
time stops in a settled snow globe



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-05-2023, 04:07 PM
The orchard was strangely beautiful this time of year. However much Twig enjoyed the flowers and brilliant greens of spring there was something about the soft quiet of newly fallen snow. The day was brisk, but the wind had long died to let the few inches of snow settle evenly on the ground instead of in hard to navigate drifts. It settled into the bare branches of the apples trees like a gentle blanket over the sleeping landscape. Twig could almost imagine it as the trees and grass being put down for a nap by mother nature. The thought both amused her and caused a pang within her heart. She never tried to imagine what might have been. Despite the time that passed her heart still hurt.

A day like today put her heart at ease though, the strange quiet that settled in the Avalon lands as the snow muffled any noise or squeak. Twig found cover beneath one of the more mature trees, as it shielded the ground from most of the accumulation. The woman settled softly there, peering out into the what landscape, swallowed up in the pure white of the world. For just a moment everything before her reflected perfection of the unblemished white blanket. Maybe Avalon didn’t quite seem like home yet, but as she watched the world go by, she believed that it would be.

"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
02-07-2023, 09:26 AM
Soon Corvus would be leaving, only temporarily as he sought out some neighboring packs and lone wolves to invite them to Avalon's upcoming festival. He'd never been the most outgoing of wolves, but he always did what was necessarily for his pack and his family even if it pushed him outside his comfort zone. While he wasn't looking forward to time away from Twig he knew it'd only make their relationship grow stronger, as all things seemed to do. For her he was infinitely grateful, and lately he felt even more privileged to love and be loved by her.

It was hard to not feel overly emotional about his wife on such a tranquil day - not that it took much to get him thinking about how lucky he was for her to be by his side, through everything they had gone through. Today just made him feel especially emotional, in a way such a winter day seemed to do so easily. The snow that blanketed the ground crunched satisfyingly beneath his paws as he moved across the Orchard, searching for Twig. He'd completed what he felt were his duties for today and so all that was left was leisure time, something he was leaning more and more into as he got older.

The world was silent enough that he knew his approach would be heard even if Twig happened to be asleep. To his pleasure she was awake, though lying with her and taking a nap didn't sound like such a terrible idea either. "My love," he greeted her warmly, a smile touching his lips as he closed the distance between them and made to recline alongside her. "Enjoying the view?" Regardless of where they ended up, he always found a way of finding the beauty in the world around them - and why wouldn't he when there was so much to be thankful for?



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-08-2023, 06:00 PM
Corvus had volunteered to take news of the coming festival to their neighbors, which was probably the intelligent decision to make. There were many talented hunters within Avalon and it wouldn’t do any good for everyone to hunt for a feast that no one showed up for. However much sense it made, this would be the first time they were apart for any length of time since before Abaven was dissolved. Distance made the heart grow fonder or some such thing, and she could stand on her own four feet while he was away. She could put her mind fully into the work that needed to be done for the festivities. All would be well.

Still, when she heard his paws crunching through the thick snow she couldn’t help but feel the pull of emotion. Not having him would be hard. Twig smiled as he greeted her, scooting over so he wouldn’t be forced to sit in the deeper snow. "Hello there,” she returned, letting him make himself comfortable before leaning into his large warm side. "The snow really came down last night, it’s very pretty.” And almost surreal, kind of like this moment with him. Time seemed to stop, as she savored every moment she might have with him before his mission. Twig leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed contentedly.

"When will you be leaving?” She asked eventually, knowing that the words should be spread sooner rather than later.

"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
02-14-2023, 09:01 AM
Though Corvus hoped that by reaching out to their neighbors he might find some surprising news of where Theory or any of their former packmates had gone, he knew that wasn't a realistic hope and he certainly wasn't banking on it. Even if nothing like that came of it he'd still be happy as long as they got a pawful of wolves to attend the festival they'd all be working so hard to prepare for. At least then it wouldn't feel like a waste.

He settled down alongside her, grateful for the reprieve from the snow even though the view itself was quite enjoyable. A content sigh fell from his parted lips as he leaned against her, nodding in agreement. "It really is. I don't think I'll ever get sick of days like this," he admitted softly. There was something truly ethereal about the world after a fresh layer of snow, even if warmer weather seemed to agree with his aging body better these days.

Though truthfully he'd rather spend leisure time with Twig than leave her for even a few days, he'd do what had to be done and their relationship would only be stronger for it when he finally returned. "Tomorrow, I think," he answered after a moment of thought. Best get this little mission out of the way before another snow storm decided to happen. "You know how much I'm going to miss you," he reminded her, leaning to place a sweet kiss on her cheek, letting his nose briefly bury in the fur of her neck.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-17-2023, 11:02 AM
There weren’t many days where Twig didn’t think about what had happened to Beat and his siblings. She missed them dearly, and hoped deep in her heart that their lives turned out much happier than the beginning. If there was a being out there to pray to, that was her deepest wish. Beyond that which lie between herself and Corvus. As time went on, she was losing hope that they would have their own family to raise. Maybe it was for the best, their children would never experience sorrow and loss.

She did find happiness and contentment as the two of them sat together quietly. As always, enjoying the beauty of the land before her was more pleasant with Corvus beside her. An activity that remained in their lives from the beginning. Corvus replied softly to her, barely disturbing the atmosphere around them. Despite the cold she felt herself agreeing with him. "Me either.” Was the easy reply as she settled in with him.

Twig couldn’t keep her question from leaving her pale lips, even if she knew she wouldn’t like the answer she was given. Corvus took a moment to think before answering. Tomorrow they would say goodbye to each other for a while. Their relationship was mature and strong, they could handle the time apart even if that wasn’t the greatest desire. "So soon.” She commented sadly. "Better to be done and over with though. No use procrastinating.” She murmured softly as Corvus leaned into her, making sure she knew just how much he was going to miss her.

"Almost as much as I’ll miss you.” Twig teased him as she welcomed the sweet affections that he offered to her. She savored the touch before turning so she could mirror those sweet kisses. "I’ll have to give you something to remember me by.” She teased him with a grin as her delicate paws lifted to wrap around his neck as she took her chance to nuzzle him back. There was beautiful scenery around them, but all she could do was focus on her love for him.

"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
03-01-2023, 05:49 PM
Twig was a constant that he was endlessly, indefinitely thankful for. He'd never known such unconditional commitment - not for his family, not even for Abaven. Truly nothing could, or ever would, exceed the love he'd fostered for her over all these years. Even a brief time apart from her sounded mildly tortuous, as dramatic as that sounded. Not that he'd make much sign of it. Twig would know exactly how much he'd miss her even if he didn't put on a show of it.

"I'll be back before you know it. Maybe I'll even bring you something special on my way back," he suggested, musing over the thought. She was far craftier than him, he hoped maybe he could find something that might be of use to her on his way back home. At least it'd be a welcome distraction on his travels, searching for a special gift for her.

She didn't hesitate to return his affections, and he let a low rumble begin to build in his chest. The view really was lovely, but she was even lovelier, and his attention shifted wholly to her without faltering. "Will you now?" The implication in her voice didn't go unnoticed. His smile returned, far more playful than before. "I don't think I'd mind that at all." He leaned heavily into her touch, turning to face her and nipping lightly at her neck.



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-02-2023, 03:47 PM
The pair of them had now spent more years together than they had apart, completely entwining their lives in all ways. Twig couldn’t imagine where she would be without him at her side. No one else had such a deep commitment as Corvus had for her, and the inverse was completely true as well. They were mostly in agreement about the trip he was taking, he would be back as swiftly as he could and for that Twig was grateful. She was older and stronger these days but she couldn’t do without him.

Corvus hinted that perhaps he would find her a gift while he was out, but really all she wanted was for him to come home safe and sound to her after a job well done. Of course a girl couldn’t say no to a gift, and she grinned up at him in response. "I’d love to see what kind of souvenir you pick out.” She giggled amusedly, trying to find the joy in the moment instead of dwelling on their coming time apart.

Their attention swiftly shifted back to the present moment only, as she wrapped him up in her embrace and felt the rumbling of his chest in agreement. She grinned back at him as they shared in the little affections. Feeling like time had stopped in the surreal quiet of the orchards. Her little nuzzles elicited a few carefully placed nibbles against her neck, a stronger suggestion to the parting gift she was offering. A mischievous grin played over her caramel features as innocent nuzzles turned to playful kisses.

"I could wait until you get back…” She suggested as her violet gaze met his jade. Corvus assured her that he wouldn’t mind such a parting gift. "Easier said than done.” Twig chuckled again as her eyes fluttered closed and she pressed her lips to his. He wouldn’t forget how much he loved her in the few days he was gone, she would make certain of that.

-wanna fade?-
"Autumn Twig Memoire"



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
03-20-2023, 11:09 AM
He was still just as smitten with her as he'd been when he'd first fallen for her. He couldn't have been much older than two then. It was hard to imagine them as they'd been so many years ago, not that he spent much time longing for the past. It didn't do either of them any good. Though he missed the stability of Abaven, and more than anything he missed his family, he'd made a family here with Twig and he knew with all his heart she wouldn't ever up and leave him. The steadiness of her love was treasured in a way he could never fully express in words.

He hoped that physically, he could make that even more clear to her, since words just didn't feel like enough sometimes. The implication in her words was hardly lost on him and he leaned easily into the suggestion. "Or," he started, his voice hardly more than a mumbled whisper, "You give me something to remember you by now, and then you remind me again when you get home." The suggestion was a playful one, not insinuating more than she already had.

Their physical connection was undeniable, even after all these years, his body still yearning to be close to hers - and even more so now as she kissed him with so much passion. A content sigh fell from his lips as they moved closer until two became one, bodies moving in perfect harmony with each other.
