
Time and Time again



04-15-2014, 05:31 PM

It had been a while now since the earthquake had left its mark against his form, the cut against his head that had stood out in a jagged line of red, oulined with all the shades of bruises had finally faded. There was nothing more to remind him of the scare but for a light pink mark half hidden against the shaggy folds of his fur. It was reminder enough however, as he thought of the other that had been there with him. He had not seen Erion in a while now and fear for him coiled in his gut every time he saw that scar. He was.. he was fairly certain Friction would tell him if something was wrong with the pup he had taken under his wing, but it didn't help that had could not see it for himself. He had not wanted to intrude upon the family, nor the healing of the pup but the other wolf wasn't far from his thoughts.

He knew that a broken leg would put him out of action far longer then it took for Alpine's cut to heal, it meant the other wouldn't be seeing much exercise, and the training he had finally promised the other would be out of the question for a little while yet. Finally, he would go against his need to give the pup quite to heal, and instead find himself heading in the direction of the end. He had to hear from Erion himself how he was doing, to know that the other was okay. He would stand outside the den and give a slight bark to announce his presence, a cautious swing of his tail behind him as he waited for Erion or another to answer him.



04-15-2014, 10:47 PM

Two weeks had passed since the earthquake and since his fall into the underground city of the mole people had broken his leg. Though the first week he had spent pretty much drugged out of his mind the second was not going nearly as well. He found himself fidgeting and shifting, his leg constantly itching underneath the cobwebs his father had wrapped around his leg then smeared berries over to make a bright pink encasing to remind him not to touch it, play with it or screw with it in any way shape or form. Though Isis usually hung around and helped him take his mind off things today she had gone out with his mom to practice some hunting. Now he was left alone with nothing but his thoughts. Forepaws tapped idly against the soft bedding of his den, head lifting every time he heard noise, hoping someone might be coming to entertain him. But as soon as he realized it was nothing head would flop back to the floor in defeat and paws would continue their insistent tapping. Orange eyes closed for short periods before opening again periodically, head lolling to and fro as he tried to think of something, anything to fight the boredom. He was going to kill himself? Anything had to be better then this. He couldn't even roll over or get up without strategically thinking about his leg. After all there was no splint or cast so he couldn't put any tension on the bone his dad said. His dad had said six weeks of this. He was gonna go crazy!! But it seemed his saving grace would in fact come from company. Pawfalls would alert him to anthers presence and instantly his head would snap up, ears attentive and eyes staring outside. Though he was hidden closer to the back of then den, his father said it was safer, he could see outside perfectly well. And who he saw brought a grin to the boys face, tail beating the ground with a rhythmic pattern to show his happiness. "Alpine!" He practically squealed at the same time as Alpine barked his announcement. Erion wiggled and shuffled, trying to belly crawl his way closer to the mouth of the den and his mentor without upsetting his leg. Though sharp pains told him to stop the boredom and need for a distraction dragged him as close to the mouth of the den as he could manage, still beaming, tail still thumping against the ground and small body wiggling half with excitement and half with need to get outside and see his friend. "Where have you been? How are you? My daddy tells me your gonna be a healer too now? Saaaavvvvveeee mmmmeeee!!" Words came out in a rush before finally head collapsed against the ground and forepaws flailed towards Alpine dramatically. God he was bored.



04-15-2014, 11:18 PM

The excitement of the pup was obvious, although at first worried Alpine had peered into the darkness of the tent until his eyes adjusted, upon hearing the scrapping noise within. Upon eyes adjusting he would see the pup crawling his way to the den's exit, plainly very excited to see the other. It would cause a throaty chuckle to admit from the older wolf, his worry for the other dissipating on seeing his energy and enthusiasm. The yelp of his own name told Alpine everything he needed to know of his boys state of mind. It was never easy to keep a pup still, to force him to bed for any set of time let alone two weeks!

All his worry over Erion vanished, over set with remorse for not have coming sooner, clearly the worst parts of the healing was over, with the setting of the leg, the drugs, the pain, all the things that had kept Alpine clear for fear of getting in the way or in some way agitation the injured boy. Clearly, all that had been over and he had been left sitting here in recover with no where to go and nothing to do. A jumble of words would escape Erion in a rush every bit as insane as the wriggling crazy motions of his pent up energy. Alpine would truly laugh now as the pup finished with a final flail towards the older brute. He had never felt so relieved in his life, he thought as he saw the good natured boy before him, clearly on his way in the road of recoverey. He sat down in front of the boy and lowered his head to give him a friendly lick on the forehead. ?I'm proud of you Erion? he said, eyeing the pink cast that clearly encased his leg in cobwebs and berries. ?Looks like you've done a good job so far of keeping yourself in one piece? he would laugh, but there was a beam of pride there, that this wiggly energetic creature had managed to stay here within the confines of the cave for even this long where a miracle. He wished he really could save the pup, and speed up the process but their was nothing he could do there.

?Your right, I've taken up an interest in healing, you never know when it could be useful.? He said, as he took to placing his own belly against the ground and looking at the pup before him. ?But, I think we ought to get you active again, before you go crazy, and we gota keep your muscles built up for our fight training! I'm going to put my paw on the ground here? the older brute proceeded to do so, placing a paw lightly against the earth easily within paw-reach of the other. ?Now, your going to catch my paw with yours, but your not going to move your lower body at all, ok? No go?
He said, tensing, waiting for the pup to move, the second he saw any signs that the other boy was going to strike the offered paw he would flick it to the side, in the idea that the others paw would land in the dirt where his had been. This would not only keep the boy occupied, help spend some of that energy, but also help work on his reflexes. He would think of something for building up strength in those front paws soon, but for now this would do.


04-20-2014, 11:13 PM

ooc;; chasing alpine's paw kinda like this

Alpine laughed at him, seemingly amused at his antics but hell, Erion didn't really care at this point. Company was company and he needed company. Though he loved his family his odd little obsession he had had with his mother when he was younger had faded a bit into the background, replaced with his strange little obsession (thought slightly healthier) with Alpine. So the fact that the male had taken some time out of his day to come see the pup seemed to have a strange effect on the boy. He was a mixture of excited and happy, some other feeling thrown in there too that he had yet to place but overall he was just super stoked. All of it seemed to come out all at once, wiggling almost as fast as his tail was slapping against the ground and ears flittered around excitedly. Every so often he would let out an excited mixture of a squeak and a bark when he couldn't quite find the words to fit what he was feeling. Pain was shooting up his leg, demanding that he lay still and stop moving it around though the boy found it hard to listen to those pains through the haze of dugs he was still on.

He didn't really still until Alpine sat before him and reached down to lick the top of the boys head in a rather affectionate manner. He was proud? For a moment the boy stilled, head tipping and brow furrowing as he stared up at the white male. Why was he proud? He carried on and Erion chuckled, one piece hey? "Dad threatens to drug me if I don't stay still... Something I think it's easier... He said it might be as much as two more months before I'm good again. Isis has been good company but even she gets sick of it here so I get left alone. I get soooo boooorrrreeed..." He complained, letting his head fall so his chin smacked against the ground, massive forepaws lifting to cover his eyes then drag them down to lay on the ground once more. God he was bored. "Dad also said he can't make a hard cast to keep my leg together so I'm not supposed to move it or lift it from the ground..." This last part was a dismayed grumble as he glared at the ground in front of him, head still planted on the ground.

Erion stopped his confounded wiggling and thrashing as Alpine answered his question, saying that yes he was going to start learning to heal. He couldn't help but lift his head, skull tipping and ears flipping forward to catch his words. Okay yeah... Never know when it might be useful but it was so boring! Why would anyone want to learn it willingly? He didn't express this though, didn't doubt his mentor. Maybe he should actually take an interest in his father's teachings. Whatever thoughts he had of healing were banished as Alpine moved onto the next topic, laying on his stomach before Erion and placing a paw easily on the ground before him. Erion lay propped up on his belly, forepaws holding him up so he could watch what Alpine was doing and listen to him at the same time. The pup would nod his head slowly to show he understood. Immediately little ears would fold back, eyes narrowing in concentration as paw lashed out to try and land on top of Alpines only to hit the dirt. He let out a bark of dismay before he attempted to once again slam his paw down on Alpine's. Soon he had both paws going, sometimes grazing Alpine's paw but mostly just smacking dirt. His tongue peeked out in concentration the longer this went on before after a few minutes he slammed both paws down in the dirt and glared at the older male. "Can't do it..." He grumbled, dropping his head down to the ground with a heavy sigh and switching his glare to Alpine's paw. One paw would lift, swatting in Alpine's paws general direction but that was about as enthusiastic as he could get now. Stupid game...



04-21-2014, 12:29 AM

Alpine's full attention would be on the boy, watching his crazy spike of energy that thrilled through his bodies in a crazy sort of dance, as his tail whacked the earth behind him and he wiggled and squirmed in excitement. Alpine really wished about now that he could get the pup to truly work off that excitement in a training exercise, which would have done wonders to wear him out and calm him down a little. The boy would laugh at his compliment, and explain himself as he told him how Friction had threatened to drug him. Hearing how it would take two months to heal through would bring out the pity in Alpine again. It had only been a couple weeks, not even half the allotted time, the poor boy would be out of his mind with insanity and energy by the time all this was over.

He would continue to listen with a sympathetic air as Erion continued to explain his plight. Now Alpine was feeling really bad about not making it sooner to the pups side. He would definitely be spending more time here, entertain this pup and working on other muscles so that he didn't walk out of her in two months time as limp and muscle-less as a jelly. ?That really sucks Erion, I guess... I'll just have to come by and make sure your behaving more often? Alpine teased, which was also his promise to ensure he found or made time to come here and check up on him.

The boy's head had planted to the ground with dismay, and still had not lifted. He was putting on the drama, and Alpine could feel the rumble of laughter in his throat. Sure, he felt for the kid but he also thought the boy would have been a great actor and entertainer, and who knows perhaps he would make something of that in the future. For now, he would be an entertainment for Alpine who would pat the boys limp head with his for paw in an understanding motion.

The energy would however be going into use now, the boys attention would be upon him, Erion's belly against the earth, his eyes unwavering. He truly wished he could do something more for the boy, certainly he would take his place if he could. He smiled at the thought of a well Erion bouncing around an injured Alpine who would never have a hop of catching up with the movements of a puppy in play. The game would begin, and the boys arms would fly all over the place with no thought, only excitement and dismay as he mostly missed to catch the offered paws, except for the occasional grazing across his fur. Alpine would easily swipe his paws to the side, often just skidding it against the ground in a single, swift swipe. The boys attics where utterly without thought, and easily evaded. After one last fail the boy would slump and seem to give up, his head would slump to the earth again as he admitted defeat, and gave one last hopeless swipe to Alpine's paw.

Instead of moving away, Alpine himself would gently fold his own paw on top of the little ones. ?It wasn't a bad effort Erion, certainly it had enthusiasm, but it lacked tact. How about you put your paw on the ground, and see if you can learn anything by how I try for you paw?
He offered, waiting a moment to see if the boy would comply, if he did then Alpine would show a little more thought to his movements, aiming to smack his paw on the boys but then changing course at the last minute, if the paw was more to the left then it was natural to want to swipe it to the right, so Alpine would keep that sort of movement in mind, try to predict where the boy would move it and aim for there instead, he would also you faints, protecting to go one place then going for another. Anything to keep the boy off guard and show how much consideration he was putting into it.
