the moment. "Well, have you seen my pelt? Colorful is my best trait, I can't help it if it seeps into a few other things as well." He let out a brusque chuckle, and wracked his brain for her name. It slipped away once and then again before he captured the flighty word on the tip of his tongue. "Miss Alice, right? It's been quite a while." Her coloring and mannerisms were distinct enough, but it'd been a long, hard year. Just surviving had been hard enough, especially with that searing summer. The man had gone north, far north, in search of refuge. He'd been chased southward by the growing cold, and had come to find the land much changed. A number of packs had sprung up and faded away, and even the land itself had stretched wide it's maw, proffering a world entirely foreign to the male. He wondered if perhaps Alice might help fill him in on these changes, or even better, point him towards a rabbit warren.

"Talk" "You" Think