
Strength In Numbers

Charlie & Kite Fighting Seasonal


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
01-11-2023, 02:17 AM

Since returning home, Andromeda has started trying to take on more responsibilities. Okay, so no one gave them to her but that doesn’t stop the pup from doing them anyway. Like patrolling! The lavender girl has seen adults do it so many times that she is confident in her ability to walk around the forested area. A storm recently brought with it a large amount of fresh snow and, the pup has to admit, walking through it is really fun. Paws crunch their way along a slightly beaten down path, pale blue eyes scanning the snowy forest-scape.

Beauty sparkles at her as the fresh powder catches the afternoon sunlight and reflects it like millions of tiny diamonds. The wind has died down since the storm blew on and the sun choose today to make its reappearance. The wintry scene is enough to distract the pup and, since she hasn’t seen anything like it, it actually makes her lose track of where she is. It isn’t until she realizes, that it has gotten a lot brighter that she stirs from her winter wonderland reveries. Pulling to a stop, Andy casts her gaze around and realizes that she has crossed out of pack lands and meandered toward the broken wall.

Turning herself around, the purple-hued girl starts to move back to the familiar lands of her home. Suddenly, a snarl forces her to stop as several coyotes stalk out of the trees and straight for her. If it had been one, the pup may have been able to handle it but, as she continues to watch, five move toward her. And, with the possibility of more lingering in the tree line, Andy knows that the odds of her making it out alive, aren’t great. Releasing a howl for help, the girl spreads her front legs and scrunches her neck up before tucking her chin down. For the first time, Andromeda brandish her horns, ready and willing to use them as weapons. The coyotes skitter around her, shifting positions as they stalk closer, ready for an easy snack.

WC: 345
Total WC: 345 / 1500

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
01-11-2023, 11:40 PM

They had returned home to the North, and though Charlie had, for the most part, enjoyed the Hallows, he was glad to be back. It wasn’t quite the same, however. The loss of the pup’s mother was felt by all of them, although in different ways. The boy had been doing his best not to get sad, and focus on settling back in. He’d had to kick up his studies on his skills as well, especially given that his siblings felt way ahead of him. But hey, better late than never, right? His father had been working with him on refining a weapon, and his mother had left him some armor, though he had yet to try to wear it. He liked being able to look at it though. It reminded him of his mother, after all.

Charlie had awoke that morning and spent a good portion of it cleaning his armor and the weapon that he’d been working on. His father had told him that he’d be responsible for caring for them, and that keeping them clean and in pristine condition was a must. Charlie quickly found the act of cleaning his things soothing, a calm routine that he could fall into. He found himself smiling by the time he was done, and the afternoon sun having crept further along in the sky. With nothing else pressing him for now, he had decided to try and find Andromeda, one of his siblings he’d spent the most time with.

The boy picked up his sister’s scent easily and began to trail her through the Armada’s lands. His tail wagged back and forth, his ears perked forward, but as he started to near the edge of their territory he began to grow worried. He took on a more cautious stance and he proceeded forward… at least until he heard Andromeda’s call. That was enough to get Charlie coming in at a run, his ears flicked back. Andy needed help. He didn’t have a lot of experience fighting, but Charlie wouldn’t ignore that call.

He was nearing the treeline when he saw the coyotes stalking out and, without hesitation, the fanged boy charged right into one of them. He snarled as the coyote went staggering forward, trying to catch itself from falling on its face, as Charlie’s blue gaze sweeping the scene and seeing just how many of the critters there were. Crap, this wasn’t good! Would the two of them be able to take on as many of these coyotes as there were? And why were thy being so ballsy to try and attack a wolf anyway?


436 Words
781 / 1,500 Words

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
01-18-2023, 06:48 PM
Sun and snow was a bad combination for Kite. The way the sun glared off the white was even worse than sunlight by itself. Her bandana was tied firmly about her eyes as she moved cautiously through the forest. Snow crunching under paw didn’t help her figure out where she was going - but Lioness did. The forest cat stuck close to her heels, her fur in contact with her at all times. Her presence was a guide that Kite had gotten accustomed to.

Walking the woods during the day wasn’t something she liked to do. She wouldn’t have been there at all if Azure hadn’t egged her on. He had a way of seeing what she was avoiding. Calling her out on her weaknesses. So she challenged herself, and knocked her head on a few trees for her troubles.

It did, however, mean she was nearby when her sister called. Andy was… Andy was a safe harbour in a storm. She had hidden herself in Andy’s coat so many times in her short life, that the thought of her in trouble sent a shock through Kite’s spine. If it had been an adult she might not have responses. Well. Maybe. She could be reckless, Kite.

But Andy was in trouble. She didn’t have to say anything to Lioness, who was already moving faster. Leading them in the direction of the howl. Trees slapped the blind girl in the face, and she hunkered down, face grim. She didn’t even know when they passed outside of Armada territory, and Lioness didn’t inform her.

She arrived at the scene with a growl and charged. She stumbled and half fell into a warm body. Ah ha! With a triumphant cry she turned and latched her teeth onto whatever body part she could reach. Lioness yowled and slapped her at the same moment, and Kite had time only to press her teeth to skin before she recoiled. The scent of the wolf reaching her then. Oops. “Sorry Charlie!” She said. In her defence, she hadn’t even known her brother had been there. Turning from Charlie, she tried to seek out another opponent. A real one, this time. Her falcon dived with a cry, and she latched onto the sound. Letting it lead her to a coyote. “Rooooar!” She snarled, trying to puff herself up and look fierce.

WC: 369
Total: 1150



"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
01-29-2023, 11:06 PM

Andy takes a defensive stance, neck bunching so that her horns jut threateningly at the ravenous coyotes. Her hackles are raised, eyes narrowed, and ears pinned as she growls menacingly at the advancing, hungry pack. Suddenly, a blur of tans and teal bursts on the scene, slamming into one of the coyotes and sending it stumbling sideways. A grin appears as Charlie makes his grand entrance and, in the brief moment his of distraction his arrival offers, one of the coyotes’ lunges at the lavender girl from the side. A snarl is ripped from her maw as feels teeth sink deeply into her right shoulder and she swiftly thrashes her head so that the horns poke at her attacker.

Forcing the attacker to detach, the girl notices Kite’s entrance and watches as she barrels toward Charlie before delivering a bite to their brother. Wincing in sympathy, Andromeda snarls and strikes out at the coyote that had drawn blood from her as it lunges back in. Taking a step back she is able to grab the creatures skinny back in her maw. Teeth puncture skin and she gives her head a hard shake which causes the creature to yelp in pain. Something in her mouth crunches before the girl is forced to release the beast as the coyotes companions suddenly turn their ire on her.

Thoughts whirl at frantic pace as she counts the coyotes while looking between her brother and sister. The sunlight on the snow is blinding so her sister so Kite has her blindfold firmly in place and is having trouble feeling confident in attacking. An idea quickly forms and the lavender pup dives back into the forming circle of predators. For once, Andy shouts loudly, “Kite move straight toward my voice! There is a coyote between us!” Trusting her sister to handle that beast, she looks to Charlie while standing in the same spot and says, “Charles! Take the one furthest out! I’ve got these two!”

The coyote she attacked has not gotten back up and the lavender girl wonders if the crunch she had felt was its spine breaking. Based on the fact that it is whimpering and only its front legs are moving, the girl is confident in her assumption and silently vows to end its suffering as soon as she can. With Kite and Charlie focused on two sperate beasts, the girl gives tasks herself with taking down the last two of the ravenous group. Being this close to the creatures, she notices that their ribs can be seen clearly under their stretched skin and some of them even have the knobs of their spine beginning to protrude.

Pity momentarily swells for the creatures but the fact that they are attacking wolves so close to pack lands quickly squelches the feeling. That… and the wound that coyote has given her. Her shoulder is now bleeding freely and the coppery tang of blood begins to fill the air. Unable to stop, Andy lunges in, attempting to overtake the last two hungry creatures. The pups fight valiantly but the starving coyotes are unwilling to concede defeat. They will not give up and the girl idly hopes an adult is on the way to help. Her shoulder is beginning to throb and she hopes her siblings are faring better than her.

WC: 554
Total WC: 1704 / 1500

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.