
maybe we exist to bleed

deimos/mal - fighting seasonal winter y18



2 Years
Extra large
01-25-2023, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2023, 11:29 PM by Rhysand. Edited 4 times in total.)

Rhys had taken it upon himself to begin patrolling the borders. It was something to keep him busy and a great way to get to know the packlands. The comings and goings of their members, their scents, and if any outsiders were lingering about too long. So far, in the week he'd been in Elysium, everything was perfectly quiet. No trespassers or really anything alarming enough to report. That is until this especially cold winters day. A brisk wind came crashing into him and with it brought the putrid scent of Coyote. Immediately the pale male slowed to a stop and allowed those sharp green eyes to scan the region. Slowly pivoting to get a look of what lingered at his six and finding various sets of ravenous eyes staring back at him. He was confused as to how they'd snuck up on him with such ease but perhaps the wind was loud enough to cover the sounds of pad falls. Nevertheless there was no time to dwell on the how, Rhy had to deal with this.

Of course he didn't want to have to call for help so early on into his stay within the pack but it was better then somehow getting bested and picked apart by these little demons. How pathetic it would be for the next patrol to find his torn up carcass... He'd be but a blip in the pack's overarching timeline. Thus, Rhys tossed his head into the air and let forth a quick and urgent call for any warriors nearby willing to lend a paw.

As that call left his lips the Coyotes began pressing in on him. There were five total, that he knew of. Three were directly in front of him while two inched in at either flank. Rhysand let forth a deep growl as his hackles raised and his ears flicked back. Lips curled upward to display saliva covered fangs while he angled his muzzle downwards. He may be rather skinny but Rhys had a considerable amount of height. He was trying to buy time with a threatening display. But, they continued to inch towards him rather relentlessly. - In a flash the Coyote to his right darted towards his hind leg and Rhys was forced to quickly pivot towards the creature, aiming to quickly dart at the creature and shove his shoulder into it's head. He knew at this point the others would likely join in and Rhys hoped help was on the way...

(wc: 414/1500)


Rhysand is a rated M character.
[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
01-29-2023, 09:52 PM

Winter is making itself known in the lands that Elysium owns; from the frigid winds to the encroaching snow, there is little doubt which season is ruling now. On icy days like today, Malico wishes he could be back in the family den, curled up tightly with his sister and drifting lazily off into dreamland. Instead, his small paws are crossing the familiar path that leads across the land bridge while the boy tries to keep pace with his giant uncle’s strides. As they go the pup finds his thoughts turning back to his crimson counterpart, hoping that she warm and possible even enjoying a healing lesson with one of the knowledgeable healers in the pack.

As an icy wind slices through him, the boy adds the silent hope that she will keep a spot warm for him until he returns. Bright, turquoise eyes scan the area around them, searching for tracks while his nose works to pull in scents. Thankfully, his uncle Deimos had agreed to take him hunting and the boy is eager to learn everything he can from his similar-colored uncle. From time to time, he glances up toward Deimos, making sure that he isn’t missing any attempts at conversation since his hearing is so poor. Thankfully, his uncle doesn’t seem to be in a talkative mood and Malico is grateful for the silence since it allows his mind to wander.

As the pair’s paws hit the grass of the rock-strewn land, Deimos changes course to pull them in the direction of the large stone pillars. Excited at the prospect of not only hunting but hunting outside of the pack lands, the purple boy’s paws pick up speed. Suddenly, the wind shifts, bringing to their nostrils the stench of coyotes… along with the scent of a pack wolf. As the smell reaches them, a call that even Malico can hear splits the air and the boy darts a glance at his uncle to make sure they are of the same mind. Swiftly, the duo takes off and Deimos’s longer stride easily pulls him ahead of the fat, stubby legged pup.

Short legs churn as Mal races as fast as his little body can go, leaping over small rocks and ducking around larger ones as he goes. Last one to arrive, the pup sees that Demios has gone for the attacking creatures in front of the pack wolf so he angles toward the coyotes at the back of the large male.  Small body darts around the tall wolves, suddenly appearing in front of the two coyotes and leaping up at the closest one. As he sails through the air, obsidian claws appear from the pup’s padded paws, aiming and hitting the muzzle of the first attacking creature.

It yelps, backing away in surprise as the boy grins wickedly at it. Its friend begins to move toward the pup, spying an easy snack in the plump boy. Malico will not allow himself to be such easy prey and he snarls at the attackers, swiping clawed paws toward the stupid beasts if they dare to get near him. The sound of fighting and death sings out from behind the boy and the grin he wears twists even further. Paws slowly push him back toward the two larger wolves knowing that all he has to do is hold off these two stupid coyotes until the other three are dead.

One of the two he is holding off lunges toward him and Mal snarls, slapping claws toward its face and he grins at the high-pitched scream of pain. As the beast pulls away, Malico drags his claws down and is happy to see that the coyote is now missing an eye. Viscous fluid mingles with blood as it forms a river down the creature’s cheek and it growls madly at the pup. Redoubling its efforts, the crazed, hurt coyote seeks to injure the pup that took its eye. Giving a call of warning, Mal backs up further, hoping the adults were done having their fun and can help him now.

WC: 678
Total WC: 1092 / 1500

"Malico Mendacium"



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-30-2023, 12:24 AM

One of the first things he had done as he was getting himself settled into Elysium was take his older nephew out on a hunt so it only felt fitting to do the same for his newest nephew as soon as Manea cleared him to go out on adventures. Of course Deimos tried to keep in mind that he was still a little pup so they wouldn't go far or go after prey that was very big, but he was certain they could find something that would entertain and teach the boy something while still earning himself some uncle points with Malico and Manea. It seemed that his new niece was going to be spending some time at some point with Ikigai to learn healing so he could take on entertaining his nephew. It was amusing to him to think of him and Ikigai as aunt and uncle together, but as they prepared for their first litter that was becoming even more of a reality. A little smile lingered on his lips as they walked, his mind drifting off as he thought of his mate and similar trips that me might make with his own children when the time came. The idea of being a father was still a wild and unconceivable one to him, but here they were and he was just making an attempt at preparing for it as best he could.

As they were walking, a call for help cut through the air, immediately shaking him out of his drifting thoughts and making his aqua gaze snap toward the sound. They were still within pack territory which told him it was probably a pack member even without him catching the scents coming toward them on the cold wind. There was a split second of debate as he glanced down at his nephew, knowing Manea would likely kill him for bringing him into danger, but before he could really decide otherwise Malico was already running headfirst toward whoever it was that was calling for help. Deimos sighed and bounded forward as well, racing off to help the howling male. If they were going to do this then he was going to at least make sure he got there first to start driving off whatever attackers they found and keep Malico from getting hurt in the process.

What they found was a light tan and slate male that was surrounded by a pack of coyotes that had clearly ambushed him by the border. He knew the winter could make predators more bold and reckless, but this was even more reckless than usual. The stranger was already in the midst of slamming his shoulder into the head of one of the coyotes, knocking it back and making it stumble as it clearly got disoriented by the blow. Deimos spotted one of its compatriots trying to take advantage of the pack wolf being engaged with the other smaller canine and he quickly leapt in to put a stop to it, dodging past a third one to get to the one that was currently lunging in with its open jaws aimed at the male's shoulder. Deimos' large jaws snapped down on the back of the coyote's neck without mercy, hearing the coyote yelp and cry out before it went limp as Deimos crunched through small vertebrae and muscle. Quickly he abandoned the one and turned to face a second, snarling and growling while leaving the first in the paws of the still unnamed male.

The third one turned out to be not much of a threat at all. Apparently seeing him break the neck of its friend was enough to inspire it to turn tail and run before it ended up with the same fate. He gave a snort of laughter and was just about to turn around to check on Malico when he heard the scream of pain come from behind him. His hackles bristled and he spun around toward the noise and his gaze landed on Malico fending off the two remaining coyotes–one of which currently missing an eye. He scoffed softly and grinned. He certainly was is sister's son. It was quick work for him and the other Elysium male to focus in on these two remaining coyotes, ending them quickly and eliminating the threat without much effort. "Good job, kid," he said with a chuckle, ruffling the boy's fur on his head with his large, bear-like paw. He turned his gaze toward the other male then, giving him a nod and making sure he didn't get hurt in the fight. It seemed like they had gotten there in time before anything worse than a couple scratches happened. Well, it wasn't a hunt, but it was certainly some adventure.

WC: 790
Total: 1882 / 1500

"Deimos Medacium"